City Of Cincinnati Tax Requirements

City Of Cincinnati Tax Requirements

Tax Rate:

Cincinnati imposes a rate of 2.1%.

The tax amount is calculated based on the employee’s Medicare wages.

Residency Requirements:

If the employee lives and/or works in Cincinnati, he/she is subject to the 2.1% tax on their income.

If the employee lives in Cincinnati and works/pays taxes in another jurisdiction, Cincinnati tax Commissioner will apply a tax credit up to 2.1%.

If the employee lives/pays taxes in another jurisdiction and works in Cincinnati, he/she is required to comply with the 2.1% Cincinnati tax rate. The employee must check with the jurisdiction in which they reside for rules and regulations regarding a tax credit.

To determine if you are considered a Cincinnati resident, you should visit cityfinance and click on Cincinnati Street Guide.

Filing Requirements:

City of Cincinnati tax forms should be filed annually on or before April 15. It is the employee’s responsibility to comply with all Tax Ordinances. If an employee opts to have their city taxes withheld via payroll deduction, no form filing will be necessary on April 15.

Payroll Deduction:

To exercise this option the employee must submit the attached form to your Human Resources Advisory Office:

For additional information regarding the City of Cincinnati Tax Ordinance please visit cincinnati-.

|EM CBC – Local Tax Withholding Form |

|Last Name: |First Name: |MI: |

| | | |

|Social Security Number: |Date of Birth: |Effective date of employment: |

| | | |

|Street Address: |

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|City: |State: |Zip Code: |

| | | |

|Resident of: (Boro/Twp) |Municipality Code: |County: |

| | | |

|Employee Signature: |Date: |

| | |

|Please select one: |

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|___ Employee is duty stationed in Cincinnati, Ohio (391089). Please withhold city of Cincinnati taxes from employee’s pay. |

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|___ Employee is duty stationed in Springdale, Ohio (391433). Please withhold Springdale city taxes from employee’s pay. |

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|Additional Notes: |

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Please fax this form to the Payroll Office at 301-903-1054 or 301-903-3916, OR email to the Payroll CSR Help Desk at payrollcsrhelpdesk@hq..


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