PAROLE DOCKET - Oklahoma Lawyers, Attorneys, Criminal ...


MAY 2006

|Abbott, Jerad D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|473458 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Controlled Substance |CRF: 2004-198 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years (Balance |Reception Date: 12/28/04 |

| |Suspended Upon Completion Of DOWC) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/24/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Adams, Stanley R. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|168703 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: */13 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1 Aggravated Attempt To Elude AFCF2+ |CRF: 2003-6429 | |None (5/2007 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 8 Years |Reception Date: 12/29/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/10/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Adams Jr., Oler NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|166032 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: 1/3* (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Perjury, AFCF |CRF: 1996-414 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years |Reception Date: 11/14/1999 (rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/1/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 1, Uttering A Forged Instrument, 7 years, CRF 96-415. |

|CS: Count 1, Assault and Battery Police Officer AFCF, 10 years, CRF 97-215. |



|Aguilera, Alberto R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|427317 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Unauthorized Use Of Motor Vehicle |CRF: 02-6342 | |5/05 Parole - denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 years 275 days |Reception Date: 9/3/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/21/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 1, Unauthorized Use Of Motor Vehicle, 1 year, CRF 2003-958 |

| |

|Detainer: Aggravated Assault, pending, Grady County, CRF 2003-293 |



|Airhart, Mikeal J. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|189563 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Trafficking In CDS (Cocaine Base), AFCF |CRF: 95-1414 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 30 years |Reception Date: 6/19/96 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/1/2022 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance Without Tax Stamp, AFCF, 10 years. (Discharged 10/28/00) |

|CC: Count 3, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Marijuana), AFCF, 10 years. (Discharged 10/28/00) |



|Akin, John T. |Personal Appearance: No |

|233975 | |

|OFFENSE |LeFlore County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|# Assault and Battery With A Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 2001-354 | |None (5/2009 - 3 |

| | | |years) |

| |Sentence: 4 Years |Reception Date: 7/23/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/18/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Alarcon, Ariel NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|148064 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual - Parole Violation |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 2: Robbery With Firearms |CRF: 84-3486 | |N/A (5/07 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 5/3/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/22/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 3: Shooting With Intent To Kill, 30 years. (Paroled as CS Case 7/31/89, parole revoked 7/5/2005, owes 30 years). |

| |

|CS: Count 4: Shooting With Intent To Kill, 30 years. (Paroled as CS Case 7/31/89, parole revoked 7/5/2005, owes 30 years). |



|Alexander, Melvin E. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|270282 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Actual Physical Control |CRF: 2001-5163 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 years (1 year |Reception Date: 4/6/05 |

| |previously served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/20/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Maiming, 1 year, Pontotoc County, CRF 2004-67. (Discharged, date unknown) |



|Altman, John M.E |Personal Appearance: No |

|430782 | |

|OFFENSE |Pottawatomie County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Driving While Under The Influence Of Alcohol, |CRF: 2004-258 | |None |

|Second And Subsequent Offense | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (7 Years |Reception Date: 7/6/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/30/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Substance, Second And Subsequent Offense, CRF 2004-230 |

|*CC: Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent, 5 years (3 years suspended), Oklahoma County, CRF 2003-6163 |

|+CC: Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Marijuana), AFC, 5 years (3 years suspended), Oklahoma County, CRF 2002-1655 |

| |

|*Originally 5 years suspended 7/12/2004, 2 years revoked 5/2/2005. |

|+Originally 4 years deferred 9/5/2002, accelerated to 5 years suspended 7/12/2004, 2 years revoked 5/2/2005. |



|Alvarez, Rodrigo NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|213393 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2000-5464 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|(Methamphetamine) | | |Denied. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 8 years |Reception Date: 12/10/2002 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/20/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Xanex). |

|CC: Count 1: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Marijuana), CF 99-3895. |

|CC: Count 1: DUI AFC, 7 years, McClain County, CF 98-25. |



|Anderson, Kelvin D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|194607 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: * 1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Uttering A Forged Instrument, AFC2F |CRF: 02-522 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 9/18/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/22/08 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Anderson, Nickey L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|407711 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: 85% |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1 Robbery With Firearm |CRF: 2000-4139 | |None (5/2007 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 Years (8 Years |Reception Date: 10/21/2001 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/21/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 1 Indecent Exposure, 2 Years, Pittsburg County, CRF 2005-190 |

|CC: Counts 2 and 3 |



|Anderson, Rodney B. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|426711 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2003-4380 | |None |

|With Intent to Distribute | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 9 Years |Reception Date: 7/14/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/19/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Contrand in A Penal Institution |

|CC: Count 3, False Personating Another |

|CC: Count 4. |

| |

|Detainer: Possession of Controlled Substance With Intent to Distribute, Parole Violation, Ref.# 1010668, (originally received 4/20/99, paroled date unknown, |

|active.) |

|CC: Assault II. |

| |

|Detainer: FTA, Possession of Marijuana With Intent/Theft, Arkansas, C-0021-CR- 2003-189 |



|Archer, Leona L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|234156 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 4: Possession Of CDS/Cocaine |CRF: 2002-2991 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 1/22/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/13/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Armstrong, Joshua E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|381186 | |

|OFFENSE |Woodward County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1 Burglary II |CRF: 99-297 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 7 Years (Balance |Reception Date: 5/2/2001 |

| |Suspended Upon Completion Of DOWC) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/23/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Armstrong, Jr., Gerald W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|451208 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of Precursor Substance |CRF: 03-2703 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 12/17/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/11/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Ascencio, Georgenia NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|489483 | |

|OFFENSE |LeFlore County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of Controlled Substance - |CRF: 2004-581 | |None |

|Methamphetamine and Marijuana | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 12/21/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/9/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Possession of Controlled Substance - Methamphetamine and Marijuana, CRF 2004- 581. |

|CC: False Declaration of Ownership To A Pawnbroker, 2 years, CRF 2004-432. |

|CC: Count 1, Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance - Methamphetamine, CRF 2003-349. |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Firearm While In Commission of A Felony, CRF 2003-349. |

|CC: Uttering A Forged Instrument, CRF 2002-346. |



|Baber, Jay H. |Personal Appearance: No |

|518817 | |

|OFFENSE |Cotton County |Authority: *1/3 (5/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Theft Of Anhydrous Ammonia |CRF: 2004-30 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 12/2/05 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/10/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Baker, John A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|151686 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 1/3* (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2004-6143 | |None. |

|(Cocaine Base) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 8/24/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/5/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Ball, Rosemarie NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|203274 | |

|OFFENSE |Okmulgee County |Authority: Annual Return/Rebill To Parole |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Delivery Of Marijuana, AFC2F |CRF: 91-55 |Violation |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years |Reception Date: 4/28/2005 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/2/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CRF 91-124. (Same history as CRF 91-55) |



|Ballard, Travis S. |Personal Appearance: No |

|469028 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2003-286 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 12/3/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/19/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count II, Driving a Motor Vehicle while Under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Drugs, (same offense history) |

| |

|CS: Count III, Child Abuse, AFC2F, 5 years, Garfield County, CRF 2004-484. |

|CC: Count II, Possession of CDS (Marijuana) within 1000 Ft. of Park, AFC2F. |

|CC: Count I, DUI, III, AFC2F. |



|Banks, James L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|407924 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle, AFCF |CRF: 2002-6837 | |5/05 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 4/30/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/15/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CRF 2002-3645. |

|CC: Burglary II, 5 years, CRF 2001-5160, (suspended 10/15/01, revoked 1/22/03) |



|Barnes, Jerry D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|158771 | |

|OFFENSE |Jefferson County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Conspiracy To Manufacture Controlled Dangerous Substance|CRF: 2002-10 | |5/05 Parole - Denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 10/18/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/2/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Possession of Controlled Substance (Methamphetamine), 12 years (5 years suspended), Pittsburg County, CRF 2001-660 (originally 12 years suspended, |

|1/10/2002, 7 years revoked 9/5/2003) |

| |

|Detainer: Possession of Controlled Substance, 1 year, Texas, CRF 2002-088 (NOTE: Case to run CC with Oklahoma cases per J&S District Court of Cooke County,|

|Texas) |



|Barrett, Kenneth E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|465913 | |

|OFFENSE |Sequoyah County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1 Manslaughter I |CRF: 99-493 | |None (5/2009 - 3 |

| | | |Years) |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 4/23/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/3/2013 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 2 Assault And Battery With Dangerous Weapon, 10 Years |



|Bassett, Annette P. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|413237 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Delivery Of Controlled Drug |CRF: 2004-822 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 6/18/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/15/2011 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Beard, George S. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|409148 | |

|OFFENSE |Payne County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Trafficking in Illegal Drugs |CRF: 2000-769 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 14 years |Reception Date: 11/8/2001 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/10/2014 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance Without Tax Stamp Affixed, 1 year. (Discharged 11/10/2001) |



|Beavers, Gary Z |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|204085 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Murder I Malice Aforethought |CRF: 1991-3420 | |None (Three years) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: Life |Reception Date: 03/18/1992 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: Life |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Bell, George A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|395829 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: * 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession Of CDS (Cocaine Base), AFCF |CRF: 04-5316 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 5/19/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/1/08 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 1 & 2, Assault & Battery On An Officer, CRF-00-6177. (Originally suspended 2/14/01, revoked 12/2/04) |



|Bench, Robert J. |Personal Appearance: No |

|480432 | |

|OFFENSE |Stephens County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Conspiracy |CRF: 2004-69 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 2/11/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/22/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, CRF 2004-77. (Same offense history) |



|Bennight, III, Orville R. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|278259 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Ct. 1: Possession of Firearm, AFCF |CRF: 2003-1679 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 12/3/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/8/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Ct.2: Possession of CDS - Methamphetamine, AFCF. |

|CC: Possession of Methamphetamine, 2 years, Pottawatomie County, CRF 2003-59. (Discharged 10/19/04) |

|CC: Attempting to Manufacture CDS, 10 years, CRF 99-284. (Originally received 8/27/99, paroled 8/27/02, returned PV 12/3/03, revoked 10/24/04, owed 3 years,|

|7 months and 17 days) |



|Berna, Gary A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|229368 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: False Impersonation |CRF: 2005-1385 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 years |Reception Date: 5/10/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/21/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug Schedule II, 3 years, CF 2001-1095 & CF 2001-3423. |



|Berry, Randall S. |Personal Appearance: No |

|103417 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Distribution of A Controlled Dangerous |CRF: 89-3546 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|Substance | | |Denied. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 35 Years |Reception Date: 7/31/89 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/9/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Maintaining A Dwelling House Where A Controlled Substance is Kept. |

|CC: Count 3, Conspiracy to Distribute A Controlled Dangerous Substance. |

|CC: Count 4, Unlawful Use of Radio Equipment. |

|CC: Count 5. |

|CC: Count 7. |

|CC: Count 8, Maintaining A Dwelling House Where A Controlled Substance is Kept. |

|CC: Count 9. |

|CC: Count 11. |

|CC: Count 12. |



|Bishop, Adrian D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|441892 | |

|OFFENSE |Pontotoc County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Uttering a Forged Instrument, AFC2+F |CRF: 2003-74 | |5/05 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 4 Years |Reception Date: 4/22/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/2/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 1 - 5, Uttering Forged Instrument, 4 years (90 days previously served), CRF 2002-278 (originally 4 years [90 days county jail, balance suspended],|

|9/25/2002, revoked 3/27/2003) |

| |

|CC: Unlawful Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance, 3 years (90 days previously served), CRF 2002-264 (originally 3 years [90 days county jail, |

|balance suspended], 9/25/2002, revoked 3/27/2003, discharged 3/31/2005) |

| |

|CS: Count 2, Uttering Forged Instrument, AFC2+F, 4 years, Pontotoc County, CRF 2003-74 |



|Bishop, Jessie G. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|242246 | |

|OFFENSE |Okmulgee County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Uttering A Forged Instrument, AFC2F |CRF: 99-216 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 5/19/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/26/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Forged Evidence Of Debt, AFC2F |

|CC: Count 3, Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, AFC2F |

|CC: Count 4, Unlawful Use Of License Or Identification Card, AFC2F |



|Black, Christopher A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|208660 | |

|OFFENSE |Pushmataha County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Possession of Controlled Drug |CRF: 2005-21 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 Years |Reception Date: 8/30/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/6/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Black, Francis J. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|249607 | |

|OFFENSE |Canadian County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|#Attempt to Elude Police Officer, AFCF |CRF: 2002-462 | |05/05 Parole-denied |

| | | |(5/2007 - PTD) |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 1/22/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/4/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle, AFCF, 5 years, CF-2002-461. |

|CC: Burglary of Automobile, AFCF, 10 years, (5 years suspended) CF-97-672. (Originally 10 years 7/14/98, 5 years revoked 11/24/03) |

| |

|CS: Using Vehicle to Facilitate Discharge of Firearm, 5 years (150 days previously served), Oklahoma County, CF-96-3362. |

|(Originally delayed incarceration, 11/13/96, sentenced to 5 years suspended 3/4/97, revoked 10/13/04) |



|Black, Ronald L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|132411 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Worker Compensation Fraud |CRF: 2002-5999 | |5/05 Parole- Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 6/7/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/18/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Boling, Corey G. |Personal Appearance: No |

|249206 | |

|OFFENSE |Caddo County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Uttering a Forged Instrument |CRF: 04-44 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 6/4/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/6/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 1,2 and 3, Uttering Forged Instrument, 10 years, LeFlore, CRF 99-569 (received 7/11/2000, paroled 6/11/2003, revoked 3/4/05, owes 5 years, 1 month|

|and 12 days) |

|CC: Count 1, Uttering Forged Instrument, CRF 2000-208 (same history) |

|CC: Count 1, Uttering Forged Instrument, CRF 2000-209 (same history) |

|CC: Count 1, Uttering Forged Instrument, CRF 2000-210 (same history) |

|CC: Count 1, Uttering Forged Instrument, 7 years, CRF 2000-221 (same history) |

|CC: Count 1, Uttering Forged Instrument, 7 years, CRF 2000-249 (same history) |

|CC: Count 1, False Declaration Of Ownership To Pawnbroker, Custer, 10 years, CRF 97-253 (received 12/18/2000, (same history except) owes 6 years, 7 months |

|and 12 days) |



|Bossa, Micah D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|118520 | |

|OFFENSE |Stephens County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug With Intent to |CRF: 2001-230 | |None` |

|Distribute, AFCF2F | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 years |Reception Date: 9/25/2001 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/24/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Bradford, Kevin B. |Personal Appearance: No |

|134578 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Firearm, AFCF |CRF: 2004-6226 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 8/10/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/10/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Branch, Harvey E. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|130049 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: * 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession Of Controlled Drug With Intent To Distribute |CRF: 99-3952 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 8 years |Reception Date: 8/31/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/8/09 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Brannon, Christopher M. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|416118 | |

|OFFENSE |Rogers County |Authority: * 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Assault and Battery With Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 2003-96 | |1/05 Parole |

| | | |(CF-02-428 & |

| | | |CF-01-7185) Denied |

| | | |(5/2007 - PTD) |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 12/3/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/18/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Possession of Stolen Vehicle, 3 years, Tulsa County, CF 2002-428. (Originally 3 years suspended 2/26/02, revoked 3/30/04, received 5/7/04, discharged |

|8/5/05) |

|CC: Larceny Of Automobile, 3 years, Tulsa County, CF-01-7185. (Same history as CF 2002-428) |



|Brazeal, Christopher E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|375024 | |

|OFFENSE |Pawnee County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 2: Assault and Battery on Police Officer |CRF: 2004-94 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years (4 years |Reception Date: 11/4/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/5/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Grand Larceny, 5 years, Wagoner County, CRF 2000-154 (Originally 5 years suspended 10/16/02, supervision started 12/31/03, revoked 12/5/05.) |



|Brester, William B. |Personal Appearance: No |

|407154 | |

|OFFENSE |Delaware County |Authority: * 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possess Firearms After Conviction Or During Probation |CRF: 03-334 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 10/20/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/4/06 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|Detainer: Unlawful Possession Of CDS With Intent To Distribute, Ottawa County, CRF-03-329. (Originally deferred 5/26/04, active with outstanding warrant |

|dated 10/1/04) |



|Brewington, Charles C. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|202452 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Murder I |CRF: 91-220 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: Life |Reception Date: 1/16/92 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: Life |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Briggs, Marco J. |Personal Appearance: No |

|503053 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Larceny From A Building |CRF: 2004-4059 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 Years |Reception Date: 5/24/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/8/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Possession of Controlled Drug, CRF 2004-4059. |



|Briley, Geoffrey T. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|522840 | |

|OFFENSE |McCurtain County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Domestic Assault And Battery By Strangulation |CRF: 2005-515 | |None (5/2007 - PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 Years |Reception Date: 1/26/2006 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/1/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1: As Amended To Assault With Intent To Commit A Felony, CRF 2005-399 |

|CC: Count 2: Assault And Battery With A Dangerous Weapon, 10 years (8 years suspended), CRF 2005-399 |



|Broom, Raymond D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|241957 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual From Last Favorable |Next Docket Date: |

|Count. 2: Possession of Controlled Drug, AFC (2) |CRF: 2003-3382 | |5/2005 |

|Felonies | | |Parole-Recommended; |

| | | |Denied By Governor. |

| |Sentence: 6 years |Reception Date: 11/4/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/22/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Ct. 1: Possession of Controlled Drug, CRF 2003-2723. |

|CC: Ct. 2: Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute, CRF 2003-2723. |

|CC: Ct. 3: DUI-Alcohol-Second Offense, 5 years, CRF 2003-2723. |

|CC: Ct. 1: Unlawful Possession of Marijuana, CRF 2003-1527. |

|CC: Ct. 2: Assault & Battery Upon a Police Officer, 5 years, CRF 2003-1527. |



|Brown, Mark L |Personal Appearance: No |

|434270 | |

|OFFENSE |Cleveland County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Assault And Battery With Intent to Commit a Felony (As |CRF: 2002-211 | |None (5/2007, PTD) |

|Amended) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years (75 Days |Reception Date: 3/11/2005 |

| |Previously Served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/19/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 1, Assault With a Dangerous Weapon (AFCF1), 10 years (5 years suspended), CF 2004-1192. |

|CC/CS: Count 2, Malicious Injury to Property (AFCF1), 1 year, CF 2004-1192. |

|CC/CS: Count 1, Assault And Battery With a Dangerous Weapon (AFCF1), 10 years (5 years suspended), CF 2004-1334. |

|CC/CS: Count 1, Assault And Battery With a Dangerous Weapon (AFCF1), 10 years (5 years suspended), CF 2004-1596. |

|CC/CS: Count 2, Violation of Protective Order (AFCF1), 1 year, CF 2004-1596. |



|Brown Jr., Jones NMI |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|139835 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 2, Assault and Battery With Intent to Commit a |CRF: 2000-1862 | |None (5/07, PTD) |

|Felony | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 10/27/04 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/11/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 3, Assault and Battery With Dangerous Weapon, 10 years (3 years suspended) |



|Brown SR, Barry G |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|123913 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Firearm AFCF |CRF: 2003-1691 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 01/18/2006 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/22/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Possession of a Firearm, 3 years, 01/18/2006, Oklahoma County, 2002-115 |



|Brown, Jr., Al E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|453881 | |

|OFFENSE |McClain County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1 Burglary Of Automobile AFC3F |CRF: 2003-249 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 5 Years And 6 Months (6 |Reception Date: 11/13/2003 |

| |Months Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/1/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Burglary II, 5 Years (120 Days Previously Served), CRF 2003-186 |

|*CC: Burglary II, 5 Years (120 Days Previously Served), CRF 2003-192 |

|*CC: Uttering Forged Instrument, 5 Years (120 Days Previously Served), CRF 2003-191 |

| |

|*Originally 5 years (120 days county jail, balance suspended), 7/9/2003, revoked 10/23/2003. |



|Bruffett, Wade A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|243948 | |

|OFFENSE |Mayes County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Uttering Forged Instrument |CRF: 95-22 | |5/05 Parole, Denied.|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years (2 years |Reception Date: 11/10/02 (Rebill) |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/22/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, 5 years, Mayes County, CF-95-264, (same history). |

| |

|CS: Escape From Penal Institution, 2 years, Creek County, CF-98-98. |



|Bruner, Keith L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|201558 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Distribution of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 91-5353 | |None. |

|within 1000 Feet of Real Property Comprising an | | | |

|Elementary School | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (6 Years |Reception Date: 10/5/05 |

| |Previously Served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/6/09 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count II, (same offense history) |

|CC: Count VI, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance with Intent to Distribute, (sentenced to 10 years with 5 years suspended 10/29/91, discharged |

|5/27/94, released to supervision 9/2/94, 1 year revoked 1/14/00, discharged-date unknown, released to supervision 7/6/00, balance revoked 5/4/05) |



|Bruns, Bruce A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|161402 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Leaving Scene of Personal Injury Accident, AFCF|CRF: 99-5939 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years |Reception Date: 5/24/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/27/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, DUI, AFC, 10 years, CRF 99-4017 |

|CC: Count 2, Driving Under Revocation, 1 year (discharged 8/26/00) |

|CC: Count 3, Driving Under Revocation, CRF 99-5939 (discharged 8/26/00) |



|Brutton, Jesse J. |Personal Appearance: No |

|207047 | |

|OFFENSE |Harmon County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Escape from Penal Institution, AFCF |CRF: 94-6 | |5/2005 Parole-denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 3/20/2001 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/8/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Escape from Penal Institution, 5 Years, Alfalfa County, CRF: 95-59. |

|CS: Possession of Stolen Motor Vehicle, 25 Years, Garfield County, CRF: 95-583. |



|Bryant, Bryson W. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|515091 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Robbery By Force and Fear |CRF: 2005-73 | |None (5/2007 - PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 8 Years (4 Years |Reception Date: 10/14/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/7/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Buchanan, James L. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|269648 | |

|OFFENSE |Muskogee County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1 Assault And/Or Battery With Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 2002-583 | |None (5/2007 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (7 Years |Reception Date: 9/1/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/30/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2 (Same offense history) |

| |

|CC: Count 3 Eluding/ Attempting To Elude Police Officer (Same offense history) |



|Buffalohead, Shadrach NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|404342 | |

|OFFENSE |Logan County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Unauthorized Use Of Vehicle, AFCF |CRF: 2005-160 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years (3 Years |Reception Date: 2/7/2006 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/6/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Buggs, Irving W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|142739 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug with Intent to |CRF: 2001-6444 | |None. |

|Distribute | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 8 years (5 years |Reception Date: 7/12/05 |

| |previously served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/12/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug, AFCF, CRF 2001-6222. (Same offense history) |

| |

|CS: Petit Larceny, AFCF, 2 years, CRF 2005-647. |

| |

|CS: Assault & Battery, 2 years, CRF 2005-64. |

|CC to CS: Petit Larceny, AFCF, 2 years, CRF 2005-14444. |



|Burkhart, Phillip D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|147373 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Board Placement |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 3: Obtaining Money by False Pretense |CRF: 03-2881 | |None (5/07, Annual)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 7/2/05 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/10/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Burleson, Rob R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|275017 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1 Unauthorized Use Of Vehicle |CRF: 2004-502 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years (15 Years |Reception Date: 12/28/2004 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/9/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Burnett, Barbara NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|168252 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of CDS/Methamphetamine, AFC2F |CRF: 2002-149 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 12 years |Reception Date: 12/12/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: *10/27/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Paraphernalia, AFC2F's, 1 year. |

| |

|CC: Count 1, DUI, AFC Two Or More Felonies, 7 years, CRF 2001-6589. |

| |

|CC: Count 2, Driving Under Suspension, AFC Two Or More Felonies, 1 year, CRF 2001-6589. |

| |

|*CC: Count 1, Possession Of CDS, 10 years, McClain County, CRF 2002-135. (Staggered CC, effective 2/13/03) |

| |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Paraphernalia, 1 year, McClain County, CRF 2002-135. (Same history as Count 1, discharged, date not specified) |

| |

|CC: Count 3, Obstructing An Officer, 1 year, McClain County, CRF 2002-135. (Same history as Counts 1 & 2 above, discharged, date not specified) |

| |

|CC: Count 1, Possession Of CDS, AFCF, 10 years, Oklahoma County, CRF 97-1756. (Received 10/22/98, paroled 4/6/01, revoked 3/30/04, owed 1326 days - Note: |

|Revocation certificate amended from 11/5/02) |

| |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia, 1 year, Oklahoma County, CRF 97-1756. (Same history as Count 1 above) |

| |

|CC: Count 3, DUI, 1 year, Oklahoma County, CRF 97-1756. (Same history as Counts 1 & 2 above) |

| |

|CC: Count 4, Driving Under Revocation, 1 year, Oklahoma County, CRF 97-1756. (Same history as Counts 1-3 above) |



|Burnett Sr., Donnovan L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|178032 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I: Unlawful Possession Of Controlled Drug/Felony, |CRF: 96-4543 | |5/2005, Parole - |

|AFCF | | |Denied. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 Years |Reception Date: 5/6/97 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/19/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Burrell, Francis D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|150581 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: T/S .75 |Next Docket Date: |

|Burglary II, AFCF |CRF: 87-129 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 3/1/06 (Rebill) |

| |Previously Served, 3 Years | |

| |Suspended) |Projected Release Date: 1/29/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Burris, Carlos A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|149595 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Larceny From a Person (As Amended) |CRF: 2002-2536 | |5/2005 Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 12/4/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/30/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: False Declaration of Ownership to a Pawnbroker, CF-2002-2257 |

| |

|CS: Escape, 4 years, Oklahoma County, CF-2004-628. |



|Bustamante, Jose A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|502846 | |

|OFFENSE |Texas County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Driving A Motor Vehicle While Under The Influence Of |CRF: 2004-286 | |None |

|Alcohol | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 5/20/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/14/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|Detainer: DWI, 10 years suspended, revocation pending, Moore County, Texas, # 3167 |

|Detainer: DWI, 10 years suspended, revocation pending, Moore County, Texas, # 3230 |



|Butler, Carl E. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|115591 | |

|OFFENSE |Pushmataha County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Firearm While On DOC Supervision |CRF: 2004-103 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years (2 years |Reception Date: 8/30/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/2/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Cagle, Robert NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|272750 | |

|OFFENSE |Okmulgee County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Escape From County Jail |CRF: 2000-185 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 25 Years (10 Years |Reception Date: 2/22/2001 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/30/2015 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, CRF 2000-168 |

| |

|CC: Unlawful Possession Of Controlled Drug, 3 Years, CRF 98-167 (Suspended, date unknown, revoked 2/15/2001, discharged date unknown) |



|Caldwell, Harold S. |Personal Appearance: No |

|467150 | |

|OFFENSE |Mayes County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Driving While Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor|CRF: 03-299 | |5/05 Parole - denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 2/26/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/4/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Calip, Harold A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|227848 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count: Distribution of Controlled Substance (Cocaine |CRF: 2003-1943 | |None |

|Base), AFC2+F | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 2/11/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/30/2012 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of CDS (Cocaine), AFC2+F |



|Camp, Kenneth NMI |Personal Appearance: Y-2 |

|447527 | |

|OFFENSE |Adair County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Assault & Battery Upon Police Officer |CRF: 2005-128 | |None. (05/07 PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 2/1/06 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/4/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Campbell, Mark S. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|369318 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Manufacturing of CDS, AFCF |CRF: 2004-737 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 11/19/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/16/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Firearm, AFCF |



|Cannon, Charles W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|422839 | |

|OFFENSE |Atoka County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Failure to Register Proper Address As A Sex Offender |CRF: 2004-172 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 8/20/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/1/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Carpenter, Robert A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|160188 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of CDS, Methamphetamine |CRF: 2001-6053 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 years (3 years |Reception Date: 2/1/2006 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/21/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Carr, Sandra NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|181078 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of CDS (Cocaine), AFCF |CRF: 2003-1754 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 7/10/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/27/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of CDS (Methamphetamine), AFCF |



|Carroll, Joshua D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|475986 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Burglary Of Automobile |CRF: 2005-1541 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 7/26/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/12/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Possession of Controlled Drug With Intent To Distribute. |

|CC: Count 3: Failure To Obtain Drug Stamp. |

|CC: Count 1: Possession of Controlled Drug With Intent To Distribute, 2 years, CF 2004-1039, (Suspended, 6/17/2004, revoked 6/17/2005). |



|Carter, Elijah NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|211014 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma. County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Trafficking in Illegal Drugs (Cocaine) |CRF: 92-2272 | |5/05 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 15 Years |Reception Date: 8/6/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/30/09 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count I, Unlawful Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance with Intent to Distribute, 7 years, Cleveland County, CRF 2002-168, (discharged 12/11/05) |

|CC: Count II, Unlawful Possession of Drug Proceeds, 7 years, Cleveland County, CRF 2002-168, (discharged 12/11/05) |

|CC: Count III, Unlawful Possession of Marijuana, AFC, 7 years, Cleveland County, CRF 2002-168, (discharged 12/11/05) |

|CC: Count IV, Unlawful Possession of Firearm, 7 years, Cleveland County, CRF 2002-168, (discharged 12/11/05) |

|CC: Count I, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance-Marijuana, AFCF, 5 years, CRF 2002-13, (discharged-date unknown) |

|CC: Count II, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance-Cocaine, AFCF, 5 years, CRF 2002-13, (discharged-date unknown) |



|Casey, Justin NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|517683 | |

|OFFENSE |Beckham County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Larceny of Automobile |CRF: 2005-199 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 11/17/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/15/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Cathey, Keevin NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|130980 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession Of Controlled Drug With Intent To |CRF: 2003-446 | |None |

|Distribute | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 years |Reception Date: 4/8/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/11/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Catton, Fritz A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|278967 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 3 Years (Next Available Docket) |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 2 Assault And Battery With Deadly Weapon With |CRF: 98-3758 | |5/2001 Parole - |

|Intent To Kill | | |Denied (5/2007 - |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 9 Years |Reception Date: 8/16/99 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/16/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 3 Assault And Battery With Dangerous Weapon, 2 Years |

| |

|CS: Assault And Battery With Dangerous Weapon AFCF, 18 Years (2 Years Suspended), Comanche County, CRF 2002-14 |



|Ceasar, Torrez NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|270260 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of CDS, Cocaine Base |CRF: 2004-953 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 years |Reception Date: 4/27/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/11/207 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of CDS, Marijuana |

|CC: Count 1, Possession of CDS, CRF 2004-1749. |

|CC: Count 2, Assault and Battery On A Police Officer, CRF 2004-1749 |



|Chambers, Frankie L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|150414 | |

|OFFENSE |LeFlore County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Delivery of Controlled Drug (Cocaine) |CRF: 00-598 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 years |Reception Date: 2/27/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/17/06 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Unlawful Delivery of Controlled Drug (Methamphetamine), CRF 00-599, (Same history). |



|Chappel, Joey L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|490408 | |

|OFFENSE |Lincoln County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Burglary II |CRF: 2004-81 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 1/5/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/13/06 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count II, Assault With a Dangerous Weapon, 10 years, Oklahoma County, CRF 2004-436. |

|CC: Count I, Burglary II, 7 years. |

|CC: Count III, Possession of Driver's License Bearing Photo of Another, 2 years. |

|CC: Count I, Burglary II, 7 years, CRF, 2003-5337, CRF 2004-664. |

|CC: Attempted Burglary, 2 years, CRF 2003-3655. |



|Chappell, Victor R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|199474 | |

|OFFENSE |Creek County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Unauthorized Use Of Motor Vehicle, AFCF |CRF: 95-95 | |5/2005, Parole - |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 8/19/2004 |

| |Previously Served, 2 Years | |

| |Suspended) |Projected Release Date: 6/8/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Counts 1 and 2, Burglary II, AFCF, CRF 95-112. |

|*CC: Count 1, Grand Larceny, AFCF, CRF 95-111. |

| |

|Detainer: 2004-001064, Legacy Warrant Clear (2), Sedgwick County, Kansas, Bench Warrant issued 10/18/2005. |

| |

|*Same offense history as the current offense. |



|Chasenah, Sherrill J. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|370780 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Manslaughter I |CRF: 2001-3634 | |None (1/2008, PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 Years |Reception Date: 9/24/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/24/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Cheatham, Randall K. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|461155 | |

|OFFENSE |Muskogee County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 2: Trafficking In Illegal Drugs |CRF: 2002-710 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years (12 Years |Reception Date: 12/9/2003 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/3/2011 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1: Manufacture of Controlled Dangerous Substance |



|Christian, Kris L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|109575 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Unlawful Delivery of Controlled Dangerous |CRF: 99-490 | |None |

|Substance | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 4/19/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/5/2016 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, 25 Years (10 Years Previously Served, 7-1/2 Years Suspended), Texas County, CRF 90-177. (Originally 25 years [15 |

|years suspended], 9/5/91, discharged/rebilled 12/5/94, released to suspended portion 9/5/97, 7-1/2 years revoked 5/16/2001). |



|Christman, Eddie D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|111335 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Burglary II |CRF: 2005-1764 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 Years (2 Years |Reception Date: 2/8/06 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/10/06 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|Detainer: Possession of Controlled Substance, Cleveland County, CRF 2004-1025, (sentenced to 7 years suspended 1/21/05, warrant issued 3/27/06) |



|Christon, Lucas D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|468072 | |

|OFFENSE |Woodward County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Attempted Escape From Penal Institution |CRF: 2004-114 | |5/2005 Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 6/29/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/21/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Unauthorized Use of Vehicle, 5 years (2 years suspended), Jackson County, CF-2003-233. |

| |

|CS: Count 1: Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle, 5 years, Kiowa County, CF-2003-102. (Originally delayed incarceration 2/4/04, resentenced to 5 years 12/1/04) |

|CC: Count 2, Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, 5 years, Kiowa County, CF-2003-102. (Same History) |

|CC: Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle, 5 years, Kiowa County, CF-2003-101. (Same History) |



|Clark, Robert J. |Personal Appearance: No |

|522658 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2005-5290 | |None |

|(Methamphetamine) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 Years |Reception Date: 1/25/2006 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/23/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, 1 year. |



|Cobb, Alicia F. |Personal Appearance: No |

|158491 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual from P.V. return |Next Docket Date: |

|Larceny of Merchandise From Retailer, AFCF |CRF: 91-3319 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 5/10/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/23/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Escape From Penitentiary, AFCF, CRF 91-3619. (Same offense history) |



|Cochran, David L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|482997 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Possession of Precursor to Manufacture a |CRF: 2004-109 | |None. |

|Controlled Substance | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 12 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 9/21/04 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/29/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Manufacture of Controlled Dangerous Substance, CRF 2003-533. |



|Coddinton, Richard NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|122825 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Burglary II, AFCFX2 |CRF: 2004-6710 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 10/12/05 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/12/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 1 & 2, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance, 10 years (972 days previously served, 854 days suspended), CRF 2003-527 (Originally 10 years|

|with balance suspended upon completion of DOWC or a Therapeutic Community program 4/7/03, discharged to suspended 6/29/04, revoked 6/14/05.) |



|Cole, Barry L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|245907 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Obtaining Merchandise By False Pretense, AFCF |CRF: 2005-683 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 years |Reception Date: 4/15/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/12/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 4, 7 & 8, Identity Theft. |

| |

|CC: Counts 5 & 6. |



|Coley, Ricky G. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|219725 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual Rebill to PV |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Obtaining Merchandise False Pretense AFCF |CRF: 97-7810 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 25 years |Reception Date: 4/26/2005 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/1/2011 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, 2 and 3; CRF 96-6605. (Same History) |

|CC: Count 1, CRF 97-1350. (Same History) |

|CC: Count 1 and 2, CRF 97-2423. (Same History) |

|CC: Count 1, Possession of Firearm AFCF, 10 years, CRF 96-6937. (Same History, amount owed unknown.) |



|Collier, Gerald S. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|279646 | |

|OFFENSE |Bryan County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|*Manufacture of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 99-240 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 17 Years (12 Years |Reception Date: 4/21/2005 |

| |Previously Served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/28/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 1, Possession of Controlled Substance, 5 years, CRF 2004-648. |

|CC: Count 3, Child Neglect, 5 years, CRF 2004-648. |

|*CC: Unlawful Possession of Ephedrine With Intent to Manufacture, 17 years. (Originally 17 years [5 years suspended], 8/25/99, paroled 6/27/2003, suspended |

|portion revoked 12/7/2004, parole revoked 6/23/2005) Owes 801 days. |

| |

|*Same case. Note: Original charge was Unlawful Possession of Ephedrine With Intent to Manufacture. |



|Collins, David E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|215956 | |

|OFFENSE |Atoka County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Attempted Larceny Of Automobile AFCF |CRF: 94-80 | |5/05 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 4/21/00 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/22/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Escape From A Penal Institution, 7 years, CRF 94-79. (Discharged, date unknown) |



|Conner, Brandon NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|265465 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Precursor Without Permit |CRF: 2005-67 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 8 Years (4 Years |Reception Date: 9/14/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/12/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Concealing Stolen Property, CF-2005-514. |



|Cooper, Joe L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|192656 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Trafficking In Illegal Drugs, AFC2F |CRF: 92-3618 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 25 Years |Reception Date: 5/15/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/1/2013 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Copeland, Robert D. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|177527 | |

|OFFENSE |Creek County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Lewd Molestation |CRF: 99-380 | |None (5/2007 - PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 5/11/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/31/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Forcible Sodomy |



|Cordero, Reinaldo L. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|270105 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Assault With A Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 2005-238 | |N/A (5-07, PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years (2 years |Reception Date: 12/16/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/3/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Cox, Ricky L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|220986 | |

|OFFENSE |McCurtain County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Stealing of Automotive Driven Conveyance |CRF: 93-223 | |5/2005 Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years (10 Years |Reception Date: 8/12/99 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/3/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Escape From a Penal Institution, 6 years (2 years suspended), LeFlore County, CF-2001-394. |



|Cramer, Kalupe R. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|460829 | |

|OFFENSE |Blaine County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Unlawful Possession of CDS With Intent to |CRF: 2003-13 | |None |

|Distribute | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years (balance |Reception Date: 12/3/03 |

| |suspended upon completion of RTP) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/2/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of CDS, 5 years (balance suspended upon completion of RTP). |



|Crane, Jerry M. |Personal Appearance: No |

|164733 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Larceny Of Merchandise From Retailer |CRF: 2005-4658 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 years |Reception Date: 12/27/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/23/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: False Impersonation. |



|Crank, Robert F. |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|189319 | |

|OFFENSE |Cleveland County |Authority: 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Attempted Robbery With Firearms |CRF: 94-1085 | |None (12/2008 - |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 35 Years |Reception Date: 4/12/95 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/10/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Shooting With Intent To Kill. |



|Crisp, Rickie A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|117551 | |

|OFFENSE |Delaware County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Indecent Exposure, AFCF |CRF: 1991-80 | |05/2005 - Denied. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 35 years |Reception Date: 10/18/1991 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/5/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Indecent Exposure, 35 years, CRF 91-81. |

| |

|CS: Indecent Exposure, 35 years (10 years suspended) CF 91-82. |



|Crook, Tony D |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|263334 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Robbery by Force |CRF: 2001-3722 | |None (PTD 6/2008) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 Years |Reception Date: 10/26/2001 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/22/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Crow, Christopher L. |Personal Appearance: Y-2 |

|444327 | |

|OFFENSE |Grady County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|# Count 1: Arson While Manufacturing CDS |CRF: 2002-353 | |5/05 Parole - Denied|

| | | |(5/07 - PTD) |

| |Sentence: 20 years (13 years |Reception Date: 12/23/2003 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/26/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Domestic Abuse - Assault & Battery, 2 years, CRF 2001-268. (Suspended 10/18/01, revoked 7/25/03) |



|Crowell, Zachary M. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|402481 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Possession of Precursor With Intent, AFCF |CRF: 2001-6594 | |N/A (5/07, PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 18 years (8 years |Reception Date: 2/22/2003 (Rebill) |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/7/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 4: Possession of Firearm During Felony, AFCF. |

|CC: Count 2: Unauthorized Use Of Motor Vehicle, AFCF, 10 years. |

|CC: Count 8: Aggravated Attempting To Elude, AFCF, 10 years. |

| |

|CC: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Methamphetamine), 6 years CF 2001-1606 (Suspended, 4/4/2001, revoked 3/26/2002, received 11/6/02, |

|discharged to staggered CC 12/2/2004) |

|CC: Count 5: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Methamphetamine), 4 years, CF 2001-6594 (discharged 11/7/2004). |

|CC: Count 7: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Marijuana), 4 years CF 2001-6594 (discharged 11/7/2004) |

|*CC: Count 1: Manufacture Of Controlled Dangerous Substance, AFCF, 10 years (8 years suspended), CF 2001-4693 (**received 11/6/2002, discharged to staggered |

|CC and rebilled to CF 01-6594 2/22/2003, suspended active). |

|*CC: Count 2: Possession of Firearm During Felony, AFCF, 10 years (8 years suspended), CF 2001-4693, (**same history). |

|*CC: Count 1: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Cocaine), 4 years (2 years suspended), CF 2001-6548 (**same history). |

|*CC: Count 3: Offering Forged Instrument, AFCF, 2 years, CF 2002-6548 (received 11/6/2002, discharged to staggered CC 2/22/2003). |

| |

|*These cases were CC to CF 2001-1606 but CS to CF 2001-6594. They discharged to the staggered CC Case CF 2001-1606 and rebilled to CF 2001-6594. |



|Crutcher, Zachary O. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|111548 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2004-7247 | |None |

|(Cocaine) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 9/14/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/16/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Cudjo, Marshetta D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|193351 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Amended To Concealing Stolen Property, AFC1F |CRF: 97-4463 | |5/2005 Parole-Denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 8/31/99 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/25/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1: Amended To Concealing Stolen Property, AFC1F, 10 years, Oklahoma County, CF 98-3220. (same offense history) |

| |

|CS: Escape From DOC, 7 years (6 years suspended), Jackson County, CF 2001-353. |



|Curnett, David L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|397601 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Larceny of Automobile |CRF: 2005-6001 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years (3 years |Reception Date: 12/21/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/28/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle |



|Curry, Lucretia C.R |Personal Appearance: No |

|438680 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of Controlled Drug |CRF: 2005-871 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 Years |Reception Date: 9/27/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/7/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property. |



|Curry, Tim NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|135729 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Amended to Conspiracy to Possess CDS With |CRF: 03-1423 | |None |

|Intent | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 11/26/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/13/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Daughtery, Brian A. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|409892 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Grand Larceny, AFCF |CRF: 2003-1729 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 2/18/2004 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/7/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2. |

|CC: Grand Larceny, AFCF, CF-2003-1388. |

|CC: Possession of Firearm, AFCF, 20 years (10 years suspended), CF-2002-5903. |

|CC: Count 6, Possession of CDS (Methamphetamine), 15 years (7 years previously served), CF-2001-749. (Originally 15 years [8 years suspended] 10/26/01, |

|discharged to suspended 8/6/02, revoked 8/19/03) |

|CC: Count 1, Possession of CDS With Intent to Distribute, 10 years (2 years previously served), CF-2000-6313. (Originally 10 years [8 years suspended] |

|7/25/01, discharged to suspended 8/6/02, revoked 8/19/03) |

|CC: Count 3, Possession of Firearm While Committing a Felony 10 years (2 years previously served), CF-2000-6313. (Same History As Count 1) |



|Davis, Fritzeral M. |Personal Appearance: No |

|215770 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Ct. 1: Forgery II, AFC (4) Felonies |CRF: 98-8730 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years |Reception Date: 10/28/99 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/11/2012 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Cts 2 & 3. |

|CC: Ct. 1: Presenting False I. D. Card, AFC (4) Felonies, CRF 99-669. |

|CC: Ct. 2: Obtaining Money Under False Pretenses, CRF 99-669. |

|CC: Ct. 3 & 6: Falsely Personating Another, CRF 99-669. |

|CC: Ct. 4: Attempting to Obtain Money by False Pretenses, CRF 99-669. |

|CC: Ct. 5: Displaying Unlawful I. D., CRF 99-669. |

|CC: Ct. 7: Unlawful Use of False Name, CRF 99-669. |

|CC: Ct. 1: Presenting False I. D. Card, AFC (4) Felonies, CRF 99-964. |

|CC: Ct. 2: Forgery II, AFC (4) Felonies, CRF 99-964. |

|CC: Ct. 1: Forgery II, AFC (4) Felonies, CRF 99-982. |



|Denney, Reagan S. |Personal Appearance: No |

|134901 | |

|OFFENSE |Osage County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession Of Contraband In A Penal Institution |CRF: 2004-138 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years (3 Years |Reception Date: 10/22/2005 (Rebill) |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/19/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Derrico, Jeffrey T. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|228042 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession Of Cocaine With Intent To Distribute|CRF: 94-62 | |5/05 Parole - Denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 22 years |Reception Date: 9/29/94 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/1/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Possession of Controlled Drugs In Penal Institution, 5 years, Greer County, CF 2003-29. |



|Diffin, Jr., Mark S. |Personal Appearance: No |

|243560 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1 Possession Of Controlled Drug |CRF: 2005-3101 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 9/27/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/27/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Diggs II, Charles M. |Personal Appearance: No |

|384275 | |

|OFFENSE |Washington County |Authority: 85% |Next Docket Date: |

|#Burglary I |CRF: 00-262 | |5/2007 - PTD |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 years (8 years |Reception Date: 11/9/00 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/23/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Feloniously Pointing a Firearm at Another, 7 years, CRF 00-263, (discharged 12/24/05.) |



|Dortch, George NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|475067 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Burglary II |CRF: 04-1231 | |5/05 parole - denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 years |Reception Date: 6/8/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/14/08 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Stolen Vehicle |



|Douglas, Daniel W. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|231872 | |

|OFFENSE |Kay County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Assault and Battery With Dangerous Weapon, |CRF: 2003-409 | |None (4/07, PTD) |

|AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years (5 years |Reception Date: 4/29/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/13/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 3, Possession of Firearms After Conviction or During Probation, AFC2+F |

|*CC: Count 1, Possession of Firearm After Conviction or During Probation, 2 years, CRF 2002-345, (Originally suspended 7/17/03, revoked 1/20/05) |

|*CC: Count 2, Possession of Firearm After Conviction or During Probation, 2 years, CRF 2002-345 |

|*CC: Count 3, Possession of Firearm After Conviction or During Probation, 2 years, CRF 2002-345 |

|CC: Possession of A Firearm, AFCF, 5 years, CRF 94-293. (Originally 10 years suspended 1/30/95, 5 years revoked 1/20/05) |

| |

|* same history |



|Dover, Benjamin J. |Personal Appearance: No |

|411408 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Carrying Drugs Into Penal Institution |CRF: 2004-2500 | |5/2005 Parole, |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 4 Years (1 Year |Reception Date: 7/6/2004 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/16/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Drennon, Jeni L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|469283 | |

|OFFENSE |Pottawatomie County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Intimidating A State Witness |CRF: 2003-293 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Recommended with |

| | | |stipulation of |

| | | |completion of |

| | | |Literarcy. |

| | | |Recommendation |

| | | |withdrawn 10/18/2005|

| | | |due to subject |

| | | |refused the program.|

| |Sentence: 5 years (9 months |Reception Date: 3/25/04 |

| |previously served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/2/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Bringing Contraband (Drugs) Into Jail, CRF 2003-256. (Same history) |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of CDS (Methamphetamine), CRF 2003-256. (Same history) |



|Duffus, Stephen A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|247663 | |

|OFFENSE |Washington County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession of Marihuana with Intent to |CRF: 96-291 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|Distribute | | |Denied. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 5/10/2001 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/10/08 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Duke, Eric R. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|215705 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 2 years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Robbery I |CRF: 93-1742 | |05/04 Parole-denied.|

| | | |(11/2008 - PTD) |

| |Sentence: 21 years (1 year |Reception Date: 1/7/2000 |

| |previously served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/23/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Larceny of a Motor Vehicle, 20 years (5 years previously served) CRF 93-1742. (Originally 20 years [15 years suspended] 9/30/93, discharged to |

|suspended 1/7/94, revoked 11/12/99). |

|CC: Count 1, Assault and Battery With Dangerous Weapon, AFCF, 20 years, CRF 97-6782. |

|CC: Count 1, Burglary II, AFCF, 20 years, CRF 98-1161. |

|CC: Count 5, Possession of a Firearm While Committing a Felony, 10 years (1 year previously served), CRF 92-5552. (Originally 10 years [9 years suspended] |

|6/11/93, discharged to suspended 1/7/94, revoked 11/12/99). |

|CC: Count 3, Burglary II, 7 years (5 years previously served), CRF 93-1742. (Originally 7 years [12 years suspended] 9/30/93, discharged to suspended |

|1/7/94, revoked 11/12/99, discharged 1/9/01). |

|CC: Count 1, Attempted Burglary I, 10 years (5 years previously served) CRF 92-5552. (Originally 10 years [5 years suspended] 9/30/03, discharged to |

|suspended 1/7/94, revoked 11/12/99, discharged 7/17/03.) |

|CC: Count 1, Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle, 5 years (2 years previously served), CRF 93-1741. (Originally 5 years [3 years suspended] 9/30/93, discharged|

|to suspended 1/7/94, revoked 11/12/99, discharged 1/19/01) |

|CC: Concealing Stolen Property, 5 years (3 years previously served), CRF 93-1741. (Originally 5 years [12 years suspended], 9/30/03, discharged to suspended|

|1/7/94, revoked 11/12/99, discharged 1/9/01). |



|Duncan, Henry D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|124017 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property |CRF: 00-984 | |05/05 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 7/14/00 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: *7/7/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CRF-00-1016. (NOTE: Same history as above case) |

|*CC: Knowingly Withholding Stolen Property, AFC2F, 20 years (8 years suspended), Washington County, CRF 99-300. (SCC 12/20/00) |

|*CC: Larceny Of Merchandise From Retailer, AFC2F, 20 years (8 years suspended), Washington County, CRF-99-321. (SCC 12/20/00) |



|Dunlap, Robert E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|124710 | |

|OFFENSE |Rogers County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession Of Ephedrine With Attempting To |CRF: 2003-114 | |None |

|Manufacture, AFC3F | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 8/1/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/1/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Driving While Under The Influence, AFC2F, 4 years, CRF 2002-286, (discharged 12/14/2004) |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Controlled Substance, AFC2F, 4 years, CRF 2002-286, (discharged 12/14/2004) |

| |

|CS: Count 1, Unlawful Possession Of Controlled Drug, AFCF, 10 years, Tulsa County, CRF 98-2031, (received 9/24/98 as a CS case, rebilled to 9/22/99 but DOC |

|auditors changed case to run as a staggered CC case effective to the J&S date on 7/24/2000 so that this case was discharged to retroactively on 9/22/99, |

|paroled 7/24/2001, revoked 2/25/2004, owes 3 years 1 months and 10 days) |



|Dunn, Brandi R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|437603 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of a Drivers License Bearing Photo |CRF: 00-2327 | |None |

|of Another | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 years |Reception Date: 6/16/04 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/15/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 1: Obtaining Merchandise by Bogus Check; 1 year ; Okfuskee County; CRF 01-96. |

|CC; Count 2; Obtaining Merchandise by Bogus Check; 5 years (4 years suspended); Okfuskee County; CRF 01-96 |



|Dunn, Johnny R. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|258036 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Murder II |CRF: 96-3314 | |None (7/2008, PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 30 Years |Reception Date: 10/7/97 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/12/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Eason, James K. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|182394 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|#Robbery I, AFCF |CRF: 92-2839 | |12/04 Stage II |

| | | |Parole - |

| | | |Recommended, |

| | | |Withdrawn. (05/07 |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 9/1/94 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/11/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Uttering a Forged Instrument AFCF, 17 years, Canadian County, CF 92-219. |



|Easter, James D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|102362 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, AFCF |CRF: 98-4721 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 4/20/2001 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/11/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Possession of CDS, AFCF, CF-99-4018. |

|CC: Count 1, Manufacturing CDS, CF-99-4672. |

|CC: Count 4, Radio Use With Crime, 3 years, CF-99-4672. |



|Eddy, Ladonna NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|257358 | |

|OFFENSE |Murray County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession of CDS |CRF: 2002-44 | |5/2005 Parole, |

| | | |Recommended, Denied |

| | | |by Governor |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 10/31/02 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/04/06 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Edwards, Joe W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|425893 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2002-3056 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 5/19/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/7/06 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 1, Driving Under The Influence Of Intoxicating Liquor, After Former Misdemeanor Conviction, 5 years, CRF 2003-4869. |

|CS: Count 2, Driving Under Suspension, 1 year, CRF 2003-4869. |



|Edwards, Robert A |Personal Appearance: No |

|209730 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Trafficking Illegal Drugs |CRF: 1995-6391 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 30 Years |Reception Date: 03/19/1997 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/9/2027 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Elder, James A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|370331 | |

|OFFENSE |Logan County |Authority: 1/3* |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2004-341 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (6 Years |Reception Date: 4/27/05 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/14/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2 |

|CC: Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, 1 year. |

| |

|Detainer: Grady County, Forgery II, CF 05-140. |



|Emery, Joseph T. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|224097 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/05) |Next Docket Date: |

|Larceny of Auto |CRF: 98-323 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years (5 months |Reception Date: 7/22/2004 |

| |previously served, 3 years 7 months| |

| |suspended) |Projected Release Date: 4/16/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, DUI, 3 years, Tulsa County, CRF 2004-2037. |



|England, Michael L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|417941 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Trafficking (Methamphetamine) |CRF: 01-3198 | |05/05 Parole |

| | | |Recommended-denied |

| | | |by the Governor |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 3/22/02 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/1/2014 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 3: Distribution CDS (Methamphetamine) |

|CC: Count 4: Possession CDS Within 1000' of School |

|CC: Count 2: Maintaining a Vehicle Where CDS is Kept, 5 years |



|Epp, Scott Z. |Personal Appearance: No |

|492527 | |

|OFFENSE |Osage County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Accessory To Manslaughter, First Degree |CRF: 2003-166 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 Years (10 Years |Reception Date: 1/27/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/28/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Escareno, Alvin A. |Personal Appearance: Y-2 |

|505369 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Burglary I |CRF: 2000-1312 | |None [5/2007 PTD] |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 1/25/06 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/4/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Falk, Nathan A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|498995 | |

|OFFENSE |Grady County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Endeavoring To Manufacture Controlled Dangerous|CRF: 2004-385 | |N/A |

|Substance (Methamphetamine) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 years (10 years |Reception Date: 4/8/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/16/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Assault and Battery Upon A Police Officer, 5 years. |

|CC: Count 1: Possession of Controlled Substance (Methamphetamine), 5 years, CF 2004-358. |



|Farrell, Jonathan T. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|450560 | |

|OFFENSE |Cleveland County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of Marijuana With Intent To |CRF: 2001-598 | |None |

|Distribute | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 7/2/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/23/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Count 2, Trafficking In Methamphetamine. |

|CC: Possession Of Methamphetamine With Intent To Distribute, 10 years, Garvin County, CRF 2000-231 |

|CC: Unlawful Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, Methamphetamine, with Intent To Distribute, 10 years, Garvin County, CRF 2000-558. |

|CC: Unlawful Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, Methamphetamine, 10 years, Garvin County, CRF 2001-120. |

|CC: Unlawful Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, Marijuana, 10 years, Garvin County, CRF 2001-121. |

|CC: Feloniously Carrying Firearm, 10 years, Garvin County, CRF 2001-122. |

|CC: Possession of Explosives By Convicted Felon, 10 years (1 year previously served), Garvin County, CRF 94-115. (Originally 10 years, [1 year county jail, |

|balance suspended 2/23/95, revoked 6/13/2003.) |

|CC: Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug, AFCF, 10 years (1 year previously served), Garvin County, CRF 94-173. (Same offense history as above listed |

|case. |

|CC: Unlawful Possession of Marijuana With Intent To Distribute, 10 years (1 year previously served), Garvin County, CRF 94-280. (Same offense history as |

|above listed case) |

|CC: Count 1, Possession of Controlled Drugs, 5 years, CRF 2001-1274 (discharged 4/15/2005). |



|Faulkner, Steven D |Personal Appearance: No |

|101605 | |

|OFFENSE |Pottawatomie County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2005-255 | |None |

|(Methamphetamine) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 02/10/2006 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/21/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|Warrant 13743 dated 5/26/2005 Parole Violation pending for parole dated 9/12/2003 |

|Pending case in McClain County. (Interview) |



|Felan, Jr., Robert NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|523925 | |

|OFFENSE |Jackson County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1 Possession Of Firearm AFC |CRF: 2005-93 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years (2 Years |Reception Date: 2/9/2006 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/29/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Ferguson, Jesse D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|253903 | |

|OFFENSE |Grady County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property |CRF: 98-124 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 12/3/2003 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/2/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Fields, Daryl F. |Personal Appearance: No |

|166147 | |

|OFFENSE |Carter County |Authority: * 1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count II, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance -|CRF: 2004-147 | |None |

|Marijuana, AFC | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 9/20/05 (rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/18/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Fitzwater, Scott A. |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|405769 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Rape Second Degree |CRF: 2000-6041 | |None (5/2009, 3 |

| | | |Years) |

| |Sentence: 12 Years |Reception Date: 7/7/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/15/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Flaming, Ronnie A |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|443560 | |

|OFFENSE |Custer County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Incest |CRF: 2002-282 | |None (5/2007, PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 04/22/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/17/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Flint, Richard NMI |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|142291 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: T/S 85 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Attempted Kidnapping, AFCF (1) |CRF: 98-2097 | |None (8/2017, 1/3) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 1000 Years |Reception Date: 10/10/2002 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/3/3000 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 2, Robbery in the First Degree, AFCF (1), CRF 98-2097. |



|Flippen, James L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|399464 | |

|OFFENSE |Atoka County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession of Drugs in a Penal Institution |CRF: 2002-146 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 10/22/04 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/14/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Flowers, Shawn A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|201452 | |

|OFFENSE |Rogers County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug, AFC2F |CRF: 2001-315 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 years |Reception Date: 9/24/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/2/2013 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Driving While Under The Influence Of Intoxicants, AFC2F, 10 years. |

|CC: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, AFCF, 7 years, CF 2001-370. |



|Floyd, Michael P. |Personal Appearance: No |

|201217 | |

|OFFENSE |Rogers County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, DUI, AFC2F |CRF: 04-106 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 2/10/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/10/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Fortune, Mark E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|257123 | |

|OFFENSE |Cleveland County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Burglary II, AFCF |CRF: 2002-775 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (4 Years |Reception Date: 1/17/2003 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/13/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance, 8 years (2 years previously served), McClain County, CRF 98-236 (originally 8 years [6 years suspended] |

|8/29/2000, discharged to suspended 1/4/2002, revoked 4/10/2003) |



|Forwoodson, Steven S. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|389018 | |

|OFFENSE |Latimer County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|# Count I, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2003-94 | |None. (5/07 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 10/20/04 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: *5/8/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Assault With Dangerous Weapon, 10 years (5 years suspended) CRF 2004-62, received 1/20/05. |

| |

|Detainer: Conspiracy to Possess a Controlled Drug with Intent to Distribute Methamphetamine. Leflore County, CRF 2000-654, (sentenced to 5 years deferred |

|1/19/01, warrant issued 7/16/04) |

| |

|Detainer: Possession of Precursor with Intent to Manufacture Methamphetamine, pending, Leflore County, CRF 2003-211. |



|Foulks, Anthony C. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|381343 | |

|OFFENSE |Noble County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Attempted Theft Of Anhydrous Ammonia |CRF: 2002-122B | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 12/9/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: *12/19/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|&CC: Count 2, Unlawful Use Of Police Radio, 3 years, (same offense history) |

|+CC: Count 1, Possession Of Substance With Intent To Manufacture Of Methamphetamine, 25 years (20 years suspended), Payne County, CRF 2002-377, (originally |

|25 years suspended 4/25/2003, 7 years revoked 1/21/2005, modified 2/20/2006) |

|*CC: Count 2, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance In Presence Of A Child Under 12, 25 years (20 years suspended), Payne County, CRF 2002-377, (same |

|offense history as Count 1) |

|+CC: Count 3, Possession Of Firearm While Committing A Felony, 10 years (5 years suspended), Payne County, CRF 2002-377, (originally 10 years suspended |

|4/25/2003, then same history as Counts 1 and 2) |

|^CC: Unlawful Possession Of Controlled Drug-Methamphetamine, 5 years, Lincoln County, CRF 2003-366 |

| |

|@PRD is 3/28/2006 +PRD is 3/1/2007 ^PRD is 1/3/2007 |



|Fowble, Michael G. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|477651 | |

|OFFENSE |Payne County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Substance, Second And |CRF: 2004-159 | |None |

|Subsequent Offense AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 7/13/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/5/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 1 and 3, Possession Of Controlled Substance With Intent To Distribute, AFCF, CRF 2003-759 |

|+CC: Count 4, Maintaining Place For Keeping/Selling Controlled Substance, AFCF, 5 years, CRF 2003-759 |

|^CC: Count 1, Unlawful Possession Of Marijuana, Second And Subsequent Offense, 5 years (2 months unspecified), CRF 99-628, (5 years suspended 5/12/2000, 4 |

|years and 10 months revoked 7/1/2004) |

| |

|+projected to discharge 7/28/2006 ^projected to discharge 7/21/2006 |



|Fowler, Tony G. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|145254 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 3 years |Next Docket Date: |

|# Robbery with Firearm, AFC2MF |CRF: 93-4257 | |6/03 (Stage II) - |

| | | |recommended - denied|

| | | |by Governor |

| | | |(5/09; 3 years) |

| |Sentence: 40 years |Reception Date: 12/8/93 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/4/13 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Using Vehicle to Intentionally Discharge Firearm AFC2MF |

|CC: Possession of Contraband in Penal Institution, 3 years, Osage County, CRF 95-49. (Discharged 8/11/98) |

| |

|CS: Possession of Contraband in Penal Institution, 2 years, Osage County, CRF 95-49. (Note: This is the same as the case above; J&S stated 3 years to run CC |

|with instant offense, 2 years to run CS. ) |



|Fraley, Andrew D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|267926 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Manufacturing Controlled Drug |CRF: 2003-1143 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 6/10/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/16/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Controlled Drug, 5 years, (discharged 7/14/2005) |



|Frederick, Jeffrey A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|138707 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Stolen Vehicle, AFCF |CRF: 2002-1269 | |5/2005 Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 12/18/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/17/1010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Concealing Stolen Property, AFCF |



|Frederick, Robby L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|231748 | |

|OFFENSE |Caddo County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Auto Theft |CRF: 98-285 | |4/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 12/10/98 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/15/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2 |



|Freeman, Shane R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|517415 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Drug - Methamphetamine|CRF: 2005-2567 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 Years |Reception Date: 11/15/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/25/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 3: Possession Of A Firearm While In Commission Of A Felony |



|Frierson, Roderick NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|245641 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Ct. 1: Possession of Stolen Vehicle |CRF: 99-6192 | |05/05 - Parole - |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 6/16/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/18/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, CRF 99-6193. |

|CC: Unauthorized Use of a Credit Card, CRF 99-6194. |

|CC: Possession of CDS in Penal Institution, 3 years, Okfuskee County, CRF 2002-764. (Effective per J & S on 3/30/04) |



|Fuentes, John P. |Personal Appearance: No |

|270916 | |

|OFFENSE |Osage County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession Of Contraband In Penal Institution |CRF: 2002-91 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 8/15/2001 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/23/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: False Declaration To Pawnbroker,5 years (6 months previously served), McClain County, CRF 97-153 (Originally 3 years deferred 10/28/97, accelerated to 5|

|years suspended 6/3/99, 6 months revoked 2/27/2002, discharged date unknown, revoked 3/14/2002, discharged date unknown) |

| |

|CC: False Declaration To Pawnbroker, 5 years (30 dyas previously served, 2 year + 11 months suspended), McClain County, CRF 98-410 (Originally 5 years [30 |

|days county jail, balance suspended, two years supervised], 10/26/98, 2 years revoked 2/27/2002, discharged 6/2/2004) |



|Fulgium, Winnifred G. |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|126119 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: Three Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Indecent Proposal To Minor Child |CRF: 94-211 | |5/2003 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. (5/2009 - |

| | | |Three Years) |

| |Sentence: 100 Years |Reception Date: 5/30/95 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/17/2036 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 2: Forcible Oral Sodomy |

|CS: Count 3: Forcible Oral Sodomy |

|CS: Count 4: Lewd Acts With Minor Child |

|CS: Count 5: Forcible Oral Sodomy |

|CS: Count 6: Lewd Acts With Minor Child |



|Garton, William O. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|224835 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Manufacture of CDS-Meth, AFC2F |CRF: 01-2635 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 Years |Reception Date: 10/17/01 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/13/2011 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of CDS-Meth, AFC2F, 10 years |

|CC: Count 3, Possession of CDS-Marijuana, AFC2F, 1 year (discharged 3/3/02) |



|Gauthier, John C. |Personal Appearance: No |

|379979 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of Controlled Drug, Schedule II, |CRF: 2002-6474 | |None |

|AFCF2 | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 11 Years |Reception Date: 8/8/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/27/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, CRF 2002-6070. |

|CC: Counts 1 and 2, Uttering A Forged Instrument, 16 years (5 years suspended), Creek County, CRF 2002-356. |

|CC: Count 1, Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle, 2 years, Tulsa County, CRF 2001-3835. (Suspended 9/5/2001, Revoked 4/14/2003). (Discharged 5/27/2004) |

|CC: Count 1, Larceny of Automobile, 5 years, Tulsa County, CRF 2001-3835. (Suspended 9/5/2001, Revoked 3/5/2003). (Discharged, date unknown) |



|Geoff, Malcom D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|237679 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: * 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|False Impersonation |CRF: 05-4463 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 years |Reception Date: 11/15/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/9/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Uttering A Forged Instrument, CRF-05-2720. |

|CC: Count 2, Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, CRF-05-2720. |

| |

|Detainer: Count 1, Robbery With Firearm & Count 2, Kidnapping, Oklahoma County, CRF-95-2763. (Pending) |



|Gibson, Jeffrey S. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|380735 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Manufacturing Methamphetamine |CRF: CF-99-441 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 9/20/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/29/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Gilbert, Ron S. |Personal Appearance: No |

|156469 | |

|OFFENSE |Washington County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|# Count 1: Burglary II |CRF: 2004-522 | |None (5/2007 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 2/24/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/4/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Use Of Firearm In Commission Of Felony, 10 year (5 years suspended) |

| |

|CC: Count 5, Malicious Injury To Property. |



|Giles, Larry W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|156791 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Driving Under The Influence, AFC DUI (2) AFC2F |CRF: 2000-545 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 10/27/2003 (Rebill) |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/15/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Gilliam Jr., William T. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|491305 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Manufacture of CDS (Methamphetamine) |CRF: 04-252 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 years |Reception Date: 1/13/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/28/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2; Possession of Controlled Substance (Methamphetamine); 2 years |



|Goines, Richard L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|176758 | |

|OFFENSE |Rogers County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Assault and Battery On Police Officer, AFCF |CRF: 04-662 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 3/1/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/8/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Escape From Lawful Detention, AFCF |

|CC: Count 3, DUI, AFCF |



|Gonzales, Abel C |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|233626 | |

|OFFENSE |Kay County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Trafficking in Controlled Dangerous Substance, |CRF: 94-65 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|Marijuana, AFCF | | |Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 25 years |Reception Date: 4/26/95 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/30/2015 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Graham, Billy D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|251212 | |

|OFFENSE |Cleveland County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Burglary of Auto, AFC4F |CRF: 03-768 | |5/05 Parole - denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 years (9 years |Reception Date: 10/31/03 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/15/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: KCSP, AFC4F |

|CC: Count 3: Larceny of Auto, AFC4F |

|CC: UUV, AFC4F, CRF 03-765 |

|CC: KCSP, AFC4F, CRF 03-657 |

|CC: Count 2: False Declaration of Ownership, AFC4F, CRF 03-657 |

|CC: Count 3: UUV, AFC4F, CRF 03-657 |



|Grayson, Wendell NMI |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|097590 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: TS 85 |Next Docket Date: |

|# Count 2: Shooting With Intent to Kill, AFC2F |CRF: 81-4518 | |None (1/2009 - 1/3)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 150 Years |Reception Date: 12/23/93 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/11/2056 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 1, Robbery With Firearm, 10 years, CF-78-1012. (Received 7/6/78, paroled 3/13/81, revoked 10/8/82, owes 4 years, 9 months, 26 days) |

|CC: Count 2, Robbery With Firearm, 10 years, CF-78-1013. (Same History) |

|CC: Count 3, Robbery With Firearm, 10 years, CF-78-1014. (Same History) |



|Green, Jason W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|459384 | |

|OFFENSE |Ottawa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Burglary II |CRF: 2004-229 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 10/28/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/24/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, CRF 2004-134 |

|CC: Count 1, Assault And/Or Battery With Dangerous Weapon, 10 years (5 years suspended), CRF 2003-428, (originally 4 years deferred 11/5/2003, accelerated |

|7/2/2004) |

| |

|Detainer: Sex Abuse Of A Minor In Indian Country, pending, US Marshall, 2004-CR196-K |



|Green, Tyrone D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|255062 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Larceny From A Person In The Night Time, AFCF |CRF: 2002-4768 | |5/2005 Parole, |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 8/27/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/28/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Possession of A Firearm, AFCF. |

|CC: Count 1: Burglary II, 5 years, CF 97-814 (Delayed Incarcerate, 6/11/97, sentenced to 5 years deferred 9/19/97 and released to supervision, accelerated |

|to 5 years suspended 2/17/99, revoked 4/4/2003). |



|Green, Wendell W. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|283337 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: * 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Manufacture Of CDS |CRF: 99-6118 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years |Reception Date: 2/25/00 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/13/14 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 3, Possession Of CDS, 10 years. |



|Green IV, Benny NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|232873 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of CDS, AFC |CRF: 2000-35 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 25 years (10 years |Reception Date: 12/11/02 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/25/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent to Distribute, CRF 2000-693. |

|CC: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent, AFCF, CRF 2000-7144. |



|Greiner, Clinton J. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|270515 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: TS 85 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 2: Unlawful Use of Firearm During Commission of |CRF: 98-68 | |None (05/07 PTD) |

|A Felony | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 12/10/03 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/20/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 3, Rape I, Life. |

|CS: Count 4, Robbery With Firearms, 10 years. |



|Griffin, Karen E. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|449639 | |

|OFFENSE |Custer County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Unlawful Delivery Of Controlled Substance |CRF: 2003-83 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 6/20/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/12/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1: Unlawful Delivery Of Controlled Substance, CF 2003-84. |



|Grimm, Michael S. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|251966 | |

|OFFENSE |Mcintosh County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 2: Eluding A Police Officer, AFCF |CRF: 2001-170 | |None (6/07, PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 Years |Reception Date: 8/30/2001 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/21/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Unlawful Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, 4 Years, CF 98-196 (originally 5 years [1 year county jail, balance suspended], 4/7/99, revoked |

|8/16/01, discharged date unknown.) |



|Grove, Jessie L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|220149 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Substance, AFCF |CRF: 2002-53 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 5/23/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/11/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Leaving Scene Of Accident Involving Injury, 4 years, CRF 2001-628, (discharged 9/5/2005) |



|Grove, Neal M. |Personal Appearance: No |

|477804 | |

|OFFENSE |Blaine County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Endeavoring to Manufacture a Controlled |CRF: 2004-21 | |None. |

|Dangerous Substance | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 7/15/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/18/11 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count II, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, 5 years. |



|Guinn, Brian NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|271083 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 2, Possession of Firearm After Felony Juvenile |CRF: 98-140 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|Adjudication | | |Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 1/12/99 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/3/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Burglary II, 7 years, (discharged 5/27/2005). |

| |

|CS: Count 1, Burglary II, 7 years, Garfield County, CRF 98-378. |

|CC: Counts 2, 3 and 4. |

| |

|CS: Burglary II, 7 years, Garfield County, CRF 98-381. |



|Guy, Gary A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|193599 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Carrying Drugs Where Prisoners Are Kept |CRF: 2004-4731 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 1/4/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/3/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Hager, Terry W. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|132147 | |

|OFFENSE |Cleveland County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Unlawful Possession of CDS with Intent to |CRF: 2004-1444 | |None. |

|Distribute Within 2000 Feet of a School | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 5/26/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/4/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Unlawfully Maintaining a Dwelling Used to Keep or Sell CDS, 5 years. |



|Haley, Clarence L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|485923 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: 1/3* |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of A Controlled Dangerous Substance With |CRF: 2004-508 | |None. |

|Intent to Distribute Within 2,000 Feet of A School | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years (15 years |Reception Date: 11/2/2004 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/1/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CRF 2004-515. |



|Hamilton, Artura W. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|87295 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 10 years* (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Assault With Intent to Commit Rape AFC 2 or |CRF: 96-3623 | |None. (5/2009, 3 |

|More F | | |years) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 35 years |Reception Date: 2/16/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/5/2013 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Haney Jr., John P. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|149651 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: 3 Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Kidnapping, AFCF |CRF: 96-91 | |5/2003 Denied |

| | | |(5/2009 - 3 years) |

| |Sentence: 140 Years |Reception Date: 6/27/97 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/24/2075 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 2, Rape I, AFCF |



|Hannah Jr., David C. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|239627 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|Amended to Accessory After the Fact (Murder I) |CRF: 99-4016 | |2/05 Parole- Denied |

| | | |(5/2007- PTD) |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 12/12/01 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/20/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Hannon, Crisan NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|387845 | |

|OFFENSE |Delaware County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Unlawful Cultivation of Marijuana |CRF: 2000-393 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 2/13/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/30/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Hardeman, Fred A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|211359 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Assault And Battery On Police Officer, AFCF(2) |CRF: 2004-1211 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 5/19/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/17/2011 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Possession Of Firearm, AFCF(2), CRF 2003-5922 |



|Harjo, Kevin J. |Personal Appearance: No |

|394527 | |

|OFFENSE |Pottawatomie County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Escape From Jail While Awaiting Transport To Prison |CRF: 2001-664 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 Years |Reception Date: 6/15/2004 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/14/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Bringing Contraband (Marijuana), CRF 2001-659 |



|Harper, William R |Personal Appearance: No |

|167636 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of a Substance With Intent to |CRF: 2003-251 | |None |

|Manufacture a Controlled Dangerous Substance | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 9 Years |Reception Date: 6/26/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/3/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, CF 2003-251. |

|CC: Count 1, Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, CF 2002-549. |

|CC: Counts 2 and 3, False Declaration of Ownership to Pawnshop, 5 years, CF 99-121. (Originally 10 years (1 year county jail, balance suspended), 7/28/2000, |

|revoked balance 6/16/2003.) |

| |

|CS: Counts 1 and 3, Concealing Stolen Property, 5 years, Oklahoma County, CF 96-5877. |

|CC: Counts 2 and 4, False Declaration to Pawn Broker, 5 years, Oklahoma County, CF 96-5877. |



|Harvey, Jeffery W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|123933 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Larceny Of Automobile |CRF: 94-1282 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 8 Years |Reception Date: 10/22/2001 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/19/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 1, Possession Of Contraband In A Penal Institution, 5 years, Muskogee County, CRF 95-719 |

| |

|CS: Count 1, Escape From A Penal Institution, 2 years, Muskogee County, CRF 96-518 |



|Hausdorf, Achilles NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|89928 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Assault & Battery On Police Officer |CRF: 2003-6391 | |5/05 Parole-Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 5/6/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/20/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Escape From Custody, 2 years (discharged 1/23/05). |

| |

|CS: Count 4, Forgery, 7 years, CF 2003-6391. |

|CS: Escape From A Penitentiary, AFC2F, 30 years, Oklahoma County, CF 94-1620. (Originally received 3/21/96, paroled 10/16/02, revoked 6/11/04, owes 14 |

|years, 2 months and 21 days. |



|Hawkins, Rodney NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|373173 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of a Firearm, AFCF |CRF: 2005-1174 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years (3 years |Reception Date: 12/28/05 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/2/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Hayes, Everett L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|092639 | |

|OFFENSE |Washington County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Contraband In County Jail, AFCF |CRF: 94-455 | |5/2005 Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 37 Years |Reception Date: 7/27/95 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/26/2017 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Haynes, Randall R. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|157534 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Assault and Battery Upon a Police Officer |CRF: 99-1652 | |5/05 Parole - |

| | | |recommended, denied |

| | | |by Governor 7/4/05. |

| |Sentence: 7 years |Reception Date: 12/23/02 (rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/7/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Escape, 2 years, CRF 99-1463. (Discharged 2/20/04) |



|Hays, Benjamin W. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|368874 | |

|OFFENSE |Creek County |Authority: *1/3 (07/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of CDS |CRF: 2001-196 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 12/29/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/13/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Heard, Kelvin L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|483759 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 2: Delivery of Controlled Drug |CRF: 2004-2525 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 11/23/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/4/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 3. (Same History) |



|Henderson, Jared B. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|272823 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: 3 years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Murder 2nd Degree In Commission of A Felony |CRF: 98-3492 | |05/03 Parole-denied |

| | | |(5/07 - PTD) |

| |Sentence: 15 years |Reception Date: 3/5/99 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/18/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Henderson, Jimmy R. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|200296 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Rape I |CRF: 91-2486 | |7/99 Parole - denied|

| | | |(5/09 - 3 years) |

| |Sentence: Life |Reception Date: 10/10/91 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: Life |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count II: |

|CC: Counts XII and XIII: Indecent or Lewd Acts with Child Under 16, 10 years, discharged 11/30/95 |

|CC: Count XI: Possession of Obscene Materials, 5 years, discharged 4/7/93 |

| |

|CS: Count VII: Indecent or Lewd Acts with Child Under 16, 20 years |

|CC to CS: Count VIII: Indecent or Lewd Acts with Child Under 16, 20 years |

|CC to CS: Count IX: Indecent or Lewd Acts with Child Under 16, 20 years |

| |

|CS: Count III: Forcible Oral Sodomy, 10 years |

| |

|CS: Count IV: Indecent or Lewd Acts with Child Under 16, 10 years |

| |

|CS: Count V: Attempted Forcible Anal Sodomy, 10 years |

| |

|CS: Count VI: Attempted Forcible Anal Sodomy, 10 years |

| |

|CS: Count X; Indecent or Lewd Acts with Child Under 16, 10 years |



|Hendrix, George E. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|213880 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 3 years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Assault With Dangerous Weapon, AFCF |CRF: 95-2385 | |6/2003 Stage II, |

| | | |recommended - denied|

| | | |by Governor. |

| | | |(5/2008, PTD) |

| |Sentence: 25 years |Reception Date: 5/22/96 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/10/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2. |

|CC: Count 3, Escape From County Jail AFCF. |

| |

|CC: Count 1, Attempted Burglary I AFCF, 10 years, CRF 95-1831. (Discharged date unknown.) |



|Hendrix, Herbert |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|198157 | |

|OFFENSE |McCurtain County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Murder 1st degree |CRF: 1990-110 | |None (three years |

| | | |5/2009) |

| |Sentence: LIFE |Reception Date: 07/05/1991 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: Life |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Herd, Byron C. |Personal Appearance: No |

|146186 | |

|OFFENSE |Carter County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 2: Assault And Battery Upon A Police Officer |CRF: 93-348 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: Life |Reception Date: 7/8/94 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: Life |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 4 |



|Herndon, Stephen L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|88077 | |

|OFFENSE |Coal County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Manufacture of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 01-90 | |5/05 Parole - Denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years (10 Years |Reception Date: 9/26/02 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/17/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Hicks, Jr., Michael C. |Personal Appearance: No |

|228112 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|False Personation |CRF: 2005-870 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 years |Reception Date: 7/26/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/16/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Grand Larceny, CF-2004-2193. |



|Hill, Justin R. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|205361 | |

|OFFENSE |Rogers County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor, AFCF|CRF: 2003-403 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 9/9/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/31/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Hill, Richard D. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|143857 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 3 years |Next Docket Date: |

|# Count 3: Attempted Rape I, AFC2MF |CRF: 88-3126 | |5/03 parole |

| | | |(5/09; 3 years) |

| |Sentence: 45 years |Reception Date: 10/19/88 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/29/10 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Burglary II, 2 years, CRF-87-3435. (Originally suspended 10/14/87, revoked 10/21/88, discharged/rebilled to CS case - date unknown. |

|CC: to CRF-88-3126 but CS to above listed case: Count 1, Forgery I, AFCF, 10 years, CRF-88-2910. (Discharged - date unknown) |

|CC: Count 2, Falsely Personating Another, AFCF, 10 years, CRF-88-2910. (Same history as Count 1 of same case number) |

|CC: Count 3, Receiving Taken Credit Card, AFCF, 10 years, CRF-88-2910. (Same history as Count 1 of same case number) |

|NOTE: None of these cases were even being shown on the CRC so discharge dates were not indicated) |

| |

|CS: Count 4, Rape II By Instrumentation, AFC2MF. |

|CS: Count 1, Burglary I, AFC2MF, 30 years. |

|CS: Count 2, Robbery With Dangerous Weapon, AFC2MF, 30 years. |



|Hobia, Louis NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|188104 | |

|OFFENSE |Hughes County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1 Knowingly Concealing/Withholding Stolen Property|CRF: 98-172 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|AFCF | | |Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 6/9/99 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/23/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1 Possession Of A Firearm AFCF, CRF 98-145 |

| |

|Detainer: Offense title unknown, Muscogee Creek Nation, CRM 98-22 |



|Hoffman, Dexter L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|149549 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance, |CRF: 2002-6511 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|AFC2F | | |Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 9 Years (4 Years |Reception Date: 7/9/2003 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/17/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Holder, Robert L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|174014 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Manufacturing Controlled Drug |CRF: 03-861 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 5/16/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: *1/17/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Count 2: Trafficking in Illegal Drugs, 6 years. |

|CC: Count 4: Possession of Marijuana with Intent, 6 years. (Discharged 7/27/05) |

|CC: Count 5: Possession of CD, 6 years. (Discharged 7/27/05) |



|Holland, Magdaleno N. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|254215 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 3 Years |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of CDS With Intent to Distribute, AFCF |CRF: 97-4363 | |5/2003 Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 12 Years |Reception Date: 7/7/00 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/10/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: False Personation of Another, CF-98-272. (Same History) |

| |

|CC: Using Vehicle to Discharge Firearm, 3 years, Oklahoma County, CF-95-7474. (Originally 5 years suspended 4/4/97, 3 years revoked 10/24/00, discharged date|

|unknown) |

|CC: DUI, 5 years, Oklahoma County, CF-99-1753. (Received 10/24/00, discharged date unknown) |

| |

|CS: Assault and Battery With a Dangerous Weapon, AFC, 30 years, Oklahoma County, CF-99-5608. |



|Homer, Michael NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|201015 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Burglary II, AFCF |CRF: 2002-1034 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 11/27/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/20/2012 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1: Concealing Stolen Property AFC, 10 years, Oklahoma County, CF 2001-2674 (10 years suspended, 8/13/2001, revoked 10/22/2002) |



|Hood, David NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|242212 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual from Last Favorable |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Precursor, AFCF |CRF: +2003-492 | |12/04 Parole- |

| | | |recommended-withdraw|

| | | |n |

| |Sentence: 6 Years |Reception Date: 8/13/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/5/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Cocaine Crumb), 5 years (1 year and 20 days previously served), CRF 98-3009, (originally a |

|delayed sentence 8/5/98, sentenced to 5 years suspended and released 11/30/98, 6 months county jail revoked 10/12/99, revoked 6/18/2003) |

| |

|+OSCN and Summary Of Facts states that this case is actually 2003-442 and that the CRF number on the J&S is actually a clerical error. Records is attempting |

|to get this corrected. |

| |

|*Note: OSCN states that this case is running CC and DOC has sent for the J&S. |



|Hooten, Jr., Charles E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|458772 | |

|OFFENSE |Marshall County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Bringing Contraband Into Jail |CRF: 2003-109 | |05/05 Parole-denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years (5 years |Reception Date: 10/30/2003 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/8/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Hopkins, Jr., Donald R. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|209058 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|# Eluding/Attempting To Elude Police Officer, AFCF |CRF: 2004-520 | |None (5/2007 - PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years (15 Years |Reception Date: 2/10/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/3/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 1, Attempting To Elude An Officer, 3 years, Atoka County, CF-2004-176. |

|CC: Count 2, Failure to Stop At A Roadblock |



|Hotchkiss, Scott D. |Personal Appearance: Waived |

|391726 | |

|OFFENSE |Custer County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Grand Larceny A Felony, AFC (2) Felonies |CRF: 2000-69 | |05/05 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 35 years (20 years |Reception Date: 3/9/01 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/20/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Unauthorized use of a Vehicle, AFC (2) Felonies, CRF 2000-60. |



|Howell, Shanna NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|451866 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2003-1671 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years (3 Years |Reception Date: 2/9/2006 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/3/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Hubbard Jr., Vincent E. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|384743 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Trafficking in Illegal Drugs (Cocaine) |CRF: 2000-1291 | |5/05 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 11/17/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/21/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Huff, Carroll E. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|236960 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: TS 85 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 2: Soliciting Minor Child to Perform Sex Act |CRF: 95-61 | |None (5/09, 1/3) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years |Reception Date: 10/28/02 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/26/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Hufnagel, Phillip L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|376872 | |

|OFFENSE |Greer County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Escape from Penal Institution |CRF: 02-14 | |5/05 Parole - denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 11/1/03 (rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: *11/24/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Bail Jumping AFC2F, 10 years (5 years suspended), 5/22/02, Cleveland County, CRF 01-1146. |

|CC: UUMV, AFC2F, 10 years (5 years suspended), 5/22/02, Cleveland County, CRF 01-720 |

|CC: Count 2, KCSP, AFC2F, 10 years (5 years suspended), 5/22/02, Cleveland County, CRF 01- 720 |



|Humdy, Tony D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|243867 | |

|OFFENSE |Carter County |Authority: 3 Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count I: Attempted Robbery With Firearm |CRF: 92-281 | |5/2003 Parole, |

| | | |Denied (5/2009, 3 |

| | | |years) |

| |Sentence: Life |Reception Date: 4/23/96 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: Life |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count III, Murder I, Life Without Parole |



|Hunt, Dewayne NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|107919 | |

|OFFENSE |Jackson County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1 Trafficking AFCF |CRF: 98-257 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 9/28/99 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/14/2018 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Hunter, Lemaune D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|424389 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: 85% (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Lewd Molestation |CRF: 2002-1674 | |None (5/2007 - PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 Years (10 Years |Reception Date: 6/18/2002 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/28/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Hurd, Kenny D. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|248735 | |

|OFFENSE |Grady County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Assault And Battery With A Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 2004-229 | |N/A (5/2007 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years (14 years |Reception Date: 3/15/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/14/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Ingram, Bobby J. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|151800 | |

|OFFENSE |Carter County |Authority: *1/3 (6/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2005-264 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 Years |Reception Date: 2/9/2006 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/9/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Ireland, Jason W. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|415871 | |

|OFFENSE |Creek County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|# Count 2: Attempting to Elude Police Officer |CRF: 02-134 | |None (5/2007- PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 1/11/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/19/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 3, 4 and 5: Running a Roadblock. (Same history) |

|CC: Possession Stolen Vehicle, 4 years, Tulsa County, CF: 04-4790 (originally controlling case, received 1/11/05.) |



|Jackson, Bobby L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|508308 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: * 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession Of CDS With Intent To Distribute, Marijuana |CRF: 04-571 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 years |Reception Date: 7/22/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/16/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Jackson, Keelan W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|205891 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Ct. 1: Possession of Firearm, AFCF |CRF: 98-6146 | |5/2005 Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 12 years |Reception Date: 4/27/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/20/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Jackson, Robert J. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|176334 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|#Manslaughter I, AFC2F |CRF: 92-4575 | |1/04 Parole - Denied|

| | | |(5/07 - PTD) |

| |Sentence: 20 years |Reception Date: 1/26/93 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/1/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Jackson, Roderick L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|449993 | |

|OFFENSE |Muskogee County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Ct. 1: Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent |CRF: 2004-343 | |None. |

|to Distribute (Marijuana) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 6/2/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/24/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Ct. 2: Possession of Stolen Vehicle, CRF 2003-190. (Originally 5 years deferred, 6/25/03, accelerated 2/26/05) |



|Jacobson, Barry F. |Personal Appearance: No |

|520226 | |

|OFFENSE |Rogers County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, DUI, AFC |CRF: 05-505 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 years |Reception Date: 1/20/06 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/19/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Jiles, Joe E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|443659 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Substance AFC2F |CRF: 2004-330 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (4 Years |Reception Date: 7/27/2004 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/1/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1: Burglary II, CRF 2004-279 |

|CC: Count 1: Unlawful Possession Of Controlled Drug With Intent To Distribute, 6 years (60 days previously served), CRF 2003-66 (originally 6 years [60 days|

|county jail, balance suspended] 3/17/2003, 2 years revoked 7/9/2004, balance revoked 7/15/2004) |

| |

|CS: Unlawful Possession Of Drugs In A Penal Institution, 5 years, Atoka County, CRF 2005-93 |



|Johnson, Adam D. |Personal Appearance: Y-2 |

|477342 | |

|OFFENSE |Harmon County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 2: Arson II |CRF: 2003-27 | |06/05 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. (05/07 PTD)|

| |Sentence: 10 years (5 years |Reception Date: 7/8/04 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/28/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1: Burglary II, 7 years (2 years suspended) |



|Johnson, Dewayne C. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|144711 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: 3 Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Rape I |CRF: 90-90 | |5/2003 Parole - |

| | | |Denied (5/2007, PTD)|

| |Sentence: 40 Years |Reception Date: 7/17/90 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/6/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Johnson, Ervin NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|432647 | |

|OFFENSE |Washita County |Authority: *1/3 (7/05) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I: Trafficking in Illegal Drugs |CRF: 2002-25 | |5/05 Parole - Denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 10/15/02 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/20/2012 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Johnson, Floyd H. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|148883 | |

|OFFENSE |Jackson County |Authority: *1/3 (07/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Controlled Substance, AFC (2) Felonies |CRF: 2002-116 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years (10 years |Reception Date: 7/3/03 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/30/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Johnson, Gary W. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|400968 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Larceny Of Merchandise From Retailer |CRF: 2004-530 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years (1 Year |Reception Date: 8/4/2005 |

| |Previously Served, 1 Year | |

| |Suspended) |Projected Release Date: 10/30/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Larceny Of Merchandise >From Retailer, 10 years (7 years suspended), CRF 2005-277 |



|Johnson, Marvin E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|129466 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of A Controlled Dangerous Substance of |CRF: 86-588 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|Phencyclidine AFC 2 or More Felonies | | |Denied. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 40 years |Reception Date: 5/4/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/23/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Johnson, Paul L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|81766 | |

|OFFENSE |Lincoln County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Larceny Of Automobile AFCF |CRF: 94-31 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 25 Years |Reception Date: 6/2/94 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/10/2018 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Johnson, Torrance D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|510553 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Assault and Battery Upon Police Officer |CRF: 2005-755 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 11/29/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/17/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|Detainer: Bail Jumping, Creek County, CRF 2005-94. |



|Jolls, Robert D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|203297 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Distribution Of Controlled Substance, Including |CRF: 98-4076 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|Possession With Intent | | |Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 2/19/2001 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/24/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Possession of A Firearm, AFCF |



|Jones, Brandy N. |Personal Appearance: No |

|455219 | |

|OFFENSE |Grady County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Uttering Forged Instrument |CRF: 2003-85 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 4/15/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/10/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|Counts 2 & 3. (Same history) |



|Jones, Johnny B. |Personal Appearance: No |

|518809 | |

|OFFENSE |Cotton County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Burglary in the Second Degree |CRF: 2005-48 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 years (4 years |Reception Date: 12/2/05 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/15/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Jones, Terrie L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|523371 | |

|OFFENSE |Grady County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Unlawful Possession Of Controlled Drug With |CRF: 2005-200 | |None |

|Intent To Distribute | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 8 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 2/1/06 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/14/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|Detainer: Offense Unknown, pending, Oklahoma County, CF 2002-5259. |



|Jordan, Joshua W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|369460 | |

|OFFENSE |Bryan County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Possession of Controlled Substance |CRF: 2003-368 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 7/12/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/18/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count II. |

|CC: Possession/Furnish Precursor Substance, 10 years (5 years suspended) CRF 2003-367. |

|CC: Count I, Possession of Controlled Drug, 5 years, CRF 99-514, (sentenced to 3 years deferred 8/18/00, accelerated 2/15/05) |

|CC: Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, 5 years, CRF 99-514, (sentenced to 3 years deferred 8/18/00, accelerated 2/15/05) |

| |

| |

|CS: DUI, Alcohol, 1 year, Bryan County, CRF 2005-2. |

|CC: Assault and Battery Upon Police Officer |



|Kaufman, Lee R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|216961 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Controlled Drug |CRF: 2002-3688 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 8/31/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/28/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Kinder, Michael W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|246619 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Stolen Vehicle, AFCF |CRF: 2001-1179 | |5/2005 Parole- |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 5/16/2001 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/2/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Stolen Vehicle With Altered Serial Number, AFCF |

|CC: Count 3, Concealing Stolen Property, AFCF |



|King, John P. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|91284 | |

|OFFENSE |Murray County |Authority: *1/3 (07/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug with Intent to |CRF: 2001-118 | |None. |

|Distribute | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 years |Reception Date: 1/23/02 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/19/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Klinekole, Jr., William B. |Personal Appearance: No |

|504763 | |

|OFFENSE |Caddo County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Driving A Motor Vehicle While Under The Influence of |CRF: 2004-285 | |None |

|Alcohol, 2nd and Subsequent Offense | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 6/10/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/21/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: 5 years (30 days previously served, 5 days unspecified), CRF 2004-215. (Originally 5 years [30 days county jail, balance suspendeed], 10/5/2004, 4 years|

|and 330 days revoked 11/19/2004) |

| |

|CS: Count 1: Possession Of Contraband By An Inmate, 5 years (4-1/2 years suspended upon completion of alcohol/drug treatment), Harmon County, CRF 2005-22. |



|Knebel, John H. |Personal Appearance: No |

|448483 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Ct.1: Making False Declaration of Ownership to |CRF: 2004-4238 | |None. |

|Pawnbroker | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 9/7/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/30/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Ct. 2, 2 years. |

| |

|Detainer: (PV) Burglary of Habitat, 25 years, Texas DOC, TX 92-355-K277. (Received 11/6/92, paroled 6/17/03, active) |



|Knight, Anthony D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|178428 | |

|OFFENSE |Logan County |Authority: *1/3 (5/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Substance |CRF: 2004-278 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years (60 Days |Reception Date: 2/7/2006 |

| |Previously Served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/24/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, 1 year (60 days previously served). (Originally 1 year [60 days county jail, balance suspended) |

|12/1/2004, revoked 9/2/2005. (Discharged 2/7/2006) |



|Koetting, Kenneth R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|275048 | |

|OFFENSE |Noble County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Larceny Of Domestic Animal (Cattle), AFC2MF |CRF: 95-37 | |5/05 Parole- Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years |Reception Date: 5/14/99 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/25/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Lacy, Christopher L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|471437 | |

|OFFENSE |Payne County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Burglary II |CRF: 2004-173 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years (1 Year, 1 Month,|Reception Date: 6/17/2005 |

| |and 14 Days Previously Served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/22/2011 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, CRF 2004-172 |

|CC: Count 1: Burglary II, CRF 2004-171 |

|CC: Counts 2 - 4: Possession Of Firearm With Removed Serial Number, 5 years, CRF 2004-171 |

|CC: Count 5: Possession Of Sawed Off Shotgun/Rifle, 2 years, CRF 2004-171 |

|CC: Count 6: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, 5 years, CRF 2004-171 |



|Lamb, Mark C. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|213369 | |

|OFFENSE |Garvin County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|#Felony Assault and Battery Upon Police Officer |CRF: 2004-424 | |None (05/2007, PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 years (2 years |Reception Date: 1/26/2006 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/7/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CRF 2004-425 |

|CC: CRF 2004-426 |

|*CC: Felony Sexual Battery, 10 years (6 months previously served, 6 years 6 months suspended) CRF 2003-202. (Originally 10 years [6 months county jail, |

|balance suspended], 1/30/04, 3 years revoked 8/29/05.) |

|*CC: Felony Sexual Battery, CRF 2003-422. |

|*CC: Felony Sexual Battery Felony Indecent Exposure, CRF 2003-423. |

| |

|*Same history |



|Lambert, Tina F. |Personal Appearance: No |

|375032 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Child Stealing, AFCF |CRF: 2005-753 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years (3 Years |Reception Date: 6/21/05 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/18/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Count 1: Larceny Of Automobile, 3 years, Tulsa County, CF 2001-4471. |

|*CC: Count 2: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, 3 counts, CRF 2001-4471. |

|CC: Count 1: Attempted Larceny Of Automobile, 2 years, Tulsa County, CF 99-3900, (originally deferred, 8/7/99, accelerated to suspended 6/23/03, revoked |

|2/22/05.) |

| |

|*suspended 6/23/03, revoked 2/22/05. |



|Lamont, Shannon L. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|377341 | |

|OFFENSE |Rogers County |Authority: T/S .85 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Burglary I |CRF: 2000-128 | |None (5/2007-PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 11/20/00 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/25/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Robbery II |

| |

|CS: Count 3: Larceny Of Motor Vehicle, 7 years (4 years 6 months suspended), Rogers County, CF 2000-128. |



|Landry, William NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|464417 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Unauthorized Use of Vehicle, AFCF |CRF: 2004-625 | |05/05 Parole- denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 years |Reception Date: 4/20/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/23/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Lane, Timothy D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|422903 | |

|OFFENSE |Muskogee County |Authority: */13 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of CDS (Methamphetamine) |CRF: 2001-178 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 9/25/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/28/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Lardi, Michael NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|493802 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Possession of Firearm While on Supervised |CRF: 2005-354 | |None. |

|Probation | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 Years |Reception Date: 11/10/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/22/06 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug with Intent to Distribute, 7 years (Balance Suspended with Completion of DOWC or the Equivalent) CRF 2004-56, |

|(suspended 12/9/04, revoked 10/6/05) |



|Larmore, Michael J. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|278084 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property |CRF: 2005-5356 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 Years (4 Years |Reception Date: 1/24/06 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/27/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts II, III & IV. |

|CC: Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug, CRF 2005-5131. |



|Lash Jr., Robert M. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|369526 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Manufacture of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: CRF 99-0040 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 3/29/00 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/2/08 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts I & III, Possession of Controlled Substance, 10 years, discharged 4/24/04. |

|CC: Counts I & II, Assault and/or Battery with Dangerous Weapon, 5 years, CRF 99-0567, discharged 4/4/02. |

| |

|CS: Count I, Interference with Performance of Duties of Firemen, CRF 99-568 |

|CC: Counts II & III, Assault and/or Battery with Dangerous Weapon. |



|Lawrence, Jr., Billy NMI |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|128906 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Three Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Robbery With A Dangerous Weapon, AFC2F |CRF: 90-3318 | |6/2003 Stage II - |

| | | |Denied (5/2009 - |

| | | |Three Years) |

| |Sentence: 45 Years |Reception Date: 7/20/90 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/6/2023 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2 Assault And/Or Battery With Dangerous Weapon AFC2F |

|CC: Count 1 Robbery With A Dangerous Weapon AFC2F, CRF 90-3319 |

|CC: Count 2 Assault And/Or Battery With Dangerous Weapon AFC2F, CRF 90-3319 |

|CC: Robbery With A Dangerous Weapon AFC2+F, CRF 90-3316, CRF 90-3317, CRF 90-3236 and CRF 90-3321 |



|Lee, Cashawnda L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|279689 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Using a Computer to Obtain Money |CRF: 2000-7083 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 7/3/2006 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/11/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2. (Same history) |

|CC: Count 1, Leaving Scene of Accident, 2 years, CRF 2002-2818. (J&S, 4/6/2003) |

|CC: Count 2, DUI, 1 year, CRF 2002-2818. (J&S, 4/6/2003) |

|CC: Count 1, Larceny of Merchandise From Retailer, 1 year, CRF 2001-2884. (Suspended, 4/17/2002, revoked, 4/17/2003) |

|CC: Count 1, Larceny of Merchandise, 1 year. (Same history as above offense) |

|CC: Count 1, Attempting to Obtain CDS by Forged or Altered Prescription, 4 years, CRF 99-3812. |

|(4 years deferred, 9/21/99, accelerated to 4 years suspended, 4/17/2002, 4 years revoked, 4/17/2003) |



|Lee, Glenn W. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|206701 | |

|OFFENSE |Creek County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession Of Controlled Drug With Intent To Distribute,|CRF: 2001-344 | |None |

|AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 7/14/05 (rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/28/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Lejeune Jr., Calvin NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|273088 | |

|OFFENSE |Stephens County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Substance |CRF: 2004-82 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 4/15/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/10/2013 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CF 2004-490 Count 1, 4 years. |

|CC: Count 1: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent To Distribute, 15 years, CF 97-5454 (Received 3/17/99, paroled 4/15/2002, revoked |

|4/25/2005, owed 2631 days). |

|CC: Count 2: Possession of Firearm During Felony, 10 years CF 97-5454 (Same History as Count 1 CF 97-5454). |

|CC: Count 5: Maintaining Dwelling Where Controlled Dangerous Substance Is Kept, 5 years, CF 97-5454 (Same History as Count 1 CF 97-5454). |

|CC: Count 1: Manufacture of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent To Distribute, 15 years, CF 98-7218 (Same History as Count 1 CF 97-5454). |



|Lemke, Seth P. |Personal Appearance: No |

|194713 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession of Contraband in A Penal Institution|CRF: 92-340 | |5/05 Parole - Denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 10/30/99 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/17/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Lewellyn, Sharon NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|523325 | |

|OFFENSE |Grady County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Obtaining Cash/Merchandise by False and Bogus |CRF: 2005-12 | |None. |

|Check | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (7 Years |Reception Date: 2/1/2006 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/7/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, 1 year, CRF 2004-433. |



|Lindsey, Kevin W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|276246 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Stolen Vehicle |CRF: 2004-4973 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 1/14/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/11/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Burglary II. |

|CC: Count 3, Possession of Controlled Drug, 4 years, CRF 2003-511. (Suspended 8/18/03, Revoked 12/22/04) |



|Littlejohn, Paul E. |Personal Appearance: Y-2 |

|442032 | |

|OFFENSE |Sequoyah County |Authority: 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Ct. 1: Lewd Molestation |CRF: 2002-387 | |None. (05/07 PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 4/25/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/23/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Ct. 2. |



|Livingston, Jack A. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|263412 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Robbery With Firearms |CRF: 97-6380 | |9/2003 Stage II, |

| | | |recommended; denied |

| | | |by Governor |

| | | |(6/2008 - PTD) |

| |Sentence: 25 years |Reception Date: 4/24/98 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/6/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Burglary I, 20 years. |



|Locke, Iona M. |Personal Appearance: No |

|519464 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of Controlled Drug |CRF: 2004-915 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 Years |Reception Date: 12/13/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/5/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Looney, Joshua J. |Personal Appearance: No |

|369785 | |

|OFFENSE |Muskogee County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 2: Possession of Controlled Substance |CRF: 2001-1044 | |5/2005 - Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 8 Years |Reception Date: 10/24/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/15/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Lott, Greg A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|455768 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Unauthorized Use Of Automobile, (AFCF1) |CRF: 2004-729 | |5/2005 Parole- |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 4 Years |Reception Date: 7/28/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/19/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Methamphetamine), 3 years, CRF 2003-3766 (Originally 3 years suspended 8/7/2003, revoked |

|5/14/2004) |



|Love, William D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|219952 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: TS 75 |Next Docket Date: |

|Larceny of Motor Vehicle |CRF: 97-461 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 12/22/04 (rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/11/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Loven, James D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|262028 | |

|OFFENSE |Pushmataha County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug |CRF: 2001-116 | |5/05 Parole- Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 2/22/03 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/8/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Escape from Penal Institution, CRF 2001-143. |

|CC: Conspiracy to Deliver Marijuana AFC2F, 5 years, Payne County, CF: 04-548 (Received 1/28/05) |



|Loving, Tony M. |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|175654 | |

|OFFENSE |McCurtain County |Authority: 1/3 - Next Available |Next Docket Date: |

|#Solicitation of Murder, First Degree |CRF: 95-233 | |None (5/2007 - |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 15 Years |Reception Date: 2/8/2001 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/7/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Lucas, Joseph D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|245177 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property |CRF: 2000-99 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 6/20/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/18/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Feloniously Carrying Firearm. |



|Lugo, Jesus M. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|388695 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent|CRF: 99-5627 | |None |

|To Distribute (Marijuana) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 9/17/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/21/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 1 & 2, Possession of CDS (Cocaine), 10 years (Balance suspended Upon Completion of DOWC Or Equivalent Program), CF-2002-2135. (discharged to |

|suspended 3/10/06, active.) |

|CC: Count 3, DUI, 1 year (Balance suspended Upon Completion of DOWC Or Equivalent Program), CF-2002-2135. (discharged 10/25/03) |

| |

|Detainer: Immigration and Naturalization (Mexico) |



|Lyons, Elizabeth D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|156183 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of CDS/Cocaine |CRF: 2004-862 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 years |Reception Date: 11/4/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/2/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Larceny Of Merchandise From Retailer, AFCF, 5 years, CRF 2003-3447. |



|Mabry, Bruce E. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|477049 | |

|OFFENSE |Creek County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Endeavoring To Manufacture Controlled Dangerous|CRF: 2004-206 | |None |

|Substance | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 Years |Reception Date: 6/23/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/30/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent To Distribute. |

|CC: Malicious Injury to Property Over $2500, 1 year, CRF 2003-253. (Discharged, date unknown) |

| |

|Detainer: Larceny Of Automobile, Bryan County, CRF 2003-138. (Originally 3 years deferred 6/26/2004, Bench Warrant issued 10/14/2004 for Failure to Appear |

|and Pay Fines). |



|Maldonado Sr., Antonio V. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|195470 | |

|OFFENSE |Jackson County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 2: Unlawful Delivery of Controlled Dangerous |CRF: 96-174 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|Substance Within One Thousand Feet of A Public School | | |Denied. |

|AFC 6 F | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 70 years |Reception Date: 12/10/2002 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/9/2072 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Manis, Jackie NMI |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|242979 | |

|OFFENSE |Craig County |Authority: Three years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Kidnapping, AFC1F |CRF: 1995-12 | |Denied (3 |

| | | |years-5/2009) |

| |Sentence: 50 Years |Reception Date: 3/26/1996 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/5/2017 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 2, Shooting With Intent To Kill, AFC1F, 75 years. |

|CS: Count 3, Shooting With Intent To Kill, AFC1F, 100 years (25 years suspended). |



|Marks, Jeremy R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|281308 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle Amended to |CRF: 2000-4653 | |5/2005 - Parole - |

|Larceny Of Auto, AFCF | | |Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 years |Reception Date: 10/13/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/16/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Leaving Scene Of Personal Injury Accident, AFCF, 10 years. |



|Marris, Jeremiah W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|451227 | |

|OFFENSE |Okfuskee County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property |CRF: 2005-85 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 years (1 year |Reception Date: 11/2/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/9/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Marshall, Melvin J. |Personal Appearance: No |

|175219 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Substance |CRF: 2005-303 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 1/6/2006 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/5/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Marshall, Rory A. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|109156 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *10 years (7-0s6) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Larceny of Merchandise From Retailer (More Than|CRF: 96-816 | |None |

|$500) AFC2MF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 60 Years |Reception Date: 12/4/96 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/7/2023 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Martin, Joseph D. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|435425 | |

|OFFENSE |Grady County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|# Count I, Possession of Controlled Substance AFC (2) |CRF: 2004-194 | |None. (5/07 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 1/20/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/14/06 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CRF 2003-416. |

|CC: Assault and Battery with Dangerous Weapon, CRF 2002-231, (sentenced to 10 years suspended 11/19/02, partially revoked 10/21/05) |



|Martin, Thomas E. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|205389 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: T/S.85 |Next Docket Date: |

|# Injury Of Minor Child, AFCF |CRF: 98-117 | |None (2/09; 1/3)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 25 years |Reception Date: 1/4/01 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/23/11 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Martin, Worth L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|461988 | |

|OFFENSE |Stephens County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 3: Burglary II, AFCF |CRF: 04-197 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 10/15/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/19/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 4: Possession of Marijuana, 2nd and Subsequent, AFCF. |

|CC; Possession of Controlled Substance (Crack Cocaine), 5 years (15 days previously served), CRF 03-316, (5 years suspended [15 days jail], 12/18/03, revoked|

|5/27/04.) |



|Martinez, Angel J. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|488203 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 04-625 | |None (9/07 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 yeaers (3 years |Reception Date: 8/31/05 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/9/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Leaving the Scene of Accident with Personal Injury, 2 years. |

|CC: Possession of Firearm, AFCF, CRF 03-4638. |

|CC: Possession of Firearm, AFCF, CRF 03-3254. |

| |

|Detainer: INS - Mexico |



|Martinez, Rogelio NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|519125 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Indecent Exposure |CRF: 05-3236 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 2/7/06 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/4/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|Detainer: INS - Mexico |



|Martinez, Rogelio S. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|263878 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Attempted Rape |CRF: 97-1946 | |08/03 Parole -denied|

| | | |(5/07, PTD ) |

| |Sentence: 25 years |Reception Date: 5/8/98 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/11/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 2, Rape by Instrumentation, 10 years. |



|Mask, James M. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|148275 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 3 years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Murder I |CRF: 88-3541 | |5/03 Parole - Denied|

| | | |(5/2009 - 3 years) |

| |Sentence: Life |Reception Date: 2/22/89 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: Life |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Unauthorized Use Of Motor Vehicle, 5 years, CRF 88-3217 (discharged, date unknown). |

| |

|CS: Count 2, Larceny From A House, 5 years, CRF 88-3541. |

|CC: Count 3, Unauthorized Use Of Motor Vehicle, 5 years, CRF 88-3541. |

|CC: Count 1, Escape From Penal Institution, 7 years, CRF 88-7077. |

| |

|CS: Count 2, Assault With A Dangerous Weapon, 30 years, CRF 88-7077. |

|CC: Count 3, Kidnapping For Purpose Of Extortion, 30 years, CRF 88-7077. |

|CC: Count 4, Possession Of Contraband In Penal Institution, 10 years, CRF 88-7077. |

| |

|CS: Possession Of Contraband (Knife) In Penal Institution, 6 years, Cleveland County, CRF 92-518. |



|Mathenia, Ronnie L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|259417 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (next available) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, |CRF: 2003-860 | |None. |

|AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 Years |Reception Date: 11/3/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/24/08 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count II, Possession of Firearm, AFCF, (same offense history) |

|CC: Count I, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance with Intent to Distribute, CRF 97-2617, (sentenced to delayed sentence 11/14/97, resentenced to 10 |

|years suspended and released to supervision 3/5/98, 6 years revoked 4/26/04, modified to 4 years in district court 4/22/05) |

|CC: Count II, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, CRF 97-2617, (sentenced to delayed sentence 11/14/97, resentenced to 10 years suspended and |

|released to supervision 3/5/98, 6 years revoked 4/26/04, modified to 4 years in district court 4/22/05) |



|Maxwell, Christine L. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|202346 | |

|OFFENSE |Muskogee County |Authority: 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Murder I |CRF: 91-347 | |None (5/2009-3 |

| | | |years) |

| |Sentence: Life |Reception Date: 1/15/1992 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: Life |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Maxwell, Micah L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|239988 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Robbery With Firearm |CRF: 94-6361 | |5/2000 Stage II - |

| | | |Denied (5/2009, |

| | | |Three Years) |

| |Sentence: 35 Years |Reception Date: 12/13/95 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/4/2026 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2 |



|Mayfield, Cody W. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|215519 | |

|OFFENSE |Tillman County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Robbery With Firearms |CRF: 94-18 | |4/05 Parole - |

| | | |Recommended/Denied |

| | | |by Governor. |

| | | |(5/2006 - PTD) |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 9/21/94 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/8/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Robbery With Firearms, AFC |



|McClarty Jr., Elga H. |Personal Appearance: No |

|524033 | |

|OFFENSE |Pontotoc County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Unauthorized Use of Vehicle |CRF: 2000-261 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 2/10/06 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/1/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|McClendon, Johnny R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|097747 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|#Manslaughter I |CRF: 83-3172 | |5/05 Parole - Denied|

| | | |(5/07 - PTD) |

| |Sentence: 25 years |Reception Date: 6/25/84 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/1/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Assault & Battery Upon Correctional Officer, 3 years, Pittsburg County, CRF 91-29. (Modified from 5 years to 3 years 11/30/92.) |



|McCloud, John W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|459872 | |

|OFFENSE |Cotton County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Unauthorized Use Of A Vehicle |CRF: 2003-63 | |5/2005- Parole- |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 11/18/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/11/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|Detainer: Count 1, Endangering A Child, Ct 2, Ct 3, Unauthorized Use of Vehicle, 4 years, Texas, 40869-A1, (sentenced 7/30/2004, placed on Mandatory |

|Supervision, 1/27/2006 with expiration date, 3/18/2008, CC with Oklahoma) |

|Detainer: Unauthorized Use Of A Vehicle, 2 years, Texas, 01-04-0010C-CR, (suspended 9/20/2001, revoked 7/19/2004) |



|McCraven, Michael J. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|522670 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *13 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 05-792 | |None (5/07 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years (3 years |Reception Date: 1/25/06 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/29/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|McCurtain, Jr., Larry M. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|148264 | |

|OFFENSE |Kay County |Authority: Annual from Waiver |Next Docket Date: |

|Driving Under Influence of Alcohol, Second and |CRF: 2004-326 | |05/05 Parole-Waived.|

|Subsequent Offense | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 9/1/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/3/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, DUI, 3 years, 9/24/04, Kay County, CRF 2003-496, (discharged 11/15/05.) |



|McDaniel, Dennis C. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|165386 | |

|OFFENSE |Muskogee County |Authority: 3 Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Attempted Burglary I, AFC2F |CRF: 96-260 | |5/2003 Parole - |

| | | |Denied (5/2007, PTD)|

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 3/19/99 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/15/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 2 and 3, Burglary I, AFC2F, (same offense history) |



|McDonald, Martin B. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|428305 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual From Last Favorable |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2001-2137 | |05/2005 |

|With Intent To Distribute, AFCF | | |Parole-recommended, |

| | | |withdrawn. |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 8/14/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/28/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|McDow Jr., Arthur R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|237809 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle After Two or |CRF: 2004-6423 | |None. |

|More Felony Convictions | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 9/14/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/16/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count II, Falsely Personating Another After Two or More Felony convictions |

|CC: Count III, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, 1 year, discharged-date unknown. |

|CC: Count IV, Concealing Stolen Property, After Two or More Felony Convictions. |

|CC: Count V, DUR, 1 year, discharged-date unknown. |



|McGowen, Edward R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|156938 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property |CRF: 2005-2966 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 9/27/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/19/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|McIntosh, Alfonzo L. |Personal Appearance: Y-2 |

|241817 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 95-3384 | |12/04 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. (05/07 PTD)|

| |Sentence: 30 years (10 years |Reception Date: 2/21/96 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/19/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Robbery I, CRF 95-3742. |

|CC: Count 1: Larceny from a Person, 10 years, CRF 95-3535. |

|CC: Count 2: Concealing Stolen Property, CRF 95-3535. |



|McKinney, Paul E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|117955 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2004-820 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 7/28/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/27/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Embezzlement By Employee, CF 02-697 |



|McMichael, Terry G. |Personal Appearance: No |

|259952 | |

|OFFENSE |Bryan County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Sexual Battery AFC2MF |CRF: 99-468 | |None (5/2009 - |

| | | |Three Years) |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 5/18/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/25/2013 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Burglary I |

|CC: Counts 3 and 4: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property |

|CC: Attempted Escape From County Jail, CRF 99-553 |



|McNeil, Darnell E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|216734 | |

|OFFENSE |Greer County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession Of Contraband Within a State Penal |CRF: 96-16 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|Institution | | |Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 11/21/2003 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/17/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Escape From Penal Institution, 5 years, Pittsburg County, CF 98-315. |



|Miller, Gregory D. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|176746 | |

|OFFENSE |Muskogee County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|#Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 01-575 | |4/05 Parole - denied|

| | | |(5/07 - PTD) |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 12/18/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/3/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Miller, Larry D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|206242 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 3, Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property |CRF: 2004-2863 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 Years |Reception Date: 8/24/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/16/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Miller, Marcus R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|95622 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Controlled Drug, AFC2 or More Felonies |CRF: 89-4506 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 50 years |Reception Date: 7/14/96 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/29/2021 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Assault and Battery on Police Officer, AFC2F, 20 years, CRF 89-5423 |

| |

|CS: Possession of Contraband (Money) In A Penal Institution, 2 years, Cleveland, CRF 93-1032 |

| |

|CS: Conspiracy to Defraud The U.S. By Obtaining False Income Tax Refunds, 60 months, Federal, F94-57T |



|Money, Kenneth L. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|433753 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Domestic Abuse By Strangulation |CRF: 2005-6778 | |N/A (5-2007 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years (1 year |Reception Date: 1/11/2006 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/26/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Domestic Abuse Assault and Battery, 1 year. |



|Moore, James C. |Personal Appearance: No |

|223778 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol, |CRF: 2002-235 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|Second And Subsequent | | |Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 3/25/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/15/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol, Grady County, CRF 2002-2731 |



|Moore, Jeremy L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|256606 | |

|OFFENSE |Wagoner County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|False Personation |CRF: 2003-15 | |5/05 Parole - denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 years 6 months |Reception Date: 3/30/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/21/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Morgan, Elvis W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|160710 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Burglary II, AFCF |CRF: 90-5047 | |5/2005 |

| | | |Parole-Denied |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 12/19/90 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/19/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 2-5. |

| |

|CS: Count 1, Burglary II AFC2MF, 20 Years, CRF: 94-4998. |

|CC: Count 2, Concealing Stolen Property. |

| |

|CS: Escape from a Penitentiary, 2 Years, Muskogee County, CRF: 98-71. |



|Morgerson, Christopher M. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|279672 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Controlled Drug, AFCF |CRF: 2004-1663 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 years |Reception Date: 1/25/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/28/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Drug, AFCF, CRF 2004-1282. (Same history as CRF 2004-1663) |

| |

|CC: Count 1, Unauthorized Use Of Motor Vehicle (As Amended), 3 years, Rogers County, CRF 2004-397. (Received 9/24/04, discharged 11/9/05) |

| |

|CC: Count 2, False Personation, AFC (As Amended), 3 years, Rogers County, CRF 2004-397. (Same history as Count 1, CRF 2004-397) |

| |

|CC: Count 3, Possession Of Marijuana, 1 year, Rogers County, CRF 2004-397. (Same history as Counts 1 & 2, discharge date not specified) |

| |

|CC: Count 5, Carrying A Firearm, 1 years, Rogers County, CRF 2004-397. (Same history as Counts 1-3, discharge date not specified) |

| |

| |

|Detainer: Possession Of CDS, Failure To Appear, Creek County, CRF 2004-111. (Warrants issued 1/13/06) |

| |

|Detainer: Assault & Battery On A Police Officer, Failure To Appear, Creek County, CRF 2004-67. (Warrants issued 1/13/06) |



|Morris, Russell Q. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|421945 | |

|OFFENSE |Pottawatomie County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Conspiracy To Manufacture CDS, AFCF |CRF: 2004-123 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 years |Reception Date: 7/8/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/15/06 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Count 1, Possession of Precursor Substance, Pseudoephedrine Without Permit from OBNDD, 5 years (3 years to run CS), Lincoln County, CRF 2001-140, |

|(**Originally 5 years suspended 1/31/02, revoked 2/3/05 with 2 years to run CC and 3 years to run CS). |

| |

|*CS: Count 1, Possession of Precursor Substance , Pseudoephedrine Without Permit From OBNDD, 5 years (currently serving first 2 years) Lincoln County, CRF |

|2001-140. (**Same history). |

| |

|*Same case. |



|Morrison, James W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|211027 | |

|OFFENSE |Cleveland County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Stolen Vehicle |CRF: 2001-947 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 years |Reception Date: 5/30/02 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/27/2011 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Morrison, Michael B |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|388521 | |

|OFFENSE |Stephens County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug With Intent to |CRF: 2002-291 | |None (** 5/2007, |

|Distribute (AFCF1) | | |PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years (3 Years |Reception Date: 6/16/2005 |

| |Previously Served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: **7/26/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Assault And Battery With A Dangerous Weapon, 4 years, CF 2005-28. (Received as staggered CC case, 8/15/2005. **Stage 2, CRD and PRD based |

|on this case) |



|Morrow, James D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|161422 | |

|OFFENSE |Canadian County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Distribution of a CDS-Methamphetamine |CRF: 03-204 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 6/30/05 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/8/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Muniz-Nunez, Filiberto NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|506081 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Burglary Second Degree |CRF: 2005-5112 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 Years (2 Years |Reception Date: 12/21/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/2/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Murphy, Alton NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|390218 | |

|OFFENSE |Muskogee County |Authority: 3 Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1 Grand Larceny AFCF |CRF: 2000-254 | |None (5/2007 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 2/15/2001 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/26/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1 Robbery By Force Or Fear, CRF 2000-134 |



|Murphy, Angela D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|434911 | |

|OFFENSE |Caddo County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Trafficking In Illegal Drugs |CRF: 2002-39 | |5/05 Parole-Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 11/5/02 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/6/2012 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Murphy, Perry NMN |Personal Appearance: No |

|271469 | |

|OFFENSE |Delaware County |Authority: Annual - Next available |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Delivery of Methamphetamine |CRF: 96-220 | |3/2005 Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years (2 years |Reception Date: 8/5/04 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/22/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Murphy III, Robert T. |Personal Appearance: No |

|251649 | |

|OFFENSE |Johnston County |Authority: 2 Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 2: Forcible Sodomy |CRF: 98-84 | |5/04 Parole- Denied |

| | | |(5/2008- 3 years) |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 2/18/99 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/15/2018 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Murray, Thomas L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|249005 | |

|OFFENSE |Jefferson County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Conspiracy to Manufacture A Controlled Dangerous |CRF: 2001-74 | |None |

|Substance | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 years |Reception Date: 3/14/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/27/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Neil, John R. |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|220455 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Board Placement |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 3, Kidnapping |CRF: 94-4788 | |None (7/08, *1/3) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 5/12/05 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/16/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Nelums, Kenneth M. |Personal Appearance: No |

|452711 | |

|OFFENSE |Ottawa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Substance |CRF: 2003-168 | |5/2005 Parole, |

| | | |recommended - |

| | | |withdrawn. |

| |Sentence: 5 years (30 days |Reception Date: 1/30/2004 |

| |previously served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/13/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Nichols, Devin D. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|510223 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Robbery II |CRF: 2003-3085 | |None (5/07 PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years (4 Years |Reception Date: 1/25/06 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/24/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Nicholson, Travis L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|176310 | |

|OFFENSE |Hughes County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession Of Contraband In A Penal Institution |CRF: 99-187 | |6/2004 Stage II - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 6/21/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/19/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Perjury, 2 years, Comanche County, CRF 2000-578, (effective 4/10/2003, discharged 6/7/2004) |



|Nino, Jesse NMI |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|399574 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Assault and Battery With Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 2001-3997 | |None (4/2008 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 Years |Reception Date: 4/12/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/21/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Possession of Firearm After Juvenile Adjudication, 4 years & 8 months, CF-2001-937. (Originally 5 years suspended [serve 120 days county jail], 5/3/01, |

|revoked 2/20/02.) |



|Nixon, Willis NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|444545 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Conspiracy To Commit Felony Burglary II |CRF: 2003-1148 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 4/9/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/15/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 2: Burglary II, 7 years. |



|Nolen, Nathaniel L. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|482073 | |

|OFFENSE |Ottawa County |Authority: 1/3* |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Rape II |CRF: 2004-95 | |None. (5/2007,PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years (6 months |Reception Date: 1/28/2005 |

| |previously served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/30/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Norton, Myrl A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|109720 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2005-4440 | |N/A |

|(Marijuana), AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 years |Reception Date: 2/8/2006 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/25/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1: Obtaining Property Under False Pretenses, 1 year, CF 2005-5229. |



|Nowakowski, Paul W. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|218657 | |

|OFFENSE |Sequoyah County |Authority: 3 Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 3 Rape I |CRF: 95-306 | |5/2003 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (Balance |Reception Date: 4/25/2000 |

| |Suspended Upon Completion Of SOTP) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/28/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 1 and 2 Furnishing Alcoholic Beverage To Minor, 5 Years (Balance Suspended Upon Completion Of SOTP) (Same offense history) |



|O'Bryan, Johnny H. |Personal Appearance: No |

|171659 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: T/S .75 |Next Docket Date: |

|False Impersonation, AFCF |CRF: 94-2144 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 12/1/05 (rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/20/11 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Odell, Jimmy D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|247232 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Stolen Vehicle, AFCF |CRF: 99-6196 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 10/13/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/25/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, 8 Years, CRF 2000-1172. (Received 7/18/00) |



|Olinger, Jeremy T. |Personal Appearance: No |

|390019 | |

|OFFENSE |Woodward County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Larceny Of Automobile |CRF: 2002-141 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 7/24/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/6/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Burglary II, 7 Years (6 Months Previously Served), CRF 2002-44 (Originally 7 years [6 months county jail, balance suspended], 2/26/2002, revoked |

|6/11/2002) |

| |

|CC: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, 5 Years, Kingfisher County, CRF 2001-70 (Suspended 11/29/2001, revoked 10/10/2002) |

| |

|CC: Attempted Escape From A County Jail, 3 Years And 6 Months, CRF 2002-130 (Discharged, date unknown) |

| |

|*CS: Count 1 Assault Upon An Officer Of Juvenile Affairs Employee, 2 Years, Pottawatomie County, CRF 2000-592 |

|*CC: Count 2 |

| |

|*Originally filed in juvenile court 2/22/2000, certified to stand trial as an adult, date unknown, delayed sentence, 2/13/2001, sentenced to 5 years deferred |

|and released 5/30/2001, accelerated 10/30/2002. |



|Oliver, Jeremy L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|380997 | |

|OFFENSE |Payne County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession Of Substances With Intent To |CRF: 2001-64 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|Manufacture Controlled Dangerous Substance, AFCF | | |Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 8/1/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/21/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 3, Possess Firearm While Committing A Felony, AFCF |

|CC: Count 4, Possession Of Controlled Substance, AFCF |

|CC: Count 1, Possession Of Substance With Intent To Manufacture Controlled Drug, CRF 2000-177 |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent To Distribute, CRF 2000-177 |

| |

|CC: Count 2, Unlawful Possession And Use Of Police Radio, AFCF, 3 years, CRF 2001-64, (discharged 7/1/2004) |

|CC: Count 1, Obtaining Cash/Merchandise By False Pretense, 3 years, CRF 97-416, (discharged 7/1/2004) |

|CC: Count 5, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance Without Tax Stamp Affixed, AFCF, 5 years, CRF 2001-64, (discharged 6/10/2005) |

|CC: Count 6, Possession Of A Precursor Substance, AFCF, 5 years, CRF 2001-64, (discharged 6/10/2005) |

| |

|CS: Count 1, Conspiracy To Possess Controlled Drugs (Methamphetamine) With Intent To Distribute, 5 years, CRF 2002-628 |

| |

|CS: Count 1, Forgery II, 5 years, Oklahoma County, CRF 97-5513, (suspended 8/17/2000, revoked 8/3/2005) |

|CC: Count 3, Possession Controlled Drugs, (same offense history as Count 1) |



|Ortega, Benjamin A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|275543 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Larceny Of Copper |CRF: 2005-2087 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 years |Reception Date: 1/10/2006 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/26/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Ortiz, Alexander B. |Personal Appearance: No |

|510724 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Controlled Drug |CRF: 05-1196 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 Years |Reception Date: 12/27/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/6/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Attempted Escape. |



|Osborne, Deborah NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|409275 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Controlled Drug |CRF: 2004-4561 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 1/25/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/17/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Overton, Charles O. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|160301 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Burglary II, AFCF |CRF: 94-4038 | |05/05 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. |

| |Sentence: 20 years |Reception Date: 10/24/98 (rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/2/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Owens, Harlen NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|165618 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2001-6605 | |None |

|Cocaine | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 Years (4 Years |Reception Date: 2/8/06 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/23/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Paraphernalia, 1 year (Same history) |



|Page, Chad W. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|264192 | |

|OFFENSE |Marshall County |Authority: * 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|# Assault &/Or Battery With Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 03-89 | |None (5/07; PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 8 1/2 years |Reception Date: 5/12/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/3/08 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Endeavoring To Manufacture CDS, 7 years, Carter County, CRF-03-406. |

|CC: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, 5 years, Bryan County, CRF-03-448. |

|CC: Possession Of Controlled Substance, 4 years, 240 days, Marshall County, CRF-00-193. (Originally 4 years suspended [serve 90 days county jail], 3/2/01, |

|30 days revoked to county jail 4/7/03, balance revoked 12/16/03). |



|Pahdocony, Cody C. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|428430 | |

|OFFENSE |Pottawatomie County |Authority: 85% |Next Docket Date: |

|# Count 1: Burglary I |CRF: 2002-125 | |None (5/2007 - PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years (2 years |Reception Date: 8/15/2002 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/1/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Robbery With Firearm. |



|Parker, Germaine L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|211181 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 3 years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Rape I |CRF: 91-5771 | |5/03 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. (5/09 - 3 |

| | | |years) |

| |Sentence: 25 years |Reception Date: 12/30/92 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/15/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2. |



|Parker, Steven D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|172444 | |

|OFFENSE |Cleveland County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Burglary II |CRF: 99-338 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 3/2/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/3/2014 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Pate, Susan E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|251810 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Receiving, Holding or Concealing Debit Card, |CRF: 2004-471 | |None |

|AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 years (10 years |Reception Date: 11/23/04 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/22/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Uttering A Forged Instrument, AFCF, 10 years (5 years suspended), CRF 2001-232. (Originally 10 years [5 years suspended], 8/2/01, discharged to|

|suspended 11/3/03, 5 years revoked 11/5/04) |



|Paul, Courtnell A. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|500254 | |

|OFFENSE |Okfuskee County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession Of Controlled Drug With Intent To |CRF: 2004-106 | |None |

|Distribute (Marijuana) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 4/21/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/7/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Payne, Gary L. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|262010 | |

|OFFENSE |Logan County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Eluding/Attempting To Elude Police Officer |CRF: 2002-127 | |05/05 Parole-denied |

|AFC2F | | |(5/2007 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 10/23/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/23/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Payne, III, Richard W. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|260451 | |

|OFFENSE |Muskogee County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1 Attempted Manufacture Of Controlled Dangerous |CRF: 2004-131 | |None |

|Substance | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 7/16/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/2/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CRF 2003-741 |

|CC: CRF 2003-258 |



|Pendergraft, Jr., John D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|434758 | |

|OFFENSE |Woods County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Larceny of Merchandise from Retailer |CRF: 2001-71 | |5/05 Parole- denied.|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 11/14/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/23/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Pendleton, Terry L. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|213595 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 2 Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Child Abuse |CRF: 96-1375 | |5/2004 Parole - |

| | | |Denied (9/2008, PTD)|

| |Sentence: 30 Years |Reception Date: 11/20/96 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/25/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Penny, Kathy S. |Personal Appearance: Y-2 |

|373531 | |

|OFFENSE |Beckham County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Burglary I |CRF: 99-26 | |6/2005 Stage II, |

| | | |Recommended, Denied |

| | | |by Governor. (5/07, |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 20 years (3 years |Reception Date: 6/6/00 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/3/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Pesina, Jonas NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|260072 | |

|OFFENSE |Jackson County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1 Escape From County Jail AFCF |CRF: 99-406 | |None (5/2009 - 3 |

| | | |Years) |

| |Sentence: 30 Years (10 Years |Reception Date: 1/18/2001 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/7/2020 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 1 and 2 Attempted Robbery With Firearm AFCF, CRF 99-358 |

|CC: Count 1 Rape II, CRF 99-157 |

|*CC: Count 1 Lewd Exhibition Of Person, 15 Years, Caddo County, CRF 2004-323 (Staggered, effective 12/9/2005) |



|Phelps, Glen E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|150762 | |

|OFFENSE |Custer County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Indecent Exposure, AFC2F |CRF: 98-249 | |5/05, Parole- Denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 12/15/98 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/28/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Indecent Exposure AFC1F, 25 Years (10 Years Prev. Serv., 3 Years Suspended), Noble County, CRF 89-49 (Originally 25 years [15 years suspended], 6/4/91, |

|discharged to suspended 4/29/95, 12 years revoked 3/7/2003) |



|Phillips, Candice R. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|448126 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: 85% |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, First Degree Robbery |CRF: 2003-33 | |None. (5/2007 - |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (6 Years |Reception Date: 5/29/2003 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/20/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2. |



|Pinneo, Barry A. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|178217 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: 1/3* |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 2: Attempted Robbery by Fear |CRF: 2002-2533 | |None. (5/2007, PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 12 years and 6 months |Reception Date: 1/7/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/24/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 3. |



|Poggermeyer, Brian NMI |Personal Appearance: Y-2 |

|222481 | |

|OFFENSE |Delaware County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Assault & Battery with Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 2004-293 | |None. (5/07 PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years (7 years |Reception Date: 9/2/05 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/28/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Pointer, Larry J. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|142823 | |

|OFFENSE |Custer County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Controlled Drug with Intent to Distribute,|CRF: 03-385 | |5/05 Commutation - |

|AFCF | | |recommended, |

| | | |recommendation |

| | | |withdrawn due to |

| | | |misconduct. |

| |Sentence: 4 years |Reception Date: 5/21/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/15/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Pope, Denise R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|384876 | |

|OFFENSE |Creek County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle |CRF: 2005-123 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 11/30/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/12/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Controlled Substance. |



|Pope, Shaun M. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|252922 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Assault With Intent To Commit A Felony |CRF: 2001-3367 | |None (6/2007, PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years (2 Years |Reception Date: 7/19/2005 |

| |Previously Served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/16/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, (same offense history) |



|Price, Cecil R. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|201734 | |

|OFFENSE |Atoka County |Authority: 1/3 (Board Policy) |Next Docket Date: |

|# Murder I |CRF: 91-91 | |None (5/09; 3 |

| | | |years) |

| |Sentence: Life |Reception Date: 12/11/91 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: Life |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Price, Terry R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|205230 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1 DUI - Alcohol 2nd Offense |CRF: 03-1302 | |5/2005 Waived |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 2/13/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/8/06 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1; DUI - Alcohol 2nd Offense; CRF 03-1011. |



|Price, Thomas M. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|172031 | |

|OFFENSE |Cleveland County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 5: Rape I |CRF: 88-767 | |None (5/07 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 3/13/03 (rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/7/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 6: |

| |

|CS: Count 7 |

| |

|CS: Count 8 |

| |

|CS: Count 9 |

| |

|CS: Count 10 |

| |

|CS: Count 11 |



|Priest, Zachary L. |Personal Appearance: Y-2 |

|516668 | |

|OFFENSE |Grant County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Rape - Second Degree |CRF: 2004-56 | |None. (05/07 PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 12 years (10 years |Reception Date: 11/3/05 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/3/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Garfield County, CRF 2004-593. |

| |

|CS: Ct. 2: Unlawful Distribution of CDS, 8 years (6 years suspended), Alfalfa County, CRF 2004-23. |



|Pugh, Ramon R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|205477 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 99-6048 | |5/2005 Denied |

|(Cocaine Base) AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 13 Years |Reception Date: 4/25/01 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/6/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 2, Possession of A Firearm AFCF, 16 years. |



|Quick, Sr., Paul D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|195522 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 3 years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Kidnapping, AFC2MF |CRF: 90-3141 | |05/03 Parole- waived|

| | | |(5/2009 - 3 years) |

| |Sentence: 600 Years |Reception Date: 3/20/91 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/18/2242 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 4 Forcible Oral Sodomy AFC2MF, 100 Years |

|CS: Count 6 Forcible Oral Sodomy AFC2MF, 100 Years |

|CS: Count 7 Rape I AFC2MF, 600 Years |

|CS: Count 11 Forcible Oral Sodomy AFC2MF, 300 Years |

|CS: Count 12 Forcible Anal Sodomy AFC2MF, 300 Years |

|CS: Count 13 Shooting With Intent To Kill AFC2MF, 100 Years |

|CS: Count 14 Rape II By Instrumentation AFC2MF, 100 Years |



|Ralston, Richard A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|513956 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: 1/3* |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Leaving Scene of Accident - Personal Injury |CRF: 2005-2920 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 years |Reception Date: 12/13/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/30/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Rantila, Reno A. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|394214 | |

|OFFENSE |Rogers County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Assault With A Dangerous Weapon, AFCF |CRF: 2004-666 | |None (5/2007 - PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 9/30/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/27/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Assault and Battery With Dangerous With A Dangerous Weapon. |



|Ratcliffe, William J. |Personal Appearance: No |

|167294 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2004-3772 | |N/A |

|(Cocaine), AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years (7 years |Reception Date: 8/18/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/24/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Rawlings, Joseph W. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|258072 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of CDS with Intent to Distribute |CRF: 2003-2857 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|(Meth), AFC2+F | | |Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years (15 years |Reception Date: 1/12/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/24/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Possession of CDS (Meth), CRF 2002-6766. |

|CC: Count 1, Possession of Precursor with Intent to Manufacture, AFC2+F, CRF 2002-6069. |

|CC: Counts 1 & 2, Concealing Stolen Property, AFC2+F, 5 years, CRF 2002-6750. |



|Ray, Tygon M. |Personal Appearance: Y-2 |

|506700 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Ct. 1: Assault with a Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 2005-1202 | |None. (05/07 PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years and 6 months |Reception Date: 7/5/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/28/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CRF 2005-1202. |



|Rea, Elmer A. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|376286 | |

|OFFENSE |Pawnee County |Authority: 3 years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 99-32 | |05/03 Parole-denied |

| | | |(5/2007 - PTD) |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 7/18/00 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/12/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Burglary II, 2 years, Tulsa County, CF 99-3736. (discharged 3/8/03) |



|Reames, Markus E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|258016 | |

|OFFENSE |Carter County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol - |CRF: 2004-708 | |None. |

|Subsequent Offense | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 1/12/06 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/2/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Reed, Donna M. |Personal Appearance: No |

|146839 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Larceny of Merchandise From Retailer - Third |CRF: 2005-1564 | |None. |

|Offense, AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 Years |Reception Date: 1/10/2006 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/11/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Reed, Jr., Hayward NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|160148 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 3 Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Rape I |CRF: 87-3635 | |5/2003 Parole - |

| | | |Denied (5/2009 - 3 |

| | | |Years) |

| |Sentence: 45 Years |Reception Date: 6/19/88 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/15/2031 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Count 1 Concealing Stolen Property, 5 Years, CRF 86-6839 |

|*CC: Count 2 Concealing Stolen Property, 5 Years, CRF 86-6841 |

| |

|CS: Count 2 Kidnapping For The Purpose Of Extortion, 45 Years |

| |

|*Originally 2 years deferred 1/29/87, accelerated to 5 years 5/25/88, discharged date unknown |



|Remlinger, Shawn M. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|249017 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Controlled Drug, AFCF |CRF: 2004-4266 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 years |Reception Date: 1/25/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: *9/16/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Drug, AFCF, 5 years (6 months previously served), CRF 2002-5644. (Originally received 5 years incarceration 1/23/04, |

|modified by District Court to time served, balance of 4 years, six months suspended, and released to probation 5/3/04, revoked 1/10/05) |



|Richardson, Kenneth M. |Personal Appearance: No |

|203816 | |

|OFFENSE |Payne County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Uttering A Forged Instrument |CRF: 2005-827 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years (3 years |Reception Date: 1/24/2006 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/11/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property |



|Richmond, Clyde NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|91843 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Robbery With Dangerous Weapon AFCF |CRF: 98-641 | |None (5/2007 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 5/27/99 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/26/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Rivers, April D. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|274085 | |

|OFFENSE |Custer County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Prisoner Placing Body Fluid on Government |CRF: 2005-159 | |None. (5/2007 - |

|Employee | | |PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 Years |Reception Date: 11/18/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/20/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Driving a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence Alcohol Aggravated - Second & Subsequent, 5 years (3 years suspended), CRF 2004-333. |

|(5 years suspended, 8/23/2004, 2 years revoked, 10/31/2005) |

|CC: Count 1, Driving a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence Alcohol Aggravated - Second & Subsequent, 5 years (3 years suspended), CRF 2004-188. (5 years|

|suspended, 8/23/2004, 2 years revoked, 10/31/2005) |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Marijuana - Second & Subsequent Offense, 5 years (3 years suspended), CRF 2004-188. |

|(Same history as above offense) |

|CC: Count 1, Burglary in the Second Degree, 7 years (548 days PTS; 1 year unspecified; balance suspended), CRF 98-251. |

|(2 years deferred, 6/21/99, accelerated to 7 years [balance suspended upon completion RTP], 1/25/2001, Court ordered released to suspended portion, 7/26/2002,|

|2 years revoked, 10/31/2005) |



|Rivers, Orville P. |Personal Appearance: No |

|177298 | |

|OFFENSE |Hughes County |Authority: TR 75 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Contraband by Inmate Of Penal Institution |CRF: 98-10 | |None (1/3, 4/07) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 10/13/2005 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/25/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Roberson Jr., William R. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|272703 | |

|OFFENSE |Pottawatomie County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Assault and Battery With A Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 97-391 | |None (5/07, PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 9/22/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/14/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Robertson Jr., Michael C. |Personal Appearance: No |

|260982 | |

|OFFENSE |Carter County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol-Subsequent |CRF: 2004-626 | |None |

|Offense | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 2/10/2006 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/4/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Robinson, Elmer J. |Personal Appearance: No |

|142577 | |

|OFFENSE |Logan County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1 Unlawful Delivery of Controlled Dangerous |CRF: 98-69 | |None |

|Substance (Crack Cocaine) AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 years |Reception Date: 10/11/01 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/28/06 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Unlawful Delivery of Controlled Substance AFCF (Crack Cocaine); CRF 99-355. |

|CC: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property AFCF; 10 years; CRF 99-357. |



|Robinson, Jackie M. |Personal Appearance: No |

|214482 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Larceny from Person, AFCF |CRF: 93-687 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 20 years |Reception Date: 11/7/94 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/25/09 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, KCSP, AFCF, 5 years, CRF 93-2311 (discharged 1/28/97) |



|Rock, Tony J. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|151505 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession Of Controlled Drug, AFCF |CRF: 2004-51 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 years |Reception Date: 7/8/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/22/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance, AFCF, 4 years, Rogers County, CRF 2004-196. (Received 7/8/04) |

| |

|CC: Count 2, DUI/Drugs, 10 years (7 years previously served), Rogers County, CRF 98-97. (Originally 10 years w/3 years suspended 12/22/98, discharged to |

|suspended portion 12/26/01, revoked 6/28/04, discharged, date not specified) |



|Rodriguez, Raymond P. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|254653 | |

|OFFENSE |Texas County |Authority: *1/3 (2/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Carrying A Weapon, AFC |CRF: 98-57 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (2 Years |Reception Date: 1/26/2006 |

| |Previously Served, 5 Years | |

| |Suspended) |Projected Release Date: 1/14/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1: Driving A Motor Vehicle While Under The Influence of Alcohol, 5 years (2 years suspended), CRF 2005-22. |



|Rondeau, Paul R. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|483783 | |

|OFFENSE |Beckham County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Trafficking in Illegal Drugs |CRF: 2003-89 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 Years |Reception Date: 9/30/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/8/10 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Ross, Jody D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|278393 | |

|OFFENSE |Sequoyah County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Larceny Of Automobile |CRF: 2000-602 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (Balance |Reception Date: 6/12/2001 |

| |Suspended Upon Completion Of DOWC) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/19/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Ross, Randall L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|370531 | |

|OFFENSE |Pottawatomie County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1 Manufacture Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 99-606 | |None |

|(Methamphetamine) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years |Reception Date: 4/13/00 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/28/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 3; Distribution of Controlled Substance (Marijuana) Including Possession with Intent to Distribute; 10 years. |

| |

|CC: Count 1; Possession of CDS (Cocaine); 5 years Oklahoma County; CRF 96-4846; (5 years deferred, 8/3/98, Accelerated 9/20/00, discharged date unknown) |

|CC; Count 3; Possession of Paraphernalia; 1 year Oklahoma County; CRF 96-4846; (5 years deferred, 8/3/98, Accelerated to 1 year 9/20/00, discharged date |

|unknown) |

|CC: Obtaining Money or Property by Means of False and Bogus Checks; Oklahoma County; CRF 98-1915; (5 years deferred, 8/3/98, Accelerated to 1 year |

|9/20/00, discharged date unknown) |



|Rotert, Kenneth NMI |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|247830 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Sexually Abusing A Minor Child |CRF: 96-2021 | |12/2001 Parole - |

| | | |Denied (11/2008, |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 30 Years |Reception Date: 9/6/96 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/19/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Rowland, Johnny NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|515313 | |

|OFFENSE |Pontotoc County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2005-243 | |None |

|With Intent To Distribute | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (7 Years |Reception Date: 10/18/05 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/13/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Conspiracy To Distribute Methamphetamine |

|CC: Count 3, Possession Of Marijuana Within 2000 Feet OF A Public School, |



|Samarripa, Lorenzo D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|496870 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2004-2448 | |None |

|With Intent, Methamphetamine | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (6 Years |Reception Date: 3/16/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/27/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent, Cocaine. |

| |

|Detainer: Failure To Comply With Order of the Court, Oklahoma County, #2004-0084507-CR and #2003-0070211-CR, Warrant dated 1/19/2006. |



|Sams, David L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|223262 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Burglary II, A2FFC |CRF: 98-5468 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 9/8/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/4/2019 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Sanders, Liddell NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|273050 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count I, Possession of Controlled Drug |CRF: 2004-2048 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 11/23/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: *2/13/12 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count II, False Impersonation. |

|CC: Uttering a Forged Instrument, CRF 2004-1233. |

|*CC: Trafficking in Illegal Drugs, 10 years, CRF 98-1893, (sentenced to 10 years 3/4/99, paroled 4/6/01, revoked 4/25/05, owes 2639 days) |



|Savage, Coy C. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|202866 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Forgery II, AFC2MF |CRF: 94-7029 | |5/05 parole - denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years |Reception Date: 4/15/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/7/11 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Obtaining Cash/Merchandise By False & Bogus Check, 10 years, Canadian County, CRF-01-301. (Same history) |

| |

|CS: Uttering A Forged Instrument, AFC2MF, 35 years, Jefferson County, CRF-03-32. |

| |

|Detainer: Uttering Forged Instruments (4 counts), Canadian County, CRF-04-163. |



|Schermerhorn, William W |Personal Appearance: No |

|078097 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) - 10 years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Lewd Molestation |CRF: 1996-3098 | |None (Three years/ |

| | | |5/2009) |

| |Sentence: 500 Years |Reception Date: 07/11/1997 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/15/2202 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 3, Causing Participation of Minor in Obscene Photos, 500 years, Tulsa County, Pending |



|Schima, Windy D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|199828 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Distribution of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2001-1175 | |None. |

|- Cocaine, AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 12 Years |Reception Date: 8/14/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/9/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Scott, Christopher L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|179090 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 2, Assault With A Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 2002-2385 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. (5/2007 - |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 4 Years |Reception Date: 7/27/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/21/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Possession of Firearm, AFCF (same offense history) |



|Seeley, Vanessa J. |Personal Appearance: No |

|378896 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance - |CRF: 2004-4964 | |None. |

|Cocaine, AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 1/26/2006 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/5/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Paraphernalia, 1 year. |



|Sevier, Jerry D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|215378 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Burglary II |CRF: 92-7716 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 1/18/2006 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/20/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Concealing Stolen Property. (Same History). |



|Shaffer, Terry D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|186610 | |

|OFFENSE |Cleveland County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Endeavoring to Manufacture Controlled Dangerous|CRF: 2005-80 | |None |

|Substance (Methamphetamine) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (7 Years |Reception Date: 9/29/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/8/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Unlawful Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Methamphetamine) |

|CC: Count 3, Unlawful Possession of Sawed-Off Shotgun |

|CC: Count 4, Possession of Firearm During Commission |



|Shaw, Michael D. |Personal Appearance: No |

|187689 | |

|OFFENSE |Grady County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1 Burglary Of Automobile |CRF: 99-315 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 4/28/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/9/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2 (Same offense history) |



|Shewbridge, Ginah NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|380438 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Escape |CRF: 2003-4944 | |5/05 Parole-Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 Years |Reception Date: 10/21/04 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/20/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Shockey, Paul D. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|230300 | |

|OFFENSE |Delaware County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Burglary II |CRF: 2001-511 | |None (5/2007, PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 7/1/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/28/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CRF 2001-371 |

|CC: Counts 1-3, Uttering Forged Instrument, CRF 2001-510 |

|CC: Count 1, Assault With Dangerous Weapon, CRF 2001-489 |

| |

|CC: Count 1, Bail Jumping, 1 year, CRF 2003-31, (discharged 2/2/2004) |



|Simmons, David L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|239167 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of CDS, AFC (3) Felonies |CRF: 2001-42 | |5/05 parole - denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 8/14/01 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: *7/25/08 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Indecent Exposure, AFCF, CRF 2000-575. (Same history) |

|CC: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, AFC3F, CRF 2000-311. (Same history) |

|*CC: Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug- AFCF, 15 years, Coal County, CRF 2000-59. (SCC received 9/13/01) |



|Simpson, Arthur L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|98411 | |

|OFFENSE |McCurtain County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Unlawful Delivery of Controlled Drug |CRF: 03-179 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years (6 months |Reception Date: 5/27/05 |

| |previously served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/9/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 1 and 2, Unlawful Delivery/Distribution of C.D.(Cocaine), 20 years (11 years suspended, 5 years previously served), CRF 92-226 (20 years suspended|

|6/30/93, 5 years revoked 2/12/99, discharged to suspended 8/24/01, 4 years revoked 3/7/05) |

|CC: Count 1, Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug, 3 years, CRF 04-373 (received 11/7/05) |

|CC: Falsely Swearing to Vote, 3 years, CRF 04-378 (received 11/7/05) |



|Sims, Dustin G. |Personal Appearance: No |

|250168 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: Annual From Escape Return |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Substance |CRF: 2003-232 | |12/2004 - Waived. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 8/5/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/25/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 1, Possession of Controlled Substance, 6 years, CRF 2004-639 |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of a Firearm, AFCF, 6 years, CRF 2004-639. |

|CC: Escape, 2 years, Oklahoma County, CRF 2004-6859. |

| |

|Detainer: Extortion, Oklahoma County, |



|Slabaugh, Shelly A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|449306 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Uttering Forged Instrument |CRF: 2003-46 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 Years |Reception Date: 10/20/2005 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/19/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Uttering Forged Instrument, 4 years (3 years & 363 days suspended), CRF 2003-137. |

|(Discharged, date not documented) |



|Smalle, Willie F |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|080335 | |

|OFFENSE |Bryan County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006), 10 years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Lewd Molestation, AFCF (1) |CRF: 96-300 | |None (10/2008, |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 30 Years |Reception Date: 1/10/97 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/26/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2 & 3, CF 96-300. |



|Smiley, Alton L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|413759 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Distribution of CDS |CRF: 2002-3519 | |5/05 parole, denied.|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 years |Reception Date: 1/29/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/24/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 4. |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of CDS, Marijuana, 1 year, (completed). |



|Smith, Andre L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|458312 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance- |CRF: 2004-338 | |None |

|Cocaine | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 5/25/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/23/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance-Marijuana, 1 year. |



|Smith, Aornes A. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|442316 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Aggravated Attempting To Elude A Police |CRF: 2004-1619 | |None (5/2007 - PTD)|

|Officer | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years (3 Years |Reception Date: 2/8/2006 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/12/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Smith, Cherokee M. |Personal Appearance: No |

|230997 | |

|OFFENSE |Osage County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Obtaining Property By False Pretense |CRF: 2005-48 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 8 years (4 years |Reception Date: 5/24/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/2/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Smith, Darrel G. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|280654 | |

|OFFENSE |Cleveland County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Unlawfully Manufacturing a Controlled Drug |CRF: 2002-629 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years (10 Years |Reception Date: 9/12/2003 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/27/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 1, Unlawfully Manufacturing a Controlled Drug, AFCF, 20 Years (10 Years Suspended), CRF 2003-33. |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Controlled Drug (Amended), AFCF, 20 Years (10 Years Suspended), CRF 2003-33. |

|CC: Counts 1 and 2, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent To Distribute, 10 Years, Oklahoma County, CRF 99-350. (Originally 5 years |

|deferred 8/25/99, accelerated 12/30/2004). |



|Smith, Eric L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|270610 | |

|OFFENSE |Canadian County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession of CDS-Methamphetamine |CRF: 05-328 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 11/2/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/26/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Smith, Franklin D. |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|209776 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Arson Fourth Degree |CRF: 2004-3703 | |None (5/2007 - PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 Years |Reception Date: 5/18/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/23/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Domestic Abuse, 1 year. (Discharged 2/7/2005) |



|Smith, Heshimu NMI |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|232595 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|# Count 1: Rape I |CRF: 94-2088 | |2/2005 Parole Denied|

| | | |(5/2007 - PTD) |

| |Sentence: 15 Years |Reception Date: 3/22/95 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/14/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Rape I |

| |

|CS: Count 3, Robbery With Firearms, 15 years. |



|Smith, Marcus D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|438986 | |

|OFFENSE |Craig County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 2: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, |CRF: 2003-103A | |None |

|Marijuana, In Presence of Child Under 12 | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 4/19/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/18/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Count 2, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent to Distribute |

|CC: Possession of Controlled Drug, CF 2004-4841 |

|*CC: Count 1, Unlawful Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent to Distribute, Craig County, CF 2003-12 |

|*CC: Count 2, Failure to Affix Tax Stamp, Craig County, CF 2003-12 |

|*CC: Count 3, Attempt to Elude Police Officer, Craig County, CF 2003-12 |

|CC: Attempting to Obtain Controlled Drug by Forged Prescription, Rogers County, CF 2002-207 (effective 1/20/06) |

|CC: Unlawful Delivery of Controlled Drug, Craig County, CF 2003-95 (discharged 9/30/05) |

| |

|*Effective 5/19/05 |



|Smith, Mark E. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|191022 | |

|OFFENSE |Jackson County |Authority: 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 2: Lewd Molestation |CRF: 94-96 | |None. (5/2007, PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 3/2/2003 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/22/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Count 3 |



|Smith, Orenza L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|501418 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Escape From Custody |CRF: 2005-127 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years (6 years |Reception Date: 5/4/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/13/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 1 & 2: Burglary II, 10 years (7 years suspended), CF 2004-1392. |

|CC: Count 1: Grand Larceny, 5 years (2 years suspended), CF 2001-2607. |

|CC: Count 2: Conspiracy To Commit Felony, 10 years (7 years suspended), CF 2001-2607. |



|Smith, Roger A. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|470745 | |

|OFFENSE |McClain County |Authority: 1/3* |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Attempting to Manufacture of Controlled |CRF: 2002-119 | |None. |

|Dangerous Substance | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years (5 years |Reception Date: 10/13/2004 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/4/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance. |

|CC: Count 1, Conspiracy to Manufacture Controlled Dangerous Substance, CRF 2003-57. |

| |

|CC: Count 1, Manufacture Controlled Dangerous Substance, 20 years (Balance Suspended), Oklahoma County, CRF 2003-21. (20 years [10 years suspended], |

|4/14/2004, modified by sentencing court to balance suspended upon successful completion of Lifeline 3/6/2005, completed Lifeline and discharged 12/7/2005, |

|suspended is active.)* |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent Methamphetamine, 20 years (Balance Suspended), Oklahoma County, CRF 2003-21. (Same |

|History)* |



|Smothers, Rodney NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|259479 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Larceny of a Motor Vehicle |CRF: 2004-1617 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 8/10/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/27/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Spells, Ira B. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|103644 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 2: Distribution of CDS (Crack Cocaine) |CRF: 94-7491 | |5/05 Parole- Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 45 years |Reception Date: 10/25/96 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/18/2014 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Spitzmiller, Matthew NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|282609 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of CDS (Methamphetamine) |CRF: 2005-1190 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (6 Years |Reception Date: 9/28/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/22/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Marijuana. |

|CC: Count 3, Possession of Firearm While Committing a Felony. |

|CC: Count 4, Possession of Paraphernalia, 1 year. |

|CC: Count 5, Obstructing An Officer, 1 year. |

| |

|Detainer: Burglary II, Garfield County, revocation pending, CF-99-292. (Originally delayed probation 11/19/99, resentenced to 5 years suspended 11/16/00) |



|Starr, Kevin NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|261479 | |

|OFFENSE |Pottawatomie County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Marijuana |CRF: 2003-251 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 Years |Reception Date: 4/1/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/1/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Steely, Dennis A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|096141 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: False Impersonation |CRF: 2005-2912 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 9/6/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/22/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Stephenson, Rodney O. |Personal Appearance: No |

|107318 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (07/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Ct. 1: Possession of Controlled Drug, AFCF |CRF: 2004-1091 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 years |Reception Date: 12/10/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/20/2011 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Ct. 2: False Impersonation, AFCF. |



|Stevenson, Phillip A. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|257191 | |

|OFFENSE |Jackson County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug With |CRF: 2001-60 | |None |

|Intent to Distribute AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 10/9/2001 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/23/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 3, Possession of Firearm After Conviction or During Probation-AFCF, 10 years |

|CC: Attempted Manufacture of Controlled Dangerous Substance AFCF, CF 2001-208 |

|CC: Possession of Controlled Substance-AFCF, CF 2000-264. |



|Stoot Jr., Earl J. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|237600 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Trafficking in Controlled Dangerous Substance, |CRF: 94-5645 | |5/2005 Parole - |

|AFCF | | |Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 50 Years |Reception Date: 9/20/95 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/3/2044 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 1 and 2 Trafficking In Controlled Dangerous Substance (Cocaine Base) AFCF, CRF 94-6593 |

|CC: Count 1 Distribution Of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Cocaine Base) AFCF, CRF 94-5238 |

|CC: Count 1 and 2 Distribution Of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Cocaine Base) AFCF, CRF 94-6589 |

|CC: Count 3 Trafficking In Controlled Dangerous Substance (Cocaine Base) AFCF, CRF 94-6589 |

|CC: Count 1 Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Cocaine) AFCF, CRF 94-5030 |

|CC: Count 3 Maintaining A Dwelling Where Controlled Dangerous Substance Is Kept AFCF, CRF 94-5030 |



|Stow, Bobby J. |Personal Appearance: No |

|115980 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Unauthorized Use Of Motor Vehicle |CRF: 96-3198 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Recommended, |

| | | |Withdrawn. |

| |Sentence: 15 Years |Reception Date: 6/27/2000 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/24/2012 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Escape From Penal Institution, 2 years, LeFlore County, CRF 96-197. |



|Stuart, Jeffery M. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|234555 | |

|OFFENSE |McCurtain County |Authority: *1/3 (07/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Marijuana |CRF: 2002-75 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years (2 years previous|Reception Date: 11/17/05 |

| |served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/10/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Unlawful Possession of Marijuana - Second Offense, 4 years ( 1 year and 60 days previously served), CRF 2002-290. (Originally 4 years [60 days county |

|jail, balance suspended], 12/9/02, revoked 6 months to be served in county jail 4/7/03, revoked 6 months to be served in county jail 11/3/03, revoked 2 years |

|and 10 months 10/3/05) |



|Taplin, Raymond S. |Personal Appearance: No |

|484932 | |

|OFFENSE |Beckham County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Assault and Battery On Corrections Employee, AFCF |CRF: 2003-59 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 10/19/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/15/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Taylor, Allen E. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|160605 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (07/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of CDS (Cocaine) |CRF: 2002-6035 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 7/30/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/17/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Ct. 1: Possession of CDS (Methamphetamine), CRF 2002-5625. (Same offense history) |

|CC: Ct. Ct. 2: Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, 1 year, CRF 2002-5675. (Same offense history, discharged, date unknown) |



|Taylor, Michael E. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|477018 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Trafficking In Illegal Drugs |CRF: 2003-5280 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 Years |Reception Date: 9/7/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/20/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Marijuana With Intent To Distribute |



|Taylor, Monteil M. |Personal Appearance: No |

|203800 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Three Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Robbery By Fear, AFCF |CRF: 92-1574 | |5/2003 Parole - |

| | | |Denied (5/2007 - |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 15 Years |Reception Date: 9/20/94 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/2/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Teel, Robert P. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|93455 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Rape I By Instrumentation |CRF: 98-49 | |None (1/2008, PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 25 Years And 1 Day |Reception Date: 98-49 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/2/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Rape I, 10 years to Life, Texas County, CRF 76-36, (originally received 10/15/76, paroled 8/4/83, revoked 4/7/99, owes Life) |



|Thomas, Rhonda R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|522798 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2001-2734 | |None |

|(Methamphetamine) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 1/26/06 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/16/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Marijuana), 1 year. |

| |

|Detainer: Offense Unknown, pending, Cleveland County, CF unknown. |



|Thomas, Jr., George E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|454271 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Burglary II |CRF: 03-147 | |10/04 Commutation - |

| | | |Stricken due to |

| | | |escape |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 8/28/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: *10/18/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|*CC: Escape, 5 years, Tulsa, CRF 04-3570 (received 10/26/04) |



|Thompson, Debra E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|203242 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Assault & Battery Upon A Police Officer |CRF: 2000-3252 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 10/18/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/12/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Thompson, Joshua W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|403509 | |

|OFFENSE |Washington County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Distribution of Controlled Substance |CRF: 2001-228 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 years (3 years |Reception Date: 10/14/2005 |

| |previously served, 1 year | |

| |suspended) |Projected Release Date: 4/6/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Thompson, Wendall C. |Personal Appearance: No |

|511610 | |

|OFFENSE |Canadian County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, |CRF: 2005-101 | |None |

|Marijuana, AFCF | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 8 years (4 years |Reception Date: 9/1/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/6/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CRF 2005-103. |



|Thompson, Jr., Aubrey R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|388494 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Forgery II AFCF X 2 |CRF: 2003-6461 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years |Reception Date: 9/21/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/29/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1: Burglary II, 7 years (2 years suspended), CRF 2000-6158 (originally a delayed sentence 1/18/2001, sentenced to 7 years suspended and released |

|7/3/2001, 5 years revoked 1/7/2005) |

| |

|CC: Count 2: Concealing Stolen Property, 5 years, CRF 2000-6158 (originally a delayed sentence 1/18/2001, sentenced to 5 years suspended and released |

|7/3/2001, revoked 1/7/2005) |

| |

|CC: Count 1: Concealing Stolen Property, 5 years, CRF 2000-5311 (originally a delayed sentence 1/18/2001, sentenced to 5 years suspended and released |

|7/3/2001, revoked 1/7/2005) |

| |

|CC: Count 1: Burglary II, 7 years (2 years suspended), CRF 2000-5100 (originally a delayed sentence 1/18/2001, sentenced to 7 years suspended and released |

|7/3/2001, 5 years revoked 1/7/2005) |



|Tinsley, Laura C. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|492789 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Arson II |CRF: 2004-2928 | |None (5/2007 - PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 2/9/06 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/15/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Titmas, Bradley W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|245318 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, AFC4F |CRF: 2002-97 | |5/05 parole - denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 11/7/2002 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/18/08 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Uttering A Forged Instrument, AFC2F, 10 years (5 years suspended), Payne County, CRF 95-287. (Originally 20 years incarceration 6/13/96, modified by |

|District Court to 10 years (5 years suspended) with credit for time previously served per Post Conviction Relief and released to probation 12/13/00, revoked 5|

|years 9/19/02) |

|CC: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, 10 years (5 years suspended), CRF-95-350. (Same history as above case) |

| |

|CS: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, 10 years (5 years suspended), Payne County, CRF 95-351. (Same history as CRF 95-287) |

|CC: Burglary II, 10 years (5 years suspended), CRF 95-352. (Same history as CRF 95-287) |

| |

|CS: False Declaration Of Ownership In Pawn, 5 years, Payne County, CRF 2001-755. |

|CC: Operating A Motor Vehicle While Under The Influence Of Alcohol, Second & Subsequent Offense, CRF 2001-607. |



|Tittle, Damion T. |Personal Appearance: No |

|240904 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: T/S .75 |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Distributing Of Cocaine |CRF: 95-474 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 2/24/2003 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/23/2013 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Possession Of Contraband In Penal Institution, 5 Years (2 Years Suspended), Osage County, CRF 2005-201 |



|Titus, Leonardo L. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|403803 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 1/3* |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Domestic Abuse |CRF: 2004-6525 | |None. (5/2007, PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 years |Reception Date: 8/18/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/15/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CRF 2005-733. |



|Todd, David L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|174357 | |

|OFFENSE |Pottawatomie County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of CD (Cocaine) |CRF: 04-344 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 years |Reception Date: 11/10/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/23/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|Detainer: Burglary I, pending PV, Oklahoma County, CRF 88-2082. (Originally 20 years, 7/13/88 paroled/rebilled 5/14/91, released to parole supervision |

|6/14/02.) |



|Towler, Terry W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|157475 | |

|OFFENSE |Pittsburg County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Conspiracy To Utter A Forged Instrument, AFCF |CRF: 92-268 | |5/05 Parole - Waived|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 Years |Reception Date: 9/26/2000 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/18/2013 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2 |

| |

|Detainer: Make False Claim to IRS, 33 months, Federal, USMS #03721-063, 99-81-B. |



|Traylor, Mickey R. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|375540 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1, Sexually Abusing A Minor Child |CRF: 99-5443 | |None (11/2007, PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 30 Years (10 Years |Reception Date: 7/7/2000 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/17/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Treadway, Michael R. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|85609 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 3 years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Larceny of Merchandise From Retailer, |CRF: 82-3623 | |5/03 Parole, denied.|

| | | |(5/2009, Three |

| | | |years) |

| |Sentence: 45 years |Reception Date: 11/11/97 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/14/2011 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CRF 82-3624, (same history). |

|CC: Robbery 1, CRF 82-4046, (same history). |

|CC: Robbery 1, CRF 82-4196, (same history). |

|CC: Robbery 1, CRF 82-4167, (same history). |

|CC: Possession of CDS With Intent to Distribute, 5 years, Oklahoma County, CF 94-4382, (*received 12/2/98, discharged to staggered CC case 9/14/00). |

|CC: Count 2, Maintaining A Dwelling/House, 5 years, (*same history). |

|CC: Count 3, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, 1 year. (Received and completed 12/2/98) |



|Tuter, Paula J. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|401815 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of Controlled Drug With Intent to |CRF: 2000-6765 | |None. |

|Distribute in Presence of Minor Under 12 Years of Age | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 Years (4 Months |Reception Date: 7/19/2005 |

| |Previously Served; 8 Months | |

| |Unspecified) |Projected Release Date: 1/24/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Valdes, Michael NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|500281 | |

|OFFENSE |Okfuskee County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Trafficking in Heroin |CRF: 2004-67 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 12 Years (6 Years |Reception Date: 4/21/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/1/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|Detainer: Immigration and Naturalization Services, 5/3/2005, (Cuba) |



|Vance, Jerry NMI |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|118713 | |

|OFFENSE |Ellis County |Authority: 3 Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 2, Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, AFC5F |CRF: 96-12 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied (8/2008, PTD)|

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 11/12/96 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/17/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Assault And Battery With A Dangerous Weapon, AFC5F, CRF 96-21 |



|Vasquez, Manuel NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|514503 | |

|OFFENSE |Beckham County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent to |CRF: 2005-91 | |None. |

|Deliver | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 years |Reception Date: 10/6/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/27/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|Detainer: INS - Mexico. |



|Vasquez, Noee NMI |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|516448 | |

|OFFENSE |Roges County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Eluding/Attempting To Elude Police Officer |CRF: 2005-270 | |N/A (5/07 - PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years (3 years |Reception Date: 1/20/2006 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/2/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Venegas, Usbaldo G. |Personal Appearance: No |

|190745 | |

|OFFENSE |Custer County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property |CRF: 96-272 | |5/2005 Parole |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 14 Years |Reception Date: 2/9/99 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/6/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, (Same history as the instant offense) |

| |

|CS: Count 1, Burglary I, AFC4F, 20 years, CRF 98-261. |

|CC: Count 2, Assault and Battery, 90 days, CRF 98-261. |



|Vogel, James L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|442489 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual From Escape |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Stolen Vehicle |CRF: 2003-3886 | |03/05 Parole- denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 Years, 6 Months |Reception Date: 12/2/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/21/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Driving Under The Influence of Alcohol, Second Offense, 5 years, Tulsa County, CRF 2003-494 (originally 5 years suspended 3/10/2003, revoked |

|9/29/2003) |

|CC: Count 1, Escape, 3 years, Tulsa County, CRF 2005-2007. (received 6/7/05) |



|Walker, Alan D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|168921 | |

|OFFENSE |Washington County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|Child Stealing |CRF: 2003-296 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years (1 year |Reception Date: 10/14/2005 |

| |previously served) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/31/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Warder, Jamie W. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|227940 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|#Robbery with Firearm, AFCF |CRF: 96-700 | |11/2003 Parole - |

| | | |Denied (5/2007 - |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 3/19/96 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/15/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Attempted Robbery with Firearm, AFCF. |

|CC: Count 3, Possession of Stolen Vehicle, AFCF. |

|CC: Count 4, Possession of Firearm, AFCF. |

|CC: Count 1, Robbery with Firearm, AFCF, CRF 96-746. |



|Warren, Rachel S. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|253707 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession Controlled Dangerous Substance With |CRF: 2003-584 | |None. |

|Intent | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 10/30/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/25/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Warren, Shawn NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|432773 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance- Cocaine |CRF: 2002-3789 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (5 Years |Reception Date: 8/17/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/22/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CS: Cruelty to An Animal, 5 Years, CF 2004-3789 |



|Watkins, William R. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|166581 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Stolen Vehicle, AFC2MF |CRF: 02-4126 | |5/05 Parole - Denied|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 8 years |Reception Date: 2/4/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/27/06 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Vehicle With Altered VIN, AFC2MF. |

|CC: Possession Of CDS (Methamphetamine), AFCF, CRF-02-3876. |

|CC: Count 1, Possession Of CDS (Methamphetamine), AFCF, CRF-02-3016. |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of CDS, AFCF, CRF-02-3016. |



|Watson, Arlon L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|262096 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual-Next Available |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2001-683 | |11/2004 Parole - |

|With Intent To Distribute | | |Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years |Reception Date: 7/16/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/21/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: CRF 2000-6821 |

| |

|CC: Assault With Dangerous Weapon, 5 years, CRF 99-4406, (suspended 7/21/2000, revoked 3/14/2003, discharged 11/8/2004) |

| |

|Detainer: Assault And Battery, pending, Midwest City, 1998-0004589-CR |



|Watson, Myron NMI |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|420496 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Possession of CDS With Intent |CRF: 2004-7191 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years (6 years |Reception Date: 9/28/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/16/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Wells, Tolease L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|411514 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Escape From Penitentiary |CRF: 2003-1044 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 2 Years |Reception Date: 10/18/2005 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/12/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|West, Jimmy D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|188416 | |

|OFFENSE |Murray County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Unlawful Possession of Controlled Drug With Intent to |CRF: 2001-117 | |None |

|Distribute | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 15 years |Reception Date: 1/23/02 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/28/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|West, Rick C. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|369525 | |

|OFFENSE |Garfield County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Manufacturer Of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 99-578 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 3/29/2000 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/8/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent To Distribute, 10 years (Discharged 11/4/04) |



|Wheeler, Brook E. |Personal Appearance: No |

|402475 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Burglary of Auto, AFCF |CRF: 2003-3285 | |None. |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 9 years |Reception Date: 11/25/03 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/23/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Cts. 2 & 3. |

|CC: Unlawful Delivery of Controlled Drug, CRF 2001-6826. (Originally 10 years [5 years suspended], 2/27/02, modified by court to 9 years suspended and |

|released 2/27/03, revoked 9/22/03) |

|CC: CRF 2000-6878, 3 years. (Originally 3 years suspended, 7/20/01, revoked 2/27/02, modified by court to 3 years suspended and release 2/27/03, revoked |

|9/22/03) |



|White, Earl D. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|223521 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1, Attempting To Manufacture Methamphetamine |CRF: 2000-4532 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 6/6/2001 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/13/2010 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1, Conspiracy To Manufacture Methamphetamine, CRF 99-2971. |

|CC: Count 1, Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent to Distribute (Amended), CRF 98-8759. |

| |

|CC: Count 3, Maintaining A Dwelling Where CDS is Kept, 5 years, CRF 2000-4532. (Discharged 1/31/2004) |

|CC: Count 3, Maintaining A Dwelling Where CDS is Kept, 5 years, CRF 99-2971. (Discharged 1/31/2004) |

|CC: Count 4, Possession of Sawed Off Shotgun, 2 years, CRF 98-8759. (Discharged 10/14/2001) |

| |

|Detainer: Failure to Comply With Order: Contempt of Court - DHS Child Support, Canadian County, #93-237-02 |



|White, Edward NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|405246 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of Controlled Drug, AFCF |CRF: 2004-3949 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 Years |Reception Date: 10/11/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/21/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, Possession of Marijuana, AFCF |



|White, James R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|173187 | |

|OFFENSE |Comanche County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of A Precursor To Manufacture A |CRF: 2004-150 | |None |

|Controlled Dangerous Substance | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 4/1/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/28/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Possession Of Sawed-Off Shotgun, 1 years, CRF 87-363 (originally 1 year [90 days county jail, balance suspended], 10/20/87, revoked 8/31/2004, discharged|

|prior to reception) |



|White, Joe R. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|232930 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 27: Rape II, AFCF |CRF: 94-5647 | |1/2002 - Parole - |

| | | |Denied. (1/2008 - |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 35 years |Reception Date: 4/5/95 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 1/27/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Counts 28 and 29, Forcible Oral Sodomy AFCF. |

|CC: Count 30, Indecent or Lewd Acts With Child Under 16 AFCF. |

|CC: Counts 31 through 46, Procuring Participation of Minor Under 18 in Exhibiting Uncovered Genitals in Photograph AFCF. |



|White, Joey J. |Personal Appearance: No |

|453720 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Burglary II |CRF: 2003-2143 | |5/2005 Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years (3 Years |Reception Date: 6/16/2004 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/28/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|White, Melinda NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|172222 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Making False Declaration Of Ownership |CRF: 2005-5546 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (8 Years |Reception Date: 2/9/06 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/30/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|White, Steven B. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|249174 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Possession of CDS with Intent to Distribute, AFC2+F |CRF: 02-6013 | |5/05 Parole - waived|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years (12 years |Reception Date: 4/21/04 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/26/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Possession of Proceeds from Violation of CDS, AFC2+F |

|CC: Burglary II, AFC2F, CRF 02-4677. |



|Wiggins, Darrell L. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|155255 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Three Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Murder I |CRF: 88-3965 | |None (5/2009 - |

| | | |Three Years) |

| |Sentence: Life |Reception Date: 11/16/88 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: Life |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Robbery I, 20 Years, Oklahoma County, CRF 88-3987, (discharge date unknown) |

|CC: Assault And Battery With Dangerous Weapon, 10 Years, CRF 88-3539 (discharged 1/4/95) |

|CC: Falsifying Records In A Public Office, 2 years, CRF 88-1104, (discharged 5/2/89) |

|CC: Unauthorized Use Of Motor Vehicle, 3 years, CRF 85-2824 , (originally NIO probation, 8/13/85, resentenced to 3 years 12/4/88, discharged 4/20/90) |



|Wiggins, Kurtis P. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|153186 | |

|OFFENSE |Rogers County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2003-344 | |Denied |

|(AFCF)(3) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 Years |Reception Date: 9/11/2003 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/13/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: False Personation (AFCF)(3) |

| |

|Detainer: Possession Of Firearm And Ammunition AFCF, 180 Months, Federal, CR 04-CR-4-K |

|Detainer: Theft Of Property, Residential Burglary, Habitual Offender, Pending, Arkansas, 2003-53-2. He claims it is running CC with the Federal time. |

|(Interview) |



|Wilkinson, Mark NMI |Personal Appearance: None |

|402061 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Larceny of An Automobile |CRF: 2004-6413 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 Years (5 years |Reception Date: 6/3/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 6/11/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 3, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, 1 year. |

|CC: Possession of CDS (Marijuana) With Intent to Distribute, 5 years, CF-99-6393. (Originally delayed incarceration 7/25/01, sentenced to 5 years deferred |

|11/21/01, accelerated to 5 years suspended 3/25/04, revoked 5/18/05) |



|Williams, Donna D. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|261125 | |

|OFFENSE |Bryan County |Authority: 3 Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Child Abuse |CRF: 97-149 | |5/2003 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. (12/2007 - |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 25 Years |Reception Date: 2/4/98 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/17/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None. |



|Williams, Hershel D. |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|168115 | |

|OFFENSE |Cleveland County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 6: Forcible Sodomy - After Former Conviction of a|CRF: 1989-1237 | |Denied (5/2007 - |

|Felony | | |PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years |Reception Date: 1/13/1999 (Rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/28/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 8, originally sentenced to 40 years, 5/1/90, with case CS to all others, modified via Post Conviction Relief, 1/7/2000. |

|CC: Count 4, Lewd Molestation- After Former Conviction of a Felony , 15 years, originally sentenced to 15 years and CC with Count 3, 5/1/90, modified by |

|Post Conviction Relief, 1/7/2000. |

|CC: Count 2, Indecent Proposal to a Child- After Former Conviction of a Felony, 10 years, originally sentenced to 10 years and CC with Count 1, 5/1/90, |

|modified by Post Conviction Relief, 1/7/2000. |

| |

|Detainer, Western District of Oklahoma, Detainer based on J&S, warrant dated 1/10/1991. |



|Williams, Nathan W. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|489670 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: * 1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Manufacturing A CDS (Methamphetamine) |CRF: 04-1704 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 years (13 years |Reception Date: 12/22/04 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/19/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Williamson, Brian NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|279507 | |

|OFFENSE |Cleveland County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Escape from Penal Institution |CRF: 04-1499 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 6/18/05 (rebill) |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 3/16/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Wilson, David L. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|204224 | |

|OFFENSE |Wagoner County |Authority: Three Years |Next Docket Date: |

|#Murder I |CRF: 90-50 | |1/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied (5/2007 - |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: Life (All But 36 Years |Reception Date: 3/25/92 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 5/17/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Wilson, Marcus A |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|508922 | |

|OFFENSE |Pottawatomie County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Assault & Battery with a Dangerous Weapon |CRF: 2004-201 | |None (5/2007 - PTD)|

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 3 Years |Reception Date: 07/29/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 11/10/2006 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Burglary 2nd degree, 3 years, Pottawatomie County, 2004-501 |

|CC: Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle, 3 years, 2004-293 |



|Wilson, Paul E. |Personal Appearance: Y2 |

|154911 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: PTD |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 1: Robbery With Imitation Firearm, AFCF |CRF: 89-3950 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied. (5/2007, |

| | | |PTD) |

| |Sentence: 25 Years |Reception Date: 11/17/89 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/14/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2. |

|CC: Count 3, Burglary I AFCF |

| |

|CS: Possession of Contraband in Penal Institution, 1 year, Cleveland County, CF 2005-1229. |



|Wilson, Rusty L. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|416201 | |

|OFFENSE |Muskogee County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession Of Controlled Substance With Intent |CRF: 2001-259 | |6/2005 Parole Stage |

|To Distribute | | |II - Recommended, |

| | | |Governor denied. |

| |Sentence: 25 years (12 years |Reception Date: 2/28/2002 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/26/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 3, Possession Of Firearm While Committing A Felony, 10 years. (Discharged, 12/6/2005) |

| |

|CC: Count 1, Possession Of Controlled Substance With Intent To Distribute, CRF 2001-228. |

| |

|CC: Count 2, Possession Of Firearm While Committing A Felony, 10 years, CRF 2001-228. (Discharged, 12/6/2005) |

| |

|CC: Count 3, Assault & Battery With A Dangerous Weapon, 10 years, CRF 2001-228. (Discharged, 12/6/2005) |

| |

|CC: Count 2, Unlawful Possession Of Controlled Drug With Intent To Distribute, CRF 2000-1026. |

| |

|CC: Count 3, Unlawful Use Of Police Radio, 5 years, CRF 2000-1026. (Discharged, 11/19/2003) |

| |

|CC: Count 4, Possession Of Firearm While Committing A Felony, 5 years, CRF 2000-1026. (Discharged, 11/19/2003) |

| |

|CC: Count 5, Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property, 5 years, CRF 2000-1026. (Discharged, 11/19/2003) |

| |

|CC: Count 2, Unlawful Possession Of CDS, 2 years, Tulsa County, CRF 2000-4024. (Received 12/18/03, discharged, 10/12/2004) |



|Winkler, Gary A. |Personal Appearance: No |

|138198 | |

|OFFENSE |Pottawatomie County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 2: Manufacture of Controlled Dangerous Substance |CRF: 2004-123 | |None |

|(Methamphetamine) | | | |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 Years |Reception Date: 5/6/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/7/2011 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Wood, Jerry L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|492757 | |

|OFFENSE |Ottawa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Attempt to Manufacture Of CDS |CRF: 2003-295 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 20 Years (12 Years |Reception Date: 1/28/2005 |

| |Suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 12/22/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Woodard, Dwight H. |Personal Appearance: No |

|119939 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Petit Larceny, AFCF |CRF: 2004-2946 | |5/2005 Parole - |

| | | |Denied |

| |Sentence: 3 years |Reception Date: 9/14/04 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/4/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2, False Impersonation. |

|CC: Petit Larceny, AFCF, 2 years, CF 2004-1554. (Suspended, 5/6/2004, revoked 9/7/2004). |



|Woodford, Richard P |Personal Appearance: Y/2 |

|478428 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|#Robbery In The Second Degree |CRF: 2004-2655 | |None (5/2007, PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 Years |Reception Date: 7/23/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/8/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|Detainer: Robbery, Probation Violation, California, SCD134317, Warrant dated 6/24/2002. Will not extradite outside of California. (Originated as 3 years |

|probation with 72 days in Jail, 3/16/98, probation reinstated 9/1/98, probation revoked, 12/14/99) (FBI/ OSBI) |



|Wooten, Philmore L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|517823 | |

|OFFENSE |Washington County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Driving Under The Influence |CRF: 2005-105 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years (3 years |Reception Date: 11/18/2005 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/13/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Wright, Randall W. |Personal Appearance: No |

|098347 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: Annual |Next Docket Date: |

|Attempted Larceny of a Motor Vehicle AFCF |CRF: 01-64 | |5/2005 Denied |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years |Reception Date: 10/2/02 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 9/21/06 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Young, David A. |Personal Appearance: Yes |

|192326 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 (7/2006) |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: DUI, AFCF |CRF: 2005-1084 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 7 years (4 years |Reception Date: 1/4/2006 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 4/30/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Marijuana), AFCF, 3 years. |



|Young, Patrick NMI |Personal Appearance: No |

|436328 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Unauthorized Use of A Motor Vehicle, AFC |CRF: 2004-1162 | |N/A |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 10 years (3 years |Reception Date: 9/22/2004 |

| |suspended) | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/9/2011 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 1: Possession of Stolen Vehicle, AFCF, CF 2003-6920. |

|CC: Count 1: Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, CF 2002-5988 (5 years deferred, 12/5/2002, accelerated to 10 years [3 years suspended] |

|3/25/2004). |



|Younger, Jr., Bart H. |Personal Appearance: No |

|245796 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 (7/06) |Next Docket Date: |

|DUI-Second Offense, AFCF |CRF: 2005-784 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 Years |Reception Date: 4/15/2005 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 2/9/2009 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Zimmerlee, Brandon R. |Personal Appearance: No |

|422650 | |

|OFFENSE |Tulsa County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Burglary II, AFCF |CRF: 2004-2937 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 6 Years |Reception Date: 10/29/2004 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 7/5/2008 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|None |



|Zolicoffer, Arnold L. |Personal Appearance: No |

|121619 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: *1/3 |Next Docket Date: |

|Count 1: Possession of CDS (Methamphetamine) |CRF: 04-4302 | |None |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 4 years |Reception Date: 11/16/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 8/24/07 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Count 2; Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia; 1 year; (discharged 11/20/05). |



|Zollars, John NMI |Personal Appearance: Y-2 |

|503247 | |

|OFFENSE |Oklahoma County |Authority: 1/3* |Next Docket Date: |

|#Count 8: Sexual Battery |CRF: 2004-5524 | |None. (05/07 PTD) |

| | | | |

| |Sentence: 5 years |Reception Date: 5/25/05 |

| | | |

| | |Projected Release Date: 10/7/2007 |

|Concurrent/Detainer Cases: |

|CC: Ct. 9. |




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