Tennessee State University



Department of Psychology 1112 Nashville Highway, A5

Tennessee State University Columbia, TN 38401

3500 John A. Merritt Blvd. 615-818-8889 (cell)

Nashville, TN 37209


email – jcampbell21@tnstate.edu


Ph.D. Oklahoma State University; Counseling Psychology; 1991

Specialty: Couples and Family Psychology

Major Advisor: Brent Snow, Ph.D. (current Provost at Texas A&M-San Antonio)

Dissertation Title: Relationships Among Male Gender Role Conflict, Husbands’ Perceptions of Family Environment, Presence of Children, and Husbands’ Perceptions of Marital Satisfaction

M. S. Oklahoma State University; Community Counseling; 1984

Specialty: Marriage and Family Counseling

Major Advisor: Alfred Carlozzi, Ed.D. (currently Professor at OSU-Tulsa)

B. A. Central State University; Psychology; 1982


2009 Licensed Psychologist, Health Service Provider; State of Tennessee, License #2895

2007 Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS); Center for Credentialing and Education (a section of the National Board for Certified Counselors), Certificate #00611

1999 National Certified Counselor; National Board for Certified Counselors, Certificate #61475

1992 Licensed Psychologist, HSPP Endorsement (State of Indiana, License #20040741 (retired license)


2007 As part of a sabbatical leave, completed intensive training on advanced Family Therapy with a specific focus on working with couples and completed intensive training in supervision resulting in obtaining the ACS credential

2006 Completed Training as an APA Site Visitor


2004 Completed Training as an CACREP Site Visitor

1998 - 1999 As part of a sabbatical leave, completed a one year post-doctoral training in Pediatric Psychology at Children’s Hospital of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City


2008-Present Tennessee State University, Department of Psychology, Nashville, Tennessee

Associate Professor (Tenured)

Program Coordinator, Masters Counseling Concentration, 2014-Present

Interim Department Head, 2012-2013

Program Coordinator, Counseling Psychology Concentration, 2008-2012

- Provided coordination, recruiting, and administrative duties for the Counseling Psychology Concentration of Psychology Doctoral Program

- Provided coordination, recruiting, and administrative duties for the Counseling Psychology Concentration of Psychology Doctoral Program

- Served as Interim Department Head (2012-2013)

- Teach a variety of graduate courses in Counseling Psychology

- Coordinated activities related to APA accreditation process

- Coordinated the writing of the APA Self-Study report

- Conduct ongoing research in family therapy and gender role development

- Supervise graduate student research experiences including, independent research, master’s thesis, and doctoral dissertations

- Supervise research team resulting in professional presentations and publications

- Serve on professional and university committees

- Supervise master’s students' practicum experiences

- Supervised Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University Counseling Center (October 2013 - April 2014)

1991-2008 Indiana State University, Department of Communications Disorders and Counseling, School and Educational Psychology, Terre Haute, Indiana

Associate Professor of Counseling, 1998-2008 (Tenured)

Assistant Professor of Counseling, 1991-1998

CACREP Liaison, 2003-2008

Director, Counseling Department Clinic, 2006- 2008

Clinical Director, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, 2007-2008

Director of Training, Counseling Psychology Program, 2005-2008

Director, Counselor Education and Supervision Program, 2005-2007

Director, Mental Health Counseling Program, 1991-1997; 2003- 2007

- Provided coordination, recruiting, and administrative duties for Mental Health Counseling, Counselor Education and Supervision, and Counseling Psychology Programs


Indiana State University (Cont.)

- Taught a variety of graduate courses in Mental Health Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy, School Counseling, Counselor Education and Supervision, and Counseling Psychology Programs, (Complete list of courses taught below)

- Coordinate activities at Department and University Counseling Centers

- Coordinated activities related to APA accreditation process

- Coordinated the writing of the APA Self-Study reports

- Coordinated activities related of the CACREP accreditation process

- Wrote CACREP Self-Study report

- Conducted ongoing research in family therapy and gender role development

- Supervised masters and doctoral students’ practicum, advanced practicum, fieldwork and internship experiences

- Supervised graduate student research experiences including, independent research, master’s thesis, and doctoral dissertations

- Supervised research team resulting in professional presentations and publications

- Served on professional and university committees

2003-2008 Psychologist, Family Service Association, Terre Haute, Indiana

- Provided individual, group, and family therapy

- Conducted psychological assessments

- Supervised individual, group, and family therapy of staff and practicum students

- Developed treatment plans for children, adolescent and family clients

- Developed treatment interventions for children, adolescent and family clients

- Consulted with other mental health professionals on issues related to treatment planning and implementation

1999-2008 Consultant, Department of Veterans Affairs - Mental Health Service, Danville, Illinois

- Consulted with Director of Training and professional staff regarding training issues and program development

- Provided in-service training for psychology interns and mental health staff

2000-2003 Psychologist, Division of Child and Adolescent Services, Hamilton Community Mental Health Center, Terre Haute, Indiana

- Provided individual, group, and family therapy

- Designed and implemented group treatment program for adolescent sex offenders

- Developed treatment interventions for children, adolescent and family clients

- Consulted with other mental health professionals on issues related to pediatric psychology


1998-1999 Pediatric Psychology Post-Doctoral Fellow, Oklahoma University Health Science Center, Children’s Hospital of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (Indicated in specialized training; Sabbatical Leave from Indiana State Univ.)

- Provided individual, group and family therapy for children, adolescents, and their families

- Provided psychological assessment for pediatric medical patients

- Consulted with physicians and other medical personnel regarding psychological functioning of pediatric medical patients

- Developed group treatment program for children with behavioral problems

- Provided crisis assessment, interventions and referral services for pediatric emergency room patients

1993-1994 Psychologist, Hamilton Community Mental Health Center, Terre Haute, Indiana

- Provided individual and marital therapy

- Developed treatment programs for adult clients

1990-1991 Counseling Psychology Intern, University of Maryland, University Counseling Center, College Park, Maryland

- Provided individual, marital, career, and group counseling

- Provided consultation services to resident life program

- Conducted intake assessment and emergency services

- Provided outreach workshops (e.g. time management, rape crisis)

- Developed and conducted ongoing research projects

1990 Contract Writer, Oklahoma State Department of Vo-Tech, Stillwater, Oklahoma

- Authored curriculum material on mental health

1988-1989 Counselor, Payne County Youth Services, Stillwater, Oklahoma

- Provided individual, family, and group counseling

- Provided consultation services for community schools

- Supervised masters level counseling students

1987-1990 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma

- Taught, under supervision, undergraduate and graduate courses in statistics, research and educational measurement

- Developed assessment instruments for above classes

1988-1989 Practicum Counselor, Marriage/Family Counseling Service, Stillwater, Oklahoma

- Conducted marital and family assessment

- Provided marital and family counseling

- Functioned as consulting therapist behind one-way mirror


1987-1988 Practicum Counselor, Bi-State Mental Health Foundation, Ponca City, Oklahoma

- Provided individual, marital, and family counseling

- Provided emergency telephone crisis intervention

- Conducted psychological assessments

- Conducted alcohol and drug assessment

- Provided advocacy for clients

- Provided consultation services for inpatient mental health facility

- Supervised masters level counseling students

1985-1987 Instructor, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico

- Taught undergraduate courses in psychology and sociology

- Developed assessment instruments for above classes

1984-1987 Outpatient Counselor, Mental Health Resources, Clovis, New Mexico

- Provided individual, group, marital, and family counseling

- Resolved crisis calls received on community hotline

- Developed alcohol and drug assessment program

- Provided advocacy for clients

- Provided consultation and outreach to community schools and agencies


Roberts-Pittman, B., Shuff, I.M., Campbell, J., & Coleman, C. (2010). An analysis of the social support networks of gay men living with HIV: Challenges to the barrier theory [Monograph]. Lambert Academic Publishing

Campbell, J.L., & Leonard, E., (2000). The future is now: A history of the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students. In W. Street (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Campbell, J.L., Masters, M.A., & Johnson, M.E. (1998). Relationship of parental alcoholism to family-of-origin functioning and current marital satisfaction. Journal of Addiction and Offenders Counseling, 19(1), 7-14.

Kelly-James, K.T., & Campbell, J.L. (1997). Attribution of responsibility in alcohol related incidents. Psychological Reports, 80, 1159-1165.

Campbell, J.L. (1996). Traditional men in counseling: Obstacles and recommendations. Journal of Psychological Practice, 2(3), 40-45.

Fischer, P.C., Smith, R.J., Leonard, E., Fuqua, D.R., Campbell, J.L., & Masters, M.A. (1993). Gender differences on affective dimensions: Taking a second look. Journal of Counseling and Development, 71, 440-443.


Campbell, J.L., Snow, B.M. (1992). Gender role conflict and family environment as predictors of men’s marital satisfaction. Journal of Family Psychology, 6, 84-87.

Johnson, M.E., Campbell, J.L., & Masters, M.A. (1992). Relationship between psychologists’ theoretical orientation and family-of-origin functioning. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 23, 119-122.

Campbell, J.L. (1991). Mental health. In S. Wiedelman (ed.), Practical nursing. Oklahoma Department of Vocational and Technical Education, Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center, Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Campbell, J.L., & Johnson, M.E. (1991). Marital status and gender similarity in marital therapy. Journal of Counseling and Development, 69, 363-366.

Fuqua, D.R., Leonard, E., Masters, M.A., Smith, R.J., Campbell, J.L., & Fischer, P.C. (1991). A structural analysis of the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 51, 439-446.

Robinson, D.W., Ray, D.R., Connell, K.K., & Campbell, J.L. (Eds.). (1983). Opening Many Doors: A Collection of Dean’s Grant Mainstreaming Colloquia Presentations (Vol. II). (Available from the College of Education, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 74078).


Shen-Miller, D.S., Tumbling, S., Simpkins, T., & Campbell, J.L. (2010). Perceptions of health programs on college campuses. Presentation accepted for the 118th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego.

Campbell, J.L. (2008, August). The impact of early professional involvement on subsequent career development. In N. Anderson (Chair), Journeys in Leadership and Careers-20 Years of APAGS Chairs. Symposium conducted at the 116th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

Campbell, J.L. (2008, August). Men’s conflict between personal and professional demands. In K. Hahn (Chair), Balancing Personal and Professional Roles. Symposium conducted at the 116th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

Campbell, J.L. (2008, March). Academic program directors and best practices for program/internship communication. In C. Winterowd & S. Benton (Chair), Best Practices in Communication between Academic and Internship Training Directors Regarding Students’ Progress and Performance. Symposium conducted at the 3rd International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, Illinois.


Osborn, D.P., & Campbell, J.L. (2007, September). Using groups with alcohol and drug abuse clients. Invited Presentation at the Annual Conference of the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors, Nashville, Tennessee.

Campbell, J.L. (2007, May). Clinical supervision: Theory and technique. Paper presented at the Danville, VA Psychology Training Symposia, Danville, Illinois.

Campbell, J.L. & Osborn, D.P., (2007, April). Critical factors in group counseling. Invited Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Indiana Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Osborn, D.P., & Campbell, J.L. (2006, May). Group counseling with chemical addictions clients. Presented at the 23rd Annual Institute for Alcohol and Drug Studies, Evansville, Indiana.

Buhr, K., & Campbell, J.L. (2005, August). The effects of sex and gender-role on self-reported intimacy. Poster presented at the 113th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Campbell, J.L., Buhr, K., Erisman, T., & Mulvany, E. (2005, August). Portrayal of men in commercials. Poster presented at the 113th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Campbell, J.L. (2004, May). Pediatric psychology. Paper presented at the Danville, VA Psychology Training Symposia, Danville, Illinois.

Campbell, J.L. (2004, October). Dynamic family therapy: Theory and concepts. Paper presented at the Danville, VA Psychology Training Symposia, Danville, Illinois.

Mailloux, S. L., & Campbell, J.L. (2002, August) A Test of the Transtheoretical Model of Change with Adolescent Sex Offenders in treatment. Poster presented at the 110th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Campbell, J.L., Gillespie, R., Roberts, B., Cichon, L. (2002, August) Qualitative examination of fathering: The impact of fathers on sons. Poster presented at the 110th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Campbell, J.L., Gillespie, R., Roberts, B., Cichon, L. (2002, August) Antecedent of gender role conflict: Family of origin and perceived parenting. Poster presented at the 110th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Campbell, J.L. (2001, August). Pediatric psychology. Paper presented at the Danville, VA Psychology Training Symposia, Danville, Illinois.

Campbell, J.L. (2001, March). Application of dynamic family therapy. Paper presented at the Danville, VA Psychology Training Symposia, Danville, Illinois.


Campbell, J.L. (2000, October). Dynamic family therapy: Theory and concepts. Paper presented at the Danville, VA Psychology Training Symposia, Danville, Illinois.

Tagger, L. & Campbell, J.L. (2000, October). Self-efficacy in Head Start participants and career development. Paper presented at the National Head Start Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.

Campbell, J.L., & Bischoff, L. (1999, November). Parenting, the rest of the story: Selected precursors to parent skills training. Paper presentation conducted for the Indiana State University Professional Psychology Development Series. Terre Haute, Indiana.

Campbell, J.L. (1998, October). Psychotherapy with traditional men. Presented at the 1998 Professorial Rounds of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Oklahoma University Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Campbell, J.L., & Grigar, M.E. (1997, August). A longitudinal look at men in the movies. Poster session presented at the 105th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Campbell, J.L. (1997, August). Men in movies: The motion picture industry’s representation of men in relationships. In D.J. Lutz (Chair), Men and relationships: Perspectives and interactive discussion. Symposium conducted at the 105th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Campbell, J.L., & Sweet, H. (1997, August). Experiential discussions on intergender communication. Program presented at the Division of Family Psychology Hospitality Suite Program during the 105th Annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Kelly-James, K.T., & Campbell, J.L. (1996, April). Attribution theory and alcohol use. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Great Lakes Regional Conference for Counseling Psychology, Muncie, Indiana.

Kelly-James, K.T., & Campbell, J.L. (1996, April). Attribution of responsibility in alcohol related incidents. Poster session presented at the Annual Convention of the Great Lakes Regional Conference for Counseling Psychology, Muncie, Indiana.

Campbell, J.L., & Kozler, C.J. (1995, August). Predictors of sexual coercion: Promiscuity and male role identity. Poster session presented at the 103rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New York.

Campbell, J.L., & Leonard, E. (1993, August). The internship application process: Experiential and data based information. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students Hospitality Suite Program during the 101st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.


Campbell, J.L., & Snow, B.M. (1992, August). Gender role conflict and family environment as predictors of men’s marital satisfaction. In G.E. Good (Chair), Psychology of Men: Recognizing and affirming healthy conceptualizations of masculinity. Symposium conducted at the 100th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Fuqua, D.R., Leonard, E., Masters, M.A., Smith, R.J., Campbell, J.L., & Fischer, P.C. (1991). A structural analysis of the State-Trait Anger Expression Scale. Paper presented at the Convention of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Masters, M.A., Campbell, J.L., & Johnson, M.E. (1990, August). Effects of family discomfort and parental alcoholism on marital functioning. Poster presented at the 98th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts.

Campbell, J.L. (1990, March). Student involvement in professional organizations. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Oklahoma Psychological Association, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Campbell, J.L., (1989, August). The life of a graduate student in psychology (Chair). Symposium presented at the 97th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Campbell, J.L., Fagley, N.S. Miller, P.M., & Knox-Harbour, P. (1989, August). Effects of providing item difficulty information on student’s test performance. Poster session presented at the 97th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Miller, P.M., Fagley, N.S., Downing, R., Jones, R.N., Campbell, J.L., & Knox-Harbour, P. (1989, August). Convergent validity of the Gibb (1964) Experimental test of testwiswness. Poster session presented at the 97th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Leonard, E., Just, S., Johnson, M.E., Masters, M.A., Reeves, P., & Campbell, J. (1989, April). Counselor rating forms: Factorial versus actual applications. Poster presented at the Second Annual southwest Regional Conference for Counseling Psychology, Houston, Texas.

Campbell, L.M., & Campbell, J.L. (1989, April). Interactions of psychotropic drugs and nutrition. Poster session presented at the Annual Convention of the Oklahoma Dietetic Association, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Campbell, J.L. (1988, October). The eclectic supervisor: Boom or bust. Poster session presented at the Annual Convention of the Oklahoma Association of Counseling and Development, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Johnson, M.E., & Campbell, J.L. (1988, August). The effects of gender and marital status on perceived counselor credibility. Poster session presented at the 96th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia.


Buhr, K., & Campbell, J.L. (in development). The effects of sex and gender-role on self-reported intimacy.

Campbell, J.L., Mclin, C., Smith, T., Johnson, R, (in development). Path analysis related to perceived fathering effectiveness.


National Service Activities

Listserv Administrator, 1997 – 2008; Division of Family Psychology, Division 43 of the American Psychological Association

Pre-Site Consultant, 2007; (Program completing a university wide program review and examining the possibility of CACREP accreditation)

Convention Program Review Committee, 1996-2004; Division of Family Psychology, Division 43 of the American Psychological Association

Convention Program Review Committee, 1996-2004; Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity, Division 51 of the American Psychological Association

Peer Reviewer, 1998-2003; Addison Wesley Longman Publishing

Treasurer, 1998-2002; Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity, Division 51 of the American Psychological Association

Website Administrator, 1996 – 2000; Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity, Division 51 of the American Psychological Association

Gender Concerns Committee, Co-Chair, 1996-1998; Division of Family Psychology, Division 43 of the American Psychological Association

Peer Reviewer, American Counseling Association, Department of Acquisitions & Development, 1992-1993

Executive Board, 1988-1992; American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS), Student organization of the American Psychological Association, Chair, 1990-1991; Chair-Elect, 1989-1990; Past-Chair 1991-1992; Member at Large, 1988-1989

National Service Activities (cont.)

Presidential Task Force for the Creation of a Residency Program in Psychology, American Psychological Association, 1990-1992

APAGS Liaison, 1991-1992; Board of Professional Affairs, American Psychological Association

APAGS Liaison, 1992; National Association of Professional Schools of Psychology

APAGS Liaison, 1991; Task Force for the Recruitment and Retention of Ethnic Minority Students and Faculty, American Psychological Association

APAGS Liaison, 1990-1991; Board of Education Affairs, American Psychological Association

Membership Committee Chairperson, 1988-1989; American Psychological Association of Graduate Students

University Service Activities

Mentoring Committee: 2014-Present; College of Education, Tennessee State University

Benefits Committee, 2013-Present: Faculty Senate, Tennessee State University

Technology Committee, 2008-2012; College of Education, Tennessee State University

Graduate Affairs Council, 1997-2008; College of Education, Indiana State University

Program Prioritization Review Committee, 2006-2007; College of Education, Indiana State University

Information Technology Advisory Committee, 2000-2006; College of Education, Indiana State University

College of Education Congress, 2004-2006; College of Education, Indiana State University (Also served 1992-1994, 1995-1997, 2000-2002, Vice-Chair, 1995-1996)

Computer Application Proficiency Committee, 1992-2003; Indiana State University, Chair, 1997-2003

University Faculty Appeals Committee, 2002-2003; Indiana State University

Coffman Distinguished Professorship Selection Committee, 2002-2003; College of Education, Indiana State University

University Service Activities (cont.)

Wiley Colloquia Committee 2000-2002 & 1993-1995; College of Education, Indiana State University

Search Committee, 2000; Department of Communication Disorders, Indiana State University

Graduate Faculty Committee, 1997-1998; School of Graduate Studies, Indiana State University

Holmstedt Committee, 1996-1997; College of Education, Indiana State University

Scholarship and Fellowship Committee, 1991-1993: School of Graduate Studies, Indiana State University, Chair, 1992-1993

Midwest Health Psychology Conference Advisory Committee, 1991-1992; Indiana State University

Department Service Activities

Faculty Search Committee, 2015; Department of Psychology, Indiana State University, Co-Chair, 2004, Chair, 2005

Faculty Search Committee, 1995, 2002, 2004, 2005; Department of Counseling, Indiana State University, Co-Chair, 2004, Chair, 2005

Program Prioritization Development Committee, 2009-2010; College of Education, Tennessee State University

Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs Representative, 2008-2012, 2013-Present: Department of Psychology, Tennessee State University

Curriculum Committee, 2008-2013: Department of Psychology, Tennessee State University

Counseling Psychology Selection Committee, 2008-Present: Department of Psychology, Tennessee State University, Chair, 2008-2012

Counseling Psychology Program Committee, 2008-Present: Department of Psychology, Tennessee State University, Chair, 2008-2012

Counseling Psychology Program Committee, 1999-2008: Department of Counseling, Indiana State University, Chair, 2005-2008

Counseling Psychology Selection Committee, 1991-2008: Department of Counseling, Indiana State University, Chair, 2005-2008

Counseling Program Committee, 1991-2008; Department of Counseling, Indiana State University, Chair, 1991-1997, 2003-2007

Counseling Program Selection Committee, 1991-2008; Department of Counseling, Indiana State University, Chair, 1991-1997, 2003-2007

Department Service Activities (cont.)

Counselor Education Program Committee, 2004 – 2008; Department of Counseling, Indiana State University,

Personnel Committee, 1999-2008; Department of Counseling, Indiana State University, Chair, 2002-2007

Faculty Search Committee, 1995, 2002, 2004, 2005; Department of Counseling, Indiana State University, Co-Chair, 2004, Chair, 2005

Community Based Service Activities

Methamphetamine Treatment Task Force, Terre Haute, Indiana, 2000-2004


2009 Evaluation Training Award, National Science Foundation, American Evaluation Association and Tennessee State University Department of Psychology

2008 Many Faces of Counseling Psychology Award, International Counseling Psychology Conference (Leadership Award)

2001 Distinguished Service Award, Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity (Division 51 of the American Psychological Association)

1990 Golden Key Graduate Assistant Teaching Award; Phi Kappa Phi


Available Upon Request


Dissertation Committees Chaired Status Institution

Chris Brooks In Development Tenn. St. Univ

Meggan Novotny In Development Tenn. St. Univ

Charles Williams Graduated Tenn. St. Univ.

Tim Boling Graduated Tenn. St. Univ.

Ted Moretz Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Mary Grigar Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Stephen Mailloux Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Ryan Gillespie Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Julia Wernz Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Kelly Dardeen Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Allison Bradshaw Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Lindsay Travelstead Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Christine Kerr Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Keith Buhr Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Anne Price Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Enrique Covarrubias Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Masters Thesis Chaired Status Institution

Brittany LaDuke In Development Tenn. St. Univ.

Brittany Thatcher In Development Tenn. St. Univ.

Innocence Branch In Development Tenn. St. Univ.

Terrence Smith In Development Tenn. St. Univ.

Crystal Moore In Development Tenn. St. Univ.

Kendra Parks In Development Tenn. St. Univ.

Lana Herteen Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Kathleen Kelly Graduated Ind. St. Univ.

Masters Student Advisees

Between 1991 and 2014 – Advised over 200 masters students in Mental Health Counseling Program

Between 1991 and 2014 – Advised over 23 Doctoral students in Counseling Education and Counseling Psychology


Tennessee State University (graduate classes except Introduction to Psychology)

Techniques of Counseling

Ethics and Professionalism in Counseling

Ethics and Professionalism in Counseling Psychology

Masters Practicum in Counseling

Advanced Practicum

Vocational Theory and Testing

Abnormal Psychology

Group Counseling

Family Therapy

Advanced Family Theory and Therapy


Violence in Interpersonal Relationships

Doctoral Internship (supervision of internship application process)

Assessment, Theory & Intervention with Individuals

Assessment, Theory & Interventions in Supervision

Introduction to Psychology

Indiana State University (all graduate classes)

Techniques of Counseling

Foundations of Mental Health Counseling

Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapeutic Systems

Marriage Counseling and Family Therapy

Advanced Marriage Counseling and Family Therapy

Introduction to Group Work

Group Counseling

Career Development

Advanced Career Development Seminar

Advanced Psychological Appraisal in Counseling

Pediatric Psychology

Counseling Individuals with Alcohol and Drug Abuse Problems

Supervision of Counseling

Doctoral Student Seminar

Computer Applications in Graduate Research

Ethics and Professional Practice


Internship (masters level)

Advanced Practicum (doctoral level)

Fieldwork (doctoral level)

Doctoral Internship (supervision of internship application process)

Oklahoma State University (all classes taught under supervision)

Statistical Methods in Education (graduate level)

Educational Research (graduate level)

Measurement and Evaluation in the School (undergraduate level)

Eastern New Mexico University (all undergraduate classes)

Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to Sociology

Introduction to Social Research

Introduction to Social Problems


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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