SOIL 4234 – Fall 2005 – Calendar / Syllabus


SOIL 5813

Soil Plant Nutrient Cycling and Environmental Quality

FACULTY: Bill Raun Rm. 044 Ag Hall,

COURSE OBJECTIVES: To examine advanced concepts and principles of nutrient management, and to internalize new theory as it applies to the judicious use of fertilizers.

STYLE / MODE OF TEACHING: Discussion and student participation in demonstration of fundamental concepts and principles.

EXAMS: Each and every time the class meets, there will be a quiz over materials covered in the previous lecture. This form of “examination” was actually a request from our graduate students. This quiz for every class better engages the students and puts heightened value on the lecture. Paying attention in class (knowing there is a quiz coming the next time it meets) has been enhanced via this methodology. A final comprehensive exam will encumber the 40+ quizzes delivered over the semester.

GRADING PROCEDURE: A 90-100, B 80-90, C 70-80, D 60-70

Attendance is required

Class participation is encouraged


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