2007 Executive Committee Meeting

[pic] 2016 Executive Committee Meeting

Date: Monday February 22, 2016

Place: Panera Bread at 2820 Central Ave SE in Nob Hill

Time: 5:30p.m.

Call to Order: SWAT VP, Margaret Coombs called the Executive Committee to Order at 5:35pm.

Present: Margaret Coombs, Linda Kipp, Donna C-J and Karen Green.

Minutes from the January 18, 2016 were approved as amended.

Report of President: As Acting President, Margaret will have this report included in New and Old Business.

Report of Vice-President: Items are included in the New and Old Business of this document.

Report of Corresponding Secretary: Donna’s items will be included in the New and Old Business.

Report of Treasurer: Linda reported the financial status as follows.

Working Balance $25,367.67

Truck/Trailer Balance 22,893.91

Check book Balance $48,261.58

Even though the February USDAA Trial was small, after all expenses were paid, it still made over $300.

Committee Reports Review

May 7-8, 2016 NADAC: : Karen reported that all Trial positions are filled. This Trial will be the BETA format allowing entries to run the same course twice, Q-ing both times or correcting any first-run problems. We are hoping this might generate some new interest in this NADAC Trial. Who doesn’t want a ‘do-over’! Pam Smith is working on the Premium and will have it to NADAC for approval very soon. She was waiting to hear SWAT EC decision on Junior Handler reduced fees. The Insurance Certificate for the site is still needed; Karen will contact Bob Kipp to see what the status is on this.

June 3-5, 2016 USDAA: Linda K. reported that Linda Smith is the Trial Chair and Sandra Katzen is the judge. At present is a two-ring/one judge Trial. Should entries exceed a single judge’s maximum number a second judge would be hired. This will require close communication with the Trial Secretary and might require an earlier than normal Registration Closing Date.

The application was submitted late incurring a $25 fee, however all necessary paperwork is in place and approved. Mica Tyler is the Trial Secretary and will be contracted under the Professional Trial Secretary Contract using her own equipment. The Site Coordinator will sign Trial Secretary Contracts now and in the future.

This Trial will include Tournament and Titling Classes. There will be special awards for Team and Grand Prix competition. Linda moved that we purchase 15 Relay Batons as awards for the Team Pairs. Donna, second. PASSED.

June 24-26, 2016 AKC: Donna reported a new judge, Jamie Horacek, has been hired to replace Kitty Bradley who has taken a position with AKC as a Field Representative and can no longer judge at Trials. All worker positions have been filled by Trial Chair, Barbara Peterson. The proposed Classes, rings and times were reviewed. The Dairy Barn has been contracted with EXPO for this Trial.

July 9, 2016 Fun Match: Karen reported that Linda K has agreed to Course Design, once again for this Match. Gayle Elliott is Fun Match Secretary; Karen Green, Chair; Vicki Wilson, Hospitality and Richard Hansen Equipment Manager. Annie N. has confirmed site and date.

Junior Handler’s reduced fees were discussed. (also an item in New Business) Any entry 18 years old to 9 years old will receive 50% off entry fees. Parent/Guardian must sign a liability release similar to the one used by AKC.. No one younger than 9 years old may register or enter the rings unless it is approved by the SWAT Executive Committee. Donna will take Premium for Fun Match to members of the 4-H Program at BCSP.

September 9-11, 2016 AKC: This will be the official beginning of Trials using Professional Trial Secretaries; therefore the EC reviewed submitted Contracts. Contracting of Trial judges and secretaries requires a long lead time to find available people. The EC felt that as much as possible, Trial judges and Professional Trial Secretary should be contracted at the same time for the same Trial. Karl Blakely and Tamra Domico are the judges and Lisa Frankland is the Trial Secretary.

November 4-6, 2016 USDAA: Linda reported that Courtney Moore would be judging the Starters/Advanced and Rob Bardenett would be the judge for the Masters. No Trial Chair has been named. Mica Tyler is the Professional Trial Secretary.

January 20-22, 2017 AKC: Donna reported that judges Carol Evans and Dave Nauer had been hired for this Trial. Cindy Blanton will be the Professional Trial Secretary.

Nominating Committee: Margaret is the Nominating Committee Chair. Other Committee members are Julie Fillinger and Nancy Norem. A Committee meeting will be held in March to get input for nominations for the 2017-2019 Executive Committee Officers.

Unfinished Business

Transition to Professional Secretaries/Review of Submitted Contracts: Submitted Contracts had been viewed at earlier EC Meetings, but were reviewed again. Contracts that have been submitted as of today are from Cindy Blanton, Mica Tyler and Lisa Frankland. These are the people who were considered when hiring Professional Trial Secretaries starting July 1, 2016. However, anyone wishing to be a Professional Trial Secretary for SWAT under the ‘SWAT Transition to Professional Trial Secretaries Policy’ description (3/10/15) may submit a Contract for consideration. Contracts will be awarded as Trial judges are hired.

Sale of Computer Equipment: In June SWAT will be offering for sale, first to any previous SWAT Trial Secretary, some computer and computer related equipment. Any equipment, offered for sale to the Trial Secretaries that is not sold will be offered to the general membership in July.

Junior Handler Entry Fees: Linda moved that Junior Handlers be given 50% off the regular entry fees for Titling Classes at all SWAT sponsored Trials. Donna seconded; PASSED Junior Handlers age range will be 18 years old and younger, unless otherwise required by the sanctioning agility organization. Anyone younger wishing to participate will have to be approved by the EC. All Junior Handlers will have to have their parents sign Release Forms and will be required to have the appropriate organization’s membership number before entering.

New Business

AKC Rep Recommendations: AKC Rep, Gail Storm attended the January Trial at EXPO. Below is the Report submitted by Julie Fillinger, Trial Chair..

Suggestions from AKC Rep, Gail Storm Regarding SWAT/Weimaraner Club trial January 22-24, 2016

Gail Storm attended our January 2016 agility trial. Her main focus was to observe our two judges, Jan Skurzynski and Dale Mahoney. Gail had one area of suggested improvement for our club’s trial operation in the area of course building.

Gail suggested we work toward making course building more of a science than an art. She has a specific method that she advocates and is even willing to come out at our request to train our ring crew during any trial if we should want to do that. She gave the following steps we could implement to immediately improve the accuracy of our course building. This applies to major course builds, not minor tweaks.

• Always pull the measuring tape down the center

• Each side is worked separately (2 people per side). One directs and one is following behind with the equipment.

• Each person has a copy of the course map coordinates so that would mean 5 copies total – one for the chief course builder and 2 for each set of workers.

• One course builder on each side is wheeling the side – don’t pace it off. This makes it more precise and the idea is that any one (even those hesitant to help with course building) can learn to do this.

• If we build our courses more precisely, the judge has less tweaking to do during the trial

In implementing this type of course building methodology, we encourage more of a team approach (because they have known instructions about what to do) rather than relying on the chief to be the knowledgeable expert. Naturally, the chief still oversees the build. This would require the club to purchase more measuring wheels and brief the chief course builders on the methodology.

SDCKC Request to Rent Equipment: Inquiry was made into SWAT’s rental charge for their AKC Trial. The rental cost is still $600 per day, as it was last year, with the Equipment Managers receiving free entries from SDCKC for the Trial.

Equipment Purchases and Sales: Ellen complied a listing of items that may be considered for auction or disposal. EC approved all items. She also has individual Master Lists of required equipment for each organizations’ specific needs i.e. AKC, USDAA, NADAC.. Super Excellent Job, Ellen!!! This will make loading the truck and sending equipment list to judges much easier.

Ellen has requested the purchase of two AKC Broad Jumps, one Chute Barrel and 10 Non-Winged Jumps meeting USDAA requirements. Approved. Coleen will be researching these purchases.

The old tent was discussed since Richard indicated that it has been needed by some Trials in locations without shade/shelter. It was decided that because of its age and difficulty in assembly, it would be auctioned. However, if tents are required for a Trial, they would be purchased, rented, or borrowed Karen will let Richard know of the EC tent decision.

Equipment for disposal is to be auctioned at the June USDAA Trial at BCSP. Equipment that is not sold there may be offered again at the September AKC Trial at BCSP.

Membership Meeting: The next Membership Meeting will be held April 20th, 6PM at Panera Bread 2820 Central SE in Nob Hill, corner of Central and Girard SE. The EC Meeting will follow.

Executive Committee Vacancy: Discussion concerning the President vacancy was in two directions: names submitted to fill the remaining term (approx. 9 months) and, leaving the position vacant. The Bylaws allow the position to be filled by a vote of the Voting Membership. Both options will be explored.

Next Meeting: March 30th 5:30PM Panera Bread

Meeting Adjourned at 7:18PM

Respectfully submitted,

Karen L. Green

Recording Secretary, SWAT


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