1st Comic book fair in Illora

1st Comic book fair in Illora

A webQuest for Bachillerato


“Mafalda”, “Felix, The cat”, “Tintin”, “Garfield”, and the like are all comic book characters.  Today, many of the comic book characters are finding themselves on movies and cartoon in the T.V, but their home will always remain with the comic book.  All these comics are quite different, some of them are to be read for fun, others have an ironic and sarcastic vision of world news, others are about super-heroes, and so on.  They can inspire a reluctant reader to READ , they can encourage readers to understand the complexity of dialogue, they inform the reader of the different world culture, .  To read, to appreciate, and to create a comic book invites the readers to a world that is beyond their imagination.


Each group (3 students) will choose several comics of a specific country, and will study and investigate how the comic develop, how their characters are, what the purpose of the writer of the comic is, what the setting of the comic is, and their main characteristics. The comic will be your tool and your task at the same time.


1. First of all as a way of introduction you will have some notions about : what is a comic book? Its important to understand the definition and description of a comic book as well as be aware of some of the terminology related to the comic book . ( vocabulary ) .

2. After learning something about the comic book, take a look at some comic books from one country. One student will have to look for some comic strips available on Internet. The second student will have to draw some conclusions such as : What makes the comic book appealing? Why read them? Are they all the same? What about the characters?


3. Then, the third student will search for the connection between the country where the comic comes from and the comic itself.

4. Next, all of you will have to make a stand with the posters, photos, pictures, collages recollected form Internet or from your own.

5. As a final task, draw some conclusions about the main features of the comics that you all have read and study with your partners. The conclusions should include an exposition about the most famous comics in the country chosen, including character, motives, themes of the comics.


20% creativity in the making of your own stand. You can use flash cards, pictures, photos, posters, collages, and whatever you think it is appealing to catch your partners´attention. Be yourself

40 % exposition. Try to make clearer as possible your exposition, and to talk about all the points described in the process.

30% English ( usage as well as use)

10% active participation in your partners´expositions . you can make questions, comments, suggestions, and show interest.


Comic Books are reflections of today's society and invite readers to READ more. So with this activity we do encourage students to read and involve in the amazing world of imagination within the comic. And at the same time we are trying to recover an old hobby that nowadays children have forgotten.

Teacher's Help:

In this section, you will find some useful standard information about the relation of country-comics


Merche Moyano Pulido and Mariola Fuentes Villén






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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