Monxton Matters banner

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|The Royal Jubilee Celebrations will be Hosted on Amport Green |

|Saturday June 2nd starting around 12.30 pm |

|More news will be coming out soon, so watch your email Inbox for updates. |

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|Amport and Monxton currently have a joint committee who are organising the Royal Jubilee Celebrations, which will be Hosted on Amport Green in June. |

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|We will be looking of volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks which include: |

|Leaflet drops |

|Assistance with events on the day |

|Setting up the marquees |

|Ideas for events for children and adults |

| |

|Both Amport and Monxton parish councils are providing funds to part finance some of activities, however, donors are welcome to contribute. |

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|For more information or to volunteer: email mikecleugh@ |

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|The Usual advert in this space for the Black Swan has been discontinued as the pub is no longer open. |

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|The rumours are flying around that the Black Swan may have a new Landlord very soon and one who has managed the establishment before. Let’s all trust|

|this happens soon…. |

Monxton and Amport Village Hall Bookings Diary

Regular Bookings: for February -April

|Day |Time |Activity |Contact Name |

|Mon |Morning |AVAILABLE | |

|Mon |Afternoon |AVAILABLE | |

|Mon |Evening |AVAILABLE | |

|Tue |Morning |AVAILABLE | |

|Tue |2pm – 3pm |Badminton |Brenda Gower - 01264 710538 |

|Tue |7:30pm – 10pm |Pipe Band |Iona MacDonald - 07545142924 |

|Wed |9am – 12pm |Music with Mummy |Nicky Derrick - 01264 720452 |

|Wed |2pm – 4pm |RAGS (Art Group) |Renata West - 01264 889507 |

|Wed |8-9pm |Pilates Class |Elizabeth Williams – 01264 512387 |

|Thu |9:15am – 11:45am |Music with Mummy |Nicky Derrick - 01264 720452 |

|Thu |Afternoon |AVAILABLE | |

|Thu |6:15pm – 9:15pm |Shuffles & Splits |Louise Ray - 01264 356042 |

|Fri |8:30am – 2.30pm |Baby Sensory Class |Imogen Day - 07762 364132 |

|Fri |Afternoon |AVAIL after 2.30pm | |

|Fri |Evening |AVAILABLE | |

|Sat |All day |AVAILABLE | |

|Sun |Morning - fortnightly |Coffee after Church |Jean Wood - 01264 710518 |

|Sun |All Day |AVAILABLE | |

Moviola Film Events at the Village Hall

For more information contact: Caroline Unwin 01264 772375


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|The Monxton Parish Council Meeting |

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|31st January 2012 at 8.00PM |

| |

|Full edition available on the Monxton Website or from the Parish Clerk |

|MATTERS ARISING (Abridged version) |

|. | |


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|The current bank balance is £10,279.08 |Cllr Pat West reported that ALL S106 money went to TVBC, as money was meant|

| |to be given to Monxton for sustainable transport, Katrina to write to David|

|Next year’s precept will be increased by £250 to cover celebrations |Gleave cc Roger Tetstall and Ian Carr, asking TVBC to confirm where the |

|for the Queens Jubilee. The precept was agreed and will now be sent |money has been allotted (approx £20,000) |

|off. | |

| |Sue to ring David Wilson to see what the situation is regarding signage. |

|The Chairperson and Treasurer signed the accounts. |Pat West said she was involved in discussion to resolve the matter. |

| |New Signage at for the Coop Magashed at Andover Airfield. |

|David to chase up HSBC, for account transfer from the Bank of Ireland | |

| |[pic] |

|Golden Jubilee Celebration Amport Green |SUNNYBANK |

|The MPC was advised that Amport PC is giving £1,500 towards the event |Playground inspection |

|which will include kids games, bouncy castle, bucking bronco … |A new volunteer to undertake the weekly checks of the playground is needed.|

| |If no volunteers are forthcoming the playground equipment will need to be |

|The Hawk Inn will provide a Bar service on the Green. |removed as Monxton Parish Council will not be insured. JC to write letter |

| |to residents. |

|People will be advised to bring their own picnics. The Monxton and |Traffic calming update |

|Amport Marquees will be used for serving tea and cakes – made by |This to be removed from the agenda. |

|Amport villagers. |SC to email Simon Nightingale to raise the issue of visibility of the build|

| |outs, and ask for it to be more reflective. |

|Music will be provided local musicians. | |

|Monxton agreed to give up to £500 for Jubilee funding to include gifts|Monxton’s - Silver Jubilee Old Films now available on DVD |

|for the village children. | |

| |The three Super 8 films were kindly donated by Mr & Mrs Long, who have |

|Numbers of children to be determined for Sunnybank and Monxton |since left the village and MPC have now funded their conversion onto DVD, |

| |which means that they will shortly be available for download from the |

|VILLAGE HALL |Monxton website. |

| | |

|Village Hall Committee have chosen the ramp, non slip. They will need | |

|to get a certificate of lawfulness. There is no date yet for | |

|installation. | |


|Item |REF/DESCRIPTIONS |Parish |TVBC |Comments |

| | |Council | | |

|1 |12/00028/FULLN |Support | | |

| | | | | |

| |Demolition of existing attached double garage and erection of a | | | |

| |detached single garage, office, garden store and gates | Old | | | |

| |Farm House Abbotts Ann Road | | | |

|2 |12/00029/LBWN |Support | | |

| | | | | |

| |Demolition of existing attached double garage and erection of | | | |

| |gates | Old Farm House | | | |

|Decisions Made: |

|11/02657/TREEN Abbotts Mead Chalkpit Lane No Objection |

|11/02532/TREEN Monxton Manor Amport Road No Objection |

|11/02517/TREEN Rectory Cottage Amport Road No Objection |

|11/01548/VARN Manor Farm Amport Road Perm subj cond¬es |

|Concern has been raised with TVBC that the planting has yet again been delayed. A request for planting this year, using containers, to be made –|

|given the timescale already involved. |

| |

|11/02502/LBWN The School Hse Amport Rd Consent subj cond¬es |

|1. Councillor Ben Few-Brown will provide advice on planning applications as the new TVBC borough councillor. |

| |

|2. All planning applications can be accessed on line at .uk |

| |

|3. For those planning applications that require further discussions where there may be supporters and objectors, a Planning Sub- Committee will |

|be held involving Cllrs Saville, Dowding, Cleugh and Chaffey plus any interested residents. |

|The next meeting of the Monxton Parish Council will be on the |

|March 6th 2012 at 8.00pm at the Village Hall |

|Report from Alan King: |

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|The on-going issues both from and since the last MPC Meeting ~ 15th November 2011 (all reported for action to Peter Watson at the Countryside |

|Service of Hampshire County Council) are as follows: |

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|The fingerpost on Broad Road where footpath 4 emerges has been repaired (replaced). |

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|The fingerpost north of the bridge on the north side of the A303 footpath is down. |

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|Signage is missing at the end of Boat 12 where it meets the Grateley Road at Oaklahoma Farm. |

| |

|The track up to the “crossroads” from Sunny Bank (“Monxton Lane” Boat 11) has not been trimmed during either the 2010/11 winter or to date this |

|winter. Complaints have been received that the vegetation on the track is now excessive. |

| |

|The majority of the spoil tipped on Boat 8 was removed during week commencing 12th December 2011 leaving a residue of brick, concrete and tarmac |

|rubble in the hedge (for a length of approximately 70 metres. Debris as yet to be removed remains in the hedgerow. |

| |

|Complaints have been received that the width of Bridleway 7 as maintained by the land owner is not adequate (and is less than is defined in the |

|Definitive Statement of Public Rights of Way). |

| |

|During the weekend of 19th November 2011 it was reported that obstructions had been placed at all four “ends” of Boats 8 & 11 so preventing |

|vehicular use of the public byeways. |

| |

|The fingerpost sign is broken off the post at the entrance to Bridleway 721 (Bryning Lodge) were vans / lorries undertaking building work have been|

|parking / turning. This has been repaired on a temporary basis. |

|Phil Allen of HCC Countryside Service is visiting Monxton with Peter Watson on the 9th February 2012 to view the obstructions for himself and |

|decide how to resolve the issue. TVBC, as Agents of HCC, have refused to remove the obstructions as “fly-tipping”. Phil Allen of HCC has said |

|that he will consider asking the Police to commence a criminal action for “unlawful obstruction of a Public Highway”. |

| |

|Since the 15th November 2011 footpaths 4, 6 & 502, Bridleway 7, 9 & 721 and BOATS 8 & 11 have been walked. |

| |

|Note |

|Fly-tipping can be reported by anyone to the Street Scene Team at Test Valley Borough Council who are part of “Customer Services” and are |

|contactable on 01264 368000. They require a brief (but accurate) description / quantity of the material to be removed together with an exact |

|location. |

| |

|Report from Robert Davies: |

| |

|There were no serious incidents involving the Police in Monxton, since the last Parish Council meeting. |

|Since 1.11.11 – 31.1.12 there have been 7 incidents incl. lost/found property, suspicious vehicle and criminal damage. The Police (to achieve |

|more with less) will be utilising more technology to free-up Police time to enable them to spend more time out in the community. |

| |

|For example – |

| |

|1. The Police Officers have been issued with Blackberrys that can access the Police National Computer directly. With this they can do |

|“on-the-spot” checks on car registration numbers, check on suspicious people or property which could be stolen |

|2. Also finger prints can be taken by the Blackberry and it is possible to get identification result back in 20 seconds. |

|3. The local Police are using Twitter now… for appeals for information, give notification of speed checks etc. |

| |

|There will be an article in the Parish News giving more details. |

| |

|The Police have been active in the village undertaking speed checks. 7 vehicles stopped (2 fixed penalty; 5 warned) Thanks to David Trowbridge |

|for coming to the meeting; He explained how the Community Speed Watch Scheme worked. |

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|In short – the main points are |

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|Before the scheme starts |

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|A 30MPH area should be identified which will be risk assessed by the Police. 6 Volunteers are needed (incl. one lead volunteer), minimum age 17 |

|years. |

|Once the site is approved (up to 3 sites), the equipment is purchased (£3k). Hampshire constabulary will train, free of charge, how to use the |

|gun (flashing device). Takes as little as 3 months to get up and running. |

| |

|The scheme |

|The Lead Volunteer co-ordinates volunteers. Equipment is stored at the Police Station. Lead volunteer inputs info to the Police computer. |

|Letters will be received next day by the speeders. Persistent offenders will be visited by the Police. Running costs- allow £50p.a. Need High |

|Visibility jackets. 3 people out at one time. |

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|Please ensure all domestic oil is kept securely and with a lock and chain. |

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|Please continue to report any incidents or anything suspicious please Ring 101 to call PC Roger Kitson, who will act upon the call. |




Mike Cleugh

Issue 56









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