Monday, September 8, 2008 the HOA meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M.


There was a quorum, as Neil Auster, Frank Cardinale, Lucille DeFeo,

Marylu Mariniello and Steve Parker were present.


Old Business: 

Reading of the minutes from the previous meeting was waived because they were published. Frank motioned to waive them and Lucille seconded it.

Treasurer’s Report: (read by Lucille)

$11.177.05 Checking Account

34,614.29 Money Market

69,387.05 Wachovia Reserve

Neil motioned to accept the report and Frank seconded it.

ARB Report: (read by Marylu)

A pool and enclosure were approved

Exterior paint was disapproved because the trim was too dark.

New Business:

The following items were discussed:

There have been some issues with vandalism. Some children pulled down a sign in the park. This led to a discussion regarding a County issue which said that we cannot have any signs on the right of way, which includes our bulletin board on the east entrance. We are working with the County to resolve this.

Also discussed were campers, trucks, boats and parking vehicles on lawns. Residents need to be aware of the by-laws regarding these types of vehicles.

Neil said that if there is an unauthorized vehicle on a driveway and we send a violation notice and they move it, we then have to send another violation notice again.

Lucille said that large motor homes that are parked in the street are allowed to be there for 48 hours to charge the motor home and do packing. They also need time for unpacking upon their return.

The subject of foreclosed homes and unkempt property was discussed. Per Lucille, we are not allowed to go on someone’s property without permission. They must be referred to the County.

Marylu said that these properties are controlled by banks and property management companies. Some will clean outside, others don’t. Also, we don’t always know which banks are involved.

Lucille said that she discussed one of the houses with the Realtor and threatened putting a lien on the home and then the lawn was mowed.

One of the homeowners wanted the Board to contact all of the banks regarding these foreclosures. Marylu said that there are thousands of homes, not only in Florida, but nationwide and that the banks are not going to give Loma Del Sol special consideration. Many of the foreclosed homes in our Development have been sold, while others have been addressed by the County.

Another homeowner said that they mow the lawn of their next door foreclosed home. Lucille said not to do this so she can call the County about the home.

Rick mentioned that Verizon is coming around to put in new fiber optics in the community. If there is a problem with anyone’s lawn, the number to call is:

Verizon Damage Claim Division


This is a 24/7 number.

A Homeowner mentioned that there is a car that hasn’t moved off the driveway in months and that another homeowner has six registered cars. Per the Sheriff’s Office, if the cars are legally registered, they are allowed to park on the street, which is a public road. Also, we are not allowed to walk on anyone’s driveway without their permission to see if they have tags on the cars. This is a state by-law.

Neil said that we sent out violation letters and that there have been improvements. We have new violations to send out for different homeowners.

Neil also discussed the new entrances that we are planning on installing once all of the CR 54 road expansion is completed. He said that there will be new entrance signs utilizing the existing walls, but that they will be 2.5 feet taller. There will be two stone columns on both sides with wrought iron fencing on both sides. The money for this is in the reserve fund. Neil said that he will bring the pictures and architectural drawings to the Annual Meeting for Homeowners to see. He also said that bougainvillea and plumbago were planted, along with drip irrigation near the Walgreen’s on CR 54. This was done to protect the homeowners who live near there because people walk through their property and also to give off some color. As they grow, they will fill out.

Lucille said that the County was going to install a traffic light right in front of our entry sign, but she called County Commissioner

Jean Reed, who had them change the specs.

A homeowner said that the County is measuring our development streets and wanted to know why. It was stated that the County is measuring traffic.

Lucille said that someone complained about a County truck that had broken something. When they came to investigate, they saw our signs on the right of way and said that they had to be moved. However, we take care of this property, so are trying to work around this.

The subject of raising the annual assessments was addressed. Dues have been stable for many years. The reason that we are raising them now is due to the increase of property insurance, electricity, administration costs and to cover for the delinquent homeowners who have not paid their assessments last year and probably won’t this coming year. 48 homes did not pay their dues for 2008. We are working with our Attorney to put liens on these homes. This is a slow process, but we have been successful in getting this done. Additionally, we are using Auburndale Bookkeeping to also help us with this situation. They are doing a great job of assisting us.

Some of the homeowners present were vehemently opposed to the assessment increase and complained about it. This issue will be discussed at the Annual Meeting in November.

October 11 will be the date for the annual garage sale.

The Tea Party will be held Saturday, November 15 from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M at the park.

The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 08, at 10:00 A.M. at the KOA Campground.

Steve motioned to end the meeting and Neil seconded it. The meeting ended at 7:45 P.M.


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