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6013450-18415000-133350-25400000 Pine Class Home learning Week 12 (Wk b 8th June 2020) Reading:-1904185421001 per dayPlease complete the Year 3 and year 4 Daily reading lessons on The Oak National Academy. You will practise your reading comprehension skills this week., Read your home reading book or a book from the Oxford Owl website. Try to read for at least 5 mins every day.Explore new vocabulary you find when reading. What are the origins of this word? Can it be modified? Can you find any synonyms or antonyms for your new word? Record the new words you find in your reading record.Remember to read every day and record a comment in your reading journal.Writing:1 per day6800821082000Weekly writing task: Visual literacy- ‘Taking flight’15335254381500Watch the video on the Pine Class blog, After being dropped off with his 'boring, old Grandpa' one boy's dismay is turned into a thrilling adventure through the power of a shared imagination, a 'Radio-Flyer' and a story telling Grandpa. When Dad returns will the fun be over?? the activity sheets at the end of this plete the SPA activities and then complete the longer writing tasks using your writer’s tools.Maths:86995514985001 per dayPlease complete the Year 3 and year 4 White rose maths lessons.On the blog I have included this week’s video links for each lesson. Just click on the link and it will take you straight to the lesson video.I have also uploaded each lesson task as well as the answers. Self-mark your work and edit any corrections. Year 3 -This week you will be exploring equivalent fractions and comparing fractions. Year 4- This week you will be exploring tenths and hundredths as decimals and dividing by 10 and 100.Keep playing Sumdog, hit the button and maths frame- Use these games to practise your times tables and key number facts. Try to play these for at least 5 mins every day.Continue to practise telling the time at home this week.: 314812911199300Have a go at this Stem challenge:Design and build a raft/ boat.Use things that you have at home or in your Recycling.What materials would be best?Test your raft. What do you observe? Why do you think this happened?Could you build another one out of different materials?Did anything change? Why? P4C- Philosophy for children- Talking time169545161290008667759845600Talking pointso LOOK at these pictures and say what you seeo What actually is a rainbow?o Why do we get rainbows?o What does a rainbow picture mean?o Who do you want to say Thank You toActivity:Make your own picture to represent how you are feeling today.4489457429500RE: This week our RE theme is ‘Love’.You will be thinking about a bible story in Luke 5: 17-26 which tells the story of the paralysed man, who is brought to Jesus by being lowered through the roof by his friends. The RE tasks can be access via the blog.PE: (Choose one)2012951206500Complete the Joe wicks daily workoutComplete a go noodle/ Just dance exercise videoMake up your own dance/Design and complete an assault course. 3155953619500Art PointillismThis week we will be learning all about Pointillism, a form of art used by many famous painters. You will then create your own pointillism painting.258621011426200Access the activity on the blogCoding3282951016000Complete some online coding lessons using Espresso coding academy view of the tragic death of George Floyd in the USA,?we have seen many communities coming together in peaceful protest at what has happened.? I am sure that many of you will have been talking?about these events and it is important that we all, no matter how young, have an understanding of equality and racism. 208153044767500To explore further and discuss with your families about the George Floyd case, which raises some important discussion points, use the link on the blog.? You can also watch the clip from BBC Bitesize.MusicLearn a new song ‘Writing’Our song this week is all about writing!Listen to the song on the blog and then complete the activities.: Synonyms lesson : Prefix lesson: : fronted adverbials : Planning your own story writingImagine that you are going on an adventure with Grandpa. Where would you go? It can be any place or any time you like. How would you feel? What would you see and hear? How would you describe where you are? Use this plan to help you tell your story.1885955953600Friday: Story writing. Now write your own story based on your plan. Writer’s tools:Adventurous adjectives- think about your synonymsExpanded noun phrasesTime conjunctionsFronted adverbialsDialogue- inverted commas for speech.Remember to read and check your writing for sense. Then edit your writing. When you have finished you could publish your writing using your neatest cursive writing. You could design a boarder around your writing and design a front cover or blurb ................

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