The Club got off to an encouraging start to the Season proper with a win for the 1st XV against Bancrofts (17—13) and a win for the 2nd XV (called the Purples) against Dagenham 3rds,30—19.

Both teams recorded wins earlier in the Season in warm-up matches against Rochford 2nds and Maldon 3rds.

The Club also won the Bancroft 10s tournament on the 2nd September with wins against Loughton,Uni Babaas and Bancrofts.

Rob Lancaster,Club coach for several years has moved on to coach at Barking and coaching is now being done by ----------------.

The Club has a new website (part of an independent website covering a number of rugby clubs) clubs/oldcooperians. Very interesting and full of photos of Club matches and activities. You can sign up to the web site if you wish.


The Club are going ahead with plans to build a full bar in the Clubhouse with the blessing of the School and are hoping to have it finished in October. Former Players will no doubt think this is a proper “coming of age” for the Club as in the past the “after match” experience in the bar was as important as the rugby, some would say more important!!

The Club are able to fund the bulk of the costs of this work but have approached the Former Players to contribute. The Former Players committee have agreed to make a contribution but would welcome donations from Former Players to help cover the costs.

If you would like to make a donation please send a cheque (payable to OCRFC Former Players) to Robin Smith,16 Bridleway,Billericay,CM11 1DP.

The Club have 1st and 2nd teams at home on 20th October and if anyone fancies coming along to see the matches it may well be an opportunity to “christen” the new bar assuming no last minute hitches.


The crowded calendar for 2012 seemed to have an effect on our numbers as many of the regular players were unable to make it to The Bentley Golf Club, Brentwood on Thursday, 19th July. Nevertheless, some 3 foursomes braved the usual summer forecast of rain followed by more rain, but, despite a heavy shower just before tee-off in nearby Shenfield, the weather was excellent and set the background for a superb day enjoyed by everyone. The course was challenging, more than usual due to the recent wet weather, facilities were good and the evening meal excellent. The staff could not have been more helpful. Niall Kelly was a delighted and excited overall winner with Jim Fry second. The Senior winner was Tony Page, more than pleased with his prize of a half leg of Bearfields Ham. Robin Smith beat Peter Wolton by the narrowest of margins for second place. Everyone was delighted to hear that John Dunn was making a good recovery from his recent back operation and plans to be playing again later this year. For 2013, the plan is to revert to an early September date, ideally at The Romford Golf Club. Full details will be circulated early in the New Year. (thanks to Mike Bainbridge for this note and for all his hard work in organising the day in John Dunns absence)


It has been confirmed, by Central Foundation, current occupiers of the building, that the School building at Tredegar Square will be converted into apartments in the next few years. The building will probably cease being used as a school during 2014. Consequently, the Old Coopers & Coborn Association (OCCA) are planning to hold an event on a Saturday between July and September 2013 to bid farewell to The School at Tredegar Square. Currently the OCCA are awaiting a response from Central Foundation regarding dates etc. As soon as details are confirmed they will be circulated and your help in passing these on to boys and girls who attended The School would be much appreciated.


The Former Players Dinner will be held at The Gun Public House and restaurant again this year on Friday, 26th October. As most of you know by now the Gun is in Spitalfields, five minutes walk from Liverpool Street Station. The restaurant bar will be open from 6.30pm and we sit down to eat at 7.30pm. Full details are on the attached sheet. Please send menu choices and cheques to Robin Smith at 16 Bridleway, Billericay, Essex, CM11 1DP. Cheques to be made payable to OCRFC Former Players. The cut-off date for replies is 18th OCTOBER. Cost this year is £25 for a three course meal,coffee and mints.

Stan Hark is again making the trip from Canada to be with us and no doubt many of his friends and playing partners from way back will look forward to meeting up with him.Stan was a “legend” in the Club for all sorts of reasons over the years but appears to have mellowed with age,judged on his last visit!!



As John is such an integral part of the Former Players and still an enthusiastic supporter of the Club I twisted his arm to let me know how he is getting on as I was sure it would be of interest to everyone.Below is his note from which you can see things are on the mend.

I was hoping to come to the Golf Day dinner but my operation was brought forward from July to June which was good for me but messed up the golf and our 60th reunion which Alan Burgess organised.

For the record the problem was diagnosed as Spinal Stenosis and the operation a revisional spinal decompression. Basically nerves were trapped in the spinal cord by narrowing of the channels and there was a disc bulging and trapping the nerves and some arthritis of the spine itself pressing in. Quite a mess really. However I am lucky I know a very good orthopaedic surgeon through golf and he said he was 85% positive he could get me walking again, which he has and apart from other effects from the operation which are making me a bit weak everything is progressing well. I think too many knocks have come home to roost from the OCRFC days!!

Each day feels better now and I plan to play a few hole this coming week to see how it goes. I’m also hoping to do the school walk which Jim Fry organises from Bow to Upminster on 7th October.


The 12th annual 15 mile sponsored walk from the Old School at Bow to the present School at Upminster is taking place on Sunday 7th October. Entrance fee is £5 per individual or £10 for a family/friends group of 2 to 4 walkers. The Parents Association have arranged several refreshment points along the route and transport for any baggage or tired bodies. Many of you may already have had details via Jim Fry or the OCCA. But if there are any last minute contenders for this form of torture suggest you email Colin Steel at colinsteel.ecj@ who is helping to organise the event.



“The Gun” Public House and Restaurant 54, Brushfield Street, near Old Spitalfields Market .

Tel. No. 020 7247 7988. Nearest station Liverpool Street.

Date and time:

Friday , 26th October. Restaurant bar open at 6.30pm. Dinner 7.30pm. The bar and restaurant are on the upper floor above the pub.

Dress: Jacket and tie

Cost : £ 25

Menu choices: (please tick choice)


|Leek & Potato Soup |A |

|Whitebait |B |

|Deep fried stuffed Mushrooms |C |

Main Courses:

|Steak & Kidney Pudding (made to the Gun’s world famous recipe) |D |

|Battered Fish & Chips |E |

|Lamb Shank |F |


|Treacle Sponge |G |

|Fruit Salad & Ice Cream |H |

|Cheese and Biscuits |I |

( meals include vegetables in season, potatoes, roll and butter, coffee & mints )


Please retain the top half of this form for your information and detach this part and return it to:

Robin Smith, 16 Bridleway, Billericay, Essex CM11 1DP, to reach me no later than 18th. October

I will be attending the Dinner on the 26thOctober. I enclose a cheque for £ 25

( payable to OCRFC Former Players)

MY MENU CHOICES ARE:- (Please circle choices)


NAME ……………………………………………………………………………………

TEL. NO: …………………………………………………………………………


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