Course Syllabus

2011-2012 School Year

Instructor: David C. Moskal

Office: Jenks Middle School, Room 1405

Voice Mail: 918-299-4415 ext. 5783

E-mail: david.moskal@

Office Hours: MTWRF 9:45 – 10:35 AM

Assistance with Course Work: Students who are in need of additional help should make arrangements to meet with the instructor before or after school. There is no charge for this service.

Classroom Structure: This course will differ from the conventional approach in both method and content. This class will use a Problem-Centered Learning approach. Problem-Centered Learning is an instructional strategy that involves students in the learning process by having them work together in small groups on problematic activities. These tasks encourage students to ask questions and make decisions, thereby promoting discussion and communication within the group. Students use problem-solving strategies to develop their own methods to solve these problems. After the groups have completed the problem, the class discusses the problem. Students explain how they solved the problem and their solution methods to the class. As different solutions are presented, the class now has the opportunity to discuss the various solutions presented. Students listen to other class members' explanations, indicate if they agree, disagree, or if they do not understand. The goal of the class is to work toward total agreement. Whole class discussion allows students to discover that there is more than one way to solve a problem. Students are exposed to many different methods and strategies by listening to peers describing other solutions.

Classroom Environment: This mathematics classroom will have a business-like atmosphere in which the study of mathematics has first priority. Collaboration (working and talking) with your assigned partner is necessary and encouraged, but you should not distract or disturb the other classmates in the classroom with unnecessary disruptions and interruptions. The Classroom Discipline Plan will be used to address the unwillingness of a student to observe these expectations.

Goals: The main focus of the class will be to prepare students for the Jenks High School Algebra 1 course. Additional goals of this class are to help students develop mathematical reasoning, problem solving, an understanding of number concepts, and the ability to effectively and appropriately use calculators and computers. The Pre-Algebra course is organized into the following content strands:

1. Circles (Area and Circumference) 7. Ratio & Proportions

2. Transformations 8. Data Analysis, Probability & Statistics

3. Integers, Order of Operations 9. Geometry & Measurement(Triangles,Quads)

4. Whole numbers and integers 10. Algebra

5. Rational number concepts 11. Exponent, Square Numbers, Square Roots

6. Percents 12. Inequalities

Grading and Evaluation: The student's academic performance will be based on homework, tests, and classroom performance. The following scale will determine the final letter grades:

98%-100%= A+ 78%-79% = C+

93%-97% = A 73%-77% = C

90%-92% = A- 70%-72% = C-

88%-89% = B+ 68%-69% = D+

83%-87% = B- 63%-67% = D

80%-82% = B- 60%-62% = D-

0% -59% = F

In addition to scholarship, such factors as initiative, attitude, cooperation, persistence, participation, and individual improvement will be a factor in the final professional judgment of the instructor in assigning final letter grades.

Student Handbook: Information regarding conduct, student behavior, student appearance, gum chewing, etc., is contained in the Jenks Middle School Student Handbook. You are responsible for reading and understanding the rules and information contained in this document. You should also conduct yourself accordingly not only in the mathematics classroom but all during the school day.

Start of Class: The beginning of class is not a time to visit. After being seated, you should prepare yourself for the beginning of class and the Start of Class Activity.

Textbooks: Glencoe McGraw-Hill

Classroom Materials: The following materials are essential to this course and should be brought to class daily:

A. Pencil or Pen

B. Notebook paper: Standard-sized lined notebook paper is preferred.

C. Your Holt Pre-Algebra textbook and/or Mathematics packet

Calculator: Calculators are available in the classroom for each student. This class will use the Texas Instruments Model 83+ Graphing Calculator.

The Instructor and his Philosophy Statement: David Moskal graduated from Broken Arrow High School in 1994 and also attended a public school in Elk City, Oklahoma. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 1999 with a Bachelor Degree of Science in Education (emphasis in Secondary Mathematics). During this same year he also married his wife Kenna, finished his student teaching under Mr. Abshire at the Jenks Middle School, and was hired on as a full time teacher in November. This year will be his twelfth full year as a 7th Grade Mathematics teacher. Kenna and David have an eight year old son, Carter Moskal and a six year old girl, Kyla Moskal. Mr. Moskal believes that all students can enjoy, learn, and have success in their mathematics.


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