Enrichment Project Due: Monday January 28th – Family Tree

Directions on handout given in class!!

AP American

L. Scherer

Unit VI Syllabus

Unit 6: The Gilded Age: (1865-1912)


1. National politics in the Gilded Age

2. Industrialization and Corporate Consolidation

3. Union movment

4. immigration and the american reaction

5. intellectural and cultural movements

[pic] [pic]

Identifications: Describe the event and EXPLAIN THE SIGNIFICANCE!!!

|Credit Moblier Scandal 1872 |Captains of Industry |Old Immigration vs. New Immigration |

|Whiskey Ring Affair 1875 |Andrew Carnegie |Nativism |

|Pendleton Act 1883 |John D. Rockefeller |Know-Nothing Party 1854 |

|Tammany Hall |JP Morgan |Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 |

|Boss Tween |Cornelius Vanderbilt |Battle of Little Big Horn 1876 |

|Thomas Nast |Social Darwinism |Wounded Knee 1890 |

|Gospel of Wealth 1889 |Social Gospel 1900 |“A Century of Dishonor”1881 |

|Horatio Alger Stories 1868-1890 |Hull House 1889 |Dawes Severalty Act 1887 |

| |Henry George 1879 |Carlisle Schools 1879 |

| |Edward Bellamy 1888 | |

| | | |

Do you know these vocabulary terms????: these terms appear repeatedly on the ap exam

urban v. rural urbanization monopolies

native born v. immigrants New South Gilded Age

laissez faire economics social Darwinism settlement houses

political machines “Americanize” assimilation policies

big business Social Gospel transcontinental railroads

subsidies Nativism

Text Book Chapters to read!!!!!!! chapters 23, 24, 25, 26 PAGES 500-621

Assignment #1: Due: _Wednesday 12/19

Topic: 19th Century Industrialists

Required Reading: American Pageant, 528-548

Capitalist P.O.V. vs. Labor P.O.V.

Answer the Handouts:

1. “The Philosophy of the Industrialists” answer questions #1-7

2. “Labor Contractors and Italian Immigrants” answer questions #1-4

Assignment #2: Due: Wednesday 1/2

(We will be working on this in class 12/19-12/21, therefore everyone should have most if not all of this project done before break)

Handout: Impact of Industrialization on workers and their families

Required Reading:

American Pageant, 547-556

Outside sources from the library, internet etc…

Each one of you will be assigned a person to research in preparation for a committee hearing in class. Be prepared to give a 1 minute presentation of your person following the directions on the handout.

Grade: 100 points 50 points for individual research/50 points for drafting of bill

Assignment #4: Due: Friday 1/4

Flipped Classroom: Watch the Video “Just the Facts: The Emergence of Modern America – The Gilded Age” (30 minute) on Youtube

Follow the link on my website.

1. Summarize the changes America experiences during the Gilded Age. Be prepared to discuss film in class.

Assignment #5: Due: Monday 1/7

Topic: Immigration

Required Reading:

READ!!!! American Pageant, 511-514 and 557-590

Discuss the following:

1. How were the “New Immigrants” of the late 19th century different than the immigrants who had arrived during previous periods in American history? Discuss their reasons for emigrating, their experiences in America, their settlement patterns, and the challenges they faced.

2. Analyze the various ways in which political machines, social crusaders, nativists, and businesses responded to the “New Immigrants”?

3. How was education affected by the growth of urban areas in America?

4. To what extent were reformers in the late 19th century (late 1800s) successful in improving living conditions and morality in cities?

5. List the famous American literary works that blossomed after the Civil War.

6. How did many American’s amuse themselves during the Gilded Age?

Assignment #6: Due: _Thursday 1/10

1. Gilded Age Timeline due today.

2. Quiz on Gilded Age notes and timeline.

Assignment #7: Due: _Friday 1/11

Topic: Settling the West

Required Reading:

American Pageant, 500-528 and 590-621

APUSH READER (located on scherer227. : Read the following two articles and complete the secondary source handout

A. “Born Modern: An Overview of the West” page 100-103

B. “Transcontinental Railroads: Compressing Time and Place” p. 125-127 (located on my website)

1. Complete Secondary Source Handout for both (find on my website)

Assignment # 8 Due: Monday 1/14

Return Textbook “Portrait of America Volume I”

Read!!!!!! American Pageant:

MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor   Chapter 27: p. 623-643 and Chapter 28: P. 646-663

1. Read Article “Introduction: The Question of Annexation” and “Part I: The Origins of a Global Power and answer question sheet.

2. Read Article “Part II: The Spanish American War” and answer question sheet

|Age of Imperialism |Boxer Rebellion 1900 |

|Sinking of the Maine 1898 |Panama Canal 1904 |

|Teller Amendment 1898 |Roosevelt Corollary 1904 |

|Rough Riders 1898 |Russo-Japanese War 1904 |

|Treaty of Paris 1898 |Gentlemen’s Agreement 1908 |

|Anti-Imperialist League 1898 |Great White Fleet 1904 |

|Platt Amendment 1901 |Root-Takahira agreement 1908 |

|Philippine insurrection 1899 |Jones Act 1916 |

|Insular cases (“Dorr v. U.S.”)1901-1904 |Important People: |

|Open Door Notes I and II 1899 |Alfred Thayer Mahan |

| |Valeriano Weyler |

| |Emilio Aguinaldo |

Timeline on Imperialism and DBQ Test on Imperialism: Thursday January 17th

Cumulative MID TERM: Friday January 18th

Enrichment Project Due Monday January 28th – Family Tree

Directions on handout given in class!!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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