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Complete each statement by writing the correct term or phrase in the space provided.Evolution is the process by which ______________________ may change over time.A trait in a species that results in it being better suited to survive and reproduce in its environment is called a(n)_____________________.A(n) ______________________ is a group of individuals that belong to the same species, live in a defined area, and breed with others in the group.The formation of a new species is called ______________________.Species that shared a common ancestor in the recent past have many ______________________ ______________________ or ______________________ sequence similarities.Given that the forelimbs of all vertebrates share the same basic arrangement of bones, forelimbs are said to be ______________________ structures.Populations evolve, but ______________________ do not evolve.Individuals do not ________________. However, individuals can ____________________ or ______________________.Some whales have tiny ______________________ bones as evidence of their land-dwelling mammalian ancestors.Darwin felt that fossils of extinct armadillos that resembled living armadillos were evidence of ______________________ with ______________________.A type of evolution with small scale changes in genes is called ______________________.Lamarck’s incorrect hypothesis regarding inheritance is called ________________________.Darwin knew about heredity, but he did not know about _________________.A female robin that chooses a mate based on how well he sings is demonstrating _______________ _______________.Migration to or from a population results in _________________ _________________.If the graph of the phenotypes of a trait in a population is a hill or bell-shaped curve, the trait has gone under _________________ selection.Over time, changes within species leads to 2 outcomes, addition of new species or _________________.The changes in a species that results in its being better suited to its environment are called ______________________.A condition in which two groups of a population have diverged sufficiently that they can no longer interbreed is called ______________________ ______________________.Microevolution is the study of evolution at the level of __________________. Similarly functioning features in organisms that do not share a recent common ancestor are the result of a pattern in evolution called ______________________ ______________________.____________________ is behavior that allows an organism to deal with unfavorable changes.A(n) ______________________ is a trait-based change that allows an individual to deal with unfavorable conditions.In North America, five frog species of the genus Rana differ in the time of their peak breeding activity. What mechanism is illustrated? _______________________________The lion and tiger habitat overlapped in India until 150 years ago, but the lion lived in open grassland and the tiger in forest. Consequently, the two species did not hybridize in nature. What mechanism is illustrated? __________________If a male firefly tries to impress a female and the female firefly does not recognize the patterns of light created by a male firefly. What type mechanism is illustrated? _______________________________1962150115570the visible expression of various genotypesaspects of evolution that result in multiple speciesa population that has diverged noticeably from other populationsevolution of two distant relatives that ends with both having similar adaptationsa state in which allele frequencies of a population remain the samethe study of the changes in numbers and types of alleles in populationsa pattern of distribution in which trait values cluster around an averagea set of alleles that determine an individual’s phenotypeevolution that examines the changes in allele frequency over timea state in which a population is no longer interbreeding with other populations020000the visible expression of various genotypesaspects of evolution that result in multiple speciesa population that has diverged noticeably from other populationsevolution of two distant relatives that ends with both having similar adaptationsa state in which allele frequencies of a population remain the samethe study of the changes in numbers and types of alleles in populationsa pattern of distribution in which trait values cluster around an averagea set of alleles that determine an individual’s phenotypeevolution that examines the changes in allele frequency over timea state in which a population is no longer interbreeding with other populationsWrite a line matching the description that best matches each term.population geneticsnormal distributionmacroevolutionphenotypic variationgenotypemicroevolutionconvergent evolutiongenetic equilibriumreproductive isolationsubspeciesCircle the letter of the term or phrase that best completes each statement or best answers each question.Use the following for the next 3 questions:p = q = p2 = q2 = 2pqThe represents the percentage of the heterozygotes in a population.This represents the percentage of homozygous recessive individuals in a population.This represents the frequency of the dominant allele in a population.When the individuals of two populations can no longer interbreed, the two populations are considered to bedifferent families.reproductively isolated.the same species.unrelated.Members of different subspeciesare completely different species.have different adaptations than their parent species.can no longer interbreed successfully.will never diverge to become different species.The Hardy-Weinberg principlecan help predict genotype frequencies.can help predict genetic drift.applies only to large populations.Both (a) and (b)Natural selection acts directly on which of the following?GenotypesPhenotypesboth phenotypes and genotypesneither phenotypes nor genotypes In large, randomly mating populations, the frequencies of alleles and genotypes are likely to remain constant from generation to generation unless evolutionary forces are absent.evolutionary forces act on the population.the populations are bacterial.the populations are human.Which of the following is not a factor in natural selection?All populations have genetic variation.Individuals of a species cannot compete if they are to survive.All populations depend upon the reproduction of individuals.Individuals tend to produce more offspring than the environment can support.Bird wings and insect wings arehomologous traits. derived traits.analogous traits.phylogenetic traits.33680401968500The different bird species shown all have very different beak structure. These differences are known in evolutionary biology asAdaptationsacquired traitsvariationssexual selectionThe evolutionary model known as punctuated equilibrium explains whyCharles Darwin visited the Galapagos Islandsthe fossil record shows continuous, gradual change in species over millions of yearsall species eventually become extinctlong periods of stability in a species, followed by periods of rapid changeIt is estimated that most people carry about 50 potentially lethal alleles. This is possible becausewe have drugs to keep them from killing us.the alleles are dominant, and can overcome recessive alleles.the alleles are for genes that aren't important.the alleles are recessive, and not rmation courtesy Wikipedialeft52387500The House Sparrow is native to Europe, Asia, and parts of North Africa. It was introduced to North America when a group of one hundred birds from England was released in Brooklyn, New York, and today its range is spread from northern British Columbia to Labrador in and down through most of the United States through Central America. It is most commonly found in agricultural, urban, or suburban areas, and avoids unmodified areas such as woodlands, forests, grasslands, and deserts. The process by which the house sparrow has spread through North America is known as artificial selectiongene flowadaptive radiationgenetic driftDelicious fruit is an adaptation in some flowering plants that assists inattracting pollinatorsrepelling harmful pestsseed dispersalattracting matesRapid changes in the gene pool of a population are LEAST likely to occur when there is:nonrandom mating and a small populationactive migration and a small populationrapid mutation and a large populationrandom mating and a large populationIn the phrase "Survival of the Fittest" the term "Fittest" refers to the organism'ssuitability for its environmentphysical strength and speednumber of genes42214801778000brain size The image shows different body shapes within a population of giraffes (play along, OK?) The difference in body shape are an example ofnatural selectionsexual selectionadaptationvariationAn experiment was conducted by Diane Dodd in which a single population of fruit flies was divided into two, with one of the populations fed with starch-based food and the other with maltose-based food. After the populations had diverged over many generations, the groups were again mixed; it was observed that the flies continued to prefer mating with others from the same original population. This process could eventually result in60960952500natural selectionextinctionspeciationgeographic isolationIn a population of white and brown rats, 16% of the rats have a white coat. Assuming that white coat color is a recessive trait, what percentage of the total color alleles code for brown coats?60%20%40%96%Edible fruit is an adaptation in some flowering plants that provides an advantage in getting more people to grow itmaking the plant more attractivewidespread disperal of seedsattracting bees for fertilizationAn individual has his appendix removed, dyes his hair black, and intentionally gorges on food until he is morbidly obese. Which of these traits is likely to be passed on to any offspring?black hair colornone of theseobesitythe missing appendixright21018500A particular breed of hare has a coat that turns white in the winter to blend with the snow in its environment. One winter, no snow falls and the white coats make the hares easy for predators to see against the brown dirt. The most immediate expected result of this environmental change is that the hares' coats will turn to brown colorthe hares will migrate to a snowy regionthe next generation of hares will have brown winter coatsmany of the hares will be eatenA population of people are isolated on an island, with no new immigrants over many generations. For this group, any new genetic variations are most likely to come from recessive allelesnatural selectionspeciationnew mutationsIndividual organisms within an existing population cannotundergo sexual selectionexperience natural selectionadaptevolve41452801143000Great Danes and Chihuahuas are both descended from wild breeds of dogs, but can no longer interbreed. This is due to:mechanical isolationgeographical isolationseasonal isolationbehavioral isolationA gene mutation in a certain flower allows the flower to produce more seeds. The seeds each have the same chance of producing a new plant as do seeds from flowers that do not possess this mutation. It can be expected thatthe mutated gene will become more common in the next generation of these flowers.the mutation will kill the flowers that don't have the mutation.the seeds with the mutation will taste better to animals.the other plants in the area will develop the same mutation.(Choose all that apply) Which of the following are considered a disturbing influence on a population that is at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?small population sizerandom matingmigrationmutationsDomesticated rats, the variety you can purchase at a pet store, come in a wide range of color and coat patterns. Many of these coat variations are rarely, if ever, seen in nature. Their presence in the pet store is the result ofleft2476500sexual selectiongeographic isolationartificial selectionnatural selectionTwo populations of similar organisms will be considered separate species when theybecome extinctlook differentoccupy different nichescan no longer interbreed and produce fertile offspringThe best explanation for the very few species of mammals on the Galapagos Islands is:many species were removed by Charles Darwin in order to be studied more carefullythe islands were formed by volcanic eruptions on the ocean floorthe islands were formed when they broke off from the mainland millions of years agomany of the original mammal populations have become extinctIn a population of white and brown rats, 16% of the rats have a white coat. Assuming that white coat color is a recessive trait, what percentage of the rats are heterozygous for the color allele?48%64%84%4%In biological terms, the organism that is most successful within its population is the one thatcaptures the most foodgrows largest and fastestproduces the most surviving offspringoccupies the most properous niche4442460266700The numbers in the picture above show the positions of 3 fossils found deposited in the sedimentary rock. Which statement IS NOT true? Fossil #3 is older than fossil #2Fossil #1 is older than fossil #3Fossil #2 is older than fossil #1Fossil #4 is the oldest of the fossilsThe theory of evolution predicts that animals will become extinct if the environment changes.changes in species will take place at a predictable pace.alleles that improve survival will increase in frequency within a population.the organisms that produce the most offspring will be the ones to survive.The use of antibiotics over the last sixty-five years has resulted in a drastic increase in populations of bacteria that are resistant to many antibiotics. The most probable cause of this change in bacterial populations is that 30632405334000the bacteria needed to develop resistance to antibiotics in order to survive.sanitary conditions have declined over the last sixty-five years.antibiotics select for bacteria that have a degree of resistance, and against those that don't.genetic engineering has released "super bugs" that cannot be killed by antibiotics.The differences in antibiotic resistance among these bacteria is an example ofa lethal mutationsexual selectionadaptabilityvariationIn a population of white and brown rats, 16% of the rats have a white coat. Assuming that white coat color is a recessive trait, is the frequency of the white color allele in the population? to Darwin, the driving force behind evolution islarge animals eating smaller animalsinheritance of acquired traitsgene mutationnatural selectionFireflies are able to distinguish between their own species and other species by the rate and brightness of their flashing patterns. This is an example of:seasonal isolationbehavioral isolationmechanical isolationgeographical isolationFor centuries, dog breeders have chosen to breed particular dogs to pass on, or even enhance, desirable traits. This is an example ofnatural selectionspeciationartificial selectionsexual selection3977640412750From an evolutionary standpoint, the two male elk depicted are engaged in sexual selectionnatural selectionadaptationspeciationNatural selection acts upon alleles that are expressedonly recessive allelesonly alleles that are the result of recent mutations419163515303500only dominant allelesTo the right you see the lovable castaways of Gilligan's Island. Imagine that Ginger, the red head, is struck on the head by a falling coconut and killed. Her demise eliminates the red-hair allele from the small population of the island. The elimination of the allele is an example ofartificial selectiongene flowgenetic driftnatural selectionThe picture is of a male blue-footed booby, engaged in a mating "dance." This is an example of:random matingnatural selection91440-201930a dominance hierarchysexual selectionPolydactyly (having six fingers per hand) is a hereditary condition caused by a dominant gene. The rarity with which this condition is seen in human populations is probably becausepersons with polydactyly are infertilethe allele for polydactyly is rarethe trait is lethalthe trait makes people undesirable matesThe use of antibiotics over the last sixty-five years has resulted in a drastic increase in populations of bacteria that are resistant to many antibiotics. The most probable cause of this change in bacterial populations is that ???????sanitary conditions have declined over the last sixty-five years.???????antibiotics select for bacteria that have a degree of resistance, and against those that don't.???????the bacteria needed to develop resistance to antibiotics in order to survive.???????genetic engineering has released "super bugs" that cannot be killed by antibiotics.Answers Species/ populations/ allele frequenciesAdaptationPopulationSpeciationAmino acid, DNAHomologousIndividualsEvolve, accommodate, acclimateHip/legDescent, modificationMicroevolutionGradualismAlleles/ geneticsSexual selection/non-random matingGene flowStability ExtinctionAdaptationsReproductive isolationGenetics/allelesConvergent evolutionAccommodationAcclimationTemporal TemporalBehavioralFGBAHIDEJCEDABBDBBBC ABDCCDADCACBDDDAAA,c,dCDBACBCCDADBCAACDB ................

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