Second Hand Clothing For Kousa Tang Village

Second Hand Clothing for Kousa Tang Village


Project Manager: Pagmotso is from Kousa Tang Village, Make Tang Township, Jiantsa County, Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, and China. She has graduated with an associated degree in English at the Qinghai Normal University Nationalities Department English Training Program.

What: To distribute second hand clothes to the poorest families in Kousa Tang Village in order to improve their families’ living condition.

Project Location:

Kousa Tang Village, Make Tang Township, Jiantsa County, Huang Nan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai Province.

Brief Description of Implementation:

This project implemented on January 28th to January 29th of 2008. I asked the village leader and one of my uncles to choose the poorest families based on their cash income and family members. Because some families have more than four children and both of their parents are farmers. Therefore, buying clothes are difficult for them. So firstly, my uncle and the village leader chose the poorest families and wrote their names down. Secondly, I asked the selected people to come to my family and distributed the half clothes to them with their finger prints and pictures. But half of the clothes, one of my cousin and I carried them on our backs and went to the nearby village to distribute the clothes. Because when I was collecting some information for my running water project last year, I knew that there are two families which were extremely poor, because there was a couple with five daughters and a sick old woman in that family, regarding this unhappy condition, only their one daughter was attending school, others just stayed at home to support their family. And there was also a widow with five children, so the villager leader and I decided to give some clothes to those two poor families’ children, too. But one of unfortunate thing was that when I was taking pictures for those two families, the battery of my camera is finished and I couldn’t go to county town and buy one, because in that time snowed a lot and no cars or motorcycles go to the county town. So I didn’t have chance to take all of pictures for my project. At the end, eighteen people got benefits from this project and the beneficiaries are very glad about this donation.

Photos of Beneficiaries:


Sang Jie Cuo is sixteen years old. She is a middle school student and she lives with her brother and sick parents. Five years ago her grandparents forced her parents to live alone without giving anything. For many years this little girl’s family endured a lot of hardship to earn money and start a new family. Thus, when she received this warm vest, she was enthusiastically appreciated and very happy.


Her name is Peng Mao Tai and she is twenty three years old. Because she has some mental problems, her brother didn’t send her to school and her sister- in – law also treat her badly even she works hard to do house work. Similarly village children always call her name with bad words. So she encounters many difficulties in her daily life. There was a big smile on her face when she received those clothes and she asked me to thanks for generous donation, she also hoped that she could receive this kind of donation in the future.


Xia Wu Zha Xi is six years old. When he was two years old, his mother and grand father had a terrible argument, so his parents ran to a nomadic place and didn’t come back for four years. Therefore, he lives with his grandparents and he was very happy when he got the clothes, because he said that he could wear those clothes during the New Year.


Re Xian Zhuo Ma is seventeen years old. She is a senior school student. One year ago, her thirty six years old mother got a stomach cancer and passed away, so she lives with her seventy years old grandmother and father now. She also has one brother who is a middle school student. Her father always goes outside and earns some money by doing construction work. But the money that her father earned was not enough for her grandmother’s medical expenses and her brother and her school tuition. Therefore, her family needs great help and she was very glad that she got this donation this time.


His name is Cairang and he is a student. He has one brother and one sister, three of them are students. His older sister is a senior school student and he and his brother are primary school students. But it is very difficult to pay their school fee, because his mother is a sick woman and his father just left them behind and wandered to lhasa and married another woman, so this boy said to me that he has no new clothes to wear for this new year. But he is very happy when he got the shirt and trousers under this donation.


Re Zeng Cuo is forty four years old. She couldn’t do heavy task as well, because she has backache and her husband also has lung cancer. Her daughter and son are attending school in Jiantsa county town. The only income for her family is that she is weeding on other family’s field and sells the small grains to pay her children’s school payment.


Ga Hang Cuo is seventy years old. She is the most pitiful woman, because her only daughter- in- law passed away last year, so she needs to do everything by herself in her family, such as irrigating, weeding and housework. She has three grandchildren and all of them are attending schools. So her only forty years old son always goes outside and earn some money to pay his two children’s school fee by building houses in nomadic area. For her convenience to do her daily task she didn’t wear Tibetan robe instead she often wears like jacket and trousers. Truly this family has hard situation after her daughter- in- law’s death.

List of recipients:



Thank you letter:


Translated thanks letter:

Dear American students,

Our villagers have got thirty six of secondhand clothes through Shem Women’s Group that you donated. We have successfully distributed the clothes to eighteen people in Kousa Tang Village and we enthusiastically appreciated your donation and help. Spontaneously, villagers also hope that you can still help our village with any kinds of helps in the future.

Finally, we wish all of you will succeed and everything is going well for your future.


March 26th, 2008

From Kousa Tang Villagers

Tashi Delek!


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