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Our Questions & answers

Some Pictures of Iranian Monuments

IL/United States

Marlene Citraro

Linda Zarco

Josh LaCroix

Adam Campbell

Michael Thompson

1- What do you know about Iranian monument?

Iranian monuments are the best monuments, all around the world. And because of that old Iran is very more important to the people. And the age of some monuments is thousand years ago. Iranian monuments are place for tourists. In each year many archaeologist visit our monuments and Iranian archaeologist discover the monuments.

2- In your opinion “What was the roll of Iran in the past civilization?”

3- What are the characteristics of your past architecture?

4- What is the oldest monument in your country? How old is it? Where is its location?

At first many of facilitates appear in Iran like Takhtejamshid that had piping system.

- The Ancient City of Susa (shoosh)

The very first civilization which has ever lived in Iran was The Shoosh Civilization.

8000 years ago, there was a civilization which lived in today's Khoozestan, their name was "Shoosh Civilization," or in English "Susa Civilization." So far this has been reported as the oldest civilizations which have ever existed on Earth. By civilization, we mean civilized city government or city state or Empire or Kingdom or any type of local civilized system. The ancient city of Susa is mentioned in Old Testament as the place where Prophet Daniel lived. The city name is derived from Shashana, a member of water lily family of flowers, believed to grow in lakes and swamps outside this biblical city in ancient times.

Susa was the capital of a ancient kingdom know is Elam. A kingdom built and ruled by Dravidian people who ruled it from second millennium BCE until late mid-first millennium BCE. Elamite kingdom was destroyed by attacks from Babylonians. Elamite influence spread throughout the southern regions of Iran by their cuneiform writing system, and rock inscriptions. After that Cyrus the Great founded his empire and gained control over Susa. Susa was declared as one of the three capitals of the empire covering the southern regions. When Darius established his rule over the empire, he set out to built the palace of Persepolis in his home state, and later an equally magnificent palace in his favorite city of Susa. It is said that the carving style and shapes of the columns in Susa are similar to Persepolis buildings. The fluted shaped columns with flowers at pillars are truly an Achaemenian style in ancient palace buildings. Today we can visit the ruins of this palace built on a hilltop overlooking the modern city of Susa. This style was later used in ancient palaces as far as northern India all the way to Ionian Greece.

Till the beginning of the control by the moslems, Shoosh continued to thrive.

(This summery is for those who find the persian history too complicated)

Archaeological studies during the first half of the twentieth century indicate that as early as 10,000 BC, tribes lived on the southern shores of the Caspian, one of the few regions of the world, which according to scientists escaped the Ice Age. They were probably the first men in the history of mankind to engage in agriculture and animal husbandry. It was they and others who spread out shortly afterwards along the Zagros Mountains in central Iran and founded the first centers of civilization in the land (Elam).

The history of settlement in the plateau of Iran from New Stone Age till migration of Aryans is not yet very clear. But there are reliable evidences, which indicate that Iran has been inhabited for a very long time now. Settlement centers have emerged either close to water resources like springs and rivers or completely close to Alborz and Zagross Mountains. The most important centers of this kind are: Sialk Tappeh (hill) in Kashan, Hezar Tappeh in Damghan, Torang Tappeh in Gorgan, Hasanlu Tappeh in Azerbaijan, Marlik Tappeh in Roodbar, and Susa (Shoosh) in Khuzestan.Some vestiges have been discovered by archeological excavations in these civilization centers, the antiquity of which dates back to the 5th millennium BC.

Migration of Aryan clans to the plateau of Iran began since 2nd millennium BC.Out of these tribes, Parthians dwelled in Khorasan, Medes in the west, and Parsees resided in the south of Iran. The Median Empire rose in Hegmataneh (Ekbatan), presently called Hamadan.The Achaemenid established the first great Iranian Empire after defeating the Medians and conquest of their capital. The limits of the Achaemenian territory in the reign of Dariush I (522-485BC.), extended from the Plain of Sand River in the east to the borders of Greece at the west. Passargad and Persepolis are the vestiges of this period and are amongst the most important historical places as well as the significant tourism attractions of Iran.

5- How did your oldest monuments built?

Uncovered in the debris of the Treasury were hundreds of clay tablets with inscriptions in Elamite cuneiform. These tablets, originally sundries, were baked in the heat of the immense fire that destroyed the building, so that many were found intact instead of having crumbled to dust long ago. These tablets, written for the most part in Old Persian and its corresponding translations of Elamite and Babylonian, were of great value to the excavators. We learn from them of the presence in Persepolis of skilled workmen from many parts of the empire, of stone-relief and inscription workers from Egypt, goldsmiths from Caria, and ornament makers from Susa. Some tablets also mention the month and year of the reign of either Darius or Xerxes when a particular work was executed and the amount of compensation-either in kind or in money-the workers received. Other tablets bear records of sales, of land deals, of taxes to be paid, or of the amount of money borrowed from the treasury. Finally, some tablets give instructions about how much aroma, the sacred intoxicating drink, could or should be used at a cult service. Some of the examples of the Cuneiform tablets are:

Cyrus the Great Cylinder (The 1st charter of human rights)

Have you ever visited them?

Yes most of the students of our class have visited these old monuments. And probably many of the peoples in Iran have seen them.

6-How much do monuments have significant in your life today?

These monuments are important for us because we are Iranians and these are our countries monuments. These are our ancient, our history. We are very pride of them.

The other reason is that many tourists from other countries come to see them.

7- How can we take care of the monuments in our country?

We kip them in a good place and safe places. Every year we prevent them about happening.

8-How does your governments have effect in tourists attraction?

Probably the main reason that Iran has so many tourists is the government of it. We think that government has a good effect on tourist attraction.

Persopolis is the most important monuments. It is located in Shiraz.

Choghazanbil Zigurat (Khozestan Temple) .It made before B.C (3000 years ago).

The below site is about Choghazanbil temple.

33 pol in Esfahan Chehel Soton in Esfahan

Naghshe Jahan Sq. in Esfahan

In the below sites you can find many beautiful picture from Iran.


1-What do you know about Iranian monuments?

Almost nothing, only that it has a lot of churches that possess historical and artistic value.

2- In your opinion “What was the role of Iran in the past civilization?”

Was a role very important, because it has contributed in many forms?

3- What are the characteristics of your past architecture?

They are a lot, but one of the most important is the pyramid from Mexico city.

4- What is the oldest monument in your country?

How old is it? Where is its location? Have you ever visited it?

It is called Chechen Itza,it represents the justice and respect. For the Mayas, It is located in Yucatan City, but I never have visited it.

5- How did your oldest monuments built?

I don’t know really, but was a monument that was made up by rocks.

6-How much does monuments have significant in your life today?

I don’t know, but I think that they cost a lot of money, because they are monuments very valuables, that are the symbol of our culture past.

7- How can we take care of the monuments in our country?

Protecting them, no allow that anybody touch them, or make actions that hurt the monument.


8-How does your governments have effect in tourists attraction?

Because they are monuments very valuables, so many people that does not live in the place where the monument is located, travel to that place and they pay money.

My name is Linda Arco. This is my answers about your project from Champaign Central High School.

1-What do you know about Iranian monuments?

Almost nothing, but I hear about some churches and others monuments very famous like Door of Jerjes, Temple Zarathustra, Shapur and Tomb of Ciro in Pasargada.

2- In your opinion “What was the roll of Iran in the past civilization?”

I think that Iran is trying to keep away the war and the fights between all this countries that Iran has problems.

3 - What are the characteristics of your past architecture?

 All the monuments in my country are too big and very old; I think that the monuments in my country have the style of the Europeans.

4- What is the oldest monument in your country? How old is it? Where is its location? Have you ever visited it?

I think that the oldest monument is El Zocalo in Mexico City, I have been in Mexico City, but I never visited it.

5- How did your oldest monuments built?

I think that the monuments were built by the Aztecs.

6-How much does monuments have significant in your life today?

The monuments mean a lot to my country, because they represent the culture of Mexico.

7- How can we take care of the monuments in our country?

We can take care of them, conserving them and trying to keep clean.

8-How does your governments have effect in tourist’s attraction?

The monuments bring a lot of good things like money and attraction too many people.


My name is Michael Thompson. I am from a town called Milton. It is located in Vermont. Vermont is a small little state that is located in the north eastern part of the country. Vermont is a very beautiful place. It is a very mountains place. There are many ski resorts. On average we will get lots of snow from December to about April. In the fall or during the months of September and October it is very beautiful. It also gets very hot during the summer months.

Well I have to go to class

Peace [pic]


My name is Adam Campbell and I am from Milton, Vermont . Vermont is a very small state but we are known as the green mountain state so we have very beautiful mountains. Vermont is very nice in the summer sometimes it gets really hot but most of the time it is the right temperature in the winter its wicked cold and we get snow. In the winter I like to go snowboarding but in the summer it gets pretty boarding do you get snow in your country??? If not what do you do when it is hot?

Have to go to class now bye... [pic]

My name is Josh LaCroix, and I am a student at Milton High School in Vermont, USA. I am 15 years old and am in grade 10. I want to know more about what monuments your country values. Every country must have lots of monuments in it, but the one that is most valuable to Americans is the Statue of Liberty. This statue is a symbol of American value and pride. What monument in Iran is valuable to the citizens? What historic monument is most important to Iran?


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