World Civilizations – Student Survey

Block A3 or B2World History – Student SurveyName______________________________________ Preferred Name (if applicable)______________________Describe yourself in three sentences.Do you speak any languages other than English? _______ If yes, tell me which one and whether or not you speak it at home. If no, what language do you think would be a good one to learn?In what area/s would you consider yourself to be an expert? (Math, sports, fashion, writing, etc.) Do you have a seating preference? Why? (location in room, or near/not near someone)Do you prefer to work in small groups or alone? Why?Have you ever traveled outside of Wisconsin? If so, where have you been and what did you think about what you saw or experienced?If you had an unlimited money supply and could travel anywhere on Earth, where would you go and why?What period in history are you most interested in? What is it that makes it interesting to you?What period in history are you least interested in? What is it that turns you off about this era?Since you’ve been alive, what event do you think will end up in future history books and why?World History QuestionsWhat is imperialism?What is a primary source?Which continent was the location of the oldest civilization?What does the phrase “The sun never sets on the British Empire” refer to?Why is trade with China so important?Name three major world religions.What was the “Scramble for Africa”?Which continent was the home of the Aztecs, Incans and Mayans?Why is the Middle East significant in modern times?What do the terms Shiite and Sunni refer to?Finally, what questions do you have about this class or me? ................

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