Unit Test History Exp, Disc, Col Era Name _____________________________1. All these events helped pave the way for Columbus’ discovery of the New World EXCEPT A. The voyage and writings of Marco Polo B. The migration of Indians from Asia to North America C. The travels of European soldiers to fight Muslims during the Crusades D. The improvement of navigational tools and skills during the Renaissance____2. The primary goal of Columbus and the explorers who followed was to A. establish a great empire in the New World B. provide a haven for Christians who were persecuted for their beliefs C. find a trade route to China and the East Indies D. enslave the Indians and steal their land____3. Which statement about exploration and colonization of the New World is NOT true? A. Spain claimed Florida, Mexico, and much of Central and South America. B. Holland (The Netherlands) claimed land in what is now known as New York. C. France claimed Canada and much of the Mississippi River Valley in in the present USA. D. All of these statements are true. E. None of these statements are true.____4. Which statement best explains why English settlers came to America? A. They came looking for economic opportunity and to be able to live and worship freely. B. They came to make England the greatest economic power in Europe. C. They came believing that they were building the foundation for the future United States. D. They came to prevent Spanish and French settlement in North America.____5. The English legacy is strong in the United States because A. England had the most powerful army in the world during the period of exploration B. early colonists consistently treated Indians with dignity and respect C. English settlers built homes and formed permanent communities in all 13 colonies D. other ethnic groups were not interested in settling in any of the 13 colonies____6. All these statements about the colonial ‘free enterprise’ economic system are true EXCEPT A. Citizens had the right to own land under the free enterprise system B. The more citizens produced, the more profit they made under the free enterprise system C. As separate economic systems the Common Store and Free Enterprise were equally productive D. Colonial citizens set a precedent for free enterprise economics used today in the USA____7. Government was established in each of the colonies to do all of these things EXCEPT A. provide food for all colonists C. defend colonists from common enemies B. pass laws D. keep order____8. Which statement about Indians is NOT true? A. Indians generally developed good relationships with French fur traders. B. Some Indians of the New World developed highly advanced civilizations. C. Indians were hostile toward all Englishmen because they farmed and built permanent homes D. Indian religion usually involved the worship of objects or spirits they did not understand.____9. The New England Confederation was formed by Page 2 A. King James to collect additional taxes from the citizens of New England B. the New England colonies themselves for protection from potential enemies C. the Puritans to discourage religious practices which they did not like D. James Oglethorpe to provide a home for English debtors who had been imprisoned____10. Bacon’s Rebellion demonstrated the colonists’ belief that A. all colonists deserved equal treatment from their government B. the king should not force male colonists to serve in the English army C. colonists from England should be excused from paying taxes D. government could not force colonists to attend a state sponsored church____11. Puritans viewed education as being very important primarily because A. They wanted their children to get good jobs when they became adults B. They wanted their children to be the smartest kids in the English empire C. They wanted their children to be able to read the Bible for themselves D. They wanted their children to make important scientific and artistic contributions____12. With which statement about religious freedom would Roger Williams NOT have agreed? A. Leaders should not attempt to force Christianity on individual citizens. B. Citizens should be taxed equally in order to pay for the ministry of the church. C. Ministers should be selected by members of the church, not by the government. D. Colonists should have the right to worship at the church of their choice.____13. Young men in the colonies became skilled craftsmen by A. attending Harvard, Princeton, Rutgers or some other college or university B. being apprenticed to older, experienced skilled craftsmen C. learning everything possible while attending old field schools and academies D. going to England because there were no skilled craftsmen in the 13 colonies____14. Which statement about the frontier during the Colonial Era is NOT true? A. The frontier was sparsely populated, far from settlements, lonely, and dangerous. B. People were attracted to the frontier primarily because of the availability of cheap land. C. People of the frontier had to be extremely self-reliant and able to defend themselves. D. People who were too lazy to work in the settlements eventually made their way to the frontier.____15. America became a ‘melting pot’ in the Colonial Era because A. Russians, Arabs, and Chinese came in great numbers to settle in the 13 colonies B. Many ethnic groups and religious groups put aside their differences to unite into one people C. Early settlers put all they had into one common pot and took out just what they needed ____16. The Great Awakening was A. a time when many Americans realized again their need for God and His grace B. the point at which Americans understood the value of genuine freedom for their new country C. started by the Puritans when they constructed their ‘City Upon a Hill” D. the origin of our national holiday called Thanksgiving Page 3MATCHING: Match the vocabulary words, definitions, and geographic locations that follow. Write your answers in the spaces provided. Please use UPPER CASE letters.____1. Integrity A. one who grinds grain into flour or meal____2. Migration B. a long period in history with similar and distinct characteristics____3. BarterC. one who disagrees with the established church or popular opinion____4. Pacifist D. to trade one item for another rather than paying with cash____5. Dissenter E. one who is opposed to violence and will not defend himself____6. MillerF. a book containing a calendar, climate information, and other facts____7. EraG. anything made of cloth such as material made from cotton ____8. Banish H. to be completely honest, even when other people are not looking____9. TextilesI. movement of a large group of people from one place to another____10. AlmanacJ. to send someone away as an official punishment ____11. Jonathan EdwardsA. Spaniard who discovered the Mississippi River____12. Hernando De SotoB. leader of the Jamestown settlement____13. LaSalleC. newspaper owner and writer of Poor Richard’s Almanac____14. Captain John SmithD. wise, kind governor of the Plymouth settlement____15. John RolfeE. introduced tobacco as a crop for export to farmers in Virginia ____16. William BradfordF. New England preacher who helped ignite the Great Awakening____17. William PennG. Frenchman who claimed Louisiana for France____18. Benjamin FranklinH. founder to the colony of Pennsylvania ____19. QuebecA. oldest settlement in the USA____20. Santa FeB. largest city in the 13 colonies____21. LouisianaC. first French settlement in the New World____22. St. AugustineD. built to be a ‘city upon a hill’____23. ProvidenceE. land located on both sides of the Mississippi River ____24. PhiladelphiaF. city whose name refers to God’s provisions for his people ____25. BostonG. oldest European settlement west of the Mississippi River Page 4 SHORT ANSWER/DISCUSSION: Write your response in the blank spaces below the questions.1. Compare and contrast social classes in the colonies with social classes in England. Tell which system you think is better and explain why. 2. Settlers in the 13 colonies represented many different ethnic groups. Other than from England, list at least 4 different areas of the ‘Old World’ from which these settlers came. Was this diversity of ethnic groups good or bad for our country? Explain your opinion.____________________ __________________ __________________ __________________3. Settlers in the 13 colonies represented many different religious faiths. List at least 5 different religious groups that settled in America. Was this diversity of religion good or bad? Why or why not? ___________________ ___________________ __________________ __________________ 4. Name at least 4 industries that developed in colonial America. Why did industry prosper in the 13 colonies?____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Page 55. Our ‘Puritan Heritage’ has greatly shaped our country. There are specific Puritan ideals, beliefs, and practices discussed in your book and class notes. List at least 5 of them in the blanks below. List more than 5 to make a bonus point for extra one listed up to a maximum of 3.1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________4. _________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________ __________________________ _________________________ DISCUSSION: Specifically describe how self-government (democracy) came to be in Colonial America. In your discussion NAME, UNDERLINE, and EXPLAIN at least 3 specific events that set precedents for self-government. Include in your discussion the precedent for self-government set by ‘town meetings’. ................

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