Outline for Chapter 4 – The Lipids: Fats and Oils

Outline for Chapter 4 – The Lipids: Fats and Oils

I. A Primer on Fats

A. The Functions of Fats in the Body

B. The Functions of Fats in Foods

II. A Closer View of Fats

A. Saturated versus Unsaturated Fats

B. The Essential Fatty Acids

C. Omega-6 versus Omega-3 Fatty Acids

III. Characteristics of Fats in Foods

IV. The Other Members of the Lipid Family: Phospholipids and Sterols

V. How the Body Handles Fat

VI. “Good” versus “Bad” Cholesterol

VII. Fat in the Diet

A. Nourish the Heart

1. Become a Savvy Supermarket Shopper

2. Keep Blood Cholesterol at or Below Recommended Levels

a. Substitute

b. Replace

c. Add bulk

d. Eat generous amounts of fruits and vegetables

3. Balance Energy Intake with Energy Needs

B. Choose Fats Sensibly

VIII. The Trans Fatty Acid Controversy—Is Butter Better?

IX. Oh, Nuts! You Mean Fat Can Be Healthy?

A. When More Fat Might Be Better

B. What’s So Special about Olive Oil?

C. Something’s Fishy Here!

D. Nuts to You!

E. What’s Your Meal Mentality?

X. Understanding Fat Substitutes

XI. Diet and Heart Disease

A. How can I know whether I have atherosclerosis?

B. How can I slow the process down?

C. What can I do to reduce my risk?

D. To what extent does a high blood cholesterol level raise the risk of developing heart disease?

E. What sorts of dietary changes should I make to reduce my total blood cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels?

F. Can the addition of plant sterols to the diet help reduce blood cholesterol levels?

G. Should I also reduce my cholesterol intake?

H. What factors determine my HDL-cholesterol level?

I. What is homocysteine, and how does it contribute to heart disease?

J. What about alcohol? I’ve heard that moderate alcohol intake can be beneficial to heart disease.

K. What about garlic? I’ve heard that garlic pills and whole cloves help lower blood cholesterol.

L. How do I translate these recommendations into a heart-healthy lifestyle?

M. Should children, like their parents, eat low-fat diets for heart health?


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