SAVE THE DATE to CELEBRATE! - California State University ...

嚜獨INTER 2022 News & Course Schedule

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at

California State University, Long Beach

Volume 26 Issue 2


January 9 2:00 - 4:00 pm at

The Pointe at the Pyramid

Reception, Refreshments and Program

Join the OLLI community to recognize the achievement of establishing

Senior University ~ Osher Lifelong

Learning Institute at CSULB in 1996.

Call or email your RSVP

before December 15

Adults 50+ are invited to LEARN MORE ~ AGE LESS

at OLLI WINTER 2022 - Zoom and In-person Classes

starting January 3 to February 26, 2022


Vol. 26

Issue 2

Editor*s Comments

Winter 2022

Editor*s Comments

President*s Corner



News: Classes and Activities


OLLI Farewells


Registration Form

Class Descriptions

Special Events - News

Maps / Location Info



4 -7









Back Pg.

The SUN Staff


Copy Editors





Elizabeth Reinhart

Sallie Rodman

Ed Dignan

Tom Hood

Tom Lockhart

Baxter Smith


Rebecca Low

Writers are welcome to join the SUN staff.

Contact OLLI @

562. 985.8237


y friend Mark went to his fishing buddy*s

funeral and sat next to his widow Janet.

At a quiet moment toward the end of the

service, Mark asked Janet if he could say a word.

She agreed. He stood up and said ※plethora§ and

sat down. Janet put her hand on his arm and said,

※Thanks. That means a lot.§ It takes a plethora

of people to make OLLI what it is. And they each

give ※a lot.§ OLLI teachers share their profession

Rick Adams

or their passion, and they do it for NOT ※a lot§ of

money (free). That is what keeps OLLI alive, fresh and enlightening.

Our Education Committee juggles ※a lot§ of teachers, topics

and classroom slots to provide a plethora of choices for our members

each term. OLLI Governing Council and committee members share

their wisdom and insights to assure OLLI*s soundness and progress

into the future. Our technical people did ※a lot§ to make on-line

classes a reality and keep the learning going for ※a lot§ of students

in spite of the Covid restrictions.

The OLLI staff made a plethora of things happen without sharing

office space. They transitioned to phones and emails to coordinate

work from home and assured that we did not lose even one of our

terms. OLLI marches on.

Last but not least, OLLI students gave ※a lot§ of support and

encouragement to the changes we made in the last year and a half.

Many (not ※a lot§) in-person classes are now returning to the campus

and other locations. Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of OLLI is

that OLLI members make ※a lot§ of new friends as they learn ※a lot§

about ※a lot§ of topics.

I have met, and been helped by a plethora of good people in

my six years editing The SUN. Other priorities require my time now

so I am resigning from my position with OLLI. This is my last column.

I hope that each of you know that you are essential parts of OLLI and

continue your support. Thank you for making me feel at home with

OLLI. I will see you again.



Building H S &D, Room 100

1250 Bellflower Blvd

Long Beach, CA 90840-5609

OLLI Office : 562-985-8237

Web site:


by Rick Adams

es - we are looking for a leader to fill

this position. The Communications

Editor is also a member of the Governing Council and attends monthly meetings. This might be the time for a 2 person

team to take on the SUN publication! Your

experience might be in writing or it could

be in organizing stories, coming up with

the layout or creating art work. The OLLI

staff has experience in creating the booklet assistance is needed with content and keeping the timeline in place.

Contact Becky if more info is needed.

The President's Corner by Glenn Libby


he OLLI school year is well underway both in person

and on Zoom. We are adapting to the COVID rules of

engagement, with the vast majority of our in person

attendees fully vaccinated and wearing masks while indoors

at classes. It is heartening to see familiar faces and hear

distinct voices despite the myriad of masks making many of

us difficult to recognize.

We are slowly winning

the war against this everchanging virus but will

need to continue to play

by the rules of science

and common sense.

The COVID pandemic

has certainly resulted

in the creation of a new

way of life. Our social

and business interactions



Glenn Libby, MD

dramatically in the past

two years. Not all of the changes have been for the better.

We still need in person human interaction. OLLI at CSULB

has tried to respond to these changes in a positive manner.

The introduction of remote learning via Zoom has been well

received by many of our members. Zoom is likely to be in

the OLLI repertoire for the foreseeable future.

We are investing in a hybrid system of communication

with our members to maximize our ability to reach all of

them regardless of how they want to attend classes. The

hybrid system is expensive but deemed necessary after

extensive review by our technical committee lead by our

webmaster Ed Dignan. Our existing audio-visual system in

room 101 is hanging by a slender thread and dependent on

the ever vigilant services of Carl Curtis.

We will need to raise significant funds in order to put

our finances in good order. To quote Mr. Micawber from

Charles Dicken*s David Copperfield...

※Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditures

nineteen pounds, nineteen shillings and six pence,

results happiness. Annual income twenty pounds,

annual expenditures twenty pounds, ought and six,

results misery.§

In addition to our new hybrid system, we will also be

celebrating our 25th Anniversary on January 9, 2022 at the

Pointe events center in the Pyramid. We have many reasons

to be proud of our first 25 years of OLLI at CSULB. One

of the focal points of that celebration will be our very own

Sylvia Manheim. She was one of the original founders of the

Senior University at CSULB back in 1996. I hope that all of

you plan to attend that

festive event.

We have much to

be thankful for as we

head into the holiday

season 2021-2022. The

newly elected Governing

Council is energized




OLLI at CSULB will be

a big success. The one

key ingredient that is

needed is YOU. We need Sylvia with College President Conley

your participation and contributions to put us over the top.


Each One Reach One


uring this time of pandemic, many of us have

been gathering on Zoom. We are now coming back to ※in-person§ classes while observing

pandemic protocols, but there are others in our community who, without wifi or internet capability, have

remained isolated for almost 2 years.

We are interested in seeing if there are any in

our OLLI community who would be willing to reach out

to someone who is as yet unable to participate in OLLI.

We'd like to try reaching out by making occasional telephone contact with people and helping them to feel

a part of the greater community. Running into some-

by Carolyn Estrada

one in the hallway, or visiting over a cup of coffee in

the cafeteria, has long been an invaluable part of the

community-building that is OLLI. Even under these

reduced circumstances, we would like to see our community maintained.

A personal contact through the telephone can

really help! If you feel this is something you are willing and able to do, please contact Becky or Lee in the

office (562-985-8237) , and we will see about matching

you with an isolated community member.

Please also let us know of anyone who needs a

friendly call!


Welcome to the New Year

Life Beyond Earth: When Chemistry Becomes Biology

Victoria Leo & Rick Baird

Worlds in our solar system and

beyond may harbor life. In this fun and

comprehensive class, we explore definitions and forms of life, how life might be

detected from a distance and other timely

issues in the search for extraterrestrial life,

as well as the creation of alien life in the

lab and the feasibility of various sciencefiction ideas.

Between them, the instructors have degrees in

biological anthropology and psychology and chemistry and

chemical engineering and have backgrounds in teaching,

research and writing science fiction.

Tuesdays, Jan. 11 & 18 (2 weeks) 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

ZOOM See Page 17 for class description

Camino or Bust - Jelica Campos

In this class, you will learn all aspects of Camino:

when to go, what to bring OR NOT to bring, where to stay

and eat, what to see, the cost, how to prepare for Camino.

Your instructor has traveled in many foreign countries and

completed four Caminos in Spain & France.

Wednesdays, Jan

5 & 12 (2 weeks)

11:15 每 1:15 PM



HS&D, room 101

See Page 21 for class


by Karin Covey

Eat Plants: Live Longer & Reduce Chronic Disease Dr. Denise Rose and Georgie Campas

This course teaches the evidence-based scientific

reasons why eating plants offer many advantages to

overall health as compared to other dietary patterns.

Most of the course will be lecture with an engaging

slide show. Video

segments of lectures by a variety

of plant-based doctors

and dieticians are also

included. We also present the best strategies

for designing and eating a well-balanced, plant-based diet and share recipes and

some cooking demos.

The instructors have been teaching courses on

whole food, plant-based eating for several years and have

a social media presence on both YouTube and Facebook under the name Happy Vegan Couple. They have backgrounds

in sociology, issues of public health as well as preparation of

healthy plant food.

Tuesdays, Jan. 4 - March 22 (12 weeks) 2:00 - 4:00 PM

ZOOM See Page 19 for class description.

Understanding Alzheimer*s DiseaseMaureen Habel, RN, MA

This class provides an overview of this devastating

disease, including its emotional and financial impact, risk

factors, differences between AD and other causes of dementia, how AD is diagnosed, and how it progresses. The

class will review current treatment methods, including a

description of FDA approved

medications and other treatment


Maureen is a long-time

OLLI member who was willing to

teach her passion!

Wednesdays., Jan. 5

- Feb. 16 (7 weeks) 9:30 每 11:00

AM In-person CSULB, HS&D, room 101

See Page 20 for class description.


New Instructors, New Classes, New Topics

Empowering Independent Healthcare

Through Cannabis

Wendy Jones

Cannabis, or medical marijuana, is becoming

increasingly relevant as a medicinal option for many medical

conditions. This class will provide the opportunity to access

reliable information and answer questions in order to safely

navigate the cannabis space. The instructor is a cannabis

competent RN.

Tuesdays, Jan. 4 每 Feb. 22 (8 weeks) 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

In-person CSULB, HS&D, room 101

See Page 18 for class description

The Language of DNA, Genetics & Genealogy

Garland Holt

This class will explore the language of DNA and why this language

is more complex than the Off/On

coding used in today*s computers.

We will examine the advances in genetics and DNA testing 每 and if you would want your DNA

tested. We will also explore the field of Genealogy and

available Genealogy databases.

The instructor is a Mature Learning Instructor at

Clark College, Vancouver, WA.

Thursdays, Jan. 6 每 Feb. 10 (6 weeks) 2:00 - 4:00 PM (2 hrs)

ZOOM See Page 24 for class description

World of Bonsai -

This class is intended to ignite a lifelong love and

appreciation for Bonsai. Students will create a tree that they

can enjoy for many years to come. A trip to the Earl Burns

Miller CSULB Japanese Gardens is included and, possibly, a

field trip to the Huntington Library. The instructor will provide information of Bonsai clubs in the area that will provide

materials, ideas, and motivation to continue on.

The instructor

has been in love with

the world of Bonsai

since he retired from

the Long Beach Fire

Department. He will

provide information

about class and project supplies.

Fridays, Jan. 7 - 28

(4 weeks) 12:00 1:30 PM


CSULB, HS&D, room

101 See Page 25 for

class description.

OLLI On the Road Again


n December, 2019, OLLI sponsored a trip to

Riverside*s Mission Inn to view the beautiful

holiday lights. Little did we know at the time

that would be the last OLLI trip for two years.

The Travel Committee has been succesful organizing another trip this year!

The travel company OLLI uses, Good

Times Travel, has been offering both day and

multi-day trips since this past summer. They are

doing so with strict COVID 19 guidelines and protocol. You

may visit their website for more information.

Due to the popularity of the 2019 Mission

Inn trip, which quickly sold out, we have again scheduled a trip with Good Times Travel to the Mission Inn

for December 16. This, of course, is subject to COVID

conditions. Good Times will shortly be taking reservations

for the trip. We are confirmed for a full bus of 54 passengers. A restaurant has been reserved. Because there are

Fernando Vasquez

by Barry Bosscher

several multi day trips over

that period, the agency has

finally been able to find a

trip leader for us. They will

prepare a flyer for us as

soon as everything is confirmed. Look for an email

or notice about the trip.

Get in the Holiday mood!

※ Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of

sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and

permanent, in the ideas of living.§

〞 Mary Ritter Beard, historian



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