University of Wyoming




Department of Communication and Journalism work: (307) 766-3814

Room 429, Ross Hall

P.O. Box 3904, University of Wyoming

Laramie, WY 82071


1991 Ph.D., University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL

1988 M.S., University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

1971 B.J., University of Missouri, Columbia, MO

1969 B.A., Waynesburg College, Waynesburg, PA


2005-Present: Professor, Department of Communication & Journalism, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

2007 (May): Post-U.S. Fulbright visiting professor, Centre for Social Studies, the

Graduate School for Social Research, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish

Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.

2005-2006: Visiting U.S. Fulbright Scholar and Professor, Centre for Social Studies, the

Graduate School for Social Research, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish

Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.,

1997-2004: Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Journalism,

University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

1996-2002: Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Communication and Mass Media, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

1995-97: Assistant Professor, Department of Communication and Mass Media,

University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

1994-95: Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism, and Research Assistant

Professor, Institute of Communication Research, University of Illinois, Urbana-

Champaign, IL.

1991-94: Assistant Professor, Department of Communication and Mass Media,

University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

1988-91: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Journalism, College of

Communication, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL

1986-88: Graduate Teaching Fellow, School of Journalism, University of Oregon,

Eugene, OR

1969-70: Teacher, Village Academy, The Wesley Institute, Bethel Park, PA


1996-2004: Writing Coach (paid consultant basis), Jackson Hole News, Jackson WY

1982-86: Managing Editor, Jackson Hole News, Jackson, WY

1979-82: Owner-Operator, The George Gladney Co., business and financial public

relations consulting firm, Denver, CO

1978-79: Denver Bureau Chief and Chief Legislative Correspondent, Colorado Springs

Gazette-Telegraph, Colorado Springs, CO

1977-78: Night City Editor, Colorado Springs Gazette, Colorado Springs, CO

1976-77: Business Editor, Colorado Springs Gazette, Colorado Springs, CO

1973-76: Staff Writer, Colorado Springs Sun, Colorado Springs, CO (Newspaper went

out of business in 1986.)

1971-73: Staff Writer, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, CA


Year Semester Course No./Title Cr. Hrs. Enrollment

1999 Fall 2100/News Reporting & Writing 3 52

1999 Fall 2100/lab section 12 14

1999 Fall 4500/Mass Communication Law 3 43

2000 Spring 2100/News Reporting & Writing 3 43

2000 Spring 4020/Mass Media & Society 3 50

2000 Spring 4600/Mass Media Ethics 3 5

2000 Spring 5600/Mass Media Ethics 3 7

2000 Summer 4020/Mass Media & Society 3 6

2000 Fall 2100/News Reporting & Writing 3 58

2000 Fall 2100/lab section 12 13

2000 Fall 4500/Mass Communication Law 3 35

2000 Fall 5310/Mass Communication Theory 3 15

2000 Fall 5890/Problem: Communication 3 3

2001 Spring 2100/News Reporting & Writing 3 44

2001 Spring 4800/Media Management 3 6

2001 Fall 2100/News Reporting & Writing 3 59

2001 Fall 2100/lab section 12 14

2001 Fall 4500/Mass Communication Law 3 47

2001 Fall 5080/Research in Communication I 3 12

2002 Spring 2100/News Reporting & Writing 3 48

2002 Fall 2100/News Reporting & Writing 3 60

2002 Fall 2100/lab section 12 14

2002 Fall 4500/Mass Communication Law 3 38

2002 Fall 5310/Mass Communication Theory 3 11

2002 Fall 5890/Problem: Communication 3 1

2003 Spring 3520/Communication Technology

and Society 3 38

2003 Spring 4800/Media Management 3 14

2003 Fall 2100/News Reporting & Writing 3 63

2003 Fall 2100/lab section 14

2003 Fall 4500/Mass Communication Law 3 41

2003 Fall 4600/Mass Media Ethics 3 6

2003 Fall 5600/Mass Media Ethics 3 9

2004 Spring 4020/Mass Media & Society 3 50

2004 Spring 4990/Independent Study 3 2

2004 Spring 5310/Mass Communication Theory 3 4

2005 Spring 4020/Mass Media & Society 3 35

2005 Spring 4500/OUTREACH Mass 3 8

Communication Law

2005 Spring 4600/Mass Media Ethics 3 15

2006 Fall 4500/Mass Communication Law 3 47

2006 Fall 2100/News Writing and Reporting 3 61

2006 Fall 5230/ST: Media Ecology 3 16

2007 Spring 4600/5600/Mass Media Ethics 3 20

2007 Spring 4020/Mass Media & Society 3 47

2007 Fall 4500/Mass Communication Law 3 34

2007 Fall 2100/News Writing & Reporting 3 53

2008 Spring 4230/INST4990 Int’l Journalism 3 12

& Global Media

2008* Spring INST/ 4990/Study Abroad: Media 1 4

in Transition (Eastern Europe)

2008 Spring 5310/Mass Communication Theory 3 10

2008 Spring 2100/News Writing & Reporting 3 53

2008 Fall 4500/Mass Communication Law 3 22

2008 Fall 2100/News Writing & Reporting 3 61

2008 Spring 2100/News Writing & Reporting 3 58

2009 Spring 3520/Communication Technology

& Society 3 22

2009 Spring 4000/News-Making Processes 3 25

2009 Spring 4600/Mass Media Ethics 3 18

* Led five university students on Study Abroad (May 2008) to Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungary.

Note: Through spring semester 2002 I had a one-course load reduction to compensate for

time spent as my department’s director of graduate studies. Also, every three years I get a

one-course load reduction to compensate for teaching the weekly combined-labs lecture

in COJO 2100.

Note: During my Fulbright year at the Centre for Social Studies in Warsaw, Poland, I taught the

following graduate courses, one during each of the three teaching periods: Media

Ecology, Media in Time of Transition (After Collapse of Communism), and Mass Media


Outreach Program courses taught (off-load)

Year Semester Course No./Title Cr. Hrs. Enrollment

2008 Spring COJO 4500, Mass 3 10

Communication Law

2005 Spring COJO 4500, Mass 3 7

Communication Law

2004 Spring CMJR 4500, Mass 3 12

Communication Law

2003 Spring CMJR 4020, Mass Media 3 25

& Society

2002 Fall CMJR 3520, Communication 3 14

Technology & Society


In Preparation:

Gladney, G.A., Shapiro, I., and Ray, Regan, “Newspapers’ Use of Veiled Sources After

Story Fabrication Scandals,” to be submitted to refereed journal.

Rittenburg, T.L., and Gladney, G.A. “The Effects of Euphemism Usage in Business Contexts,” to be submitted to refereed journal.


Journal Articles:

Gladney, G.A. (spring, 2009). Ukrainians provide clues on universal journalism standards, global education, Grassroots Editor 50(1), 11-14.

Gladney, G.A., Shapiro, I., and Castaldo, J. (2007). Online Editors Rate Web News Quality Criteria. Newspaper Research Journal, 28(1), 55-69.

Gladney, G.A., and Rittenburg, T.L. (2005, winter). Euphemistic Text Affects Attitudes, Behavior. Newspaper Research Journal, 26(1), 28-41.

Gladney, G. A. (1997). Impact of visuals in selecting general excellence winners. Newspaper Research Journal, 18(1&2), 157-1687.

Gladney, G. A., and Ehrlich, M. C. (1996). Cross-media response to digital manipulation of still and moving images [Electronic version]. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 40(4), 496-508.

Gladney, G.A. (1996). Some enduring issues of cyberspace technology: A medium theory perspective [Electronic version]. New Jersey Journal of Communication, 4(2), 110-126.

Gladney, G.A. (1996). How editors and readers rank and rate 18 traditional standards of newspaper excellence. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 73(2), 319-331.

Gladney, G. A., and Ehrlich, M. C. (1996). The experiment with cameras in the federal courts: Journalists' perceptions [Abstract]. Mass Comm Review, 23(1&2), 4-15.

Gladney, G.A. (1994). Bringing communication technology under ethical analysis: A case study of newspaper audiotex. Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 9(4), 243-256.

Gladney, G.A. (1994). Does TV competition lead to USA Today-style innovation? Newspaper Research Journal, 15(2), 25-36.

Gladney, G.A. (1993). USA Today, its imitators, & its critics: Do newsroom staffs face an ethical dilemma? Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 8(1), 17-36.

Gladney, G.A. (1992). The McPaper revolution? USA Today-style innovation at large U.S. dailies. Newspaper Research Journal, 13(1&2), 54-71.

Gladney, G.A. (1991). Technologizing of the word: Toward theoretical and ethical understanding. Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 6(2), 93-105.

Gladney, G.A. (1990). Newspaper excellence: How editors of small and large newspapers judge quality. Newspaper Research Journal, 11(2), 58-72.

Book Chapters:

Gladney, G.A. (in press). Media ecology and some ‘enduring issues’ of computer-

mediated communication technology. In Lance Strate and Sue Barnes (Eds.),

Cybertheory and the ecology of digital media. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Gladney, G.A. (2004). Giving readers what they want or need? In E. Erickson and W.D.

Sloan (Eds.), Contemporary media issues (2nd ed., Rev. ed.) (pp. 227-245). Northport,

AL: Vision Press.

Gladney, G.A. (2004). Global village disconnected? In R. Berenger (Ed.), Global

media go to war. (pp. 15-27). Spokane, WA: Marquette Books.

Gladney, G.A. (1998). Giving readers what they want or need? In W.D. Sloan and E.E.

Hoff (Eds.), Contemporary media issues (pp. 291-306). Northport, AL: Vision Press.

Other published works:

Gladney, G.A. (in press). [Review of Knightfall: Knight Ridder and How the Erosion of

Newspaper Journalism Is Putting Democracy at Risk.] In Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.

Gladney, G.A. (2004). [Review of Class and news.] In Mass Communication and

Society. 7(4), 517-521.

Gladney, G.A. (2004). [Review of Learning to hate Americans: How U.S. media shape negative attitudes among teenagers in twelve countries.] In Mass Communication and Society, 7(2), 252-255.

Gladney, G.A. (2004, May). Wyoming press adopts ‘ombudsman’ to handle statewide complaints. The International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors 29(4), 1, 3.

Gladney, G.A. (2004, winter). Professor and student discuss ‘spectrum scarcity’ and other

vexing imponderables. MC&S News 37(2), 4-6. (Official newsletter of the Mass

Communication and Society Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and

Mass Communication)

Gladney, G.A. (2003, fall). Backyard’s best? Nation’s best weekly may be in Jackson

Hole, Wyo [Abstract]. Grassroots Editor, 44(3), 17.

Gladney, G.A. (2003). [Review of Habits of the high-tech heart: Living virtuously in the Information Age]. In Mass Communication and Society, 6(3), 337-340.

Gladney, G.A. (2002, December). Merger unites top Wyoming weeklies. Publisher’s

Auxiliary (Pub Aux), pp. 1, 14.

Gladney, G.A. (2002). [Review of Marshall McLuhan: Wise guy]. Mass Communication

and Society, 5(3), 380-382

Gladney, G.A. (1997). [Review of The message is the medium: Online all the time for everyone.] Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 52(3), 83-84.

Gladney, G.A. (1997). [Review of Information technology & society.] Journalism &

Mass Communication Educator, 52(3), 81-82.

Gladney, G.A. (1995). [Review of Communication in the Age of Virtual Reality.]

Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 50(3), 82-83.

Gladney, G.A. (1995, January 17). Following the herd mentality: Did the media and

voters spend enough time deciphering the GOP's contract? [op-ed page commentary]

Chicago Tribune, p. I-13.

Gladney, G.A. (1994). [Review of Behind the Times: Inside the new New York Times.]

Journalism Quarterly, 71(3), 732-733.

Gladney, G.A. (1994). [Review of Publishing in the Information Age: A new management framework for the digital era.] Journalism Educator, 49(3), 82-83.

Gladney, G.A. (1994). [Review of Communication, media and change.] Journalism

Educator, 49(1), 90-93.

Gladney, G.A. (1994). [Review of The unreality industry (Electronic version)]. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 38(1), 115-117.

Gladney, G.A. (1994). [Review of The dynamics of persuasion]. Journalism Educator,

48(4), 84-85.

Gladney, G.A. (1993). [Review of Demystifying media technology]. Journalism

Educator, 48(3), 82.

Gladney, G.A. (1993). Diversity & opportunity--a resource guide. MC&S News, 1992 93(2), (2-page insert).

Gladney, G.A. (1992). [Review of Joseph Pulitzer II and the Post-Dispatch]. Journalism Quarterly, 69(2), 479-480.

Gladney, G.A. (1992). [Review of Representing order: Crime, law, and justice in the

news media]. Journal of Communication, 42(3), 194-196.

Gladney, G.A. (1989). Unhappiness is inevitable: Nix surrogate motherhood [Editorial originally published in The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR). Reprinted in full and explicated as an example of excellent editorial and opinion writing]. In L. Kessler and D.

McDonald, Mastering the message: Media writing with substance and style (pp. 274-278). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Gladney, G.A. (1983). Interior motives. [Review of At the eye of the storm]. The

Bloomsbury Review, 3(4), 16-17.


Memberships in professional societies:

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 1986-present

Media Ecology Association, 2001 to present

Society of Professional Journalists, 1987 to present

Center for Global Media Studies, 2002 to present

International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors, 2002 to present

Union for Democratic Communication, 2002-03

Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, 1991-1996

Offices in professional societies:

2006-07, Secretary and Newsletter Editor, Mass Communication and Society Division,

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Association for

Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

2004-05, Secretary and Newsletter Editor, Mass Communication and Society Division,

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Association for

Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

2003-04, co-chair, Professional Freedom and Responsibility Committee, Mass

Communication and Society Division, AEJMC.

1998-99, chair, MC&S Committee, which oversees publication of Mass Communication

and Society (formerly Mass Comm Review), the official journal of the Mass Communication and Society Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and

Mass Communication (AEJMC).

1998-99, chair, Nominating Committee, Mass Communication and Society Division,


1997-98, division head, Mass Communication & Society Division, second largest

division of AEJMC.

1996-97, division vice-head, Mass Communication & Society Division, AEJMC.

1995-96, division secretary and newsletter editor, Mass Communication &

Society Division, AEJMC.

1994-95, chair, Research Committee, Mass Communication & Society Division, AEJMC.

Responsible for solicitation, evaluation, and organization of manuscripts for division-

sponsored refereed paper sessions at AEJMC regional conference at Syracuse University,

April 1995, and AEJMC annual convention in Washington, D.C., August 1995.

1993-94, chair, Professional Freedom & Responsibility Committee, Mass Communication & Society Division, AEJMC. Responsible for MC&S Division

newsletter insert and organizing and moderating panel at AEJMC regional

conference in Reno, NV, in April, 1994, and two panels at AEJMC annual convention,

Atlanta, 1994.

1992-93, assistant chair, Professional Freedom & Responsibility Committee, Mass

Communication & Society Division, AEJMC.

Editorship/Review/Editorial Boards

2004-present, member, Editorial Board, Mass Communication and Society, the official

journal of the Mass Communication and Society Division, AEJMC.

2001-present, member, Editorial Board, Newspaper Research Journal, the official

journal of the Newspaper Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and

Mass Communication, AEJMC.

1999-2004, Book Review Editor, Mass Communication and Society, the official journal

of the Mass Communication and Society Division, AEJMC.

1998-99, member, Editorial Board, Mass Communication and Society, the official journal

of the Mass Communication and Society Division, AEJMC.

Journal Manuscript Guest Reviewing

2003, guest reviewer, Telecommunications Policy Journal.

2002, guest reviewer, Communication Yearbook, 27.

1999, guest reviewer, New Media and Society

1996, guest reviewer, Critical Studies in Mass Communications, 13(1).

1995, guest reviewer, Critical Studies in Mass Communications, 12(1).

1993, guest reviewer, Critical Studies in Mass Communications, 10(4).

1993, guest reviewer, Journalism Quarterly.


2009, Honorarium, U.S. Embassy, Chisinau, Moldova. Lectures at Free University of Moldova and Center for Independent Journalism, Chisinau. Topic:”The limits and Purposes of Freedom of Speech and Press.

2007-08, Extraordinary Merit in Teaching Award, presented by College of Arts & Sciences, University of Wyoming. Cash award: $1,000.

2007, Honorarium, U.S. Embassy, Kiev, Ukraine. Lectured on the topic of media ecology and freedom of speech and press at universities Kiev and Cherkasy. Co-conducted two-day journalism workshop with Russian-speaking instructor in Lviv, Ukraine.

2006, Title VI Course Development (Internationalizing the Curriculum) grant of $4,750 for design, preparation, and travel for development of new undergraduate course (COJO 4230ST: International Journalism and Global Media) with optional Study Abroad component.

2006, Second-Place Award, Faculty-Staff Category, International Photo Contest co-sponsored by the International Programs Office and the College of Business (University of Wyoming).

2005, U.S. Fulbright Scholar award, lecturing grant, September 2005-June 2006, Centre for Social Studies, the Graduate School for Social Research, at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.

2004, “Top Prof” Award presented by the Cap and Gown Chapter of Mortar Board, the senior women’s honorary society, University of Wyoming.

2004, the Michael D. Lindsey Distinguished Service Award recognizing exceptional contributions to Student Publications at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY. Presented by UW Student Publications Board.

2003, Luesche Fellow Award, Rocky Mountain District, Kiwanis International

2003, Kiwanian of the Year Award, Kiwanis Club of Laramie, WY

2002, Excellence in Advising Award, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

2002-04, selected as Faculty Fellow, University of Wyoming Summer High School Institute, under auspices of the Honors Program, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY. New course proposal accepted and implemented.

1998, "Top Prof" Award, Gap and Gown Chapter of Mortar Board, honorary society, University of Wyoming

1998, Top Paper Award, Media Studies Interest Group, Western States Communication Association convention, Denver, CO. Paper: "Attitudes of relational engagement in

cyberspace: The monologic potential"

1997, Extraordinary Merit in Research Award, $1,000 prize, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

1995, Top Three Faculty Paper Award, Newspaper Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication annual convention, Washington, DC. Paper: "The bias of

visual appeal in the selection of general excellence winners in newspaper contests," by G.A. Gladney.

1995, Top Three Faculty Paper Award, Communication Law & Policy Division, International Communication Association annual conference, Albuquerque, NM. Paper: "Cameras in the

courtroom in an experimental atmosphere: Print and broadcast perceptions," by G. A. Gladney and M.C. Ehrlich.

1994, Top Faculty Paper Award, Mass Communication & Society Division, AEJMC national convention, Atlanta, GA. Paper: "Cross-media response to digital manipulation of still and

moving images," by G.A. Gladney and M.C. Ehrlich.

1994, participant, 10th Annual National Workshop on the Teaching of Ethics in Journalism and Mass Communication, fully funded by the Freedom Forum and co-sponsored by the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass

Communication. Week-long workshop was held at the Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, MO., July 23-28, 1994. The 15 participants were selected on a competitive basis.

1991, Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, $1,000, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL. This is the institution's highest award for undergraduate teaching.

1989-91, listed in "An Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students," Division of Measurement and Evaluation, Office of Instructional Resources, University of

Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL.

1990, Graduate Division Winner, First Place, $500, Carol Burnett Student Paper Competition in Journalism Ethics, sponsored by AEJMC and the University of Hawaii.

1990, Graduate College Dissertation Research Grant, Graduate College, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL.

1990, University of Illinois Graduate College Conference Travel Support Grant, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL.

1989-91, University of Illinois Fellowship, Graduate College, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL.

1989, Initiation, The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, University of Illinois chapter, Champaign-Urbana, IL.

1988, T. Neil Taylor Award for Best Thesis, School of Journalism, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.

1987, Eric W. Allen Jr. Awards for Excellence in Editorial and Opinion Writing, First Place ($100) and Third Place, School of Journalism, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.

1987, Initiation, Kappa Tau Alpha, journalism honorary society, University of Oregon chapter, Eugene, OR.

1986, Best General Reporting Award, Third Place, National Newspaper Association, Washington DC.

1985, Best Series Article (shared with two others), Second Place, Wyoming Press Association, Laramie, WY.

1984, Editorial Excellence Cup (shared with two others), Department of Journalism, University of Wyoming.

1978, Best Hard News Story Award, First Place, Colorado Springs Press Association, Colorado Springs, CO.

1977, Best Story of the Year, First Runner-Up, Colorado Press Association, Denver, CO.

1975, Best Feature Story Award, First Place, Colorado Springs Press Association, Colorado Springs, CO.

1971, Dean's List, School of Journalism, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.

Manuscript judging and refereeing for books and conferences; conference

organization; AEJMC committee and division work

2008, reviewer for second edition manuscript, “Inside Reporting: A Practical Guide to the

Craft of Journalism,” by Tim Harrower. (McGraw-Hill)

2007, reviewer for Wadsworth/Thomson’s 2009 edition of “Major Principles of Media

Law,” by Wayne Overbeck. (Thomson/Wadsworth)

2007, manuscript judge, Mass Communication and Society Division paper competition,

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual convention at

Washington, DC.

2000-07, archivist, Mass Communication and Society Division, Association for

Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

2006, manuscript judge, Mass Communication and Society Division paper competition,

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual convention at

San Francisco, CA.

2005, manuscript judge, Mass Communication and Society Division paper competition,

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual convention at

San Antonio, TX.

2004, reviewer of prospectus for Jarice Hanson’s book, From mass media to my media:

The change in industries and audiences. (Oxford University Press)

2004, manuscript judge, Mass Communication and Society Division paper competition,

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual convention at

Toronto, Canada.

2004, manuscript referee, Broadcast and Internet Radio Division, Broadcast Education

Association annual convention.

2004, manuscript referee, Graduate Education Interest Group, AEJMC annual

convention, Toronto, Canada.

2004, judge/moderator, Graduate Student Symposium, University of Wyoming, Laramie,


2003, judge, the Jim Tiemann Legal Reporting Award sponsored by the Wyoming Press

Association, Cheyenne, WY.

2003, manuscript reviewer for Introduction to mass communication theory, by Melvin L.

and Margaret H. DeFleur. Allyn & Bacon.

2003, manuscript reviewer, Media Ecology Association annual conference.

2003, manuscript reviewer, Midwinter Conference, Graduate Education Interest Group,


2003, manuscript referee, Mass Communication and Society Division paper competition,

AEJMC annual convention, Kansas City, MO.

2003, judge, speech/interview competition, Wyoming Academic Decathlon, University of

Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

2003, judge/moderator, Graduate School Symposium, sponsored by The Graduate

School, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

2003, judge, Wyoming History Day, Junior Group Documentary.

2002, manuscript referee, Mass Communication and Society Division, AEJMC annual

convention, Miami Beach, FL.

2002 (April 15), judge, Wyoming History Day, Senior Group Documentary

2002 (February 1), speech/interview judge, Wyoming State Academic Decathlon,

University of Wyoming.

2001, manuscript referee, Media Ethics Division paper competition, AEJMC annual

convention, Washington, DC.

2001, manuscript referee, Newspaper Division paper competition, AEJMC annual

convention, Washington, DC.

2001, manuscript referee, Mass Communication and Society Division paper competition,

AEJMC annual convention, Washington, DC.

2001, manuscript reviewer for third edition of Media/Society, by David Croteau and

William Hoynes. Pine Forge Press.

2000, manuscript reviewer, Media Ethics Division, AEJMC annual convention, Phoenix,


2000, manuscript reviewer, Mass Communication and Society Division, AEJMC annual

convention, Phoenix, AZ.

1999, manuscript reviewer for Search Strategies in Mass Communication, by Jean Ward

and Kathleen Hansen. Addison Wesley Longman.

1999, manuscript reviewer for Communication Theories, 4th Ed., by Werner J. Severin

and James W. Tankard. Addison Wesley Longman.

1999, tenure and promotion outside reviewer, Department of Communication and

Journalism, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.

1999, tenure and promotion outside reviewer, Department of Communication, University

of Illinois at Chicago.

1999, manuscript reviewer, Mass Communication and Society Division, annual

convention of AEJMC, New Orleans, LA.

1999, manuscript reviewer, Media Ethics Interest Group, AEJMC annual convention,

New Orleans, LA.

1997, co-organizer of "New Media, Old Values: Confronting Change" Conference,

sponsored by the Mass Communication & Society Division and eight other divisions of AEJMC, and the School of Journalism & Mass Communication, University

of Colorado, Boulder, CO. Conference held March 13-5, 1997, in Boulder, CO.

1996, manuscript judge, Western Journalism Historians Conference, Berkeley, CA.

1996 (August), judge, Wyoming Press Association's judging for the Nevada Press

Association annual newspaper awards competition.

1996, manuscript referee, Qualitative Studies Division, AEJMC annual convention,

Anaheim, CA.

1996, manuscript referee, Newspaper Division, AEJMC annual convention, Anaheim,


1996, manuscript referee, Mass Communication & Society Division, AEJMC annual

convention, Anaheim, CA.

1996, manuscript referee, Mass Communication & Society Division, "Media, Technology

and Community" conference at University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND.

1996, judge, University of Wyoming Publication In-House Contest.

1996, manuscript referee, Southeast Regional Colloquium, AEJMC, Roanoke, VA.

1995, manuscript referee, Mass Communication & Society Division, AEJMC annual

convention, Washington, DC.

1995, manuscript referee, Radio-TV Journalism Division, AEJMC annual convention,

Washington, DC.

1995, manuscript referee, Qualitative Studies Division, AEJMC annual convention, Washington, DC.

1995, manuscript referee, Visual Communications Division Creative Projects Competition, AEJMC annual convention, Washington, DC.

1995, manuscript referee, Southeast Regional Colloquium, AEJMC, Roanoke, VA.

1995, review of proposal for book (From Interviewing to the Internet: Reporting in the

21st Century) and book series ("Journalism and Communication for a New Century"). Pine Forge Press.

1994, manuscript referee, Mass Communication & Society Division, AEJMC annual

convention, Atlanta, GA.

1994, manuscript referee, Qualitative Studies Division, AEJMC annual convention,

Atlanta, GA.

1994, manuscript referee, Visual Communications Division, AEJMC annual convention,

Atlanta, GA.

1994, manuscript referee, Southeast Regional Colloquium, AEJMC, Charleston, SC.

1993, manuscript referee, MacDougall Student Paper Competition, Newspaper Division,

AEJMC annual convention, Kansas City, MO.

1993, manuscript referee, Mass Communication & Society Division, AEJMC annual

convention, Kansas City, MO.

1993, manuscript referee, Carol Burnett/AEJMC/University of Hawaii annual student

ethics competition.

1993, manuscript review of Strategic newspaper management, by Conrad Fink. St.

Martin's Press.

1992 (June), principal organizer of guest lecture, "Hard news and soft: How newspapers

handle tension between informational values and entertainment values," presented by

James A. DeGraw, news editor, San Diego Business Journal, and Pamela DeGraw

Dugan, copy desk chief, San Diego Union-Tribune, at the University of Wyoming,

Laramie, WY.

1993, manuscript referee, Qualitative Studies Division, AEJMC annual convention,

Kansas City, MO.

1993, manuscript referee, Newspaper Division, AEJMC annual convention, Kansas City,


1992 (June), principal organizer of guest lecture, "News frames & media packages:

Covering El Salvador," presented by Dr. William S. Solomon, assistant professor at

Rutgers University, at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

1992, manuscript editor, The grand controversy, by Orrin H. and Lorraine G. Bonney.

New York: American Alpine Club Press.

1992, manuscript referee, Qualitative Studies Division, AEJMC annual convention,

Montreal, Canada.

1992, evaluated papers later donated to the American Heritage Center, University of

Wyoming, by the family of the late pioneering scholar in mass communications study, Dr. Wilbur Schramm. Acted as initial liaison between Dr. Schramm's daughter,

Mary Coberly, and American Heritage Center.

1992, manuscript referee, Newspaper Division, AEJMC annual convention, Montreal,


1991 (August), judge, Wyoming Press Association's judging for the New Mexico Press

Association annual newspaper awards competition.


2009, invited lecture, “The Limits and Purposes of Free Speech and Press,” Free International University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova. Honorarium from U.S. Embassy, Chisinau.

2009, invited lecture, “Journalistic Allegiance: When a Blogger and a Citizen Is a Journalist,” Center for Independent Journalism, Bucharest, Romania.

2009, interview on Internet copyright law, “Wyoming Signatures” program, KCWC (Wyoming Public TV)

2008, invited lecture,”25 Years of USA Today and Its Powerful Influence on the Newspaper Industry,” meeting of Lambda Pi Eta, communication honorary society, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

2008, panelist, Roundtable on School Shootings, “Media Coverage of School Shootings: Making Sense of the Senseless.” Sponsor: Counseling Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

2008, interview with reporter Andrew Schenkel, TV Channel 13, Cheyenne, WY. Topic: News Coverage of the Matthew Shepard Murder, 1998.

2007, Post-Fulbright honorarium, lectures at Kiev International University and Kiev Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA), Kiev, Ukraine, and Cherkasy Pedagogic University, Cherkasy, Ukraine. Arranged and sponsored by U.S. Embassy, Kiev.

2007, Post-Fulbright honorarium, co-instructor of two-day journalism workshop in Lviv, Ukraine, under auspices of Ukraine Press Agency. Arranged and sponsored by U.S. Embassy, Kiev.

2006, presented co-authored paper, “New Media, Familiar Standards: How Online Newspeople Rate 38 Criteria of Quality of News Web Sites,” refereed paper session, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual convention, San Francisco, CA.

2006, November, guest speaker, induction ceremony of Lambda Pi Eta, the communication studies honorary society at University of Wyoming.

2006, October, moderator and featured speaker, “Media Literacy: What Makes News News?” panel, Community Media Institute, Sheridan, WY

2006, May, invited lecture, “The Limits of Free Speech—Lessons From the American Experience,” to audience of students in the American Studies Department, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

2006, April, invited lecture, “The Limits of Free Speech—Lessons From the American Experience,” to audience of journalism students, Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia.

2006, April, invited lecture (translated into Russian), “Regulating the Mass Media—Lessons From the American Experience,” to audience of law students, Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia.

2006, April, representative of the Centre for Social Studies, Graduate School for Social Research, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw Poland, at the working meeting of the Aspirantura (Ph.D.) Programme, a planned international doctoral program in sociology. At School of Sociology, Kharkiv V. N. Kharazin National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2006, April, invited lecture, “The Limits of Free Speech—Lessons From the American Experience,” to audience of students of the School of Sociology, Kharkiv V. N. Kharazin National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2005, November, keynote address, “Enhancing Crucial Perspectives Through Polish-U.S. Cooperation,” Conference on Polish-U.S. Academic Cooperation and Its Role in Science Development,” 2005 International Education Week, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland.

2005, November, panel discussant, “Polish-U.S. Academic Partnership Programs: Where We Are and Where We Are Going,” Conference on Polish-U.S. Academic Cooperation and Its Role in Science Development,” 2005 International Education Week, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland.

2005, August, discussant, refereed paper research session titled “War and Its Aftermath: Media Coverage and Public Opinion,” sponsored by Mass Communication and Society Division, annual convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Antonio, Texas.

2004, August, moderator, paper presentation panel titled “Communication About War and Other Crises.” Session sponsored by Mass Communication and Society Division at the annual convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.

2004, July, presentation of paper titled “Global media coverage of the Iraq War: An assessment of McLuhan’s ‘global village’ metaphor,” at Communication and Globalization Conference sponsored by the Center for Global Media Studies, Seattle, WA.

2004, presented workshop titled “Writing Effective News Leads,” for staff of the Branding Iron (campus newspaper), University of Wyoming, Laramie.

2003, radio interview, “Embedding of Journalists During the 2003 Iraq War,” with interviewer Heather Feeney, “insight” program, KUWR/Wyoming Public Radio, Laramie, WY.

2003, participant, 20th annual Media Ethics Teaching Workshop sponsored by the Media Ethics Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, AEJMC annual convention, Kansas City, MO.

2003, discussant, poster session sponsored by Newspaper Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, AEJMC annual convention, Kansas City, MO.

2002, moderator, panel titled “Public Service Broadcasting in a Corporate Media World,” Conference on the Future and Implications of Global Mass Media, sponsored by The Center for Global Media Studies, Spokane, WA.

2001, representative, University of Wyoming Department of Communication and Journalism (formerly Mass Media), Wyoming Press Association summer convention, Jackson, WY.

2001, principal organizer and moderator of the Graduate Spring Colloquium, Department of Communication and Journalism (formerly Mass Media), University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

2001, presented workshop titled “Writing Effective Lead-ins for Hard-News Stories,” Branding Iron (campus newspaper) staff, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

2001, radio interview, “Reality TV Programming,” with interviewer Heather Feeney, KUWR/Wyoming Public Radio, Laramie, WY.

2001, presented workshop on “Writing Effective Lead-ins for Hard-News Stories,” Rocky Mountain Collegiate Media Association, Denver, CO.

2001, joint moderator and paper presentation panel, OASIS fourth annual student conference, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

2001, presented Newspaper Ethics Workshop, Wyoming High School Student Press Association annual convention, Casper, WY.

2001, presented Copy Editing Workshop, Wyoming High School Student Press Association annual convention, Casper, WY.

2000, panel moderator, “Changing Technologies, Changing Uses,” sponsored by the Mass Communication and Society Division, AEJMC annual convention, Phoenix, AZ.

1999, presented “Newspaper Law and Ethics” workshop, Wyoming High School Student Press Association annual convention, Casper, WY.

1999, guest speaker, “Changes in the Newspaper Industry,” Golden K Club, Cheyenne, WY.

1999, panel presentation, “Ethics in Advertising,” Wyoming Press Association annual convention, Cheyenne, WY.

1999, panel presentation, “Researching Ethics: Topics, Evidence, and Promotion,” Western Journalism Historians Conference, Berkeley, CA.

1998 (April), invited panelist, "Theorizing the Relationship Between New Media and Free Speech," at "New Media, Free Speech: Challenges for the Future" conference sponsored by

the Mass Communication and Society Division of AEJMC, Tampa, FL.

1998 (February), presented paper entitled "Attitudes of relational engagement in cyberspace: The monologic potential," at the Western States Communication Association convention, Denver, CO.

1997 (November 13), invited panelist, "Personal Privacy and Ethical Journalism," sponsored by University of Wyoming Center for the Advancement of Ethics and the UW chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, Laramie, WY.

1997, April, invited paper, "Enduring issues of cyberspace technology: A medium theory perspective." Colloquium on "Communication and the Internet," sponsored by the Alumni

Association of the School of Communication, Information and Library Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.

1997, March, invited panelist, "The Future of Newspapers: Challenges Amid Change," at "New Media, Old Values: Confronting Change Conference" conference. Primary sponsor: Mass Communication & Society Division, AEJMC. Conference host: School of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.

1997 (October 7), "Free Speech and the Internet," radio interview with Jim Morgan, KUWR, University of Wyoming, Laramie.

1996, October, panelist, "Ethics in Cybersociety" conference sponsored by the Center for the Advancement of Ethics, University of Wyoming, at Jackson Hole, WY. Topic: Personal

relationships and communities in cyberspace.

1996, April, panelist, "Media, Technology & Community" conference sponsored by the Mass Communication & Society Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass

Communication (AEJMC), at University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. Topic: Rural media and community building.

1996, May, invited lecture, "Communication Magic: Integrating Media and Technology" conference, sponsored by the Natrona County School District, Casper, WY. Topic:

Newspaper excellence: Bridging readers' wants and needs.

1996, April, panelist, 1996 Barrett Youth Symposium, Western Nebraska Community College, Scottsbluff, NE. Topic: Impact of the news media.

1996, August, presented Headline Writing Workshop for staff of the Branding Iron, student newspaper of the University of Wyoming.

1996, January, presented Newswriting and Headline Writing Workshop for staff of the Branding Iron, student newspaper of the University of Wyoming.

1996 (spring), interviewee. "Signatures" program on statewide UWTV, Laramie, WY. Topic: Telecommunications Act of 1996.

1966 (fall), interviewee. "Insights" program on KUWR-FM and KCGY-FM, Laramie, WY. Topic: How the Internet will affect the mass media.

1995 (November 29), invited lecture, CO/M Department Fall Colloquium Series, University of Wyoming. Topic: "In Pursuit of Newspaper Excellence: Bridging the Gap Between Readers'

Wants and Needs."

1995 (October 9-10), presented newswriting workshop at annual convention of the Wyoming High School Student Press Association, Casper, WY.

1995 (September 15), presented mass media law workshop for staff of the Branding Iron, student newspaper of University of Wyoming.

1995 (August), presentation of paper, "The bias of visual appeal in the selection of general excellence winners in newspaper contests," refereed paper session, Newspaper Division, AEJMC annual convention, Washington, DC.

1995 (May), presentation of paper, "Cameras in the courtroom in an experimental atmosphere: Print and broadcast perceptions," refereed paper session, Communication Law & Policy Division, International Communication Association annual conference, Albuquerque, NM.

1995 (April 22), discussant of refereed paper session titled "Mass Media Nexus: A Potpourri of Perspectives," at Media, Government & Public Policy Conference at Syracuse, NY. Conference was sponsored by the Mass Communication & Society Division of AEJMC.

1995 (April 21), moderator of refereed paper session titled "Government Regulation, Politics & Communication Issues in the Information Age," at Media, Government & Public Policy

Conference at Syracuse, NY. Conference was sponsored by the Mass Communication & Society Division of AEJMC.

1995 (March 29), invited lecture, Scholar Adventurers Series, Campus Honors Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Topic: "The McPaper Revolution and

America's Dying Newspapers: The Case Against USA Today and Its Many Imitators."

1995 (February 24), invited lecture, Graduate Proseminar, Department of Journalism, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

1995 (April 5), invited lecture, Doctoral Proseminar, Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

1994 (August), presented paper, "How editors and readers rank and rate 18 traditional standards of newspaper excellence," refereed paper session, Newspaper Division, AEJMC annual convention, Atlanta, GA.

1994 (August), presented paper co-authored with Matthew C. Ehrlich, "Cross-media response to digital manipulation of still and moving images," refereed paper session sponsored by Mass Communication & Society Division, AEJMC annual convention, Atlanta, GA.

1994 (August), moderator of panel entitled "Persistence of Visionaries: Access to the New Media," co-sponsored by the Communication Technology & Policy, Law, Mass Communication & Society, and Visual Communication divisions, AEJMC annual convention, Atlanta, GA.

1994 (August), moderator of panel entitled "The Social Responsibility of Television Entertainment Programming," co-sponsored by the Mass Communication & Society and Media

Management & Economics divisions, AEJMC annual convention, Atlanta, GA.

1994 (August), discussant, Graduate Student Poster Session co-sponsored by the Mass Communication & Society and Media Management & Economics divisions, AEJMC, Atlanta, GA.

1994 (April), organizer and moderator of panel entitled "Passion, Politics & Objectivity: When a Journalist's Personal Opinion Becomes a Public Issue," sponsored by the Mass Communication & Society Division, AEJMC western regional conference, Reno, NV.

1993 (August), presented paper, "The `talking newspaper': The technical virtuosity and monologic modality of audiotex(t)," refereed paper session, Qualitative Studies Division, AEJMC annual convention, Kansas City, MO.

1993 (August), organizer and moderator of panel entitled "Social justice in the 1990s: Print media recruitment of minorities," co-sponsored by the Magazine and Mass Communication & Society divisions, AEJMC annual convention, Kansas City, MO.

1993 (June), presented paper, "Digitization and manipulation in newspaper photography: An ethical and sociological assessment," refereed paper session, seventh annual Visual

Communication Conference, Grand Teton National Park, Jackson Hole, WY.

1993 (January), attendee, Wyoming Press Association annual convention, Cheyenne, WY.

1992 (December), interviewee, "Insights" program on Wyoming Public Radio station KUWR-FM, Laramie, WY. Topic: "Media and the presidential campaign."

1992 (August), presented paper, "Competition as a predictor of adoption of USA Today-style innovation," at refereed paper session co-sponsored by the Newspaper and Media Management & Economics divisions, AEJMC annual convention, Montreal, Canada.

1992 (August), discussant, refereed paper session, "Journalism and Journalists," sponsored by Qualitative Studies Division, AEJMC annual convention, Montreal, Canada.

1992 (August), moderator, refereed paper session, "Ethics and eyeshades: Inside the newsroom," sponsored by the Media Management & Economics and Newspaper divisions, AEJMC annual convention, Montreal, Canada.

1992 (May), presented paper, "Reader-friendly journalism: Adoption of USA Today-style innovation by large U.S. dailies," refereed paper session, International Communication Association annual conference, Miami, FL.

1992 (April), participant on panel entitled "Communicating in the Age of Information," featuring Hugh Downs of ABC. Panel was presented at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, and was sponsored by the UW chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

1992 (March), presented paper, "USA Today, its imitators, and its critics: An ethical analysis," Association for Practical & Professional Ethics national conference, Indianapolis, IN.

1992 (March), interviewee, "Signatures" program on UWTV, Laramie, WY. Topic: "Media influence on political discourse in America."

1992 (February), interviewee, "Insights" program on Wyoming Public Radio station KUWR-FM, Laramie, WY. Topic: "Media influence on political discourse in America."

1991 (August), attendee, AEJMC annual convention, Boston, MA.

1990 (August), presented paper, "Technologizing of the word: Toward theoretical and ethical understanding," at Mass Communication & Society Division panel session, AEJMC annual convention, Minneapolis, MN.

1990 (March), presented paper, "Technologizing of the word: Toward theoretical and ethical understanding," refereed paper session, regional conference of the Mass Communication & Society Division, AEJMC, at Tuscaloosa, AL.

1990 (March), presented paper, "USA Today and its critics: What makes the newspaper so awful?" refereed paper session, regional conference of the Mass Communications & Society

Division, AEJMC, at Tuscaloosa, AL.

1987, discussant, "Northwest collegiate press—A critical look," panel presentation at annual

convention of the National Association of Editorial Writers, Vancouver, BC.

1986, lecture, "Typographical and design trends in high school newspapers," presented at state

meeting of high school journalists, School of Journalism, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.

1985, participant, News Writing and Editing Workshop led by Rene Cappon of New York office the Associated Press, Jackson Hole, WY.


University of Wyoming:

Academic Planning Committee, chair, 2007-present

Graduate Council, member, 2008-present

Graduate Student Appeals Board, chair, 2008-2009

Student Media Board, member 2006-preent; chair, 2007-08; chair, 1995-96; member,

1992-1994; 1995-1998

European Studies Exploratory Committee, University of Wyoming, 2006-07

President’s Faculty Advisory Committee, American Heritage Center, 2001-2006

Faculty Grievance Committee, 1997-2000

Faculty Senate, 1993-94

College of Arts and Science, University of Wyoming:

Academic Dishonesty Committee, 2006-present

Institutional Review Committee, 2008, Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships

Scholarship Committee, 1998-2001

University of Wyoming, Department of Communication & Journalism (formerly Mass Media):

Student Interaction Committee, 2001, 1999, 1998

Graduate Selection Committee, 1996-present; chair, 1996-2002

Curriculum Committee, chair, 1995-96; member 2009; 1996-2001

CO/M-Sociology Computer Committee, 1995-97; 1999; 2000

Faculty Search Committee (Mass Media), chair, 1993-94

Azrican Funds Committee, 2001-present

Library Liaison Committee, chair, 2003-04, 1993-94

Academic Personnel Development Committee, 2002, 1991-93

Masters Degree Program Committee, 1991-94

Faculty Search Committee, 1991-92

Ad Hoc Newswriting 1100 Course as W1 Writing Course Committee, 1991-92

University of Illinois, College of Communication:

Brown Bag Committee, 1994-95

University of Oregon, School of Journalism:

Faculty Search Committee, 1986-87



41 Undergraduate Advisees -- 2009

39 Undergraduate Advisees -- 2008

25 Undergraduate Advisees – 2007

18 Undergraduate Advisees – 2006

28 Undergraduate Advisees – 2005

32 Undergraduate Advisees – 2004

30 Undergraduate Advisees – 2003

23 Undergraduate Advisees – 2002

Note: Prior to 2002, as department’s director of graduate studies, advised all graduate

students (roughly 15-18).


Graduate degrees completed under my supervision (at University of Wyoming

unless specified otherwise):

Ry Woody, M.A. thesis, 2009, “Internet Usage and Civic Engagement”

Diana Waggener, M.A. thesis, 2008, “A Semiotic Analysis of Photographic Images of

War in the News Media.”

Magdalena Trawka, M.A. thesis, 2007—A Construction of Women’s Images Created by

‘Cosmopolitan’ Magazine’ [Polish edition] Thesis completed at Centre for Social

Studies, the Graduate School for Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and

Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.

Nastia Matusevich, “Gender Politics and the Belarusian Newspaper: Women and Their

Representation.” Thesis completed at Centre for Social Studies, the Graduate School for

Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of

Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.

Urszula Modzelewska, M.A. thesis, 2006—“Gay and Lesbian Organizations and the

Media: A Content Analysis of the News Coverage of Homosexuality in the Polish

Catholic Press.” Thesis completed at Centre for Social Studies, the Graduate School for

Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of

Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.

Ania Madzelan, M.A. thesis, 2006—“Animal Protection and the Mass Media: A Content

Analysis of the Press.” Thesis completed at Centre for Social Studies, the Graduate

School for Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish

Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.

Margaret James, M.A. thesis, 2005—“Audience Perceptions of Stereotypical Gender

Roles in Television Commercials”

*Aimee Leigh Callahan, M.A. thesis, 2005—“Because the Media Told Me So: An

Agenda-Setting Study of Public Opinion Regarding a 9/11-Iraq Link”

Danae L. Birch, M.A. thesis, 2005—“The Media Made Me Do It: An Examination of

Media Copycats”

Lisa L. Murphy, M.A. thesis, 2005—“Seat Belt Use: An Analysis of Persuasion”

Samantha Worthington, M.A. thesis, 2003—“Framing Chaos: A Framing Analysis of The

New York Times and The Guardian Coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”

*James Ivory, M.A. thesis, 2002—“Fun for All Ages? University Students’ Video Game

Habits and the Medium’s Potential for Dependency and Addiction”

David A. Helwich, M.A. thesis, 2001—“Cryptography, Critique, and Power: A Critical

Inquiry Into the Federal Encryption Regulatory Controversy”

*Jennifer Proffitt, M.A. thesis, 2001—“Print and Broadcast Journalists’ Perceptions of

the Coverage of the Columbine Shootings: An Ethical Analysis”

Jake Sherlock, M.A. thesis, 2001—“Newspaper Editors’ Perceptions of the Pro’s and

Con’s of Civic Journalism”

Christine Kunz, M.A. thesis, 1999—“Adultery in the Military: A Case Study of Gender,

Stigmatization, and Deviance in Media Coverage”

*Deborah Lubken, M.A. thesis 1999—“Worshipping in the Shadow of the Almighty

‘Sin-Box’: Television’s Influence on Christian Worship Practices”

Alicia Russo, M.A. thesis 1999—“Mobilizing Information in Internet Newspapers”

Heather E. Polinsky, M.A. thesis, 1997—“An Examination of Television Advertiser

Attitudes Toward Television Program Content”

*Winner of annual William C. Donaghy Award for Best Thesis, presented by Department\

of Communication and Journalism, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

M.A. thesis committee memberships since 1999:

Alexandra Sukhomlinova, 2007-08

Emily Knight, 2007-08

Yuan Li, 2004

John DeBerry, 2003

Petra Mayer, 2000

Audra Diers, 1999

Felicity Sampson, 1999

Graduate committees as outside member:

Josh Hicks, M.A. (Political Science), 2009-10

Jill Armetta, M.S. (English), 2007

Kathy Graham, M.S. (Social Work), 2004


Special service to the state/community:

2006-2009, July, served as Master of Ceremony at 56th Ranch Tour organized and

sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Laramie and the Albany County Historical Society.

2003-04, President, Kiwanis Club of Laramie, WY; 1992-2004, member.

1995-2004, served as vice president, president-elect, and immediate past

president of the Kiwanis Club of Laramie. Served on club’s Board of Directors, 1998-


1991-2003, served in a variety of positions (president, vice president, scholarship chair)

with the Alumni Board of Trustees of the Delta Chi Fraternity, University of Wyoming,

Laramie, WY; also served as chapter’s faculty advisor and president of the Wyoming

Delta Chi Housing Corporation.

2001-03, member, Board of Trustees, First United Methodist Church, Laramie, WY

1999-2002, campus advisor, Wyoming Student Pugwash, ASUW student organization,

University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

1995-96 and 1999-2000, faculty adviser, Circle K Club, University of Wyoming,

Laramie, WY.


1996 to 2004, paid consultant as writing coach for Jackson Hole News (& Guide),

Jackson, WY.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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