Telecare LIN



July 2012

Welcome to an additional supplement from the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) Knowledge Transfer Network and the Telecare Learning and Improvement Network.

This supplement to the July 2012 Newsletter provides a summary of news stories relating to Telecare and Telehealth from the UK and around the world. They cover the following topic areas:

a) Policy, funding and trends

To view information on policy, funding and trends that may be of interest, click on the links below:

3 Million Lives - TSA web site

3 Million Lives press release on WSD announcement (UK)

3 Million Lives web site (UK)

A new system for care funding (UK)

Accountable care organisations - revolution or business as usual? | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

Accountable Care Organizations Could Bring Necessary Changes to Health Care

Alarm operator saves blaze OAP (UK)

Analysis: Whats the impact of telehealth on hospital use? - Pulse (UK)

Andreas Whittam Smith: We could tax all over 50s to pay for old age (UK)

askTARA | Products and Services that can help you Stay Independent (UK)

Assisted Living Innovation Platform (ALIP) - 2012 ALIP Showcase- Presentations now available - Articles - Open Innovation (UK)

Australia: New eHealth Law passed

BBC News - Are NHS walk-in centres on the way out? (UK)

BBC News - Be brave on NHS, politicians told (UK)

BBC News - Could care of the elderly haunt the Conservatives? (UK)

BBC News - Council cuts prompt call for social spending reform (UK)

BBC News - Council spend on elderly varies up to £3,000 in Wales (UK)

BBC News - Councils putting stricter time limits on elderly care (UK)

BBC News - NHS charging and rationing 'may be needed' (UK)

BBC News - NHS end of life care good but choice lacking (UK)

BBC News - Rollout of NHS 111 number 'to be delayed' (UK)

BBC News - Social care - how the system works (UK)

BBC News - Social care funding clarity urged (UK)

BBC News - Social care plans 'simply paper over cracks' (UK)

BBC News - Unpaid carers being 'let down by failing social care' (UK)

BBC News - Unpaid carers cost economy £5.3bn, charity warns (UK)

BBC News - Warning over 'low prescribing' for elderly (UK)

Bed blockers 'put NHS in danger of collapse' - Telegraph (UK)

Board to oversee expansion of NHS Summary Care Record (UK)

Bristol Telehealth (UK)

Can social impact bonds cut health and social care costs? (UK)

Care assessments to be outsourced under White Paper plans - Community Care (UK)

Care costs to be capped for elderly - Telegraph (UK)

Care gap looms large for aging baby boomers | Reuters

Careline Personal Pendant Alarms for the Elderly (UK)

Carers' health buckling under the strain | Carers UK (UK)

Caring for our future | Reforming care and support (UK)

CCGs will be judged on the quality of primary care, says DH adviser (UK)

Centre aims to make it easier to cope with dementia - Stirling Observer (UK)

Championing health and wellbeing Richard Humphries - The King's Fund (UK)

Charities protest at delay in decision on care for elderly (UK)

Chris Skidmore: Ending the Roulette Wheel of Care (UK)

Congress leaves FDA to complete job on mobile health apps regulation

Co-ordinated care project: case study sites - The King's Fund (UK)

Councils' lack of cash hits 7,000 elderly and disabled (UK)

Data does not support the DH’s extraordinary claims for telehealth (UK)

Defiant doctors force e-Health backdown | The Australian

Delivering Dignity: Securing dignity in care for older people in hospitals and care homes (UK)

Department of Health extends NHS 111 roll out deadline (UK)

Devices help people stay at home and save £600,000 - Surrey News (UK)

DH delays NHS 111 roll out by six months (UK)

DH-backed guidance tells GPs to respond to elderly patients within 30 minutes - Pulse (UK)

Diabetes: 9 Jul 2012: Hansard Written Answers and Statements - TheyWorkForYou (UK)

Diabetes: a million not getting all basic checks - Telegraph (UK)

Edinburgh Telecare

E-health faces legal and privacy check up (Australia)

E-Health Insider :: DH won't mandate information standards (UK)

E-Health Insider :: How to get to 3ML? (UK)

E-Health Insider :: NHS Informatics to be pulled in three (UK)

Elderly are humiliated by nurses, warns report - Telegraph (UK)

Elderly betrayed over care funding reform - Telegraph (UK)

Elderly care cap could be £100,000, Lansley reveals - Telegraph (UK)

Elderly care cap could be set at £100,000 - UK Politics - UK - The Independent (UK)

Elderly care cuts are dangerous and short-sighted, says charity | (UK)

Elderly care reform may be delayed | Society | The Guardian (UK)

Elderly patients 'helped to die to free up beds', warns doctor - Telegraph (UK)

Emergency workers scan QR codes to access health information

Evolution or revolution: the story behind the Health and Social Care Act 2012 | Anna Dixon - The King's Fund (UK)

Exclusive: 90% of PCTs are now rationing care (UK)

Exclusive: Commissioning board appoints long term conditions lead | Health Service Journal (requires subscription) (UK)

Exclusive: GPC warns PCTs' failure to cut acute care costs threatens commissioning |

Exclusive: GPs lose out on contracts for NHS 111 (UK)

Exclusive: Monitor to launch major review of barriers to NHS competition | News | Health Service Journal (requires subscription) (UK)

Exclusive: online training scheme boosts basic care skills | Nursing Times (UK)

FDA Faces Daunting Task as Health Apps Multiply

FDA regulators face daunting task as health apps multiply

FDA Taking Long Look at Regulating mHealth Apps

FDA to guide device makers on marketing application

Fewer jobs, different role: The future of social work? - Adult Care Blog (UK)

Finance experts warn on NHS future - The Guardian (UK)

Getting to the heart of telehealth (UK)

Government outlines plan for making public services digital by default (Wired UK) (UK)

Government postpones decision on future funding model for social care | BMJ (UK)

GP commissioners face unsustainable deficits, warns NAO | (UK)

Guardian Healthcare - BMJ paper on WSD (UK)

Half of NHS bosses expect care quality to fall, survey finds | The Guardian (UK)

Half of patients are forced to wait two days to see their GP with one in eight waiting a week | Mail Online (UK)

Hampshire County Council - identifying major savings and improved service outcomes from telecare (UK)

Hard times for the NHS - Telegraph (UK)

Health leader Mike Farrer warns NHS is heading for disaster - The Independent (UK)

Health Management and Policy Alert: Informatics: the future - an organisation summary (UK)

Health Management and Policy Alert: NHS Commissioning Board local area teams and clinical senates (UK)

Health: Transforming Your Care: 3 Jul 2012: Northern Ireland Assembly debates - TheyWorkForYou

High tech for health :: Digital Agenda for Europe

Hillingdon Council Realises Savings of £4.7m Through Mainstreamed Telecare and Reablement Services (UK)

Housing and healthcare should work together to support the homeless (UK)

How community matrons on the beat help keep elderly out of hospital (UK)

Hundreds die from strokes at weekends because of poorer NHS care: study - Telegraph (UK)

IFS: Cut pensioners' benefits to pay for elderly care - Telegraph (UK)

Increasing access to psychological therapies will cost NHS nothing, says report | BMJ (UK)

Is Andrew Lansley listening to the calls of health service leaders? (UK)

Is telehealth cost effective ? (UK)

It's time to demonstrate the value of care co-ordination - The King's Fund (UK)

Jim Easton: let’s get serious about telehealth (UK)

Lansley proposals do little to answer long-term care funding question (UK)

Lansley unveils mandate for NHS Commissioning Board (UK)

Leader's Policy Statement - 12 June 2012 | Birmingham Telecare (UK)

Loans for elderly “paid back after death“ will pay for residential care | The Guardian (UK)

London's stroke care success | Healthcare Network | (UK)

Lord Warner: Treasury must reconsider 'death tax' to meet soaring cost of elderly care - Telegraph (UK)

Mainstreaming Telecare in Hampshire (UK)

Making social media work professionally | The Guardian (UK)

Malcolm Grant: the role of the NHS Commissioning Board - The King's Fund (UK)

Milton Keynes pioneers integrated telehealth and telecare support for people with long-term conditions (UK)

Mixed results for mobile stroke treatment - Health (UK)

Mobile medical theatre in Gloucestershire to cut patient backlog | This is Gloucestershire (UK)

Monitor publishes new report on costing | Monitor (UK)

More social care assessments done through call centres - Community Care (UK)

Most doctors think patient care has deteriorated and wont be improved by reforms (UK)

National minimum standard for elderly care to be introduced - The Guardian (UK)

Never Again? The story of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 by Nicholas Timmins | The Institute for Government (UK)

New contracts mark impressive growth for Welbeing | Wealden and Eastbourne Lifeline (UK)

New head of Care Quality Commission takes aim at unsafe services | The Guardian (UK)

New Law Enables FDA To Move Ahead on Mobile App Guidance - iHealthBeat

New quality of life indicators reveal long term condition inequalities | Health Service Journal (UK)

New Statesman - Social enterprises, big corporations and the NHS (UK)

New survey highlights impending crisis in social care | Richard Humphries - The King's Fund (UK)

Newcastle sets up its own commission on adult social care | (UK)

NHS 111 delays unlikely as CCGs look set to push ahead - Pulse (UK)

NHS 111 rollout deadline extension decision | Department of Health (UK)

NHS boards see telehealth only as a means of saving money, warns expert | BMJ (UK)

NHS boss was 'incredulous' when he heard Andrew Lansley's health plans | Society | The Guardian (UK)

NHS Change Model: Home (UK)

NHS Clinical Commissioners ” The independent collective voice for clinical commissioners (UK)

NHS Commissioning Board local area teams and clinical senates | NHS Commissioning Board (UK)

NHS is super-tanker heading for an iceberg, warns Farrar - Pulse (UK)

NHS launches patient reminder service (UK)

NHS mandate fails to address quality premium fears | (UK)

NHS Midlands and East celebrated for using digital tools to transform healthcare | NHS local (UK)

NHS Outcomes Framework Domain 5: how safe is safe? | MHP Communications (UK)

NHS Scotland - Measurement Plan Framework (UK)

NHS spends £3.4bn more on frontline services (UK)

NHS trusts seek £300m e-patient record system (UK)

NICE says QOF targets for BP should be lowered | (UK)

Nine in 10 health authorities rationing operations - Telegraph (UK)

No evidence for 3millionlives roll-out (UK)

No journeys end for care funding | Public Finance Opinion (UK)

No new funds for telehealth, says DH - Pulse (UK)

Nuffield Trust responds to the publication of the social care White Paper | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

Nuffield: The impact of telehealth and telecare: evaluation of the Whole System Demonstrator project (UK)

Number of working pensioners up 85% | (UK)

Older People: Health and Social Care - Question: 18 Jun 2012: House of Lords debates (UK)

Only the state can provide the care we need in old age | Polly Toynbee| The Guardian (UK)

OnMedica - News - Draft mandate for NHS Commissioning Board published (UK)

OnMedica - News - Telehealth cuts hospital visits and deaths, study suggests (UK)

Open Data White Paper: Unleashing the Potential | Cabinet Office (UK)

Parties at war over funding of care for the elderly - Telegraph (UK)

Patient satisfaction with GPs remains high (UK)

Patients to get right to ask for personal health budget - Pulse (UK)

Paul Burstow calls for improvement in the early diagnosis rates of dementia | Department of Health (UK)

Pay when you die solution for pensioners moving into care homes - Telegraph (UK)

Pay when you die: Pensioners told loans to cover care will stop them having to sell homes - Pensions - Money - The Independent (UK)

Peaks & Plains launches consultancy service (UK)

Personal budget survey (UK)

Personal budgets for older people to be reviewed - Community Care (UK)

Personal health budget pilots: fifth interim evaluation report | Department of Health (UK)

Personal health budgets bring benefits and bureaucracy - Community Care (UK)

Plan to save social care system is delayed - The Independent (UK)

Poor hospital care 'needlessly killing 1000 NHS patients a month' - Telegraph (UK)

Postcode lottery that sees thousands of elderly denied vital care services to be abolished | Mail Online (UK)

Presentations from NCS QIPP summits | Neurological Commissioning Support (NCS) (UK)

Primary Care: Today and Tomorrow - Improving general practice by working (UK)

Progress Housing Group Ltd | Lifeline | Telecare solutions (UK)

Provider reform: will anything be different this time round? | Chris Ham - The King's Fund (UK)

QIPP Home (UK)

Quarter of health and social care providers 'failing' | (UK)

RCGP draws up plan to make consultations 50% longer (UK)

Reactions to the WSD results publication (UK)

Redesigning public services: happier customers cost us less | Guardian Professional (UK)

Reforming crisis-driven social care through local area co-ordination | Guardian Professional (UK)

Remote patient care touted as saving the NHS £3.4 billion - Smartphones and telehealth could cut costs (UK)

Reshaping commissioning Chris Naylor article - The King's Fund (UK)

Revealed: Patients use personal budgets to buy theatre tickets and complementary therapies - Pulse (UK)

Rising to the NHS funding challenge | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

Sally Gainsbury: the new plan for NHS deficits is academic | Health Service Journal (UK)

Scandal of mental illness: only 25% of people in need get help | The Guardian (UK)

SCIE media release: White Paper: Draft Care and Support Bill - Progress report on social care funding (UK)

Sector slams lack of funding solution in care White Paper - 7/11/2012 - Community Care (UK)

Securing the future financial sustainability of the NHS - National Audit Office (UK)

Should we screen for type 2 diabetes: Yes | BMJ (UK)

Silver lining for older people - The Big Lottery Fund Blog (UK)

Slough borough council and cirrus showcase smart home telehealth and telecare technology

Social care report unearths £625m savings for British taxpayers (UK)

Social Care White Paper | Joseph Rowntree Foundation (UK)

Social care white paper is a wasted opportunity | Guardian Professional (UK)

Social Care White Paper: ADASS (UK)

Social care: your questions answered | (UK)

Support for carers: live discussion roundup | Social care network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Telecare technology a social care priority in Hampshire (UK)

Telehealth and telecare service for COPD in Milton Keynes gives 28% return - BJHC (UK)

Telehealth and telecare: why we're still waiting for the definitive report | (UK)

Telehealth 'three times over NICE cost limit' (UK)

Telehealth verdict: 'It's complicated' (UK)

Telehealth works, sort of. But is that enough for a national roll-out? (UK)

Telemedicine: 13 Jun 2012: Hansard Written Answers and Statements - TheyWorkForYou (UK)

The functions of Clinical Commissioning Groups (UK)

The functions of Clinical Commissioning Groups: Updated to reflect the final Health and Social Care Act 2012 : Department of Health - Publications (UK)

The Health and Social Care Act 2012: the tale in a timeline - The King's Fund (UK)

Today in healthcare: Monday 2 July - telehealth reference - (UK)

Top tips for public sector commissioners (UK)

Transforming social care for the poorest older people (UK)

Trust launches new service for COPD patients - Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust NDHT (UK)

UK austerity set to last decades as cost of ageing population rises (UK)

UK health secretary looks to telehealth to deliver "redesign" (UK)

Update on public health funding for local government | Department of Health (UK)

Using telecare in the development of learning disability services in Gloucestershire (UK)

Wakefield Council Highlights Benefits of Telecare Programme for People with Long-Term Care Needs (UK)

Want To Revolutionize Health? Enable Physicians, Don't Replace Them

Warning over undiagnosed diabetes (UK)

Webinars - Telehealth Resource Center

Website: Draft Care and Support Bill (UK)

Welsh NHS chief credits non-market based policies for rapid improvements (UK)

Westminster Forum Projects | Westminster Health Forum | Telehealth and telecare: beyond the Whole Systems Demonstrator (WSD) programme and improving adoption (UK)

What isn't being said in the social care white paper? (UK)

What the new health and care system will look like by April 2013 | NHS local - transition to LETBs (UK)

What the social care White Paper means for social workers - 7/13/2012 - Community Care (UK)

Whittington trust: teleconferencing means quicker discharge rates | Healthcare Network | (UK)

Who will shape the new NHS? (UK)

Why age should not dictate healthcare funding (UK)

Why we need bravery from our leaders (UK)

Will the government's mandate put patients at the heart of the NHS? (UK)

b) Business intelligence and product development

To view information on business intelligence and product development that may be of interest, click on the links below:

10 Ways That Healthcare Can Engage Consumers - Forbes

15 Benefits of Telehealth - Hands On Telehealth

2012 Conference - Georgia Partnership for TeleHealth

3 Future Trends for Telehealth

3 Ways Telemedicine Can Help ACOs Coordinate Care, Cut Costs

30 Fast Facts About Smartphones

4 Reasons why mHealth will be the new normal in Healthcare

4 unexpected mobile health findings from physicians, payers and patients

47 percent of adults use the Internet to find information about their health

5 reasons why the Surface tablet could be first Microsoft product doctors embrace

5 ways telemedicine is reducing the cost of healthcare

7 critical success factors for ACOs

8 significant aspects of telemedicine - Meaningful Health Care Informatics Blog

A digital healthcare experience doesn't mean online appointment booking?

A European vision for Internet governance

A Hospital Stay -- In Your Own Home

A mobile app helps doctors track patients health

A patient and HCP wish list for online healthcare

A productivity challenge too far? | BMJ

A smart T-shirt to help the chronically ill :: Digital Agenda for Europe

AARP/Microsoft Launch Personal Health Record

ACA presents golden opportunity for wireless, mobile health

Acceptability and cost-effectiveness of military telehealth mental health screening

Access to sleep testing will make a big health impact

Advanced Pulse Oximetry System for Remote Monitoring and Management

Aetna And Consult A Doctor(TM) Come Together As A 24/7 Telemedicine And Work Life Service

Aging in Place Drives mHealth Technologies

AHIMA: Look at legal ramifications of mobile health information

AHRQ - Health IT Costs & Benefits Database

Aidis Trust (aidistrust) on Pinterest

AirStrip acquires Palomar tech to enable mobile EHR access

AirStrip Expands Platform to Provide Real-Time Mobile Access to Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems | Business Wire

App records patient-physician communications

Apples iOS 6 Announcement: A Medical Perspective

As American docs resist mHealth, developing countries drive growth

Asthma device company launches companion smartphone app

Asthmapolis secures FDA clearance for inhaler sensor

Automate 'hovering' to improve patient health, engagement

Automated Hovering in Health Care "Watching Over the 5000 Hours”

Balancing housing and health for an ageing population - National Housing Federation (UK)

BBC - Newsbeat - Wakestock music festival first in UK to use microchips (UK)

BBC News - Alzheimer's 'early signs timeline developed' (UK)

BBC News - Could remote crowdworking change how we care for our elderly? (UK)

BBC News - Global weight gain more damaging than rising numbers (UK)

BBC News - Loneliness is 'major health issue' (UK)

BBC News - Man and robot linked by brain scanner (UK)

BBC News - Smartphone to help blind people goes on sale (UK)

BBC News - Voice algorithms spot Parkinson's disease

Beneath the hype of telehealth - Simple Telehealth (UK)

But who looks after the carers? | The Guardian (UK)

Can Telemonitoring Also Boost Healthcare ROI?

CDC - Social Media Tools for Consumers and Partners - Guidelines & Best Practices

Centre for Patient Leadership

Checking Your Blood Pressure Just Got Really Sexy

Chronic Disease Management,It Is Up To You!

Cloud computing: Four reasons why it isnt taking off in Europe

CMS Proposes Covering Additional Services As a Telehealth Service

CMS spending $1 billion on healthcare innovation projects

Consumers expected to call for more telehealth services

Conterra Telehealth Networks Initiates Broadband Service to Large, Southwestern Healthcare Group

Control This LED Light Bulb From a Smartphone [VIDEO]

Controlling your computer with your eyes

CONVERGE product demonstration: PillJogger

Could mobile apps replace doctors?

Could texting save more lives than penicillin?

Crowdsourced mHealth: Parkinsons Voice Initiative

Deloitte | 2012 U.S. Survey of Health Care Consumers

Demos - Ageing Sociably (UK)

Developing leaders to build a supportive environment for improvement

Diabetes and Cause-specific Mortality in a Prospective Cohort of One Million U.S. Adults

Did I Take My Pills Today?

Digital is best medicine for the health industry

Disability eConference

Docomo, Omron Healthcare launch connected health venture in Japan

Doctors and healthcare systems statewide use teleconferencing technologies to extend their reach

Doctors are using electronic records more - but liking them less

Doctors Concerned About Consumers' Mobile Health Use

Doctors' EHR note-taking method affects quality of care

Doctors on demand: 5 startups wiping out the waiting room

Doctors Trusted But Internet Consulted By Patients For Added Information

Efficiency of Robots in Critical Care Medicine

eHealth & Telemedicine 2012. 3million and rising: Integrating care, mainstreaming technology - The Royal Society of Medicine (UK)

E-Health Insider :: EC-funded smart t-shirt comes to UK (UK)

E-Health Insider :: NICE launches BNF smartphone app (UK)

EHR Innovation Gap Threatens Healthcare Progress - Informationweek

Elderly benefit from anticoagulation self management - Pulse (UK)

Electric patch that helps you fight depression while you sleep | Mail Online (UK)

Encryption-on-the-Go: Personal Mobile Devices and BYOD

Entrepreneur's Past Directs Telehealth Efforts, Service

Eric J. Topol, M.D.: Medicine Unplugged: A Double Entendre

Eriscsson Mobile Health

Escaping the EHR Trap ” The Future of Health IT ”

EUROPA - Press Releases - Commission launches innovation partnership for Smart Cities and Communities

EU-US cooperation in eHealth - main elements of a joint roadmap for activities under the MoU identified

Favorable Technology Trends for Seniors and Their Family Caregivers

Financial Benefits of Telehealth

Five Reasons Why Mobile Health Apps Will Never Replace Doctors

Florida Retirement Community Adopts Telehealth as Linchpin of ACO

Fortis Healthcare Launches Electronic Remote Monitoring Project | MedIndia

Fortis, GE Healthcare launch remote ICU monitoring programme

FUTURAGE :: A road map for ageing research (UK)

GE Makes Exercise Social By Adding Health Goals To Facebook Timelines

Gerontechnology Journal

Getting to Value: Eleven Chronic Disease Technologies to Watch

Global mHealth finding footing in developing countries but slow growth in U.S.

GPs not being informed about patients at risk of stroke - Pulse (UK)

GPs set for QOF indicators to support dementia carers - Pulse (UK)

GPS Smart Shoe, Track your loved ones

Gray matters - preparing for a geriatric planet

Grouple | Living well with Dementia | Design Council (UK)

HANDI Update - development of health apps in UK (UK)

HANDI workshop at the International Digital Laboratory, Warwick University (UK)

Happtique Mobile Health App Draft Guidelines Are Available

Happtique Releases Draft App Certification Program Standards For Public Comment

Happtique to test its health app prescription platform

Harvard medicine professor: Tech won't revolutionize care

Health Apps | myhealthlondon (UK)

Health Apps Increase In Popularity Despite FDA Difficulties

Health apps under the microscope

Health Devices in Homes Stimulate Global Telemedicine Market

Health technology and patient-centered principles shown to improve care

Health-care apps for smartphones pit FDA against tech industry

Healthcare Reform Highlights Advantages of Telemedicine

Health-care technology will survive if ObamaCare is overturned

Healthy diet and exercise key to reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes (UK)

High Technology Coming to a Nursing Home Near You

High temperatures in healthcare (UK)

Home care processes streamlined by wireless technology

Home Monitoring for Seniors Will Drive 36 Million Wearable Wireless Device Market, Says ABI Research

Honey, I shrunk the health record

Hospitals turn to collaboration to curb wasteful spending

House of Representatives Approve Internet Doctor Treatment

How Privacy Considerations Drive Patient Decisions and Impact Patient Care Outcomes

How Twitter has revolutionised the Whitehall game - Telegraph (UK)

Hurdles slow wireless home automation, mHealth

iFence-sit: RN not entirely sold on electronic symptom checkers

iHealth to launch Bluetooth wrist-worn blood pressure monitor next

Independa to iIntegrate with Qualcomm Lifes 2net Platform

India and China Represent Very Profitable New Telemedicine Market: RNCOS Report

India and China Will Lead the Mobile Health Care Revolution

Inexpensive, realtime tele-ultrasound using a commercial, web-based video streaming device

Infographic: Most Patients Want to Self-Manage Healthcare Online

ingentaconnect Outside the Box: Why are Cochrane reviews so boring?

Innovating with Patient-Centered Medical Homes and Accountable Care Organizations to Improve Healthcare

Innovation Excellence | Leading the Innovation-Led Organization

Innovation Excellence | Social Media is the Glue of Innovation

Innovation in health care critical in times of austerity

Innovation in Healthcare

Innovation in the NHS: managing the media response (UK)

Intelesens launches Zensor and seeks commercial partners

Internet based vascular risk factor management for patients with clinically manifest vascular disease: randomised controlled trial | BMJ

InTouch Health Announces New FDA 510(k) Clearance for Its Remote Presence Acute Care Telemedicine Devices

InTouch robots cleared for high-acuity patient monitoring

InTouch Telemedicine Devices Formally Cleared for Patient Monitoring in U.S.

iRounds Social Network Helps Doctors Get Second Opinions

Is Personalisation Dead?

Is Skype HIPAA-Compliant?

Is telehealth the future of compliance for in-home care?


Kinect helps stroke victims with rehab

Kinect: a surgical revolution?

LAN-Cell 3 Cellular Router Enables Telehealth Applications

Largest diabetes registry created using medical informatics data

Less research is needed | Speaking of Medicine

LifeWatch V: State-of-the-Art Smartphone with Healthcare Capabilities Empowering Patients and Consumers

LifeWatchV | A smartphone that connects to you

Loneliness Leads to Functional Decline & Death in Seniors

Loneliness lethal for seniors, UCSF study says

Luddite Approach to Telemedicine

Major cultural shift needed to improve dignity in care

Make or Break - Digital Healthcare and Privacy Reach the Tipping Point

Making BYOD work for you - BT Viewpoint

Managing Health Information in Mobile Devices

Mapping rainfall and malaria hotspots shows how to save 50,000 lives a year - BJHC (UK)

Mayo Clinic holding a contest to know how effective social media is in healthcare

Medical app revenues to steadily grow 25 percent annually

Medipex 2012 Innovation Competition now open for entries (UK)

Medstartr to launch after Kickstarter rejects (some) health projects

mHealth Alliance works to improve tuberculosis care

mHealth App Created to Help Combat Chronic Migraines

mHealth Products, Services Market In Developing Countries Likely To See More Growth Than U.S. Market, Report Suggests - Kaiser Global Health

mHealth: Embraced by developing world, resisted by developed countries

Microsoft Surface Tablet Must Stimulate New Health Care App Development

Mobile App Technology for Social Workers

Mobile Apps Gallery |

Mobile Devices: A Solution to Fix ER Overcrowding

Mobile Devices: Changing Healthcare Forever

Mobile health is taking off but whats still in its way?

Mobile phone used for telemonitoring in home care

Mobile Phone-Powered Telehealth at Green Mini Clinic

Mobilizing Health Workers

Models of Care for Costly Populations - Christina's Considerations

More help navigating end-of-life options can improve care for dying patientspatients

msnbc video: Gadgets for seniors who want to remain independent

MU Researchers Use Sensor Technologies to Remotely Monitor Aging Adults' Health on Executive Insight

Multiple Daily Injections vs Insulin Pumps (UK)

Myths About Older People's Use of Information and Communication Technology

Nano Patents and Innovations: Stamp Sized Electronic Tattoo For Newborns to Monitor Their Health (UK)

Near real-time echocardiography teleconsultation using low bandwidth and MPEG-4 compression: feasibility, image adequacy and clinical implications

New app helps doctors, patients avoid 'he-said-she-said' moments

New app maps patients' health risks

New blood sugar monitor works better than conventional methods

New Dynamics of Ageing (UK)

New Medical Smartphone Gives You a Check-Up Over the Phone

New Mobile App for Smartphones Helping Doctors Avoid Patients' Misunderstanding

New Skin Cancer Mobile App

New Strategies for Treating Diabetes -

New Study Tests Mobile Telemonitoring of Home Health Care

New Toolkit | Campaign to End Loneliness (UK)

New Zealand: a vision for connected healthcare | Guardian Professional (UK)

NHS Confederation - Accessing Innovation

No More Needles: A Crazy New Patch Will Constantly Monitor Your Blood

Nurse Telehealth Intervention Lowers HbA1c Levels by 2 Points

O2 Health - mHealth Insight: the blog of 3G Doctor

OAP loneliness 'is a health issue and should be treated with same urgency as obesity' | Mail Online (UK)

ONC announces winner of Discharge Follow-Up Challenge

ONC to offer mobile device security tips | Government Health IT

Online Program Lets Docs 'Prescribe' mHealth Apps

Open mHealth - powerful tools to accelerate mobile health innovation

Oprah Invests in Medical Website

Orca Health releases innovative 3D heart visualization iPad app for patient education

Pantone-Branded Smartphone Doubles As A Radiation Detector

Parents Could Skip the Doctor's Office with This Device 

Path opens up for FDA regulation of mobile medical apps

Patient -Centered Care and the Medical Home

Patient empowerment: The need to consider it as a measurable patient-reported outcome for chronic conditions

Patient health monitoring: 4 new portable devices

Patient-centered IT tools improve outcomes

Patients find an app a day may keep the doctors away

Patients Need More Options for Self-Managing Their Own Healthcare - Forbes

Patients satisfied with virtual specialist consults, Kaiser study finds - FierceHealthIT

Patients trust doctors but consult the Internet

Patients want technology to manage own care--or do they?

Patients want technology to manage their health -- but with a personal touch

Pebble Technology predicts more Kickstarter crowdfunding for gadgets | (UK)

Physicians aren't connecting much to one another's EHRs

Physicians collect bonuses for medical home participation

Physicians could see more medical devices going mobile

PIF-The Engagement Cycle – a free online resource to support patient and public engagement

Pioneer Health Care Organizations Share Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead - Forbes

Population Health Management: Using Technology to Cure

Protecting Patient Information within the Cloud

PSFK Picks: Top 10 Health Innovations Of The Week

Put Power Back in the Hands of Patients, Says KPMG

Questioning telehealth and sustainability (Australia)

Remote and Wireless Patient Monitoring Markets by Kalorama Information in Home Healthcare, Hospitals & Clinics, Telemedicine

Remote monitoring of ICD patients with HF decreased emergency, urgent care visits

Remote monitoring savings pegged at $1.4M for Dartmouth Hitchcock

Remote monitoring technology improves pacemaker performance

Remote Patient Monitoring Devices Market to 2017 - Chronic Disease Prevalence and Government Curbs on Hospital Spending to Drive the Market - Healthcare Global

Report Says Telehealth Market Expected To Reach $2.5B by 2018

Report: Digital health firm investments skyrocketing

Report: How Can We Be Sure That mHealth Isn't Just Technology-Driven Hype?

Researcher develops method for measuring glucose levels in tears

Researchers evaluate new social media tool to treat type I and II diabetes

Researchers use sensor technologies to remotely monitor aging adults' health

Richard Smith: Reducing the worlds blood pressure

Rio+20 : mHealth: Mobile Technologies to Improve Health

Rock Health founders writing prescriptions for high-tech doctors

Roughly 14 Million Americans Have Undiagnosed COPD 

Rural towns could be in for cyber doc (New Zealand)

Samir Malik of 1 Doc Way Tells Us How Video Chat Can Help Rural Patients

Samsung launches S Health services: Monitors weight, blood sugar and graphs it all

Samsungs S Health for Galaxy S III tracks weight, blood pressure, & more

Sandia's SpinDx Aims to Bring Hospital Diagnostic Lab to Doctor's Tabletop (video)

Say 'ah': Smartphone pics diagnose disease

SEHTA announces details of its international Telecare Meet the Buyers Event 2012 (UK)

Senior Care Technology Review: Tel-Tron, Telehealth, PERS & More

Sharing international experience: Is implementing the VA's electronic health record system an option for the NHS? | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

Shortened care visits putting elderly and vulnerable at risk | (UK)

Should personal anecdotes play a role in health policy?

Should the FDA have a say in development of health care apps?

Simcoe Article: Telecare offers "reassurance" calls

Small-screen saviours - Telegraph (UK)

Smart Medicine, SmartPhones

Smartphone app for AFib detection awaits FDA clearance

Smartphone Apps Aim at Sounder Sleep -

Smartphone stethoscope in with a chance

Smartphones Could Help ED Doctors Make Eye Diagnoses, Study Finds

Social Networks Influence Personal Health Decisions

Some doctors choosing to tweet and text with patients

Sorin and Orange launch remote monitoring solution for ICDs in Europe

Sorin Group and Orange Business Services confirm launch of remote cardiac monitoring in Europe

Spending more money, saving more lives? The relationship between avoidable mortality and healthcare spending in 14 countries

Squeezing out the doctor? Not by a long shot

States Jumping on the Telehealth Bandwagon

Stop building apps and start building behaviors

Storing Health Data on Mobile Devices Carries Legal Risks

Stroke Telemedicine: An interview with Seamus Watson

Stronger partnerships for better outcomes - improving relationships between commissioners, providers and people who use services and carers - Blog - Think Local Act Personal (UK)

Stuff that occurs to me: A list of tools for finding or capturing tweets (UK)

Suit lets medical students experience symptoms of old age | The Guardian (UK)

Survey: Doctors Worried We Know Too Much With mHealth So Available

Survey: U.S. Patients Want To Use Technology To Manage Their Care

Tackling health deprivation with telehealth in Merseyside (UK)

Talking labels scheme for Callander - Stirling Observer (UK)

Targeting Technology To Treat Senior Population - Features - iHealthBeat

Technology is the cure Your Doctor Is an App When Technology Is the Cure

Technology Strategy Board opens 'Future Cities' design contest (Wired UK) (UK)

Telcoms Store SMS Text Message Details – Not HIPAA Compliant

Telecare in Hampshire - The Modern Approach To Home Care (UK)

Telecare is supporting the independence of Denbighshire residents (UK)

Telehealth and HbA1c levels

Telehealth Benefits and Adoption: Connecting People and Providers Across Canada

Telehealth Changing Medicine-More Care, Less Cost

Telehealth collaboration seeks to reduce hospitalizations among seniors - FierceHealthIT

Telehealth, mobile systems among promising chronic care technologies - FierceHealthIT

Telehealth, Telepsychology, and Technology

Telemedicine Industry Poised for Explosive Growth

Telemedicine lets doctors monetize their time

Telemedicine market to reach $2.5B by 2018

Telemedicine Monitoring of Older Adults with Chronic Diseases

Telemedicine Technology Benefits Patients in Remote Rural Areas

Telemedicine Website The Place To Learn About Telemedicine - MD247

Telemedicine, Teleradiology, and Telemonitoring Look Like Winners in the New Healthcare Economy

Telemedicine: What effect on the Physician-Patient Relationship?

Telemonitoring helps diabetics to manage their own care

Telepsychiatry for Children Improved Symptoms, Halved ED Visits 

Telerounds, patient experts and other ways mobile devices are impacting the medical industry

Ten Hurdles to Patient Adherence

The #1 Habit for Telehealth Success - Hands On Telehealth

The challenges of the mHealth movement

The cost-effectiveness of substituting physicians with diabetes nurse specialists: a randomized controlled trial with 2-year follow-up - Arts - 2011 - Journal of Advanced Nursing - Wiley Online Library

The Diabetes App Challenge (UK)

The doctor will Skype you now | NHS local (UK)

The doctors smartphone will see you now

The Future of Telemedicine: Can Technology Keep the Doctor Away?

The 'hierarchy of needs' applied to patient engagement

The hypertension team: the role of the pharmacist, nurse, and teamwork in hypertension therapy

The Most Popular Health App Per Country

The next evolution of smart fabric monitoring

The Online Couch: Mental Health Care on the Web

The power of mhealth technology for improving patient care

The Problem With mHealth: You and Me

The Real Promise of Mobile Health Apps: Scientific American

The SMS for Life program helps reduce malaria related deaths in Tanzania

The Status of Telestroke in the United States

Things we need to unlearn before we can see the future of mHealth « mHealth Insight: the blog of 3G Doctor

Three mobile technologies transforming diabetes management

Three mobile tools that could transform how cardiovascular disease is managed

Time to act on COPD? urges European COPD Coalition

Top 10 free iPad Medical Apps for healthcare providers

Top 6 tips for e-patients

Top Features of Health IT Devices: Durability and Cleanliness

TradeNet Technology Limited - Hong Kong - Medical Products

Trialling web-based diabetes consultations - Health Foundation (UK)

Tunstall Named Telehealthcare Provider of the Year (UK)

Tynetec - Wrist Worn Fall Detector (UK)

U.S healthcare industry spend on telecom services to cross $69 billion by 2017-18

United States health care may need reverse innovation

Unraveling the IT Productivity Paradox ” Lessons for Health Care ” NEJM

Uprising in Mobile Health Care: Could Medical Apps Replace Doctors?

US healthcare industry confronts unrestrained waste to cut costs (UK)

US healthcare reform cannot be undone, says former Medicare boss (UK)

USDA Awards $8M To Support Telehealth Programs Nationwide

Use of CAT telemonitoring to support early discharge of COPD patients

Using Teeth to Restore Hearing in One Ear

Using Telemonitoring for Preventative Diabetes Care in the Western New York Beacon Community

Using the iPad at your hospital

Using Twitter to Track Infectious Diseases

VA aims to revolutionize veteran care with SCAN-ECHO

VA Telehealth Program Aims To Extend Specialty Care to Vets

VA to Increase Mental Health Care Access through 200,000 Telemental Health Consultations in 2012

VA To Study Whether Telemedicine Can Boost Brain Injury Treatment

Verizon Wireless, Samsung tout mobile health apps, devices

VESAG mHealth watch awarded CE, ROHS and SAR certifications

View contracts - Technology Strategy Board Benefits to the Economy Evaluation - dallas programme (UK)

Vital Connect - remote monitoring

Volunteers help after thieves sabotage lifeline service (UK)

We all need to plan for social care costs - but we still won't have the bill (UK)

We have the technology to save healthcare. Now what?

Wearable Gadgets Upset F.A.A. Curbs on Devices

Wearable Wireless Devices Seen Playing Bigger Role in Health Care

Website: Solution Exchange (UK)

Welbeings telecare service on Chinese delegations agenda

WellDoc offers proof that mHealth helps diabetics and their doctors

WellDoc readies prescription mobile health app for type2 diabetes

What Doctors Think About Your Online Health Searches

What Is Interventional TeleHealth? - YouTube

What is telehealth | Teladoc for Health Plans

What Types of Health Care Activities Would Consumers Like To Do via Mobile Phone?

Why Your Doctor Doesnt Want You Using iPhone And iPad Health Apps

Will Information Technology Squeeze Physicians Out Of Their Central Role In Health Care?

Will patients embrace mHealth? - Public Sector Matters

Will patients embrace mHealth? (UK)

c) Research, evaluation and evidence

To view information on research, evaluation and evidence that may be of interest, click on the links below:

£4.7m savings from telecare initiative (UK)

220,000+ people aged 60+ break bones due to a fall (UK)

850,000 people in the UK could have diabetes without knowing it (UK)

A cluster randomized controlled trial of a telephone-based parent intervention to increase preschoolers fruit and vegetable consumption

A model for assessment of telemedicine applications: MAST

A survey of telehealth coordinators in Canada

Active Ageing and Quality of Life in Old Age

Adam Steventon: Evaluating the Whole System Demonstrator trial (Slideshow) (UK)

Adam Steventon: Evaluating the Whole System Demonstrator trial (UK)

Addressing Psychosocial Care Using an Interactive Web site for Combat-Wounded Patients -

Almost half of unpaid carers risking their health, survey shows - (UK)

An empirically-derived approach for investigating Health Information Technology: the Elementally Entangled Organisational (UK)Communication (EEOC) framework

An evaluation of diabetes self-management applications for Android smartphones

Applying economic evaluation to public health interventions: the case of interventions to promote physical activity

Applying Telemedicine to Population Health Management

Approaches to economic evaluation in telemedicine

Assessing Exercise Capacity Using Telehealth: A Feasibility Study in Adults With Cystic Fibrosis

Association between mobility, participation, and wheelchair-related factors in long-term care residents who use wheelchairs as their primary means of mobility

Benefits of remote real-time side-effect monitoring systems for patients receiving cancer treatment

BMJ publishes first part of WSD results (UK)

BMJ: Impressive results for remote patient monitoring (UK)

Bosch Healthcare Statement on Initial WSD Report in the BMJ (UK)

Bring on Skype for easier GP access, say more than half of NHS patients | NHS local (UK)

Calling for Care: Disembodied Work, Teleoperators and Older People Living at Home

CBI: Successfully delivering care closer to home could improve outcomes for patients and save the NHS £3.4 billion a year (UK)

Comparative economic analyses of patient safety improvement strategies in acute care: a systematic review

Comparison of physician staffed emergency teams with paramedic teams assisted by telemedicine - a randomized, controlled simulation study

Compressed Sensing of EEG for Wireless Telemonitoring with Low Energy Consumption and Inexpensive Hardware

Depression in later life linked with dementia - Pulse (UK)

Designing and evaluating a web-based selfmanagement site for patients with type 2 diabetes - systematic website development and study protocol

Designing Health Care for the Most Common Chronic Condition

Developing the best model for telemonitoring triage: experiences and insights

Does telehealth reduce hospital costs? Six points to ponder - LSE (UK)

ECG telemonitoring during home-based cardiac rehabilitation in heart failure patients

Effect of Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring With Self-Care Support on Uncontrolled Systolic Hypertension in Diabetics

Effect of telehealth on use of secondary care and mortality: findings from the Whole System Demonstrator cluster randomised trial

Effect of telehealth on use of secondary care and mortality: findings from the Whole System Demonstrator cluster randomised trial (UK)

Effects of cardiovascular exercise early after stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis

E-Rehabilitation an Internet and mobile phone based tailored intervention to enhance selfmanagement of Cardiovascular Disease: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Evaluation of a remote monitoring system in people with mental illness and medical co-morbidity

Explanation for link between diabetes and Alzheimers disease shown (UK)

Exploring Therapeutic Alliance with an Internet-Based Self-Management Program with Brief Telephone Support for Youth with Arthritis: A Pilot Study

Extended diabetes study validates pilot - 60%+ clinical time saved - Simple Telehealth - Public Sector Collaborative Workspace (UK)

Falls prevention: new approaches to integrated falls prevention services

Fatigue in COPD Patients Often Precedes Hospitalization: Study

he Diagnostic Accuracy of Telegeriatrics for the Diagnosis of Dementia via Video Conferencing

Health and Illness in a Connected World: How Might Sharing Experiences on the Internet Affect People's Health?

Health coaching by telephony to support self-care in chronic diseases: clinical outcomes from The TERVA randomized controlled trial

Health Management and Policy Alert: National diabetes inpatient audit 2011 (UK)

Hong Kong Study: 'Use of CAT telemonitoring to support Early Discharge of COPD Patients' - slides

Impact of age and sex on primary preventive treatment for cardiovascular disease in the West Midlands, UK: cross sectional study | BMJ

Improving patient information for telemonitoring in chronic heart failure

Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine

Just 12 patients switch to another practice under boundary pilots - Pulse (UK)

Loneliness in Older Persons - A Predictor of Functional Decline and DeathLoneliness in Older Persons

Meta-analysis of individual patient data in randomised trials of self monitoring of blood glucose in people with non-insulin treated type 2 diabetes

Meta-analysis of type and complexity of a secondary task during walking on the prediction of elderly falls

mHealth: Valuable information in PwC report, but are the findings remarkable?

Millions see GP for stuffy noses and dandruff in waste of appointments: survey - Telegraph (UK)

Monitoring Performance for Blood Pressure Management Among Patients With Diabetes MellitusToo Much of a Good Thing?Monitoring Performance for BP Management in Diabetes

Multidisciplinary Case Management for Patients at High Risk of Hospitalization: Comparison of Virtual Ward Models in the United Kingdom, United States, and Canada | Abstract

Nursing - Telehealth/E-Health News Article | Supporting health behaviour change in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with telephone health-mentoring: insights from a qualitative study |4107003

Occupational therapy discharge planning for older adults: A protocol for a randomised trial and economic evaluation

Organizational culture in an academic health center: an exploratory study using a competing values framework

Patient Satisfaction and Patient-Centered CareNecessary but Not EqualPatient Satisfaction and Patient-Centered Care

Philadelphia, PA - A nurse-led telephone intervention program for patients with diabetes 

PLoS Medicine: Comparative Performance of Private and Public Healthcare Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review

Pre-diabetes pushes stroke risk higher (UK)

Psychological distress as a risk factor for death from cerebrovascular disease

Randomized controlled study shows mobile app improves glucose control in Type 1 Diabetics

Recent Social Science & Medicine Articles

Risk models and scores for type 2 diabetes: systematic review

- Behaviour Research and Therapy - A randomized controlled trial of internet-based therapy in depression

- Evaluation and Program Planning - The use of concept mapping for scale development and validation in evaluation

Self-monitoring Using Mobile Phones in the Early Stages of Adolescent Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial | Kauer | Journal of Medical Internet Research

Studies from University of Aberdeen Add New Findings in the Area of Asthma (Telehealth)

Studies Show Technology, Telemonitoring Can Increase Medication Effectiveness & Safety

Study finds UK telehealth is expensive, Articles (UK)

Study shows people with Type 2 diabetes require ongoing and sustained clinical support (UK)

Telehealth can cut admissions but savings low (UK)

Telehealth Can Reduce Deaths and Emergency Hospital Care (UK)

Telehealth can reduce deaths and emergency hospital care, but estimated cost savings are modest (UK)

Telehealth can reduce deaths and emergency hospital care, but estimated cost savings are modest (UK)

Telehealth cuts deaths but fails to save NHS costs, study finds (UK)

Telehealth cuts deaths but fails to save NHS costs, study finds (UK)

Telehealth cuts hospital admissions and deaths but no evidence of savings (UK)

Telehealth cuts hospital admissions, but not costs - Pulse (UK)

Telehealth cuts hospital admissions, but not costs (UK)

Telehealth cuts hospital visits and deaths, study suggests (UK)

Telehealth cuts hospital visits and deaths, study suggests (UK)

Telehealth for long term conditions (UK)

Telehealth helps boost stroke rehabilitation outcomes

TeleHealth Insulin Program Helps Diabetes Patients Manage Their Disease

Telehealth Intervention Linked to Lower Admission Rates (UK)

Telehealth intervention lowers hospital admissions (UK)

Telehealth is Associated with Lower Mortality and Hospital Admission Rates (UK)

Telehealth program may improve diabetes care

Telehealth Proven to Reduce Mortality and Emergency Admissions in Study of Whole System Demonstrator Trial (UK)

Telehealth reduces hospital mortality rates (UK)

Telemedicine and telecare for older patients - A systematic review

Telemedicine could reduce admission rates (UK)

Telemedicine detection of type 1 ROP in a distant neonatal intensive care unit

The impact of telehealth on use of hospital care and mortality (UK)

The impact of telehealth on use of hospital care and mortality (UK)

The impact of telehealth on use of hospital care and mortality: A summary of the first findings from the Whole System (UK) Demonstrator trial

The Latino Med Journal: Telehealth should target Latinos more (UK)

The North West London Integrated Care Pilot: Innovative Strategies to Improve Care Coordination for Older Adults and People With Diabetes

The organising vision for telehealth and telecare: discourse analysis

Toronto researchers lead new study on effects of self-care home blood pressure telemonitoring using mobile technology

Towards Evidence Based Development and Evaluation mHealth Interventions

Trends in social inequalities for premature coronary heart disease mortality in Great Britain, 1994-2008: a time trend ecological study -- McCartney et al. 2 (3) -- BMJ Open

Twenty years of telemedicine in chronic disease management - an evidence synthesis

Two New Studies Link Sleep Apnea and Cancer

Usability Testing of a Smartphone for Accessing a Web-based e-Diary for Self-monitoring of Pain and Symptoms in Sickle Cell Disease

User satisfaction with maritime telemedicine

Using preventive home monitoring to reduce hospital admission rates and reduce costs: a case study of telehealth among chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

What is the impact of telehealth on hospital use? (UK)

Newsletter supplement prepared by Mike Clark and brought to you by the Telecare LIN on behalf of the Technology Strategy Board


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