Design Project

Homework 4: Packaging Specifications and Design

Due: Friday, September 21, at NOON

Team Code Name: Health Monitoring Device Group No. 4

Team Member Completing This Homework: Michael Goodwin

e-mail Address of Team Member: msgoodwi @




|10 |Excellent – among the best papers submitted for this assignment. Very few corrections needed for version submitted in |

| |Final Report. |

|9 |Very good – all requirements aptly met. Minor additions/corrections needed for version submitted in Final Report. |

|8 |Good – all requirements considered and addressed. Several noteworthy additions/corrections needed for version |

| |submitted in Final Report. |

|7 |Average – all requirements basically met, but some revisions in content should be made for the version submitted in the|

| |Final Report. |

|6 |Marginal – all requirements met at a nominal level. Significant revisions in content should be made for the version |

| |submitted in the Final Report. |

|* |Below the passing threshold – major revisions required to meet report requirements at a nominal level. Revise and |

| |resubmit. |

* Resubmissions are due within one week of the date of return, and will be awarded a score of “6” provided all report requirements have been met at a nominal level.


Comments from the grader will be inserted here.

1. Introduction

We are designing and implementing a weight and blood pressure tracking device which will allow users to track their progress towards their health goals via the internet. The primary concerns with packaging are durability and ease of transportation. The design will be approximately chest high with a scale at ground level and a blood pressure cuff and control/display at chest height.

2. Commercial Product Packaging

The following is an analysis of two commercially available products that have similar packaging to the Health Monitoring Device. Positive and negative aspects of the commercial product’s design will be discussed.

1. Product #1 – HealthCare Pro Waist-High Digital Scale


Fig. 2.1 - HealthCare Pro Waist-High Digital Scale

The HealthCare Pro is very similar in packaging to what will be implemented. However, it is not similar in functionality. It measures 19”x6”x14”, weighs 11 pounds, and costs approximately $60 US [1]. Some of the positive aspects of the HealthCare Pro’s packaging is it’s durability due to the metal construction, weight, and ease of readability. However, with a height of only 19 inches it is a bit short for the average person. Unlike our design, the HealthCare Pro does not implement an Ethernet connection to view data on the internet nor does it track data at all.

2. Product #2 - Tanita BC-418 Pro Segmental Body Composition Analyzer


Fig. 2.2 - Tanita BC-418 Pro Segmental Body Composition Analyzer

The Tanita BC-418 is still fairly similar in packaging to what will be implemented. It’s also a lot more similar in functionality. It measures 32”x15”x13.5”, weighs 26 pounds, and costs approximately $4,000 US [2]. Some of the positive aspects of the Tanita BC-418 Pro’s packaging is the display/interface is at a good chest height level at a little under 3 feet, a printer to print out a hard copy of health data, and the fact that it can interface with a computer. However, unlike our design it still does not monitor blood pressure nor does it upload data to a web server.

3. Project Packaging Specifications

Almost immediately after the initial idea was formed it became apparent that some commercially available peripheral components would need to be utilized. Designing and implementing both a weight scale and a blood pressure tester is well beyond the scope of this course. The scale that will be used is the Digital Shipping & Receiving Scale found at [3]. The blood pressure monitor is the HEM-790IT Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor by Omron[4].

The scale will sit on a 13”x12” metal platform with two wheels attached on the back end to help facilitate transportation of the device. A 3” diameter, 3.5’ high hollow column or pipe will be also attached to the back end of the platform. At the top of the column a 15”x8”x5” ‘box’ will be attached which will contain the keypad, magnetic card reader, PCB, LCD display, and blood pressure monitor.

The ‘box’ will have a slanted front/top which will have the LCD display and keypad. The magnetic card reader will be attached to the side. On the other side the blood pressure cuff will be attached along with a hook to hang it on for when it’s not in use. The back will have a power switch and an Ethernet connector port. See Appendix A for drawings and specifications and Appendix B for materials list, tooling requirements, estimated weight, and estimated unit cost.

4. PCB Footprint Layout

The proposed PCB footprint layout of the project can be found in Appendix C. The PCB will contain USB, Ethernet, and RS232 ports to interface with the scale, magnetic card reader, blood pressure monitor, and the internet. The PCB will also contain the power supply circuitry and the SPI to USB controller ICs. The PCB has an estimated size of 4 inches long and 5 inches wide.

5. Summary

A durable and easy to use design was desired and will be implemented. A three and a half foot column will bring the display and controls to an easy reach and viewing level. The column and control ‘box’ will be made of metal to ensure a durable design. Wheels will be attached to the base to allow for easy transportation of the device. The overall weight of the design will be comparable to commercially available products with a similar packaging design. A proposed design can be seen in the Appendixes.

List of References

1] HealthCare Pro Waist-High Digital Scale. Available:

2] Tanita Body Composition Analyzers/Scales. Available:

Digital Shipping & Receiving Scale With Ac Adapter. Available:

3] Omron HEM-790IT Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor. Available:

Appendix A: Project Packaging Illustrations


Fig 6.1 – The entire Health Monitor


Fig 6.2 – A close up of the top box

Appendix B: Project Packaging Specifications

|Materials List |Dimensions/packaging |Price |Weight |

|Metal ‘box’ enclosure |15”x8”x5” |$20.00* |2 |

|Crystalfontz CFA634 |5.1”x2.4” |$45.00 |0.17 |

|12 button Keypad |2.7" x 2." x 0.21" |$7.50 |0.1* |

|Kanecal RS232C Magnetic Card Reader |3.5”x1” |$50.00 |0.1* |

|USB Peripheral Controller |LQFP |$4.08 |0* |

|MAX3420E | | | |

|Digital Shipping & Receiving Scale |12.25”x11.75” |$79.00 |5* |

|Omron HEM-790IT |5”x6.5”x3” |$70.00 |3* |

|BP monitor | | | |

|Freescale MC9S12NE64CPVE |LQFP |$7.00 |0* |

|Steep Pipe |3.5’ |$2.00 |5* |

| | |Approx $284.58 |Approx. 15.4 lbs |

* Estimate

Tooling requirements

• Soldering iron for PCB assembly

• Drill for enclosure modification

• Hacksaw for metal pipe

Appendix C: PCB Footprint Layout



NOTE: This is the first in a series of four “design component” homework assignments, each of which is to be completed by one team member. The completed homework will count for 20% of the individual component of the team member’s grade. The body of the report should be 3-5 pages, not including this cover page, references, attachments or appendices.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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