Вінницький національний медичний університет ім. М.І. …

In the dental clinic during a routine inspection of the patient revealed verukosis leukoplakia of the lateral surface of the tongue size 1 x 0.8 cm What tactics dentist should be selected in this case?+ Refer the patient to the cancer clinic for further treatment and clinical examination.- Surgical removal of cell clinical examination.- Conservative therapy.- Care and treatment if signs of malignancy.- Cryodestruction?On examination, the patient in the clinic the presumptive diagnosis of lipoma cheeks. Where and to what extent should the treatment be carried out?+ Removal of the tumor in the dental hospital.- Follow-up and dental clinic.- Removal of the tumor surgeon lot- Combined treatment of oncological dispensary. specialized clinics. Conservative treatment in the dental clinic.?The patient within 3 years cheek mucosa was observed papilloma. Recently, after the injury, there was pain. During examination revealed the presence of ulcers on the background hyperemic mucosa. What should be the tactic of the surgeon?+ Exception malignancy papilloma. Removal of warts- Anti-inflammatory therapy, followed by removal of warts.- Anti-inflammatory therapy with the following observation.- Refer to an oncologist.- Postoperative radiotherapy?The dental surgeon in the clinic did dab of tongue tumors. During cytology revealed squamous cell carcinoma characteristics. As this stage is called the Diagnostic and which tactics doctor?+ Prewash diagnosis. The patient is sent to the dental hospital.- Refined diagnosis. The patient is sent to the cancer center.- Primary diagnosis. The patient is sent to the cancer center.- Previous diagnosis. The patient is sent to the cancer center.- Refined diagnosis. The patient is sent to the cancer center.?During the examination of the patient in the clinic diagnosis - cancer of the tongue and chronic bronchitis. Where should be the treatment of this patient?+ Oncology Center.- Dental hospital.- Surgical ward- Therapeutic ward.-. Dental clinic.- Dental hospital.?The patient entered the cancer clinic with the diagnosis - a tumor of the upper jaw. What methods of examination should be undertaken for the diagnosis?+ X-ray, cytological and histological study.- Ultrasound limitations.- Biochemical analysis of blood.- Electroodontodiagnosis.- Rhinoscopy, haymorohrafiya?The patient entered the cancer center on malignant tumors of the upper jaw (IV clinical group). What type of treatment should be used?+ Palliative Care.- Combined.- Chemotherapy.- Radiotherapy- Surgery.?As a dental surgeon regional hospital under medical supervision are patients with tumors of the maxillofacial area, treated in onkostomatologic department. What should be the documentation for these patients?+ Ambulatory patient card, control card clinical supervision.- Case patient.- Excerpt from the medical file of the patient.- Ambulatory patient card, logbook patients are sent from the hospital. Documentation MCC.?In Oncology Center patient diagnosed with skin cancer cheek (T1N0M0). Which clinical group that is sick.+ I clinical group.- II clinical group.- III clinical group.- IV clinical group.- Clinical group is not assigned.?When combined radical treatment of skin cancer Shock II clinical group the patient is under medical supervision. How often it should be screened?+ The first year - 1 per quarter, second year 1 every six months, further - 1 per year.- 1 time in half.- 1 per year.- First year - one every six months, further - 1 per year.- What is the quarter for 5 years.?For dental surgeon turned sick in '57 with my complaint to the presence of painful ulcers on the left cheek mucosa. An ulcer occurs about six months, tends to increase. OBJECTIVE: ulcer rounded shape with thick base and roughly edges up to 2 cm in diameter, covered with necrotic tissue that can be easily removed. The surface of the ulcer bleeds when touching, the bottom resembles granulation tissue. Regional lymph nodes were not palpable. Set the stage of tumor development?+ T1N0M0- T2N0M0- T1N1M0- T1N1M1- T0N1M0?The patient, 41, complained to the tumor in the distal part of the palatina, which causes pain. Tumor Seen 3 months ago. On the border of hard and soft palate on the left tumor growths that goes indepth soft palate and towards perytonsillar space. At the anterior border of the tumor are clear, then good is not clear. The mucous membrane is not changed. What additional examination to spend to put a definitive diagnosis?+ Radiography palate and puncture of the tumor.- X-ray sky.- X-ray accessory sinuses of the nose.- Puncture of the tumor.- Biopsy of the tumor.?Patient G., '52 hospitalized in the department of head and neck Ltd. with a diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip one stage. What treatment will be key in this patient?+ Radiotherapy- Cryotherapy.- Chemotherapy.- Laserocoagulation- Surgery.?The patient was diagnosed with cancer of the right parotid gland T2 N2. What method of treatment should be patient.+ Combined method.- Removal of lymph nodes.- Radiotherapy.- Chemotherapy.- Surgical removal of the tumor.?What does the term "Cancer suspicion"?+ All of the above- Knowledge of the symptoms of cancer in the early stages and suggested the possibility of atypical flow- Knowledge of background and precancerous diseases and their treatment- Knowledge of the principles of oncology service and conduct health education work- Careful examination of each patient in order to exclude possible malignancy?Sick '52 appealed to the dentist with complaints about the presence of tumor formation in the red border of the lower lip. When viewed on a red fringe on the left lower lip revealed a round tumor formation with a diameter of 0.5 cm with a smooth surface on a thin stalk, mobile, painless, soft consistency. Put diagnosis.+ Papilloma lower lip- Cutaneous horn- Leukoplakia- Premalignant warty red border of lower lip- Abrasive precanceros cheilitis Manhanotti of lower lipPatient 57 years, appealed with complaints about the presence of tumor in the right submaxillary region. Noticed by accident 3 years ago. It grows slowly. OBJECTIVE: person a bit skewed due to swelling in the right submaxillary region. Skin the color is not changed. Palpation is determined by the formation of size 4x5 cm paste-like consistency, not soldered to the skin movable and painless. Preliminary diagnosis:+ Lipoma in submaxillary region- Salivacalculosa disease- Atheroma submandibular region- Malignant tumor in the submaxillary region- Chylangioma?During the microscopic examination of the removed cancer cheeks revealed that it is composed of mature adipose and connective tissue. For what this typical tumor histological structure?+ The soft fibroma.- Solid fibroma.- Angiofibroma.- Desmoyidnoyi fibroma.- Histiocytoma.?Patient N isolated verrucae formation of the upper lip of circulus shape, with a diameter of 1 cm on the leg. The surface is uneven, fine-grained, gray-brown. Reminds cauliflower. The coat is missing. Palpation soft and painless.+ Papilloma- Papilomatosis malformation of the epidermis- Vulgar warts- Seborrheic wart- Reactive papilomatosic formation?Patient N isolated verrucae formation of the upper lip circulus shape, with a diameter of 1 cm on the leg. The surface is uneven, fine-grained, gray-brown. Reminds cauliflower. The coat is missing. Palpation soft and painless.+ Papilloma- Papilomatosic malformation of the epidermis- Vulgar warts- Seborrheic wart- Reactive papilomatosic formation?In patient 40, when viewed on the left cheek mucosa revealed the formation of a single leg of white vorsynchatoyu surface with. villi. tumor was half a year ago, is slowly increasing. What disease most likely?+ Squamous papilloma- Fibroma- Papillary hyperplasia- Intraepithelial carcinoma- Erythroplakia?Which treatment will prevent malignancy papilloma lips?+ Radical surgical- Chemotherapy- Cryodestruction- X-ray- Irradiation of helium-neon laser?Patient M. asked the doctor about the tumor tumor size 3x4 cm right parotid region, dark red. Palpation of tumors of soft elastic consistency, painless, above the skin at an inclination of the head increases in size, filling the positive symptom. What diagnosis can put a patient?+ Cavernous hemangioma of the parotid region.- Threaded hemangioma of the parotid region.- Hemlymfonhyoma parotid region.- Cyst parotid salivary gland.- Capillary hemangioma of the parotid region.?Patient M. asked the doctor about the tumor tumor size 3x4 cm right parotid region, dark red. Palpation of tumors of soft elastic consistency, painless, above the skin at an inclination of the head increases in size, filling the positive symptom. What diagnosis can put a patient?+ Cavernous hemangioma of the parotid region.- Threaded hemangioma of the parotid region.- Hemlymfonhyoma parotid region.- Cyst parotid salivary gland.- Capillary hemangioma of the parotid region.?Patient '20 facial asymmetry due to a tumor on the left upper lip. The skin on her bluish tint, positive symptom "compression" and "content." What is the most likely diagnosis?+ Cavernous hemangioma- Branching hemangioma- Capillary hemangioma- Chylangioma- Age Spots?Sick '65 appealed to the dentist complaining of the presence of tumor in the region of the nasolabial rolls left that emerged a month ago. OBJECTIVE: on the skin of the nasolabial rolls left neoplasms gray with a pronounced keratosis component size 3,0 x0, 5h0, 3 cm base tumors painless tight elastic consistency. What is the most likely pathology that leads to this clinical picture?+ Cutaneous horn nasolabial rolls left- Common warts nasolabial rolls left- Common warts nasolabial rolls left- Tuberculous dormouse- Keratoakantoma nasolabial rolls left?Sick '68 appealed to the dentist complaining of the presence of tumor in the region of the forehead, which emerged more than a month ago. OBJECTIVE: on the skin of the forehead to form tumors napivkulovoho node gray red size 0,5 x0, 3h0, 2 cm Neoplasms platelike shape with clear boundaries. In the central part of the cavity, which fulfilled keratosic masses. Basis painless growths tight elastic consistency. What is the most likely diagnosis?+ Keratoakantoma in the area of ??the forehead- Cutaneous horn in the forehead area- Common warts in the area of ??the forehead- Age keratosis in the area of ??the forehead- Fibroma in the area of ??the forehead?Asked the patient to the dentist '67 in whose temple area on the edge of the scalp there was clearly limited painless formation of dark circular shape with a diameter of 3 cm on a broad basis. Formation of warty surface. After removal of the education received histological conclusion: akantotyc with papillomatosis of the epidermis, hyperkeratosis and formation invahinatsiynyh horn cysts. Describe the clinical diagnosis.+ Akantotyc form of seborrheic keratosis temple- Basal form of seborrheic keratosis temple- Hiperkeratotyc form of seborrheic- Bazalioma temple- Papilloma temple?'25 The patient complains of presence on the skin of the body and face spots that have color "coffee with milk". In the face of the deformation of the skin. Palpation tumors cider "vermicelli. Which nosology data correspond to the symptoms?+ Neurofibromatosis (illness Reklynhhauzena-Recklinhausen)- cystlike lymphoma syndrome (Letyulyaya-Letulle).- The disease Brill-Beketova- Xeroderma pigmentosum syndrome (Reed-Reed chylangioma maxillofacial area)?Before surgery the patient turned 25 years tumorlike formation in the left parotid region. Tumor noticed long ago, the tumor is not growing. In the left parotid tumorlike formation of rounded to 3.0 cm in diameter. The surface is hilly, rising above the skin brown. When you color it does not change. Preliminary diagnosis.+ Verrucous nevus- Hemangioma- Chylangioma- Melanoma- Fibroma?A patient with a red rim lower lip tumor is on a leg. Measuring 0.5 x 0.5 cm, color normal, during palpation, soft and painless. Set preliminary diagnosis.+ Papilloma.- Hyperkeratosis.- Leather horn.- Cheilitis.- Chronic crack.?For dental surgeon turned sick in '57 with a complaint for the presence of tumors on the lower lip. Tumor observes six months ago, noticed a slow increase it. OBJECTIVE: on the lower lip there is a single conical horn performance, welded to the skin up to 1, 5 cm in width, palpation felt tight horny masses. What preliminary diagnosis can be installed?+ Cutaneous horn- Premalignant warty lips- Limited hyperkeratosis- Papilloma lips- Abrasive precancer cheilitis Manhanotti?Patient '48 in the area of ??the chin is a little painful ulcer crater size 2,5 x1, 5H0, 8 cm Base ulcers - dense. Palpation in the region increased mentale painless lymph node size 1,5 X0, 8 inches formation appeared at 3-6 months. What is the most likely diagnosis?+ Skin Cancer chin.- Erysipelas chin.- Carbuncle chin.- Tuberculosis of the skin of the chin.- Boil the chin.?Patients to., 49, turned to a dental surgeon with complaints of the existence of "birthmark" that increases in size, its peeling, itching feeling. From the words of the patient, change in color and size patch of skin was 1 year ago, after his injury at the time of shaving. An objective examination of the left infraorbital determined unevenly pigmented stain brown up to 2 cm, with small nodules on the surface, oval, spokesman of the skin with signs of flaking and painless on palpation. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged, fused with the skin, painless. Preliminary diagnosis.+ Melanoma- Pigmented Nevus- Nevus warty- Squamous cell carcinoma- Papilomatosic malformation of the skin?To sclerosing hemangiomas apply:+ Alcohol 70%- Absolute alcohol- Resorcinol- Trypsin- Formalin?The surgeon asked the patient to '32 with complaints of neck tumor formation on the left, which saw a year ago. OBJECTIVE: In the middle third of the neck to the left, on the leading edge sternoclaidomastoideus muscle and going under it is tumor formation hemiovale shape size 4,0 x2, 5 cm cyst diagnosed lateral neck. On the anomaly of pharyngeal pockets associated with the development of cysts?+ Anomaly of II and III pairs of gill pockets- Abnormalities of the I-th gill pocket- Abnormalities of the III-th gill pocket- Abnormalities of the III-th gill pocket- Abnormalities of the II-nd gill pocket?Sick to., 20 years turned to a dental surgeon with tumor formation at the front of the neck between the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage. The tumor is rounded to 1.0 cm in diameter, tight elastic consistency. If swallowed, moving upward from the hyoid bone. The doctor diagnoses the bone. Which is characterized by bone displacement?+ Median neck cyst- Epidermoid cyst- Lateral neck cyst- Cyst parotid region- Dermoid cyst neck?Patient B., 24 years in the helix of the ear is a funnel on the skin deeper front base of the cochlea ear left. Pressing the formation of secreted mucus content. When fistulography contrast is between navel and tragus cartilage ear back and medial reaches the ear canal, where it ends blindly. What is the preliminary diagnosis?+ before ear congenital fistula- Atheroma ear- Retention cyst of the parotid gland- Posttraumatic cyst of the ear- Lateral incomplete external fistula neck?The surgeon asked the patient to '27 with complaints of tumor formation on the upper jaw. Tumor noticed three months ago, the tumor is not worried. Objectively, the upper jaw above the transitional fold in the roots of teeth 22, 23 tumor formation is rounded to 0.7 cm in diameter, with clear boundaries, slightly movable and painless. When puncture yellowish liquid. Radiologically, 22, 23 teeth intact. Preliminary diagnosis.+ Globulomaxillar cyst left- Radicular cyst of the maxilla- Follicular cyst of maxilla- Follicular cyst of maxilla- Fibroma left cheek?The patient during examination revealed facial asymmetry due to tumors in subsubmentale area. The skin over the tumor is not changed in color, is going to wrinkles. After the puncture, the point is liquid Ata straw-yellow color mixed with cholesterol. Set preliminary diagnosis.+ Congenital midline cyst.- Lipoma.- Lymphadenitis.- Lymphangitis.- Dermoid cyst.?The patient during examination revealed facial asymmetry due to tumors in subsubmentale area. The skin over the tumor is not changed in color, is going to wrinkles. After the puncture, the point is liquid Ata straw-yellow color mixed with cholesterol. Set preliminary diagnosis.+ Congenital midline cyst.- Lipoma.- Lymphadenitis.- Lymphangitis.- Dermoid cyst.The patient after preliminary examination diagnosed dermoid cyst in the area of ??the chin. What method of treatment must be selected in this case?+ Eksholeation- Drainage followed by withdrawal.- Removal within healthy tissue.- Sclerotherapy.- Cryosurgical treatment.?Patient '22 in the anterior middle third sternum-clavicular-mastoid muscle is palpated ovoid movable painless growths mollielastic consistency, about 2 cm in diameter. The skin over the tumor is easily calculated in the fold, the color is not changed. In punctate resulting liquid to the presence of epithelial cells and lymphocytes. What is the most likely diagnosis?+ Side cyst neck.- Abscess side of the neck.- Hemodektoma.- Chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis neck.- Lipoma side of the neck.?As a young man in '16 a month ago in the hyoid region tumors appeared rounded, which gradually increases, painless, soft, bluish-yellow, with a diameter of 1.4 cm, mucous membrane stretched over the tumor. During puncture-viscous, clear liquid. Which treatment should be preferred?+ Operation marsupialization.- Operation cystotomiya.- Operation cystectomy.- Operation cystsialadenektomiya.- Therapeutic puncture.?When X-ray examination on enlargement film in the projection of the root apex of tooth 27 there is destruction of bone round shape with sharp edges equal size 0,7 x0, 7 cm diagnose.+ Kistohranuloma- Cyst- Granuloma- Odontoma- Osteoma?Which of the benign odontogenic not belong to?+ Osteoblastoklastoma- Adamantynoma- Odontoma soft- Odontoma solid- Odontogenic fibroma?The patient, 35, in the right buccal region from which the fistula was released a handful of purulent exudate blood. Fistula periodically closed, but as the accumulation of fluid called again. In the mouth the tooth crown 16 completely destroyed. For transitional fold in 16 teeth is determined by palpation connective cord. On radiographs in 16 root of the tooth is determined by discharging bone is rounded with a clear outline. What is the diagnosis in this case?+ Migratory granuloma in the left buccal region of tooth 16.- Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the upper jaw of 16 teeth- Chronic periodontitis tooth 16.- labe radicular cyst of the maxilla of 16 teeth.- Chronic lymphadenitis right buccal region of tooth 16.?The patient, 35 years, on the face of the right buccal area from which the fistula was allocated a small amount of purulent bloody fluid. Fistula periodically closed, but the accumulation of fluid called again. On examination of the oral cavity: 16 broken crown completely. For transitional fold in the projection of the root apex 16 is defined connective tissue palpable cord. On radiographs buccal roots in the area 16 is defined by thinning of bone tissue with distinct rounded contours. What is the diagnosis in this case?+ Odontogenic subcutaneous granuloma right buccal area- Odontogenic osteomyelitis of the right maxillary- Radicular cyst of the right maxillary- Aktynomikotyc buccal lymphadenitis in law- Suppuration radicular cyst right maxilla?Patient B., 50 years appealed to the doctor complaining of the formation of the mucous membrane of the lower lip on the left, which was first discovered 3 months ago. Formation gradually increases in size. The development of diseases linked with trauma. OBJECTIVE: formation round a diameter of 1 cm with sharp edges. The mucous membrane of the formation of a cyanotic hue. Palpation formation painless, soft texture, slightly above the level of the mucous membrane of the lower lip. Regional lymph nodes were not palpable. Put diagnosis+ Retention cyst of the lower lip.- Papilloma lower lip.- Hemangioma lower lip.- Fibroma lower lip.- Chylangioma lower lip.?Patient A., 35 years appealed to the dentist about education in the field of 11, 12 teeth, which is painless, slowly growing. Examination: The tumor has flattened shape belongs to the teeth, pedunculated, color pale pink, size 1.5 cm, the surface is smooth, thick consistency. Diagnosis: epulid in 11 and 12 teeth. To what form of epulid characteristic the Clinic is described?+ Fibrous- Anhyomatic- largecellular - Misleading epulid.?As a result of chronic inflammation pereapical tissue type granulomatous periodontitis patient developed:+ Radicular cyst.- Keratokista.- Follicular cyst.- Nasomaxillar cyst.- Cyst cutters channel.?For X-ray picture of radicular cysts characteristic bone destruction.+ In a rounded source of destruction.- As the melting sugar.- The destruction of bone with indistinct outlines.- In a "flame" in the apex of the tooth root.- In the form of a rim of sclerosis.?Punctate radicular cysts with inflammation is of the form+ Transparent of palescence fluid.- Rot.- Blood.- Turbid liquid.- Mass cholesterol.?In any tumors in the jaws may be punctate cholesterol crystals.+ Odontogenic cyst.- Solytarna cyst.- Osteoblastoklastoma.- Bone hemangioma.- Odontoma.?In any tumors in the jaws may punctate bottle cholesterol crystals.+ Odontogenic cyst.- Solytarna cyst.- Osteoblastoklastoma.- Bone hemangioma.- Odontoma.?In the antenatal clinic of a pregnant woman in '25 found tumor formation in the clear, which often bleeds, grows slowly. The tumor on the wide leg, size 1.0 - 2.0 cm round shape, covered with slightly cyanotic mucous membranes. What disease most likely?+ Epulid- Ameloblastoma- Odontoma- Tsementoma- Carcinoma?Asked the patient to a dentist in '86 with complaints of swelling in the region of the upper jaw right. Swelling of the patient do not care appeared 5 months ago. A patient suffering from '40 diabetes. Dentist established diagnosis of radicular cyst / jaw. Which operation is shown in this patient?+ Cystotomiya- Resection w / jaw- Cystectomy- Haymorotomiya--Step operation?On examination of the patient revealed deformation of the alveolar process of maxilla within 22,24 teeth. 23 tooth is missing. Transitional fold within these smoothed teeth, mucous membrane pale pink, palpation dense, not painful. On enlargement film 22, 24 tooth marked bone destruction rounded smooth with clear boundaries. In the projection of this destruction is the crown of the tooth. Put diagnosis.+ Follicular cyst- Globulomaxillar cyst- Radicular cyst- Nosoalveolyar cyst- Odontoma?On examination of the patient revealed deformation of the alveolar process of maxilla within 22,24 teeth. 23 tooth is missing. Transitional fold within these smoothed teeth, mucous membrane pale pink, palpation dense, not painful. On enlargement film 22, 24 tooth marked bone destruction rounded smooth with clear boundaries. In the projection of this destruction is the crown of the tooth. Put diagnosis.+ Follicular cyst- Globulomaxillar cyst- Radicular cyst- Nosoalveolyar cyst- Odontoma?Osteoblastoklastoma should be differentiated from:+ Myxoma- Periodontitis- Retention cysts- Polymorphic adenoma- Osteomyelitis of the jaw?When behavior panoramic radiography of the jaws of a man in '57 in the apex of the root found 22 fire enlightenment bone rounded 1 cm in diameter with clear smooth contours. Which of these diseases can be assumed in this patient?+ Radicular cyst.- Periodontal cyst.- Chronic granulating periodontitis.- Chronic granulomatous periodontitis.- Chronic osteomyelitis.?The patient, 35, complained to the presence of painless deformity of the mandible and the cranial, noticed that about 5 years ago. On examination, the face looks like a "lion's muzzle." When X-ray diffuse pattern defined by an increase in the body of the left mandible bone destruction in the form of multiple areas of compression and discharge, the picture as "locks" or "lumps of cotton wool." Determine the patient's diagnosis.+ Deforming osteoyid- Hiperparatireoyid osteodystrophy- Fibrous dysplasia- Intrabone fibroma- Eosinophilic granuloma?As a result of chronic inflammation peryapical tissue type granulomatous periodontitis patient developed:+ Radicular cyst.- Keratokista.- Follicular cyst.?As a result of a developmental enamel organ in the lower jaw can develop:+ Ameloblastoma.- Keratokista.- Radicular cyst.- Follicular cyst.- Osteoblastoklastoma.?The patient complained of swelling in the region of the mandible from the right. OBJECTIVE: swelling in the region of 45, 44 teeth, mucous membrane over them is not changed. On radiographs - destruction of bone in the form of multiple cell dilution with clear contours in the region of 44, 45 teeth. Put the correct diagnosis.+ Ameloblastoma.- Hard fibroma.- Soft fibroma.- Retention cysts.- Folykulirna cyst.?The patient '23 based on clinical and radiological picture of the disease, data cytology diagnosed ameloblastoma of the mandible on the left. What method of treatment in this situation is the most appropriate?+ Resection area of ??the mandible.- Enucleation of the tumor.- Removal of teeth in the area of ??tumor and curettage of the mandible.- Conservative treatment.- Radiotherapy.?The patient appealed with complaints about the presence of a tumor in the left lower jaw, which said 2 years ago. In intraoral examination on the body of the left mandible revealed a tumor round, dense with clear boundaries, not moving, not painful. On radiographs of the mandible in a lateral projection of the eclipse observed intense focus with clear boundaries and equal size 0,2 x0, 7 cm, and at the periphery of a narrow strip of enlightenment width of 1 mm. What tumor meets this description?+ Odontoma- Osteoma- Osteoyid-osteoma- Follicular cyst- ChondromaAdditional methods that are carried out for the diagnosis of "malignant neoplasms of the maxillofacial area" include:Cytological +- Physical- Biochemical- Immunological- Angiographic?The patient asked the doctor about the swelling and redness of gums, moving front teeth of the lower jaw, feeling itch in teeth and alveolar ridge, malaise. Locally there is mobility of 43, 42.41, 31, 32, 33 tooth 3rd degree, swelling of the gums in this area, with periodontal pockets granulation appear bright red. Crowns these teeth intact. In ortopantomohramma mandibular alveolar resorption is defined edge in the area of ??the front of your teeth with clear contours. In the blood picture found raising of eosinophilic granulocytes (15%) and moderate leukocytosis.+ Eosinophilic granuloma of the mandible- Exacerbation of localized periodontitis.- Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible.- Disease Hand-Schuller-Krischena.- Cancer of the mandible?Sick '56 appealed to the dentist with complaints about the presence of erosions red border of the lower lip. Erosion is oval in shape with a smooth surface rich red. On the surface erosion of blood crust, which is difficult to be removed. After removing the crusts there is some bleeding. Light trauma erosion in areas where no cover, does not cause bleeding. Identify the type of precancer lower lip?+ Abrasive precancer cheilitis Manhanotti.- Premalignant warty lips red border.- Limited precancerous hyperkeratosis red border of lips.- Bowen's disease.- Erytroplaziya.?Sick '55 turned to a dental surgeon with complaints about the presence of a tumor on his right cheek. On examination, is determined by tumor-node oval 2.5 x 2 cm, grayish color, dense with a funnel-shaped depression in the center, filled with thick horny mass. Tumor site by 0.7 cm high above the surrounding skin mobile. Put diagnosis.+ Keratoakantoma.- Cutaneous horn- Papilloma.- Bowen's Disease- Keira Erytroplaziya?Sick '50 turned to a dental surgeon with complaints of cracks lower lip. A deep crack in the middle of the lower lip divides it in half, followed by inflammatory response and morbidity. After conservative treatment, which previously held, plot lesions disappeared and then appeared again in the same place. Cracks at the base and on the edges of a small palpable infiltration of tissues. Put diagnosis.+ Chronic split lower lip- Limited precancerous hyperkeratosis red border- Erosional forms- Verrukoza leukoplakia leukoplakia- Abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manhanotti?Sick '54 appealed to the dentist with complaints about the presence of tumor formation on the red border of the lower lip on the left. On examination clearly revealed limited lesions red border area of ??irregular size 1x1, 5 cm lesion is not towering above the surrounding red border, grayish-white, covered with a thin dense sessile scales. Put diagnosis.+ Limited precancerous hyperkeratosis lower lip- Abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manhanotti- Premalignant warty red border of lower lip- Bowen's Disease- Keira Erytroplaziya?Sick '53 appealed to the dentist with complaints about the presence of the lesion on the soft palate. Plot lesions on the soft palate on the right 1.5 x 1 cm in the form of erosion and squeezing at the base that bleeds easily with a slight injury. Subjective phenomena are absent. Histological examination revealed changes characteristic of intraepithelial spinocellular cancer, but basal layer and basement membrane reserved. Put diagnosis.+ Bowen's Disease- Keira Erytroplaziya- Limited precancerous keratosis- Erosion forms of leukoplakia- Verrukoza form of leukoplakia?Sick '52 appealed to the dentist with complaints about the presence of the lesion in the language. On examination revealed spotty-knot damage 1x0, 5 cm smooth, velvety, hyperemic, slightly retraction in relation to the surface of the tongue. Histological examination revealed changes characteristic of intraepithelial spinocellular cancer, but basal layer and basement membrane reserved. Put diagnosis.+ Erytroplaziya Keira- Bowen's Disease- Limited precancerous keratosis- Erosion forms of leukoplakia- Verrukoza form of leukoplakia?Sick '53 appealed to the dentist with complaints about the presence of tumor formation in the lower lip. On the red fringe on the right lower lip sharply defined restricted fire sealing diameter of about 1 cm away from its base cone shape growing about 1cm long, firmly soldered to the base, dense, dirty gray. Put diagnosis.+ Cutaneous horn- Leukoplakia- Abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manhanotti- Premalignant warty lips red border- Papilloma?Sick '51 appealed to the dentist with complaints of pain from thermal and chemical stimuli in the right cheek mucosa. For a long time in this place there is whitish spots, which gradually increased and became thicken to form a small protuberance on its background. On examination, the mucous membrane of the right cheek is defined whitish-pink stain irregular size 2,5 x1, 5 cm Against this spot is warty growths, cracks, erosion. Identify the type of mucosal lesion cheeks.+ Erosive form of leukoplakia- Flat leukoplakia- Verrukoza leukoplakia- Bowen's Disease- Keira Erytroplaziya?Sick '56 appealed to the dentist with complaints about the presence of erosions red border of the lower lip. Erosion is oval in shape with a smooth surface rich red. On the surface erosion of blood crust, which is difficult to be removed. After removing the crusts there is some bleeding. Light trauma erosion in areas where no cover, does not cause bleeding. Identify the type of precancer lower lip?+ Abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manhanotti.- Premalignant warty lips red border.- Limited precancerous hyperkeratosis.- Keratosis red border of lips.- Erytroplaziya.- Bowen's Disease?Sick '55 turned to a dental surgeon with complaints about the presence of a tumor on his right cheek. On examination, is determined by tumor-node oval 2.5 x 2 cm, grayish color, dense with a funnel-shaped indentation in the center, filled with thick horny mass. Tumor site by 0.7 cm high above the surrounding skin mobile. Put diagnosis.+ Keratoakantoma.- Cutaneous horn- Papilloma.- Bowen's Disease- Keira Erytroplaziya?Sick '50 turned to a dental surgeon with complaints of cracks lower lip. A deep crack in the middle of the lower lip divides it in half, followed by inflammatory response and morbidity. After conservative treatment, which previously held, plot lesions disappeared and then appeared again in the same place. Cracks at the base and on the edges of a small palpable infiltration of tissues. Put diagnosis.+ Chronic split lower lip- Limited precancerous hyperkeratosis red border- Erosion forms of leukoplakia- Verrukoza leukoplakia- Abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manhanotti?Sick '54 appealed to the dentist with complaints about the presence of tumor formation on the red border of the lower lip on the left. On examination clearly revealed limited lesions red border area of ??irregular size 1x1, 5 cm lesion is not towering above the surrounding red border, grayish-white, covered with a thin dense sessile scales. Put diagnosis.+ Limited precancerous hyperkeratosis lower lip- Abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manhanotti- Premalignant warty red fringe lower lip- Bowen's Disease- Keira Erytroplaziya?Sick '53 appealed to the dentist with complaints about the presence of the lesion on the soft palate. Plot lesions on the soft palate on the right 1.5 x 1 cm in the form of erosion and squeezing at the base that bleeds easily with a slight injury. Subjective phenomena are absent. Histological examination revealed changes characteristic of intraepithelial spinocellular cancer, but basal layer and basement membrane reserved. Put diagnosis.+ Bowen's Disease- Keira Erytroplaziya- Limited precancerous keratoses- Erosion forms of leukoplakia- Verrukoza form of leukoplakia?Sick '52 appealed to the dentist with complaints about the presence of the lesion in the language. On examination revealed spotty-knot damage 1x0, 5 cm smooth, velvety, hyperemic, slightly falls relative to the surrounding surface of the tongue. Histological examination revealed changes characteristic of intraepithelial spinocellular cancer, but basal layer and basement membrane reserved. Put diagnosis.+ Erytroplaziya Keira- Bowen's Disease- Limited precancerous keratoses- Erosion forms of leukoplakia- Verrukoza form of leukoplakia?Sick '53 appealed to the dentist with complaints about the presence of tumor formation in the lower lip. On the red fringe on the right lower lip sharply defined restricted fire sealing diameter of about 1 cm away from its base cone shape growing about 1cm long, firmly soldered to the base, dense, dirty gray. Put diagnosis.+ Cutaneous horn- Papilloma- Leukoplakia- Abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manhanotti- Premalignant warty lips red border?Sick '51 appealed to the dentist with complaints of pain from thermal and chemical stimuli in the right cheek mucosa. For a long time in this place there is whitish spots, which gradually increased and became thicken to form a small protuberance on its background. On examination, the mucous membrane of the right cheek is defined whitish-pink stain irregular size 2,5 x1, 5 cm Against this spot is warty growths, cracks, erosion. Identify the type of mucosal lesion cheeks.+ Erosive form of leukoplakia- Flat leukoplakia- Flat leukoplakia- Bowen's Disease- Keira Erytroplaziya?Sick '50 appealed to the dentist with complaints about the presence of red spots on the lower lip on the left fringe. Plot lesion 2x1 cm whitish-pink in patches. Against the backdrop of hilly spots determined, tight formation, towering at 2-3 mm above the surrounding tissues and warty growths. The characteristic features of the disease histological examination process is marked keratinization, hyperplasia and metaplasia of the epithelium. Identify the type of lesion of lower lip.+ Verrukozna leukoplakia- Flat leukoplakia- Erosion forms of leukoplakia- Bowen's Disease- Keira Erytroplaziya?Sick '51 appealed to the dentist with complaints about the appearance of red spots on the lower lip on the left fringe. Lesion appears as a thin, like film stuck with sharp but irregular contours. The surface of the lesion gray, slightly rough. Dimensions 1.5 x 1 cm lesion Histologically characterized by a "clean" parakeratosis. Identify the type of lesion of lower lip.+ Flat leukoplakia- Bowen's Disease- Erytroplaziya- Erosion forms of leukoplakia- Keira- Verrukoza leukoplakia?Sick '55 appealed to the dentist with complaints of presence in the red border of the lower lip tumor formation round shape with a diameter of about 1 cm at the review noted that tumor formation above the surrounding red border 5 mm tight consistency, grayish-red. formation on the surface is thin flakes that are removed hard. Put diagnosis.+ Premalignant warty red border of lips- Limited precancerous hyperkeratosis red border- Bowen's Disease- Keira Erytroplaziya- Abrasive precancerous cheilitis ManhanottiSick '51 appealed to the dentist with complaints of lower lip dry and peeling it, which he connects with the effect of insolation, temperature effects and wind. The patient fisherman by profession. Red rim lip has a bright red color, its surface covered with dry grayish-white scales. After you delete them they appear again. Patient celebrates a sense of burning and pain in the lesion. Put diagnosis.+ Meteorological cheilitis- Abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manhanotti- Erosion forms of leukoplakia- Chronic lower lip split- Flat leukoplakia?Sick '55 turned to a dental surgeon with complaints about the presence of ulcers on the lateral surface of the tongue right. The appearance of sores connects with injury tongue sharp edge of the tooth. Ulcer looks like an oval, sharply delineated mucosal defect with soft edges, down and flushing rim around it. According to the projected location of the ulcer damaged tooth. Put diagnosis.+ Sores tongue- Ulcer in miliary tuberculosis, ulcerative- Chancre- Cancer of the tongue- Humosis ulcer?The patient turned to a dental surgeon at the lower lip cracks which appeared more than a month ago. The edges of the crack dense infiltrated. Choose a treatment plan.+ Surgical treatment.- Only conservative treatment- Radiotherapy- Chemotherapy.- Conservative treatment for 2 weeks, and in the absence of successful surgical treatment.?A patient with a red rim lower lip tumors is hemibullet form, measuring 1 x 1 cm with clear boundaries, warty surface red. During palpation - painless. Set preliminary diagnosis.+ Warty precancerous.- Leather horn.- Papilloma.- Limited precancerous hyperkeratosis.- Manhanotti cheilitis.?Patient N 60, red border on the lower lip, its lateral surface erosion is oval, measuring 0.5 cm painless, the surface is covered with bloody crusts, bleeding when injured. Appeared 2 months ago. Lymph nodes were not enlarged.+ Abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manhanotti- This pemphigus- Erosive and ulcerative form of lichen ruber planus- Erosive leukoplakia- II period of syphilis?Patient N 60, red border on the lower lip, its lateral surface erosion is oval, measuring 0.5 cm painless, the surface is covered with bloody crusts, bleeding when injured. Appeared two months ago. Lymph nodes were not enlarged.+ Abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manhanotti- This pemphigus- Erosive and ulcerative form of lichen ruber planus- Erosive leukoplakia- II period of syphilis?Patient N 60, red border on the lower lip, its lateral surface erosion is oval, measuring 0.5 cm painless, the surface is covered with bloody crusts, bleeding when injured. Appeared two months ago. Lymph nodes were not enlarged.+ Abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manhanotti- This pemphigus- Erosive and ulcerative form of lichen ruber planus- Erosive leukoplakia- II period of syphilis?Patient, 66 years old, complains of poor fixation of the prosthesis on the lower jaw. About 3 months ago on the right side of the tongue ulcer appeared that the inspection has a size of 0.5-1.5 cm, superficial, irregular surrounding tissues hyperemic and edematous. Palpation formation painless mouth is not sanated. Define the diagnosis of the patient.+ Decubital ulcer lateral surface of the tongue right.- Malignant ulcer on the right lateral surface of the tongue.- Tuberculous ulcer of the tongue on the right side.- Syphilitic ulcers on the right side of the tongue.- Erosive form of leukoplakia on the right side of the tongue.?Patient '38 in red border on the right lower lip sharply defined lesion area bounded polygonal shape, up to 0.5 cm in diameter, grayish color. The surface of the hearth covered with thin scales firmly seated. No signs of inflammation and infiltration of surrounding tissues do not. Regional lymph nodes were not enlarged. Disease duration 5 -6 months. Install the alleged diagnosis.+ Limited precancerous hyperkeratosis lower lip.- Abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manhanotti.- Warty precancerous.- Papilloma.?The patient complains of '67 in the presence of red border lower lip is often recurrent erosion. Erosion oval size 0,8 x1, 3 cm covered with thin crusts, which when removed amid shiny surface - the point of bleeding. We defined areas of atrophy red border. Items infiltration there. Submandibular lymph nodes were not enlarged. What diagnosis can suggest?+ Abrasive precancerous cheilitis Manhanotti- Erosive and ulcerative form of leukoplakia- Keratoakantosis- Bowen's Disease- Hlandulyar cheilitis?Sick '52 appealed with complaints of burning feeling in the mouth when yidi especially acute. On examination of the oral cavity: in the soft palate to the left, closer to the alar fold jaw-defined plot-nodular lesions spotty nature. In some areas, papillary growths. Contours clear focus. Infiltration of surrounding and underlying tissue is not defined. Lesion is not overlooking the surrounding mucosa. What diagnosis can suggest?+ Bowen's Disease- Papillomatosis palatine- Adenoma of the soft palate- Lichen planus- Leukoplakia?What are the pathological conditions do not belong to background disease?+ Leukoplakia- Chronic fistula- Chronic crack- Chronic ulcer- Burn scars?Sick '32 appealed with complaints about the presence of infiltration neck which appeared on day 10, after eating fish. OBJECTIVE: on the side of the neck in the area of ??the thyroid cartilage - a symmetrical increase in dense 6H5 cm Palpable size is fixed at times painful infiltration. A year ago, conducted irradiation primary focus on the lower lip cancer T1N0M0. What is the most likely diagnosis?+ Lower lip cancer T0N3M0- Fish bone injury, acute lymphadenitis neck.- Cancer T2N3M0 lower teeth- Acute injury of soft tissues of the pharynx.- Cancer T1N3M1 lower teeth?Patient '48 in the area of ??the chin is a little painful ulcer crater size 2,5 x1, 5H0, 8 cm Base ulcers - dense. Palpation in the region increased pidboridniy painless lymph node size 1,5 X0, 8 inches formation appeared at 3-6 months. What is the most likely diagnosis?+ Skin Cancer chin.- Erysipelas chin.- Carbuncle chin.- Tuberculosis of the skin of the chin.- Boil the chin?Sick '48 appealed to the doctor complaining of ulcer lateral surface of the tongue, which was about 6 months ago. The appearance of sores binds to the fact that language in that place often injured about 47 broken crown tooth, which is located outside the dental arch. OBJECTIVE: on the lateral surface of the tongue in the middle third - ulcer measuring 1.5 x 2, 0h0, 5 cm unequal crater edges. Right submandibullar lymph nodes - increased sedentary. What is more reliable diagnosis and additional methods will reinforce it?+ Cancer of the tongue. Morphological study.- Decubital ulcer of the tongue. Studies of the cardiovascular system.- Defeat the tongue with leukemia. Studies of blood, bone marrow.- Tuberculous ulcer of the tongue. Research microscopic, serological.- Syphilitic ulcer of the tongue. Research microscopic, serological.?The patient contacted the clinic complaining of aching pain permanent nature, in the frontal area of ??the mandible, the mobility of intact teeth. On radiographs of the mandible - destruction of bone with indistinct outlines. Mentale and submandibular lymph nodes were slightly enlarged, moving. What is the most likely diagnosis?+ Cancer mandible.- Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible.- Ameloblastoma of the mandible.- Localized form of periodontitis.- Radicular cyst of the mandible in the process of maturation?The patient complained of swelling in the region of the mandible from the right. OBJECTIVE: swelling in the region of 45, 44 teeth, mucous membrane over them is not changed. On radiographs - destruction of bone in the form of multiple cell dilution with clear contours in the region of 44, 45 teeth. Put the correct diagnosis.+ Ameloblastoma.- Hard fibroma.- Soft fibroma.- Retention cysts.- Follicular cyst.?Patient 45 years zygomatic area pigmented skin formation, which increases slowly and evenly over 3 years. Basis painless growths normal consistency. What is the most likely diagnosis?+ Melanotychna spot Hetchynsona- Actinic keratosis- Xeroderma pigmentosum- Bowen's Disease- Radiation dermatosis?The patient appealed with complaints of increased tumor growth with congenital nevus on the cheek, which is quite often injured while shaving. Revealed verrucous pigmented tumor measuring 1.5 cm h 1 Regional lymph nodes were not enlarged. Set preliminary diagnosis.+ Melanoma.- Bazalioma.- Squamous cell carcinoma.- Warty precancerous.- Inflammation of the nevus.?The patient in the chin area is dense painless tumor size 2.5 x 0.8 cm, centered on the ulcer, the bottom of which is covered with active granulation. In submentale area during palpation revealed enlarged, painless lymph node. Sick for 3 months. Set preliminary diagnosis.+ Squamous cell carcinoma.- Basal carcinoma- Keratoakantoma.- Actinomycosis.- Trophic ulcer.?Patient care after 10 years there is a scar deformity of the face. Two months ago scars in the right buccal area was sore. At present, ulcer size reaches 0.8 x 0.5 cm Set preliminary diagnosis.+ Skin Cancer.- Radiation ulcer.- Chronic osteomyelitis.- Trophic ulcer skin.- Actinomycosis.?The patient, in consequence of constant smoking, there was an ulcer on the lower lip. Treated conservatively for 2 months, no improvement. What is necessary to test for the diagnosis?+ Cytological examination.- Excision.- Puncture education.- Aspiration biopsy.- Scraping the surface of ulcers.?During the examination of the patient revealed that the tumor on the tongue occupies most part, limited mobility of the tongue, are single regional lymph nodes on the affected side. After cytology diagnosis: cancer tongue T2N1M0. What treatment should apply in this case?+ Combined method.- Radiotherapy.- Surgical removal of the tumor.- Chemotherapy.- Removal of lymph nodes.?11. The patient appealed with complaints of increased tumor growth with congenital nevus on the cheek, which is quite often injured while shaving. Revealed verrucous pigmented tumor measuring 1.5 x 1 cm Regional lymph nodes were not enlarged. Select the most likely diagnosis.+ Melanoma.- Bazalioma.- Squamous cell carcinoma.- Warty precancerous.- Inflammation of the nevus.?The patient in the chin area is dense painless tumor size 2.5 x 0.8 cm, centered on the ulcer, the bottom of which is covered with active granulation. In submentale area during palpation revealed enlarged, painless lymph node. Sick for 3 months. Set preliminary diagnosis.+ Squamous cell carcinoma.- Basal carcinoma- Keratoakantoma.- Actinomycosis.- Trophic ulcer.In Oncology Center patient diagnosed with skin cancer cheek (T1N1M0). Which clinical group that is sick.+ II clinical group.- And the clinical group.- III clinical group.- IV clinical group?When combined radical treatment of skin cancer Shock II clinical group the patient is under medical supervision. How often it should be screened?+ The first year - 1 per quarter, second year 1 every six months, further - 1 per year.- 1 time in half.- 1 per year.- First year - one every six months, further - 1 per year.- What is the quarter for 5 years.?Patient care after 10 years there is a scar deformity of the face. Two months ago scars in the right buccal area was sore. At present, ulcer size reaches 0.8 x 0.5 cm Set preliminary diagnosis.+ Skin Cancer.- Radiation ulcer.- Chronic osteomyelitis.- Trophic ulcer skin.?The patient on the side of the tongue is an ulcer that goes into the lower surface of the fabric and floor of the mouth. The diagnosis - cancer of the tongue. What type of metastasis will develop in this patient?+ Lymphogenous.- Hematogenous.- Contact.- Immunodeficiency.- Mixed.?In patients 63 years of age at the mucosa anterior floor of the mouth revealed irregular ulcer crater platenlike with thick edges. The bottom is covered with fibrinous coating and crusts, which are available granulomatosus red tissue that bleeds easily. For ulcer genesis which is characteristic clinical picture?+ Cancer.- Syphilitic.- Tuberculosis.- Aktynomikotyc.- Traumatic.?For dental surgeon turned sick in '57 with complaints availability painful sores on the mucous left cheek. An ulcer occurs about six months, tends to increase. OBJECTIVE: ulcer rounded shape with thick base and roughly edges up to 2 cm in diameter, covered with necrotic tissue that can be easily removed. The surface of the ulcer bleeds when touching, the bottom resembles granulation tissue. What is the recommended method of research undertaken for the diagnosis?+ Incisional biopsy- Excisional biopsy- Puncture biopsy- Aspiration biopsy- Thermovision study?Patient, '66, complains hardening and limitation of mobility of the tongue, ulcers on the right hypoglossus area. weight loss. Mouth opening is limited to 3 cm patient enjoys full dentures for lower and upper jaw. In the area of ??right oral language trough observed strong ulcer 3 cm from the twist very tight margins. It is covered with yellow-gray patina. In the left submandibular and upper parts of the lateral neck sedentary palpable enlarged lymph nodes. Put diagnosis.+ Cancer mucosa floor of the mouth.- Tuberculous ulcer floor of the mouth.- Decubital ulcer floor of the mouth.- Tertiary syphilis (humosis ulcer).- Actinomycosis floor of the mouth.?Patient, 33 years old, appealed with complaints of massive ulcer floor of the mouth, which is located 45 to 35 teeth between the body of the mandible and hyoid roller. Ulcer extended to the lower surface of the tongue, which complicates mobility of the tongue, mouth and eating. Seen from the observed dense conglomeration submentale and submandibular lymph nodes, lymph nodes defined in the mid-lateral neck right. Identify the clinical diagnosis of the patient.+ Floor of the mouth cancer- Decubital ulcer floor of the mouth- Tuberculous ulcer floor of the mouth- Osteomyelitis of the mandible, diffuse form- Osteoblastoklastoma mandible?The most common morphological type of cancer of the maxillary sinus are:+ cylindercelullar.- Basal- Squamous keratinizing- Squamous notcoarsen- Mukoepidermoyidis?Sick '48 appealed to the doctor complaining of ulcer lateral surface of the tongue, which was about 6 months ago. The appearance of sores binds to the fact that language in that place often injured about 47 broken crown tooth, which is located outside the dental arch. OBJECTIVE: on the lateral surface of the tongue in the middle third - ulcer measuring 1.5 x 2, 0h0, 5 cm pidrytymy, crater edges. Right pidnyzhneschelepni lymph nodes - increased sedentary. What is more reliable diagnosis and additional methods will reinforce it?+ Cancer of the tongue. Morphological study.- Decubital ulcer of the tongue. Studies of the cardiovascular system.- Defeat the tongue with leukemia. Studies of blood, bone marrow.- Tuberculous ulcer of the tongue. Research microscopic, serological.- Syphilitic ulcer of the tongue. Research microscopic, serological.?The patient contacted the clinic complaining of aching pain permanent nature, in the frontal area of ??the mandible, the mobility of intact teeth. On radiographs of the mandible - destruction of bone with indistinct outlines. Pidboridni and submandibular lymph nodes were slightly enlarged, moving. What is the most likely diagnosis?+ Cancer mandible.- Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible.- Localized form of periodontitis.- Ameloblastoma of the mandible.- Radicular cyst of the mandible in the process of maturation.?Sick '58 zvernula complaining of painless swelling of the lateral surface of the tongue, which appeared 7-8 months ago. In recent days it has sharply increased. On the right side of the tongue convex zhalobkopodibnyy infiltrate 1,0 x1, 5 cm in the center - an ulcer, smooth, welded to the mucosa and submucosal layer. 47 coronal tooth broken, hurt the tongue. Regional lymph nodes were not enlarged. Which conditions are most likely to meet the clinical picture described?+ Cancer lateral surface of the tongue- Actinomycosis of the tongue- Tuberculous ulcer of the tongue- Humoyidna ulceration of the tongue- Decubital ulcer?The patient complains of mobility 26,27,28 teeth, recurring pain feeling of heaviness in the relevant part of the upper jaw, hemorrhagic discharge from the left half of the nose. Sick 4 months. During the last month the pain increased, zavylas weakness. In the mouth tooth mobility 26,27,28 degree 2. Palpation tuber maxilla without bone wall effects. On radiographs homogeneous darkening of the maxillary sinus, with no clear contours of bony structures in the form of melted sugar. Which most likely diagnosis?+ Cancer maxillary left.- Adamantynoma maxillary left.- Sarcoma of the left maxilla.- Chronic odontogenic sinusitis left.- Osteoblastoklastoma maxillary left in the stage of suppuration.?Man '45 addressed a complaint to the formation of the lower jaw. In the hospital of the transaction. Obtained following histological description: stroma consists of connective tissue, parenchyma with epithelial strands with cylindrical and stellate cells. To which is characterized by the formation of microscopic picture?+ Ameloblastoma of the mandible.- Osteodystrophy mandible.- Fibrous dysplasia of the mandible.- Eozynofylna granuloma.- Osteoblastoklastoma.?Female 50 years old, complained of the presence of curing on the lower lip of the mouth, which appeared a month ago, which increases in size. Ob-no: a thicker n / lip formation of rounded, flexible and painless. The mucous membrane of the color is not changed. Diagnosis?+ Retention cyst of the lower lip.- Abscess lips- Papilloma lips- Fibroma lips- Lipoma lip?For dental surgeon asked the patient 65 with swelling in bilyavushniy area. After renthendoslidzhennya contrast to sialohrami found that normal branching ducts picture ends abruptly at the border of pathological process. For what disease is characterized sialohrafichna picture?+ Malignancies.- Chronic interstitial mumps.- Chronic parenchymatous parotitis.- Mixed tumor.- Sjogren's disease.?For dental surgeon turned sick in '36 with swelling bilyavushnoyi area. After contrasting renthendoslidzhennya sialohrami available on strictly limited filling defect acini and ducts of glands according to the location and size of the tumor, duct discontinuity is observed. For what disease is characterized sialohrafichna picture?+ Mixed tumors.- Sjogren's disease.- Malignant tumors.- Chronic parenchymatous parotitis.- Chronic interstitial mumps.?Patient, 57 years old, approached the hospital with complaints of the presence of tumor in the left bilyavushniy site, which noticed them 3 years ago. Over the past six months, the tumor increased significantly. When viewed from the left bilyavushniy site is inactive tumor dolchata, only light pain on palpation. The skin over it is taken in the crease of the upper section has clear boundaries, the lower leaves in the thick of cancer. Tumor size 3x2, 5cm. Preliminary diagnosis.+ Mukoepidermoyidna tumor.- Chronic parotitis.- Fibroma.- Adenoma- Cancer bilyavushnoyi cancer.?Patient, 53 years old, complained of swelling in the right bilyavushniy area. The tumor was found six months ago, during this period has increased twice. In the right section bilyavushniy tumor measuring 1.5 h2sm. , Smooth, bumpy, skin nespayana, painless. With bilyavushnoyi salivary gland duct separated clear saliva. When puncture got nothing. Which zavoryuvannyu most likely corresponds to the clinical picture described?+ Pleomorfna bilyavushnoyi salivary gland adenoma.- Chronic lymphadenitis parotid-masticatory area.- Retention cysts bilyavushnoyi salivary gland.- Fibroma parotid-masticatory area.- Lipoma parotid-masticatory area.?Patient, 28 years old, appealed with complaints of swelling in the right sublingual region, which limits the mobility of the tongue, difficult language. Zamityv of weeks ago. In the right hypoglossal area globular protrusion size 2x2, 5 cm, with clear boundaries, center transparent mucous membrane stretched. Palpable determined fluctuations. Tongue slightly raised up. Put diagnosis.+ Retention cyst of sublingual salivary gland.- Slynokam'yana disease submandibular salivary gland.- Chronic sialoadenit submandibular salivary gland.- Acute sialoadenit submandibular salivary gland.- Retention cyst of the right submandibular salivary gland.?Patient, 35 years old, appealed with complaints of mild swelling in the area right bilyavushnoyi gland, which noticed the accident, the pain does not bother. In the right column bilyavushnoyi cancer is determined by a limited education, 2.4 cm in diameter, welded to the surrounding tissues, painless, skin moves over it. Salivary duct of the gland is intact. Determine a preliminary diagnosis of the patient.+ Malignant tumor bilyavushnoyi cancer case- Mixed tumor bilyavushnoyi cancer case- Bilyavushnoyi gland cyst- Chronic parotitis- Mumps Hertsenberha?Patient, 35 years old, appealed with complaints of mild swelling in the area right bilyavushnoyi gland, which noticed the accident, the pain does not bother. In the right column bilyavushnoyi cancer is determined by a limited education, 2.4 cm in diameter, welded to the surrounding tissues, painless, skin moves over it. Salivary duct of the gland is not broken. Identify additional methods of patient.+ Sialohrafiya, cytology punctate glands- Cytological examination gland secretions- General clinical research cytology gland secretions- Cancer resection biopsy, histological examination of the material- Ultrasound cancer?"Tumor" and "neoplasm" - a concept:-Different in meaning;+ Are equal in value.?The basis of dividing tumors benign and malignant laid criterion:-Causative;-Pathogenic;-Histology;+ Clinical;-Morbid anatomy.?By orhanospetsyfycheskym tumors maxillofacial tumor localization include:+ Oral mucosa, slynovyh glands and odontogenic;-Skin, glands and odontogenic slynovyh;-Skin, glands and osteogenic slynovyh;-Skin, oral mucosa and slynovyh glands.?Tumors of the maxillofacial region are divided into:-Benign, malignant and opuholepodobnыe formation;-Benign, malignant and premalignant;+ True, opuholepodobnыe and cyst formation.?Tumors of the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth and oropharynx are divided into:-Benign, malignant and opuholepodobnыe formation;-Benign, malignant and premalignant;Are true, opuholepodobnыe formation and cysts;+ True, opuholepodobnыe education, and pre-cancerous cysts.?In true odontogenic tumors include:+ Ameloblastoma;-Tsementoma;Hard-odontoma;-All the listed neoplasms.?By opuholepodobnыm odontogenic formation include:-Ameloblastoma;Soft-odontoma;-Odontogenic fibroma;+ Hard odontoma;?International histological classification of tumors is to:-The diagnosis in cancer patients;-A plan of treatment;+ Systematization of cancer;-All these events.?By orhanospetsyfycheskym tumors are tumors that are:-Rare;-Subject to special treatment;+ Appear only in this anatomical region;-Often recur.?By orhanonespetsyfycheskym tumors are tumors that are:-Common;-Tradytsyonomu be treated;+ Can occur in different anatomical areas;-Often metastasize.?Primary diagnosis of cancer patients by:Dental therapist;Dental surgeon;Dentist-orthopedist;+ All these experts.?Refined diagnosis of cancer patients conducted in-Dental office;-Dental clinic;Cancer-cabinet District Hospital;+ Oncology Center.?Ameloblastoma refers to tumors:+ Benign;-Intermediate, locally destruyruyuschym;-Malignant.?Ameloblastoma developing:+ In the jaw bones;All-in facial skull bones;-In the cranial bones.?Ameloblastoma is more common:-Men;-Women;+ With equal frequency in men and women.?Start of ameloblastomy:+ Asymptomatic;-Oligosymptomatic;-Expressed.?X-ray picture ameloblastomy characterized by:+ Watering bone;-The presence of dense shade;-Clear outline;-Most cell structure as a "soap foam bubbles";-Destruction of bone with indistinct outlines.?When treating ameloblastomy use:-Scraping fire;-Radiation therapy;+ Resection of the jaw;-Lazerokoahulyatsyyu.?Postoperative bone defects in the treatment ameloblastomy substitute:+ Simultaneously;, 3 months after surgery;-At 6 months after surgery;, 1 year after surgery.?Radiographically dense shade with clear margins observed in:- Soft-odontome;+ Solid odontome;-Ameloblastoma;-Fibrous epulis.?Surgical treatment is carried out in violation of odontomy:+ Aesthetic;-And functional;-And biochemical;-Histology.?In the surgical treatment of odontoma usually spend:-Half-jaw resection;-Complete resection of the jaw;+ Removal of the tumor within healthy tissue.?Cytology punctate ameloblastoma cells are:+ Epithelial;-Connective;And muscular;-Nervous.?With a combined plastic mandibular ameloblastoma after removal of implants are used:-Tungsten;-Plastics;-Platinum;+ Tantalum;-Kollapola.?When malignancy ameloblastoma of the mandible body pathognomonic clinical sign is:-Lagophthalmos;, Dry mouth;-Reduction of the jaws;+ Violation of the sensitivity of the lower lip and chin.Violation of taste sensitivity.?Radicular cyst is formed by:-Malformation of dental follicle;+ Inflammation in periodontal;-Neoplastic process in the periodontium.?With the growth of the root cyst surrounding bone tissue:-Resorbed by the action of osteoclasts;-Thickens as a result of the action of osteoblasts;+ Resorbed due to atrophy of pressure.?The clinical picture of the development of a radicular cyst can be:-Asymptomatic;-Malosimptomno;-Expressed;+ Can have all of these options.?In the projection of a radicular cyst:-Found decayed tooth;-Filled tooth is detected;-Tooth may be missing;+ You can find all of these options.?In the pathogenesis of follicular cysts importance:+ Vicious development of dental follicle;-Enamel hypoplasia;-Dental follicle damage;-Infection of dental follicle;-Fluorosis.?Capsulotomy is used:For small-size cysts;-With uncomplicated clinical course of cysts;+ With festering cysts;-With concomitant acute respiratory disease.?Cystectomy is used:+ At small sizes of cysts;-With Large cysts;-With festering cysts;-With concomitant acute respiratory disease.?Two-stage surgery as an option of surgical treatment of cysts of jaws is used:For small-size cysts;+ With Large cysts;, Hemophilia;-With concomitant acute respiratory disease.?Nasopalatine duct cyst is:To-odontogenic cysts;+ To neodontogennym cysts;-To cysts of mixed origin.?In the case of replacement of bone cavities with cystectomy is used:+ Kollapol;-Yodoformnuyu turunda;-All the listed facilities.?Osteogenic tumors of the jaws are:Organ-to-neoplastic;+ To organonespetsificheskim neoplasms.?Stromal tumors of the jaws is more common:-Osteoma;-Osteoid osteoma;-Chondroma;+ Osteoclastoma.?Cytology punctate osteoclastoma not find:Erythrocytes;-Leukocyte+ Epithelial cells;Osteoblast;-Osteoclasts.?Clinical and radiological picture reminds osteoclastoma at:-Osteoma;-Osteoid osteoma;Odontome-solid;+ Ameloblastoma;-Tsementome.?In the treatment of osteoclast jaws hold:-Radiotherapy;-Husking tumor;-Cryosurgery;-Capsulotomy;+ Resection of the mandible.?After surgical treatment of osteoclast bone plasty performed: in one stage;+ 3 months;, At 6 months;-At 1 year.?Removal of osteoma is conducted:+ For aesthetic reasons;-By functional reasons;, For health reasons;Of all cases.?X-ray picture osteoclastoma can be represented by:+ Focal vacuum with clear boundaries;-Focal osteosclerosis with clear margins.?Stromal tumors of the jaws often ozlokachestvlyaetsya:-Osteoma;-Osteoid osteoma;+ Chondroma;-Osteoclastoma.?Of additional research methods stoma patients osteokla-jaw is the most informative:-Radiography;-Computed tomography;-Ultrasound;-Cytology;+ Histopathologic study.?Eosinophilic granuloma of the jaw include:To-odontogenic tumors;-To odontogenic tumor-like formations;To-osteogenic tumors;+ To osteogenic tumor-like formations.?Among the clinical forms of eosinophilic granuloma are distinguished:-Productive, destructive;-Monokistosic, polycystic, lytic;-Infiltrative, peptic ulcer, ulcerative infiltrative;+ Focal, diffuse, generalized.?Eosinophilic granuloma jaw differentiate with:-Follicular cyst;-Odontomoy;-Tsementomoy;+ Intraosseous hemangioma.?In the treatment of eosinophilic granuloma jaw apply:+ Scraping the hearth;-Resection of the jaw;-Cryosurgery;-Radiotherapy.?The clinical varieties of fibrous dysplasia of the jaw include the following forms:-Focal monoossalnaya;-Diffuse monossalnaya;-Focal poliossalnaya;-Diffuse poliossalnaya;+ All of the above forms.?Cherubism is a type:-Eosinophilic granuloma;-Paget Paget;+ Fibrous dysplasia;-Neurofibromatosis.?When a person is affected bone lvinosti:-The upper jaw;-Lower jaw;Cheek-bones;-Bone of the nose;+ All the bones of the facial skeleton.?In the treatment of fibrous dysplasia of the jaws are used:+ Scraping the hearth;-Resection of the jaw;-Radiotherapy;-Cryosurgery;-Physiotherapy.?Osteitis deformans jaw is characterized by a tendency:, To stabilize the process;To-back development process;+ To malignancy.?Surgical treatment of osteitis deformans is held on the testimony:-Urgent;+ Visual, functional?Triad: early puberty, pigmentation of the skin, bone loss - occurs when:-Cherubism;+ Albright syndrome;And bone lvinosti person;-All these forms.?Recklinghausen's disease patients in the blood was:-Normal levels of calcium;Low-calcium content;+ High calcium content;-Lack of calcium.?Congenital cysts and fistulas face and neck related to education:-Connective nature;-Neurogenic nature;+ Epithelial;-Myogenic nature.?Cytology punctate congenital neck cysts do not find:-LeukocyteErythrocytes;-Epithelial cells;+ Osteoblasts;Cholesterol crystals.?To clarify the diagnosis of fistula neck apply:-Pap method;-Tracer technique;-Ultrasonic method;+ Contrast fistulography;-Contrast angiography.?With festering congenital neck cyst is conducted by:-Capsulotomy;-Cystectomy;+ Puncture and sucked the contents;-Laser therapy.?Surgical approach for removal of cervical cyst is a section:-On the front edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle;-On the falling edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle;+ On the upper cervical crease.?Cervical cyst differentiated from:-Acute lymphadenitis;-Chronic lymphadenitis;-Specific lymphadenitis;-Lipoma;-Metastasis of cancer;+ With all of these diseases.?The main method of treatment of congenital fistulas neck is:-Sclerosis;-Cryosurgery;-Lazerkoagulation;-Ligation;+ Excision.?In the surgical treatment of cysts of the middle of neck:-Remove a cyst in the shell;Vesicotomy-produce;+ Remove a cyst in the shell and resecting the body of the hyoid bone;-Produce capsulotomy and resecting the body of the hyoid bone.?Surgical approach for removal of the median neck cyst is:-Vertical section of the formation;+ Horizontal section of the formation;-Sectional view taken along the edge of the jugular notch.?Tireoglossalny fistula was excised:-Intraoral approach;+ Outside access.?For benign tumors of the soft tissues of the maxillofacial area include:-Tumors of epithelial tissues;-Tumor of fibrous tissue;-Tumor of adipose tissue;-Muscle tumor;-Tumor blood and lymphatic vessels;-Tumors of the peripheral nerves.+ All those definitions?Malignancies of fibrous tissue does not include:-Soft fibroma;-Solid fibroma;-Dermatofibroma (histiocytoma);+ Neurofibroma;-Fibromatosis;?Fibroids are localized mainly:-On the face;-On the neck;+ In the mouth.?Mandible resection is indicated for:-Fibroma, fibromatosis;-Lipoma, lipomatosis;-Leiomyoma, rhabdomyoma;+ Ameloblastoma;-Fibrous epulis.?Surgical treatment of fibrous epulis is:-In the removal of education;+ In the removal of formation and coagulation of its foundation;-In the removal of Education and the adjacent teeth;In-sparing resection of the alveolar process.?Surgical treatment angiomatoznogo epulis is:-In the removal of education;+ In the removal of formation and coagulation of its foundation;-In the removal of Education and the adjacent teeth;In-sparing resection of the alveolar process.?Surgical treatment of giant cell epulis is:-In the removal of education;-In the removal of Education and coagulation of its foundation;+ In sparing resection of the alveolar process.?Neurofibroma are:+ To benign tumors;To-tumor-like formations;-To malignant tumors.?Neurofibromatosis is:-To benign tumors;+ To tumor-like formations;-To malignant tumors.?Neuroma in the maxillofacial area relates to education:-Inflammatory origin;+ Traumatic origin;-Allergic origin;-Neoplastic nature.?Hemangioma is the most frequently localized in the area:+ Person;-Neck;-Trunk;-Limbs.?Hemangiomas are the face of education:-Inflammatory nature;-Traumatic origin;+ Anomalies of development.?Change the color of skin is observed when:+ Capillary hemangioma;-Cavernous hemangioma;Hemangioma-branched;-Lymphangioma;-Arterio-venous aneurysm.?Ripple tumors observed in:-Capillary hemangioma;-Cavernous hemangioma;+ Branching hemangioma.?In the treatment of angiomas of soft tissues are used:-Sclerosis;-Excision;-Electrocoagulation;-Cryosurgery;-Radiotherapy;+ All of the above methods.?For sclerosing hemangiomas are used:-Resorcinol;-Formalin;+ Alcohol;-Trypsin.?Used in the treatment of telangiectasia:-Radiotherapy;-Cryosurgery;+ Diathermocoagulation;Radiation of helium-neon laser.?The main measures in the fight with profuse bleeding from tooth extraction wells at the intraosseous hemangioma jaws are:-Suture the gum, the appointment of styptic;-Ligation of the vessel in the wound, the appointment of styptic;+ Ligation of the vessel throughout, the appointment of hemostatic products.?In the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery final stop bleeding in a patient with an intraosseous hemangioma jaw is achieved by:+ Ligation of the external carotid artery on the affected side;-Ligation of the external carotid artery on both sides;-Ligation of the common carotid artery on the affected side.?Lymphangioma person compared with hemangiomas are:-More often;+ Less;-Equally often.?Feature characterizing a malignant growth, is:-Mitosis;-Flushing;+ Morphological anaplasia.?In malignant growth says:Stabilization of symptoms;Regression of symptoms;+ Increase in symptoms.?Metastatic malignant tumors of the transfer takes place:-Oncoviruses;Cell genes;Cage molecules;+ Tumor cells;Cell nuclei.?Malignant tumors are characterized by autonomy:+ Relative;-Absolute.?The development of malignant tumors by chronic inflammatory process explains the theory:+ Virchow;-Kongeyma;-Zilber.?The origin of malignant tumors of embryonic tissues explains the theory:-Virchow;+ Kongeyma;-Zilber.?To chemical carcinogenic factors include:3.4-benzpyrene;-Radioactive cobalt;-Himopsin;DNA.?The physical cancer risk does not apply:-Space radiation;-Solar radiation;X-rays;Gamma-rays;+ Titanium implant;-Radioactive uranium.?Oncoviruses toxin is carcinogenic factor:-Chemical origin;Physics of origin;+ Biological origin.?Malignant tumors of the skin are more common among residents:-Northern latitudes;Mid-latitudes;+ Southern latitudes.?Tumors of the head and neck cancer incidence in the structure are:-10%;25%;-50%;The incidence of skin tumors in recent years:-Dropping;+ Remains unchanged;-Increases.?The incidence of tumors of the mouth in recent years:-Dropping;+ Remains unchanged;-Increases.?The incidence of tumors of the salivary glands in recent years:-Dropping;+ Remains unchanged;-Increases.?The incidence of tumors of the oral mucosa and tongue in recent years:-Dropping;-Remains unchanged;+ Increases.?The main link in the delivery of cancer care to the population of the administrative region is:-Regional Hospital;-Regional Dental Clinic;+ Regional Cancer Center;-District Central Hospital;Cancer-district office.?Specialized medical care to patients with benign tumors in the maxillo-facial region is in:-Central Regional Hospital;-District hospital;-Dental clinic;+ Regional Cancer Center;-Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery.?Specialized care to patients with precancerous obligate the maxillofacial region is:Surgeon-dentist;A dental therapist;-Dermatologist;+ Oncologist;-A general surgeon.?Specialized care to patients with malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region is in:-District hospital;-Central Regional Hospital;-Regional dental clinic;+ Cancer Center;District-dental clinic.?Specialized care to patients with optional pre-cancer of the maxillofacial area is:+ Dental surgeon;A dentist, podiatrist;Oncologist;Radiologist;-Chemotherapeutic.?Check-up of cancer patients include:-Baseline medical examination, selection, patient record;-Baseline medical examination, selection, registration and treatment of patients;+ Baseline medical examination, selection, registration, patient treatment and follow-up on them.?The division of cancer patients in the clinical group should:Possible to estimate the extent of the tumor;+ To plan the clinical examination;-To assess disability.?Patients with pre-cancer of the maxillofacial area after treatment are under medical supervision:1 year;-2 Years;-3 Years;5 years;-Throughout life.?Patients with malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region after treatment are under medical supervision:1 year;-2 Years;-3 Years;5 years;+ Throughout life.?Cancer patients IV clinical group are observed:Surgeon-dentist;Radiologist;-Chemotherapeutic;+ Local doctor;Oncologist.?Cancer patient on questioning the exact time of occurrence of the disease:-Points;+ Is difficult to specify.?To clarify the diagnosis of malignant tumors of importance:, Age of the patient;-Heredity;, Duration of the disease;+ Data cytogram;, The tumor size;-Status of regional lymph nodes.?To clarify the diagnosis of malignant tumors are important data:And clinical research;-CT;-Ultrasound;-Nuclear magnetic resonance studies;+ Histology;Angiography.?Under the oncological alertness understand knowledge:System organizations care to patients;-The mechanism of action of drugs for the treatment of cancer patients;-The level of natural background radiation;+ Early symptoms of the disease;Permissible doses of radiotherapy.?The TNM system evaluates:The degree of tumor differentiation;The degree of malignancy of the tumor;+ Incidence of tumors;-Prognosis.?From the clinical classifications of cancer is more informative:+ System TNM;-Division of the tumors into 4 stages.?Step malignancy set based on:-Patient complaints;-Patient complaints and medical history;-Patient complaints, medical history and tumor size;-Patient complaints, tumor size and status of regional lymph nodes;+ Tumor size, presence of regional and distant metastases.?The primary diagnosis of malignant tumors in the oral and maxillofacial region can be carried out:A dental therapist;Surgeon-dentist;-Laryngologist;-Dermatologist;-A general surgeon;+ All these specialists.?The updated diagnosis of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region is carried out in:-Versatile general health institution;+ Specialized oncology department of general health institutions, Cancer Center;-Dental clinic.?After diagnosis treatment onkostomatologicheskogo patient should begin no later than:10 days;-1 Month;-3 Months.?Ultrasound examination to clarify the diagnosis is informative in:+ Primary tumor in the soft tissues;, Primary tumor in the bone;-Localization of the primary tumor in the paranasal sinuses;Of all cases.?Dividing the stages of malignant tumors based on data:+ Clinical;And biochemical;-Histology;?The term "precancerous" is first mentioned in the works:-Shabad;-PABSEC;+ Dubreuil;-Pirogov.?For precancerous changes is characteristic:-Tissue infiltration of inflammatory nature;-Tissue infiltration of traumatic origin;-Tissue infiltration of the allergic nature;+ Hyperkeratosis of the epithelium.?The term "precancerous" is used to describe precancerous changes:, Connective tissue;-Neural tissues;+ Epithelial tissue;And muscle tissue;-All of these tissues.?By precancerous changes in cellular structures include:+ Anaplasia;-Infiltrative growth;-Metastasis;-Impaired microcirculation.?To establish the importance of precancer:The term "precancerous" is first mentioned in the works:-Shabad;-PABSEC;+ Dubreuil;-Pirogov.?For precancerous changes is characteristic:-Tissue infiltration of inflammatory nature;-Tissue infiltration of traumatic origin;-Tissue infiltration of the allergic nature;+ Hyperkeratosis of the epithelium.?The term "precancerous" is used to describe precancerous changes:, Connective tissue;-Neural tissues;+ Epithelial tissue;And muscle tissue;-All of these tissues.?By precancerous changes in cellular structures include:+ Anaplasia;-Infiltrative growth;-Metastasis;-Impaired microcirculation.?To establish the importance of precancer:+ Histological classification;-Classification etiological factors;-Classification pathogenetic factors.?Thickening of the epithelium and the vermilion border of the mucous membranes of the mouth is characteristic of:+ Diffuse hyperplasia of epithelial tissue;-Focal proliferation of epithelial tissue;-Intraepithelial cancer.?Local proliferation of the epithelium and the vermilion border of the mucous membranes of the mouth are characteristic:-Diffuse hyperplasia of epithelial tissue;+ Focal proliferation of epithelial tissue;-Intraepithelial cancer.?Increasing the number of mitoses per epithelial cell characteristic:-Diffuse hyperplasia of epithelial tissue;-Focal proliferation of epithelial tissue;+ Intraepithelial cancer.?The development of pre-cancerous changes in the maxillofacial region is not affected by:-Age;+ Weight;-Floor;-Heredity;-Meteorological factors.?Classification of pre-cancerous skin diseases, red border and the mucous membranes of the mouth, proposed by the Committee for the Study of tumors of the head and neck is:-Histology;-Histochemical;+ Clinical;-Etiopathogenetic.?The plan of treatment a patient with a malignant tumor in the maxillofacial region is made:Oncologist;Radiologist;-Chemotherapeutic;+ Three specialists.?The main methods of treatment of patients with malignant tumors does not apply:And Surgery;Beam;-Drug;+ Palliative;?Excision of the primary tumor in the block with regional lymph nodes is subject to:+ Principles of ablation;Antiblastiki-principles;-Both principles.?Primary plastic used in removing malignant tumors:+ Soft tissues and organs of the oral cavity;-Bones of the face;, In both cases.?By the palliative treatment of malignant neoplasms of the maxillofacial region are:-The use of pain medications;-The use of cardiac funds;+ Radiotherapy.?For symptomatic treatment of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region are:-Lazerokoagulyatsiya;-Electrocoagulation;+ Use of pain medications;-Topical chemotherapy.?Of surgery on the neck metastases at nesmeschaemaya apply:-Upper cervical excision on I option;-Upper cervical excision by II version;+ Surgery Kraylya;-Fascial-futlyarnoe excision of the cervical tissue.?The main reason for the neglect of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region is:-Highest incidence of malignant tumors;-Hidden within tumors;+ Late referral of patients;-The lack of a causal treatment.?The main reason for the neglect of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region is:-Highest incidence of malignant tumors;-Hidden within tumors;+ No suspicion of cancer in primary care physicians;-The lack of a causal treatment.?If you suspect a malignant tumor dental surgeon clinic:-Appointed trial of treatment;Holds-modern examination of the patient;-Direct the patient in a dental clinic;+ Send the patient to the district oncologist;-Organizes medical consultation.?Tooth extraction in patients with cancer, which is planned radiation treatment is carried out:-At the same time with radiotherapy;, 2-3 days prior to radiotherapy;+ For 7-10 days prior to radiation treatment.?I. The planned removal of a tooth from a cancer patient who underwent radiation treatment is carried out later:-7 Days-10-15 Days;-1 Month;-3 Months;One year.?Most often patients with malignant tumors of the face and the oral cavity treatment is prescribed:And surgical;+ Beam;-Symptomatic;-Palliative;?The total tumor dose in radiation treatment of patients with malignant tumors of the face and the oral cavity is:-20 Gy;-40 Gy;60 Gy;-100 Gy;?Before radiotherapy of patients with malignant tumors of the face and the oral cavity must be all but:-Sanitize the mouth;-Remove metal prostheses;-Remove metal fillings;+ Single-group blood transfusion;Tooth-fabricate plastic tire.?To obligate precancerous skin concerns:+ Bowen's disease;-Lichen planus;-Tuberculous lupus;-Lupus erythematosus;-Keratoacanthoma.?In the diagnosis of obligate precancerous skin is the most informative method:-Ultrasound;-Computed tomography;-Termoviziografiya;-Pap;+ Pathologically.?In the treatment of obligate precancerous skin does not apply:-Ray method;-Surgical method;-Lazerohirurgichesky method;+ Palliative method;-Galvanosurgery.?By the optional precancerous skin concerns:-Dermatitis;+ Papilloma;-Psoriasis;-Radioepidermit;-Bowen's disease.?In the surgical treatment of precancerous skin obligate postoperative defects replace:+ At the time of the operation;, 2 weeks after surgery;-Six months after surgery;, 1 year after surgery.?Patients with precancerous skin after treatment are observed:-Monthly throughout the year;-1 Every three months during the year;One every 6 months during the year;-Throughout life.?Treatment of patients with obligate precancerous skin is carried out:-Dental clinic;And Dental Hospital;Cancer-office;+ Cancer Center.?Patients with an obligate precancerous skin are under medical supervision in:A dermatologist;-Dental surgeon;+ Oncologist;-Chemotherapeutic;Radiologist.?Among the malignant tumors of the maxillofacial area of ??facial skin tumors in frequency occupied by:+ Ie place;-2nd place;-3rd place.?Of malignant epithelial tumors of the skin is most common:-Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma;Neorogovevayuschy-squamous carcinoma;+ Basal cell carcinoma;-Adenocarcinoma.?Basal cell skin:Fast-growing;+ Is growing slowly;-Regresses.?Basal cell skin:-Metastasizes early;Metastasizes-late;+ Rarely metastasizes.?In the treatment of basal cell carcinoma skin of choice is:Beam and symptomatic;Beam and palliative;-Radiation and chemotherapy;+ Radiation and surgery.?Squamous cell skin cancer is differentiated with:-Papilloma;+ Basal cell carcinoma;-Atheroma;-Dermoid cyst.?The final diagnosis of "squamous cell skin" were determined after:Angiography;-Ultrasound;-CT;+ Histopathological examination.?When treating skin cancer T2 N0 M0 used in radiation exposure dose:-20 - 30 Gy.;-30 - 40 Gy.;50 - 60 Gy.?Go to the advanced stage of skin cancer include:-I-II stage;-II-III stage;+ III-IV stage.?Treatment for skin cancer T3 N0M0:And surgical;-Palliative;+ Combined;Beam;-Chemo.?After radical treatment of skin cancer patients are under medical supervision:A dermatologist;Radiologist;+ Oncologist;Surgeon-dentist;-Chemotherapeutic.?Pigmented nevi skin, there are:-More common in men;+ More common in women;-Equally often.?Pigmented nevi skin does not consist of:Cells of the basal layer of the epidermis;-Schwann cell membranes of nerves;+ Derivatives skin epithelial cells.?To obligate pigmented mole skin concerns:-Xeroderma pigmentosum;-Bowen's disease;+ Melanosis Dyubreya;-Actinic keratosis.?Of the optional pigment nevi most ozlokachestvlyaetsya:Blue (blue) nevus;-Giant pigmented nevus;+ Border pigmented nevi.?Clinical changes (ulceration, bleeding, enlarged) during pigment nevi may occur in:-Inflammatory nevus;Nevus, malignant degeneration;+ In both cases.?Treatment of pigmented nevi person mainly:-Conservative;Beam;+ Surgery;-Combined.?Melanoma of the skin among other common human malignancies:+ Rare;-Frequently.?In the head and neck is most common:-Melanoma of the scalp;+ Melanoma person;-Neck melanoma.?For cytological diagnosis of melanoma is used:Puncture-education;Scraping;+ Smear-mark.?Among the methods of treatment of melanoma skin often used:Beam;And Surgery;+ Combined;-Chemotherapy.?The term "precancerous" is first mentioned in the works:-Shabad;-PABSEC;+ Dubreuil;-Pirogov.?For precancerous changes is characteristic:-Tissue infiltration of inflammatory nature;-Tissue infiltration of traumatic origin;-Tissue infiltration of the allergic nature;+ Hyperkeratosis of the epithelium.?The term "precancerous" is used to describe precancerous changes:, Connective tissue;-Neural tissues;+ Epithelial tissue;And muscle tissue;-All of these tissues.?By precancerous changes in cellular structures include:+ Anaplasia;-Infiltrative growth;-Metastasis;-Impaired microcirculation.?To establish the importance of precancer:+ Histological classification;-Classification etiological factors;-Classification pathogenetic factors.?Thickening of the epithelium and the vermilion border of the mucous membranes of the mouth is characteristic of:+ Diffuse hyperplasia of epithelial tissue;-Focal proliferation of epithelial tissue;-Intraepithelial cancer.?Local proliferation of the epithelium and the vermilion border of the mucous membranes of the mouth are characteristic:-Diffuse hyperplasia of epithelial tissue;+ Focal proliferation of epithelial tissue;-Intraepithelial cancer.?Increasing the number of mitoses per epithelial cell characteristic:-Diffuse hyperplasia of epithelial tissue;-Focal proliferation of epithelial tissue;+ Intraepithelial cancer.?The development of pre-cancerous changes in the maxillofacial region is not affected by:-Age;+ Weight;-Floor;-Heredity;-Meteorological factors.?Classification of pre-cancerous skin diseases, red border and the mucous membranes of the mouth, proposed by the Committee for the Study of tumors of the head and neck is:-Histology;-Histochemical;+ Clinical;-Etiopathogenetic.?The plan of treatment a patient with a malignant tumor in the maxillofacial region is made:Oncologist;Radiologist;-Chemotherapeutic;+ Three specialists.?The main methods of treatment of patients with malignant tumors does not apply:And Surgery;Beam;-Drug;+ Palliative;?Excision of the primary tumor in the block with regional lymph nodes is subject to:+ Principles of ablation;Antiblastiki-principles;-Both principles.?Primary plastic used in removing malignant tumors:+ Soft tissues and organs of the oral cavity;-Bones of the face;, In both cases.?By the palliative treatment of malignant neoplasms of the maxillofacial region are:-The use of pain medications;-The use of cardiac funds;+ Radiotherapy.?For symptomatic treatment of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region are:-Lazerokoagulyatsiya;-Electrocoagulation;+ Use of pain medications;-Topical chemotherapy.?Of surgery on the neck metastases at nesmeschaemaya apply:-Upper cervical excision on I option;-Upper cervical excision by II version;+ Surgery Kraylya;-Fascial-futlyarnoe excision of the cervical tissue.?The main reason for the neglect of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region is:-Highest incidence of malignant tumors;-Hidden within tumors;+ Late referral of patients;-The lack of a causal treatment.?The main reason for the neglect of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region is:-Highest incidence of malignant tumors;-Hidden within tumors;+ No suspicion of cancer in primary care physicians;-The lack of a causal treatment.?If you suspect a malignant tumor dental surgeon clinic:-Appointed trial of treatment;Holds-modern examination of the patient;-Direct the patient in a dental clinic;+ Send the patient to the district oncologist;-Organizes medical consultation.?Tooth extraction in patients with cancer, which is planned radiation treatment is carried out:-At the same time with radiotherapy;, 2-3 days prior to radiotherapy;+ For 7-10 days prior to radiation treatment.?I. The planned removal of a tooth from a cancer patient who underwent radiation treatment is carried out later:-7 Days-10-15 Days;-1 Month;-3 Months;One year.?Most often patients with malignant tumors of the face and the oral cavity treatment is prescribed:And surgical;+ Beam;-Symptomatic;-Palliative;?The total tumor dose in radiation treatment of patients with malignant tumors of the face and the oral cavity is:-20 Gy;-40 Gy;60 Gy;-100 Gy;?Before radiotherapy of patients with malignant tumors of the face and the oral cavity must be all but:-Sanitize the mouth;-Remove metal prostheses;-Remove metal fillings;+ Single-group blood transfusion;Tooth-fabricate plastic tire.?To obligate precancerous skin concerns:+ Bowen's disease;-Lichen planus;-Tuberculous lupus;-Lupus erythematosus;-Keratoacanthoma.?In the diagnosis of obligate precancerous skin is the most informative method:-Ultrasound;-Computed tomography;-Termoviziografiya;-Pap;+ Pathologically.?In the treatment of obligate precancerous skin does not apply:-Ray method;-Surgical method;-Lazerohirurgichesky method;+ Palliative method;-Galvanosurgery.?By the optional precancerous skin concerns:-Dermatitis;+ Papilloma;-Psoriasis;-Radioepidermit;-Bowen's disease.?In the surgical treatment of precancerous skin obligate postoperative defects replace:+ At the time of the operation;2 weeks after surgery;-Six months after surgery;, 1 year after surgery.?Patients with precancerous skin after treatment are observed:-Monthly throughout the year;-1 Every three months during the year;One every 6 months during the year;-Throughout life.?Treatment of patients with obligate precancerous skin is carried out:-Dental clinic;And Dental Hospital;Cancer-office;+ Cancer Center.?Patients with an obligate precancerous skin are under medical supervision in:A dermatologist;-Dental surgeon;+ Oncologist;-Chemotherapeutic;Radiologist.?Among the malignant tumors of the maxillofacial area of ??facial skin tumors in frequency occupied by:+ Ie place;-2nd place;-3rd place.?Of malignant epithelial tumors of the skin is most common:-Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma;Neorogovevayuschy-squamous carcinoma;+ Basal cell carcinoma;-Adenocarcinoma.?Basal cell skin:Fast-growing;+ Is growing slowly;-Regresses.?Basal cell skin:-Metastasizes early;Metastasizes-late;+ Rarely metastasizes.?In the treatment of basal cell carcinoma skin of choice is:Beam and symptomatic;Beam and palliative;-Radiation and chemotherapy;+ Radiation and surgery.?Squamous cell skin cancer is differentiated with:-Papilloma;+ Basal cell carcinoma;-Atheroma;-Dermoid cyst.?The final diagnosis of "squamous cell skin" were determined after:Angiography;-Ultrasound;-CT;+ Histopathological examination.?When treating skin cancer T2 N0 M0 used in radiation exposure dose:-20 - 30 Gy.;-30 - 40 Gy.;50 - 60 Gy.?Go to the advanced stage of skin cancer include:-I-II stage;-II-III stage;+ III-IV stage.?Treatment for skin cancer T3 N0M0:And surgical;-Palliative;+ Combined;Beam;-Chemo.?After radical treatment of skin cancer patients are under medical supervision:A dermatologist;Radiologist;+ Oncologist;Surgeon-dentist;-Chemotherapeutic.?Pigmented nevi skin, there are:-More common in men;+ More common in women;-Equally often.?Pigmented nevi skin does not consist of:Cells of the basal layer of the epidermis;-Schwann cell membranes of nerves;+ Derivatives skin epithelial cells.?To obligate pigmented mole skin concerns:-Xeroderma pigmentosum;-Bowen's disease;+ Melanosis Dyubreya;-Actinic keratosis.?Of the optional pigment nevi most ozlokachestvlyaetsya:Blue (blue) nevus;-Giant pigmented nevus;+ Border pigmented nevi.?Clinical changes (ulceration, bleeding, enlarged) during pigment nevi may occur in:-Inflammatory nevus;Nevus, malignant degeneration;+ In both cases.?Treatment of pigmented nevi person mainly:-Conservative;Beam;+ Surgery;-Combined.?Melanoma of the skin among other common human malignancies:+ Rare;-Frequently.?In the head and neck is most common:-Melanoma of the scalp;+ Melanoma person;-Neck melanoma.?For cytological diagnosis of melanoma is used:Puncture-education;Scraping;+ Smear-mark.?Among the methods of treatment of melanoma skin often used:Beam;And Surgery;+ Combined;-Chemotherapy.??Metastatic carcinoma of the mandible is differentiated with:-Fibrous epulis;-Odontomoy;+ Osteosarcoma;-Retention cyst.?The definitive diagnosis of cancer of the lower jaw is set after:-CT;-Ultrasound;-Radioisotope studies;+ Histopathological examination;-Angiographic study.?The main method of treatment of cancer of the lower jaw is:And Surgery;Beam;+ Combined;-Chemotherapy;-Electrosurgical;-Lazerohirurgichesky.?Of surgical interventions on the primary focus of cancer of the lower jaw are used:-Periostotomiyu;Kraylya-operation;+ Resection of the jaw;-Decortication;-Osteoplasties.?Bone defects in cancer treatment mandible later produce:-1 Month;-6 Months;2 years;-Once.?Resection of the mandible in the central section showing:-Introduction of the duct;-Imposition gastrostomy;+ Overlay tracheostomy;-Angiorrhaphy;-The use of hyperbaric oxygenation.?For fixed cervical cancer metastases of the lower jaw is shown:Top-fascial-futlyarnoe excision of cervical tissue;-Fascial-futlyarnoe excision of the cervical tissue;Kovtunovich-operation;+ Surgery Kraylya.?Soft tissue sarcoma of the maxillofacial region can develop from:Malyasse-epithelial islands;-Epidermis;+ Schwann sheath;-Glandular epithelium.?Soft tissue sarcoma of the maxillofacial area is developed from:-Sebaceous gland;Sweat-gland;+ Deep layers of the dermis;-Small salivary glands.?Soft tissue sarcoma of the maxillofacial area is developed from:-Epidermis;+ Muscle tissue;-Papillomavirus;-Glandular tissue.?Facial bone sarcoma develops from:-Gingival epithelium;Malyasse-epithelial islands;-Dentin;+ Bone;Cement.?Sarcomas facial bones do not develop from: 1) the periosteum;-Cortex;-Cancellous bone;Enamel;+ Hyaline cartilage.?Sarcoma of the maxillofacial region in comparison with malignant tumors of the epithelium are:-More often;-Equal frequency;+ Less.?Sarcomas metastasize mainly:Lymphogenous-way;+ Hematogenous route;-Mixed manner.?Sarcoma in the maxillo-facial region often preceded by:-Hyperkeratosis;-Parakeratosis;, Dry mouth;+ Injury.?Sarcoma in comparison with squamous cell carcinoma is increasing:-Slowly;-The same;+ Faster.?Treatment of sarcomas of the maxillofacial area mainly:Beam;-Drug;And surgical;+ Combined.?Tumors of the salivary gland tumors of the maxillofacial region are:-Rare;+ Often;-Rare.?Tumors of the salivary gland tumors are most common:-Minor salivary glands;+ Parotid gland;-Submandibular salivary gland;-Sublingual salivary gland.?Additional methods of the salivary glands is informative:-Sensing;-Determination of the secretory function;+ Ptyalography;-Termoviziografiya.?The final diagnosis of salivary gland tumors is established on the basis of:-CT;-Ultrasound;+ Morphological studies;Angiography;-Orthopantomography.?Of epithelial tumors of the salivary glands is more common:-Cyst;-Monomorphic adenoma;+ Pleomorphic adenoma;-Adenocarcinoma;Adenokistoznaya-cell carcinoma;-Mukoepidermoidny cancer.?Pleomorphic adenoma of the most striking:Minor salivary-gland;-Sublingual salivary gland;-Submandibular salivary gland;+ Parotid gland.?In benign tumors of the submandibular salivary gland:-Remove the tumor;-Remove the tumor with part of the gland;-Remove the tumor and the duct ligated;+ Remove the tumor along with a gland;Conduct top-fascial-futlyarnoe excision of cervical tissue.?When a pleomorphic adenoma of parotid gland, located in the center of her department:Extirpate-education;-Remove the tumor along with the gland without saving the facial nerve;Excochleation and-hold duct ligated;+ Remove the tumor and the gland with preservation of the facial nerve.?Serious complication after parotidektomiya maintaining branches of the facial nerve is:, Dry mouth;-Anesthesia skin;-Paralysis of the tongue;+ Paralysis of facial muscles.?By malignant tumors of the salivary glands do not include:Adenokistoznaya-cell carcinoma;-Mukoepidermoidny cancer;-Adenocarcinoma;+ Monomorphic adenoma.?Treatment of malignant tumors of the salivary glands:And surgical;Beam;+ Combined;-Chemotherapy.?When you delete a tumor of parotid gland is used for quick access:Caldwell-Luc;-Billroth;-SPASOKUKOCKI;+ Kovtunovich.?When you delete a tumor of parotid gland is used for quick access:-Bruns;-Mukhin;+ Redon;-Yovchevu.?Retention cysts of minor salivary glands are formed mainly as a result of:Inflammatory process;+ Injury ductless;Allergic reactions;-All these factors.?Neoplasms of the major salivary glands of the sublingual salivary gland tumors are found:-Rare;+ Is extremely rare;-Frequently.?Adenokistoznaya carcinoma of the salivary glands metastasizes mainly:Lymphogenous-way;+ Hematogenous route;-Mixed manner.?Recurrences of pleomorphic adenoma of the salivary glands arise as a result of:-Non-radical surgery;Multicenter, tumor growth;No-alopecia capsule tumor+ All the above factors. ................

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