
Background:The DCNR Bureau of Information Technology Services (BITS) was interested in upgrading and re-writing the oil and gas Well Information System. It was written in 1994-1995 and was state-of-the-art at the time, but is now out dated. At the same time, BITS was performing maintenance work on the WebDriller application, and saw that while the business needs for the two applications differed, a few similarities existed as well between the two systems. Also a few years ago, the Bureau of Topographic and Geologic Survey (TopoGeo) was interested in creating a central repository for the stratigraphic data. Both of the wells systems collect and maintain stratigraphic data, so a decision was made to look at how all these system might work together. A Gap Analysis was conducted, and that Gap Analysis is included within this RFQ. This repository is being built to accommodate all stratigraphic data collected by the bureau, and the wells data TopoGeo has two offices. (1) Their central office is located in Middletown, PA. The director and operational support is housed at this location. The knowledge experts concerning the water systems are also housed at this location. (2) The Petroleum and Subsurface Geology Section is located in the Pittsburgh Office. This is the primary knowledge base for the oil and gas systems. BITSis located in the DCNR central office (the Rachel Carson State Office Building) in Harrisburg, PA. To date, managing these various types of wells has been handled in disparate systems with no overlap of information. While all the functions shown in the current systems are still relevant, they do not represent how we wish to do business in the future. In other words, DCNR does not want to lose functionality, but is very interested in improving efficiency - better technology, better information flow, better reuse of data, etc. DCNR BITS is looking for far better data normalization, which will allow for better reporting and make it easier to mine and share these data. This RFQ does not scope out a solution, only the current conditions of our systems. We are looking for proposing vendors to look at the functions of these systems and the skills sets within DCNR and propose a new approach that is supportable by in-house staff. The only caveat DCNR has concerning the solution is the consolidation and conformance to a new methodology in maintaining stratigraphic data. This concept was provided pictorially with the following diagram:Uniform Records Reporting System?External Users Looking for Any Well Record SpatiallyExternal UsersExternal Users Looking for Oil & Gas Records and Associated Data (both scan and digital formats)Enterprise Interactive MapExternal Users Looking for Groundwater RecordsExternal Users Submitting for Drilling LicensePaGWISPA*IRIS and WIS DataWebDrillerInternal Users PaGWISPA*IRIS and WISOil & Gas Specific DataTopoGeo Bureau-Wide Stratigraphic DataWater Specific DataOverlapping Data Elements (Company, Location, Casing, product, etc.)Stratigraphic DataNOTES: At end of effort, there will still be unique access points for business specific users. If within budget, create a uniform reporting entry for wells in general as well. Also, the PA*IRIS/WIS interface will require a more efficient design. WebDriller – keep familiar to minimize re-training. It is recommended that entry forms for overlapping data be consistent between internal systems. Leverage Stratigraphic Design in areas covered by that RFQ. Leverage the RockIT methodology for areas outside of that RFQ (such as groundwater).At the completion of this effort, DCNR is to see streamlined technologies employed for a cohesive wells system. The successful vendor is to look at the existing systems and see where efficiencies of scale can be realized, leveraging current industry technologies for multiple uses. Even the incorporation of the Stratigraphic database is to be done in a way that the end users only know they are working with a Wells system. While the user will see changes, such as now looking at O&G geologic data in a three dimensional perspective, overall functionality is to remain familiar to the user. Keep interfaces as clean and simple as feasible. To clarify – this is to be a complete re-vamp, not simply an upgrade. Rather, the finished product is to accommodate the functions of the past, incorporate new business needs for today’s geologic needs, and do so leveraging new approaches for information management. Questions and AnswersRFQ #DCNR-38-11-04, Wells Information SystemDid any vendor help DCNR in the preparation of the RFQ? If Yes, is the vendor allowed to bid on the RFQ?ANSWER: The DCNR made a determination that it would be beneficial for the five systems covered under this RFQ to be consolidated. To verify the areas of overall and conflicts, BITS contracted with a vendor to inventory the data sets in play, and some of the higher-level business processes. This study was completed a year and a half ago. The gaps and overlaps that were uncovered during that study have been incorporated into this RFQ. However, no vendor aided in the preparation of the RFQ.What is the work location for the project?ANSWER: For requirements and UI design, vendor will be at Middletown for the water, will be in Pittsburgh for the oil and gas wells portion. Architecture and build will be at the Harrisburg location. Test will be as appropriate. Will travel be required to the Pittsburgh office location?ANSWER: See question 2. Can you please explain the following sentence on Page 35 Last paragraph? “The permit application is sent to DEP and entered into their eFACTS system, and DEP sends a copy of the location plat to DCNR.? (The permit is not sent to DCNR).”ANSWER: As the regulatory agency, DEP handles the review and approval of oil and gas permits, and none of this paperwork is forwarded to DCNR. However, once DEP has issued a valid permit and a location plat is received for that permit by DEP, DEP forwards a copy of the plat and all subsequent well-related paperwork to DCNR for inclusion in PA*IRIS/WIS. After an oil/gas well has been drilled, the operator is required to complete a well completion report. Is the report submitted to DCNR and then forwarded to DEP for approval or is it submitted to DEP?ANSWER: As the regulatory agency, DEP is the agency that receives ALL paperwork related to oil and gas well permits; it then reviews and approves such documentation as needed. Copies of such paperwork is forwarded to DCNR for inclusion in PA*IRIS/WIS and never the other way around.?What is the timeline for the project?ANSWER: As noted in the RFQ, we estimated for the effort to take around 18 months.Is the payment based on the deliverables identified in section IV-4 of the RFQ?ANSWER: Yes. Refer to format of Cost Matrix.Who will be responsible for the cleanup of the data in the existing systems prior to data conversion? Referring Page 89 of the RFQ.ANSWER: The vendor would be responsible for data mapping, ETL processes, clarifying best practices and recommendations for data cleanup – actual clean-up would be conducted by DCNR resources.Does DCNR currently use any credential management system?ANSWER: No we do not. We only leverage active directory.Has DCNR determined to implement all of the recommendations from the Gap analysis or some of them? If only some have been selected, please identify the ones selected?ANSWER: The RFQ identifies the areas of the Gap Analysis that DCNR determined are to be implemented. Did a vendor complete the Gap Analysis? Is the vendor with in depth knowledge of WIS allowed to bid on this RFQ?ANSWER: Note question 1 – Yes, a vendor conducted the Gap Analysis, and the analyst that performed that study is no longer with the company. Because no decisions were made via that Gap Analysis, that vendor is entitled to bid. Also remember, DCNR is not simply interested in an up-to-date WIS application, but rather in a new way of doing business. DCNR provided the functional areas of WIS which contain the business functions we wish to maintain within the RFQ. DCNR will be looking for vendor who understands this area of business and who can bring to the table an efficient solution for this area of business.Which RDBMS should be used for the final system Oracle or SQL Server? ANSWER: Oracle 11G or later.Has DCNR documented all the requirements for the unified system? ANSWER: The Gap analysis provided the “As Is”, but did not go into the “To Be”. The Requirements will need to be determined a part of this effort.Please provide a breakdown of the number of users of each of the five systems to be transitioned broken out by whether they are employees or citizens. We are seeking to understand how many users will be accessing the new integrated system.ANSWER: This is somewhat difficult for obvious reasons, but we would estimate that for external, several hundred users access the system daily. There are around 100 users of the internal systems.Can you please confirm that 11 users require training and 3 technical staff require technical training and knowledge transfer for the new system? (This is referenced on RFP page 96 Section 6. D Phase 4). Will other users require training?ANSWER: Yes, those numbers are correct for the users. However, we would modify the technical training to include 1 developer, 1 dba, and 4 system support (& helpdesk).Could you please provide soft copies of each system’s data model or the data dictionaries in Erwin format? The examples in the RFP appendices are very difficult to read.ANSWER: We cannot provide them in ErWin format, because we do not have current, licensed ErWin software. We have Visio and SQL Data Modeler available for development use. (Sharepoint)Please confirm that your intent is to discontinue using the 5 legacy systems upon implementation of the new integrated system. Are there any schedule considerations or requirements for shutting down any of the systems? Is a phased implementation or total transition implementation preferred?ANSWER: For most of these systems, a complete re-write will be encouraged. For WebDriller, it would be useful if the user experience was same from the drillers’ perspective. This will minimize the need for any training. Phased implementation is required.Could you please provide numbers of existing online and batch programs, reports and notices for each of the 5 legacy systems.ANSWER: Limit your concern with the interfaces that were identified within the RFQ.Do business rules or requirements exist for each of the 5 legacy systems? If so can they be provided?ANSWER: For PA*IRIS/WIS, the user manuals are available for download through PA*IRIS. PaGWIS has user-based documents. We have a requirements document for WebDriller. Posting to URL?Can you please clarify that Rock Samples (listed on page 46) are not part of the scope of this RFP.ANSWER: Information regarding rock samples is not part of the scope of this RFQ.What is the timeline for implementation of the rebuilding of the statewide fields and pools GIS database?? Is DCNR developing that database or is there a vendor? How is it anticipated to integrate into this effort?ANSWER: March 2013 for completion.How are IHS-PETRA and WIS connected (RFQ Part IV.2.D.1.d)? How will IHS-PETRA be used in the new system? Are the API Numbers used when researching geophysical information in PETRA?ANSWER: These applications are not connected. Information from WIS, however, can be downloaded into text or spreadsheet files that can be uploaded and further evaluated/manipulated in IHS-PETRA. PETRA software allows use of API numbers, as well as any other unique well identifier the user wishes to establish.There are mentions of eOGRE and OGRE in the RFQ (RFQ Part IV.2.D.5i.a). Can these be used interchangeably or is there a difference in the systems or acronyms? Will eOGRE continue to be operated by DEP or is it part of the integration?ANSWER: They are interchangeable. Yes it will continue to operate after integration.What platform/language was used to develop eOGRE? In what type of database is the data stored?ANSWER: The focus is purely on the data transfer itself.Please clarify what information and data elements are currently integrated from the eFACTS solution to the current WIS system. Please indicate if there is an expectation for more information to be collected. If more information is to be collected, please indicate what those data elements are that shall be electronically interfaced. ANSWER: The committee will need to research this question further. A response will be provided for the official posting. How is payment processing done through WebDriller ? Should the new solution include scope to interface with an electronic payment system? If so, can you please provide information on the system?ANSWER: Webdriller interfaces with the Commonwealth ePAY gateway – through a webservice developed and implemented by DCNR. This will need to be retained.How is WebDriller application integrated with PaGWIS and TopoGeo applications?ANSWER: WebDriller sends nightly updates to PaGWIS via batch files. Where are the images in PaGWIS stored and retrieved?ANSWER: Images are stored as flat files, with links from the Access database to where they are located. How will the new application interface/integrate with PAMAPANSWER: PAMAP is irrelevant for the inititive. The Interface/integration with PAMAP is not in the requirements and not part of the scope. Does electronic correspondence exist in any of the 5 systems? If so which systems and to what extent?ANSWER: All The communication is being done via emails.Is it expected that all information shown on the Location Plat sample in the Appendix E shall be recorded in the new system? If not, please specify what sections of that form shall not be collected.ANSWER: Yes.Is it expected that all information shown on the Fluid sample in the Appendix E shall be recorded in the new system? If not, please specify what sections of that form shall not be collected.ANSWER: Yes.Is it expected that all information shown on the Plugging sample in the Appendix E shall be recorded in the new system? If not, please specify what sections of that form shall not be collected.ANSWER: Yes.Is it expected that all information shown on the Survey sample in the Appendix E shall be recorded in the new system? If not, please specify what sections of that form shall not be collected.ANSWER: Yes.Please confirm DCNR’s Architecture preferences and please provide preferred software versions for:Application Development (.Net, Dynamics, Sharepoint)ImagingImageryGIS tools (ArcInfo)Database (Oracle, SQL)Security/Single sign onWeb Apps/Public facingWorkflowMobileANSWER: Application Development (.Net 3.5, 4.0, Dynamics CRM 2011, Sharepoint 2010)Imaging On-Base 11 (staging) 3.7 for productionImageryGIS tools (ArcInfo)Database (Oracle current (preferred , SQL server 2005 current (preferred 2008R2)Security/Single sign on - NoneWeb Apps/Public facingWorkflow NoneMobile NoneIs the contractor responsible for architecture product decisions? Who is responsible for software/hardware licensing purchases? ANSWER: DCNR must approve any architecture products and DCNR will be responsible for any licensing purchases required.Would you consider using MS Azure to host public facing data, at least from an image serving perspective?ANSWER: Not at this time. Is DCNR providing the following environments - development, test, training, production?ANSWER: Yes. What version of Onbase is used– does it support APIs? Are the Geophysical logs stored in Onbase, or as standalone files on a server?ANSWER: We are currently at version 3.7 (but we are on standby for upgrade to 11.0), geophysical logs are stored as standalone files in two locations: on a server (for DCNR internal use) and “ftp” site (for external users). Does DCNR want to continue to use a temporary storage location for data before it moves to permanent production storage?? Can you describe about how this works? ANSWER: Committee was not certain of the context. However we should generally be getting away from temporary storage so we’d recommend against a planned solution that utilizes it.Are there planned upgrades to user workstations? ANSWER: Currently, we are upgrading the workstations to Windows 7 professional which is 80% complete.What tags or common identifiers will you use to store and identify documents?ANSWER: All data comes from the scanned document. API is the unique identifier. Who is building the Stratigraphic Database? What is the timeline for implementation of the stratigraphic data information management system? How will the two proposed systems connect? Will the two systems be designed in parallel? If not, what are the dates for SDIMS development? The RFQ mentions that all database design elements developed with the SDIMS need to be honored in the DCNR RFQ system. What sort of coordination will exist between the two developing teams?ANSWER: The vendor for the Stratigraphic Database has not been selected as yet; however, the proposals have been received and are being evaluated. Based on the bidding timelines, that vendor will have been selected prior to this initiative. It is a smaller (more focused) project, meaning it is expected that the design will be completed prior to the finalization of the Requirements Gathering of this project. DCNR will be able to work with the Selected Vendor of this RFQ during negotiations on marrying up the timelines of the two initiatives, taking into consideration the timelines proposed by the selected vendor of the Stratigraphic Database. Bare in mind – regardless of the vendor that wins that bid, all proposing vendors are required to honor the same overall methodology defined in the RockIT attached as an appendix to this RFQ, so all vendors who received this RFQ have an initial understanding of the expected design. During the course of both initiatives, DCNR will coordinate the communication and sharing of information. It is the same business area that is BITS’ customer for both initiatives. All Commonwealth contracts require vendors to work collaboratively with other vendors, and this RFQ will be no different. And it should be noted that the same mandate to work collaboratively with other vendors is in that RFQ as well, calling out this RFQ specifically.Is DCNR willing to change business processes (reference page 36). If so, who is responsible for business process development, design and implementation?ANSWER: The vendor is to meet with DCNR SMEs to determine actual business processes, look at opportunities for better processes and prepare a requirements and design document that reflect that feedback. Yes – we are looking for vendor aid for business process re-engineering. Please confirm that the vendor can provide a fixed price for each major deliverable in the cost matrix and not each individual line. Or does each deliverable line require a separate price?ANSWER: To ensure regular payments, DCNR recommends a cost per each deliverable. This will also help to minimize areas of cost impact for any potential changes during the course of the ensuing contract. Would DCNR be open to fixed price requirements and design with a range of hours for development since the requirements are not completed?ANSWER: If you need that flexibility, it is recommended you leverage the 40% T&M allowance for RFQs. NOTE: When using T&M, vendors are required to still provide a total cost for the initiative, as the final contract will be a fixed-price contract.Do you have a current vendor who is maintaining any of the systems?ANSWER: There is an on-board vendor that has been support various applications for DCNR for the past 5-years. That staffing contract will not be re-bid after its conclusion at the end of this calendar year. They have provided updates to the water well systems, and their understanding of these systems will be transferred to Commonwealth staff. For the oil and gas well systems, there is an as-needed Citrix vendor, but that is it. DCNR Commonwealth staff “support” those systems, but the term “support” is to be used loosely. The applications are written in technologies which are not part of the general skill sets of DCNR staff. Please clarify the role of the vendor in data conversion. On Page 91 it states that the vendor is responsible for data conversion – On Page 94 it states the vendor is responsible for the plan. Who is responsible for data purification and cleansing? Who defines data conversion rules if data is inconsistent across systems?ANSWER: It is expected that the Vendor assist DCNR in clarifying needed data purification, pursuant with their own observations and observations contained in the gap analysis. DCNR will provide resources for data cleansing.Does the project scope include any architecture considerations required to resolve master data differences received from E&P Land, Operations and Production Accounting functions after the solution is live?ANSWER: Committee members are unsure as to what this question is referring to.Please clarify responsibility and length for system maintenance after implementation.ANSWER: DCNR will be responsible for system maintenance post implementation but the vendor should supply documentation and knowledge transfer to DCNR staff.Please clarify the data management and data reporting requirements. What is the level of ad-hoc reporting, analytics and pre-defined reports that are expected in the new system?ANSWER: At the least any final solution should contain reporting equivalent to what is found in the existing systems. Consolidation of reports would be acceptable provided that there’s no loss of reporting functionality overall. Ad-Hoc reporting is encouraged but should not be used in place of specific reports that may support DCNR business requirements.Will DCNR provide domain expertise related to understanding of the data elements and business processes or do you require the vendor to have the domain knowledge required?ANSWER: While DCNR does have SME available, it is expected that the vendor will have inherent understanding of this area of business. DCNR is not interested in “training” vendor in the domain.It is mentioned that the geospatial information for water wells is largely incomplete and/or potentially unreliable in its current form. Is the selected vendor expected to analyze map imagery to improve the quality of the geospatial information associated to water wells as part of the implementation of the new system?ANSWER: Waterwell data clean-up is not part of this project so answer is No.Is OnBase going to continue to be the document repository for the Wells Information System?ANSWER: On-Base is available for use; however, vendors need not box-in their solutions with the assumption that On-Base or any EDMS specific tool must be used. If vendors determine that an EDMS solution should still be a part of the final solution, then On-Base is our standard EDMS tool. What database software is the Stratigraphic data stored in?? What is the expected method of communication between the Wells Information System and this data (direct database link, web services, etc.)?ANSWER: The Stratigraphic Database is in Oracle. See Question 107.c.There are references throughout the documents to a mapping system.? Does DCNR expect the Wells Information System to include a mapping solution, or does DCNR expect the Wells Information System to interface with a GIS that already exists at DCNR?? If the expectation is to interface with an existing GIS system, what software (name and version) does that GIS system utilize?ANSWER: Yes, DCNR expects the new system to include a mapping solution, and the agency works almost exclusively with ESRI products, so it is anticipated that the GIS would be an ESRI product or ESRI-compatible.On page 69 of the main RFQ document, it is stated that the Wells Information System must provide the ability to manage paid subscriptions to the PA*IRIS functionality.? This would include tracking users, logging activity, and tracking payments.? It states that subscriptions will be paid online.? What payment methods must be supported (credit card, ACH debit, PayPal, etc.)?ANSWER: ACH and credit card..Is the firm that conducted the gap analysis (TreCom Systems Group) eligible to bid on this project?ANSWER: See Question 11.Please refer to paragraph IV-3.A.2 on page 91: “The Data Model must be developed as “’least common denominator’ of all current systems sources”.? Is it DCNR’s intent that the only data elements to be stored in the Wells Information System are those that are common to oil, gas, and water wells?? If so, is this meant to imply that other data that is currently being collected can be eliminated if it does not meet that criteria?? Alternatively, is it implied that DCNR will require water well drillers to meet the same data submission requirements as oil and gas well drillers?ANSWER: That is referring to the goal of data being stored once. Example – there should be one area for storing locational data. Water requirements will not be at the same level as oil and gas.OnBase is described on several occasions in the RFQ as the “Enterprise Content Management software in use by DCNR to store all imaged documents for oil/gas wells.”? (page 34)? Is it DCNR’s expectation that OnBase will be the software of choice for the storage and presentation of all image files in the new Wells Information System?ANSWER: Given the ability to scan, store and retrieve documents with basic .net coding, and full EDMS may not be needed. Even the current search engines are able to search text from within documents. The role Any-Doc fills may still need an EDMS-type solution. But in areas where is appears that newer web technologies may allow for DCNR to streamline the tool used by all of these systems, DCNR is well open to that possibility. Can DCNR please delineate how it views the scope of the Wells Information System project in relation to the scope of the Stratigraphic Information Data Management System project?ANSWER: See Question 43.On pages 57 and 58 DCNR refers to the “Base Maps” functionality of WIS and a “statewide fields and pools GIS” project in progress at TopoGeo.? Please explain the desired Base Maps functionality, and how the fields and pools project would be leveraged “into better functionality for the new wells system”.ANSWER: The base maps functionality should allow external and internal users to view and/or print desired areas of the state at various scales (including but not limited to 1:24,000 (i.e.,7.5 minute) and county-wide (variable) scales). Users should be able to select layers of coverage as they “build” their own base maps, including but not limited to topographic coverage, well spots, political boundaries, and oil and gas field and pool boundaries. The “fields and pools” project as mentioned in the RFQ is intended to provide updated field and pool boundaries that should be used as a starting point for tracking such boundaries with continued well drilling and development work. In other words, this project will provide field and pool boundaries current as of December 31, 2011, but the new wells system should be able to incorporate these boundaries and allow certain DCNR internal users to edit them to keep them current from this point onward.Will the DCNR allow the network and data servers/systems to be available to the project developers remotely via VPN or other mechanism during the course of the project? Would this apply to all systems involved?ANSWER: Vendors should expect that no remote access to internal systems will be available.At a future date, does DCNR plan to allow only electronic submission (while no longer accepting hard copies) of the data required for oil/gas and water wells such as permit applications, location plats, geophysical data,? well completion, plugging certificates, and production reports? When these data need to be entered from hard copy submissions, how is that currently handled?ANSWER: There will definitely be a transition period of paper to electronic submittals as DEP moves forward with its proposed e-permitting system for its oil and gas program. DCNR’s system must be robust enough to accept both types of data from DEP, though, in order to capture all available data. Currently, PA*IRIS/WIS employs a scanning/OCR process to incorporate data on paper records into our digital database for further interpretation and ultimate archival.We continue to have a few paper copies of water well completion reports come in in place of using WebDriller.Does DCNR have an RDMS database platform preference, SQL Server to Oracle or vise-versa?ANSWER: See question 12.Has an RDMS platform for the Stratigraphic Information Repository been established? If so, what is it?ANSWER: Yes – Oracle 11g.Appendix F shows internal GIS systems and several servers with ESRI ArcGIS software. Does DCNR currently have a web-enabled GIS? Is the ArcGIS software on the servers shown in the diagrams in Appendix F an ArcGIS Server instance? In addition, does DCNR/DEP plan to make web-enabled GIS mapping components available to the public or would this functionality only be available to internal users?ANSWER: DCNR does have a web-enabled GIS. And, while DCNR receives data from DEP, there is currently no unified initiative for a combined GIS map. ArcGIS Server duplicate instances of ArcGIS Server are running in the DCNR development environment inside the firewall and on our webservers facing the public. Data will certainly be queried from the WIS/PA*IRIS backend databases for integration/use in web-enabled GIS, both internally and externally.? So while this isn’t a requirement of this project, one of our long-term intents is to use pieces of the data in web-enabled GIS.The Requirements section on page 92, #2(a) states “Any Interfaces built for the unified wells system is be web-based and not client-side in nature, requiring no installation on the part of the users of the system(s).”? It is understood that no “desktop-based” software will be required to use the new system and it will be available through the web browser. However, some common technologies used to build Rich Internet Applications (RIA)s require the client to install some plug-in components for their internet browser(s). Some common examples of this are javascript-enabled functionality, Adobe Flash, and Microsoft Silverlight. Is DCNR amenable to using these sorts of client-side technologies that may require some degree of installation on the part of the user?ANSWER: There is no problem with the plugins, however, make sure future updates to this plugin would not affect the system.What is the basis for the 18-month Period of Performance? Is the 18-month timeframe a firm deadline of the DCNR?ANSWER: The 18-month timeline is purely an estimate.Section II-6 does not specify if the project team is required to be onsite at DCNR. Is that a requirement? ANSWER: Given the intricacies involved in the development of the wells system, DCNR is not interested in an off-site team. That being said, DCNR specifically requires having primary staff, such as the project manager (when working on this effort), the primary technical developer or technical lead for given phases of the effort, to be on-site. However, ancillary or part-time staff are not required to be on-site.If the project team can be off site, are there geographic restrictions, and if so, what are they?ANSWER: NoneIf the team is to be on site at DCNR:At the onsite location, how many desks will be available for the project team?ANSWER: DCNR can accommodate 3 contractors and if there are more than 3 then we’ll work with the vendor to make arrangement as needed during the project lifecycle.Appendix G - Gap Analysis, says that it was prepared by a vendor. Who was the vendor?ANSWER: TreCom Systems Group.Were any recommendations offered by that vendor when providing the Gap Analysis? ANSWER: Vendor recommendations were not considered for this RFQ. Only the inventory of gaps and overlap were used for this RFQ.Will the vendor who provided the Gap Analysis be allowed to bid on this RFQ?ANSWER: See response to Question 11.Will travel to other locations in the Commonwealth be required? If so, what other locations will be visited and how often?ANSWER: Refer to Question #2.Do you have a specific desire for an industry standard data model (APDM, PPDM, etc.) to be used? And if so, please specify DCNR’s preference.ANSWER: We do not have a preference for these particular datasets but would certainly be open to vendor recommendations in this regard.What Spatial Data standards is DCNR using (ESRI, etc.)?? What Version (9.3, 9.3.1, 10, 10.1 Beta, Other)?? Please specify. ANSWER: The data managed at DCNR is developed to either FGDC standards or more stringent internal requirements.? Our central Oracle Geodatabases are currently version 9.3 and we are using Version 10 of ArcGIS Desktop and Server.Is there any existing GIS solution(s) that this new system will need to integrate with? If so, please name.ANSWER: No.Is there a preference between SQL Server and Oracle?? What version is expected to be used?ANSWER: Oracle 11G or laterWhat is the DCNR’s time table for this system to be completed and implemented?ANSWER: The estimated 18 month.Does the Commonwealth have available Performance Test tools to meet the Performance Test requirements described in the RFQ? Please note: most major Performance Test tools have restrictive licenses that preclude service providers from leveraging these tools for their customers.ANSWER: Not at this time.The section on Accessibility Testing references ITB E.4. We have located ITB ACC001 and ODP ACC001A which both describe Accessibility Testing. Is there an additional document you can refer us to or will the above mentioned documents suffice?ANSWER: Those documents will suffice.What is the envisaged duration for this development? Is it expected to be completed within 18 months?Ref: RFQ Page 16, The term of the purchase order will commence on the Effective Date and will end in 18 months.ANSWER: Yes, completion in 18 months, or vendor determined schedule.What is the dependency on the Stratigraphic Data Information Management System project with this project? Are we looking at reuse of any of the components developed in that project?Ref: RFQ Page 32, IV-2. Nature and Scope of the Project: Another project that will running concurrently with this effort (though running slightly ahead of this one) is a Stratigraphic Data Information Management System RFQ, whose database design elements will need to be honored within this system for geologic data representation.ANSWER: See response to question 43.What kind of interface exists between eFACTS and WIS?Ref: RFQ Page 36, IV-2. Nature and Scope of the Project D. Detailed Systems Descriptions: This encompasses providing hard copy documents to DCNR as well as data through an interface from DEP’s Environment, Facility, Application, Compliance Tracking System (eFACTS) to the Wells Information System (WIS).ANSWER: Basic well permitting data is shared annually from eFacts to WIS. What system and interfaces exist between WIS and other systems?Ref: RFQ Page 37, IV-2. Nature and Scope of the Project 1. WIS. The location plat is sent from DEP to DCNR so that it can be scanned and stored in OnBase, the enterprise content management system in use by the TopoGeo.ANSWER: The WIS has an interface with eFACTS for daily data transfer from DEP but other than that there is no direct interface with any other system. There is no interface between systems for the images.What is the impact of these reports on the new system to be developed? Do these Reports need to be developed?Ref: RFQ Page 45, WIS : Record Annual Production Reports.BOGM (YIS3010), Filter Production Data (YIS3030), Export, Delete, or Set Error Flags on Production Data (YIS3050), and Record Annual Production Reports (WIS0520).ANSWER: DCNR is looking for the vendor to assist with streamlining, replacing, or otherwise “fixing” reports related to production data, depending on how our collaboration with DEP’s BOGM with this subject goes in the coming months. Those reports that we are no longer interested in are identified as such in the RFQ.What is the impact of these on the new system to be developed? Do these need to be developed?Ref:RFQ Page 45, WIS : Pending Logs Request Letters (WIS0630) & Rock Samples (WIS0550).ANSWER: “No” on both accounts.Should Appendix G - Gap Analysis Report.pdf be treated as a comprehensive requirements document for the consolidated Wells system?Ref: RFQ Page 35, B. Gap Analysis.ANSWER: No – it was only an inventory of gaps and overlaps of the current systems. Requirements of a future state must still be determined. Can we assume that Data cleanup for PaGWIS is not in scope for this RFQ?Ref: RFQ Page 88, b) Staff Augmentations for Data Clean-up (data Entry & Database)ANSWER: See question #53.Is data cleanup and migration in scope for this RFQ?Ref: RFQ Page 91, 5. Data clean-up and verification (legacy data coming from multiple sources)ANSWER: See question #48.In what format are these reports generated?Ref: RFQ Page 55, Reports in WISANSWER: The Oracle Discoverer Forms is being used for the WIS Reports.What is the impact of this project on WIS system? Do we need to reuse any of the components being developed as part of this project?Ref: RFQ Page 58, TopoGeo is currently rebuilding its statewide fields and pools GIS, first created in in 2005. This project will produce an appropriate ArcGIS geodatabase, and accurately represent the current extent and attributes of oil-and-gas-producing fields and pools in the Commonwealth.ANSWER: See answer to question #62. Why do we need these files to be installed on local desktops as PA*IRIS seems to be a web-based system? Can you share the high level architecture details of this application?Ref: RFQ Page 62, In order to use the web version, there are installation files that must be installed on the computer that will be accessing OnBase through the website instead of through Citrix.ANSWER: To access PA*IRIS in web browser, the user machine requires a customized OnBase web client plug-in because the OnBase document management system has been customized according to DCNR business requirements. Apart from uploading/downloading images, is there any other functionality available within OnBase?Ref: RFQ Page 62, The images stored in OnBase are also accessible through the web interface for OnBase.ANSWER: Refer to response for question #54.Is entire data stored in SQL Server made available in MS access format?RFQ Page 71, To create the downloadable files accessible from the PaGWIS website, the data from the SQL Server database is exported to Access.ANSWER: No – it is a subset of the data collected in SQL.Does Webdriller also interface with external applications like Payment Gateways? Os is this just a data source to track payments made?Ref: RFQ Page 80, WebDriller provides online functionality for the drillers to renew their licenses including paying for the license and to permit all of their rigging equipment.ANSWER: Webdriller interfaces with the Commonwealth ePAY gateway – through a webservice developed and implemented by DCNR.Apart from login screen, do we have any more screenshots/description about the functionality offered by this application?Ref: RFQ Page 87, 5. OGAPS > OGRE Functionality.ANSWER: The focus here is just that DCNR receives data transfers.Are we looking at completing Phase 1 and Phase 2 for both Oil & gas and water, but limit Phase 3 & beyond only for Oil & gas related functionality. In other words what would happen to Webdriller and PaGWIS systems if they are not migrated along with other systems?Ref: RFQ Page 94, DCNR is looking to perform Phase 3 and 4 for oil & gas first, and then for water, but there can be some overlap in the time table.ANSWER: DCNR is looking for all systems to be connected via Phase 3 and 4 activities. Is Oracle the preferred datastore for DCNR over SQL Server?Ref: RFQ Page 18. Oracle.ANSWER: Yes. Refer to question 12What development software required will be provided by DCNR?Ref: RFQ page 14 I-20. ResourcesWorkspaces for all development team members will be made available for the duration of the project.Workspace will include all office supplies and needed hardware and software.ANSWER: Ultimately this will be determined by the needs of the Vendor – possible software available will be: Microsoft Office, Visual Studio, SQL server Management Studio and comparable Oracle tools.This section does not include tasks or timeframe for User Acceptance Test (UAT). Please suggest the amount of time DCNR will need to perform UAT?Ref: RFQ Page 96, User Acceptance Testing.ANSWER: Vendor is to propose task and timeframe.Page 16 of the RFQ – what is the significance of the 18 month term of the PO?ANSWER: Refer to question #69Is the Commonwealth willing to accept less than 20% for the Disadvantaged Business Submittal?ANSWER: BMWBO has established the weight for the Disadvantaged Business Participation criterion for this RFQ as 20% of the total points. This percentage is set by BMWBO and cannot be changed for the RFQ solicitation. Is there an expected time frame for NTP?ANSWER: DCNR is of the understanding that by “NTP”, you mean Notice to Proceed. At this point DCNR does not anticipate issuance of a NTP/the start of this project until mid to late October 2012. Please note that this is simply an estimated date. The actual start date for this project will be determined based on the full execution of a Purchase Order document following the completion of the RFQ evaluation process.Page 35 Section IV-2 part B – “GAP ANALYSIS” “In late 2010, DCNR conducted a Gap Analysis to determine the feasibility and gaps in our goal of managing wells data in one overall system.”What company performed the Gap Analysis?ANSWER: See response to Question 71.Is the company that did the Gap Analysis able to bid on this RFQ for the development of this Wells Tracking System?ANSWER: See response to Questions 71.Page 35 Section IV part C – “High Level System Description” “The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania does not regulate water wells; however, according to PA Act 610 (the Water Well Drillers License Act), the Commonwealth does require that water well drillers be licensed in Pennsylvania, that all drilling rigs are permitted, and that a well completion report is submitted. “ “WebDriller is the online application used by DCNR to allow drillers to renew their licenses, permit their rigs, and submit official their completion reports. “It is our understanding from reviewing the RFP (RFQ) that WebDriller is one of the applications that will be re-written. Is that correct?ANSWER: Refer to Background and Question #17.Is the permitting, licensing, etc. function and related charges associated with them to be included in the rewrite?ANSWER: It would be better to think of WebDriller as more of a certification process, rather than a permit. If financial transactions are to be included, is the vision to use credit card processing to do so? And if so, will you be incorporating the Commonwealth’s shared service for processing credit card transactions?ANSWER: Credit card processing is the preferred method and yes any solution should utilize ePay.Page 14, I-20 Resources. Does DCNR require all WIS system design and development activities to be performed on-site at DCNR? If yes, how many design/development staff can be accommodated simultaneously between the DCNR’s RCOB office and TopoGeo Middletown office? ANSWER: Refer to Questions #2 and #70.b.i.Page 36, 1. WIS (a) Purpose – there is reference to OnBase. Does DCNR desire to continue to use OnBase for the new WIS or should alternative approaches be recommended? ANSWER: Refer to Question #54.Does DCNR wish to reinstate OnBase workflow tracking/notifications or should alternative approaches be recommended? ANSWER: Refer to Question #54.Page 38, 1. WIS (b) Functionality –Page 39, confirm that since the well permit number does not include the “-KKKK” extension of the API Number standard, neither DEP nor DCNR are currently soring and managing data about well sidetracks.ANSWER: DCNR has learned that DEP is, in fact, incorporating this API Number standard into their permitting activities moving forward. It is not relevant how far along either of our agencies are with respect to adopting this standard, but what IS important is that both agencies want their respective systems to be able to capture such formatting. Page 39, in cases where WIS already has an historic oil/gas well record and DEP issues a new permit number through eFACTS, then DCNR transfers the historical well data to the new permit number, does the same well exist twice in WIS under different permit numbers but with redundant data? If so, how is this linage tracked in order to avoid interpreting this as two separate wells? ANSWER: The answer is “no”. The historical well permit is stricken from PA*IRIS/WIS once the official DEP permit and legacy information is linked. In other words, the clerical staff works to transfer/re-index the paper trail from the historic permit number to the official DEP permit number.Page 42, Completion Report (WIS0450) – Stratigraphic Requirements and Page 88, Item 6. Other Considerations, (a) RFQ for Stratigraphic Data Repository. Clarify DCNR’s expectation regarding the selected contractor’s responsibility vis-à-vis the stratigraphic database system project that is being implemented under separate contract. What will that project provide as deliverables to this project that will be used to implement stratigraphic data management in WIS? ANSWER: From the Stratigraphic RFQ:“Database Design – The Contractor is to provide a well normalized ERD. Views are also to be defined, which will target the needs for data exports and reportingCreation of Data Export Utilities – Menu driven Sub-Deliverables to be provided are as follows (working with BITS DBA): Data Export for ArcGIS as a data table – A report writing software such as Oracle Discoverer may be utilized for the purpose of extracting data from the stratigraphic database in ASCII or MS Access format. The contractor will not be responsible for the installation of such software, but will be responsible for creating a view for users to easily extract the data. User would import data table into ArcGIS manually and use latitude/longitude coordinates to create a shape file for analysis.Generic Data Extract Utilities – Section 3.5, Data Export, of the RockIT Stratigraphic Information Data Management System, System Requirements Specification (SRS) reflect the major extract needs from this database. Flexible tools will also be needed for specialized extract requests, which will be received by T&G.Creation of Import Utilities – Import Utilities are to be developed (working with BITS DBA) for import to the centralized Oracle database from a number of alternative sources. …”Page 43, Modify Wells (WIS0570) – changing well locations. What are the reasons for changing well locations? ANSWER: There is more than one answer to this. There may be typos on DCNR’s part that the geologist sees and fixes in this screen to correct the well location, the operator may submit a more recent location plat with corrected survey data (due to a rig skid or other matters), or DEP may determine that previous location data was wrong, based on inspectors’ reports.What sources are used to identify more accurate well coordinates in WIS?ANSWER: Official well location data are found on the location plats forwarded to DCNR by DEP. Of these, “as-drilled” location plats are more accurate representations of a well’s location than the “proposed” location plats. DEP receives both types of plats from operators.What are the reasons for retaining the original well location? ANSWER: The Survey wanted adequate documentation for if/to what extent location data was manipulated in WIS (for those instances where DEP or operators might ask “why does this well plot here?”).If there are multiple well coordinates for the same well, how does DCNR identify/use the most accurate well location to avoid using inaccurate well locations? ANSWER: DCNR uses the most recent approved location plat as the “go to” location for a given well, but beyond this, we also want to ensure that the location data are in the requisite NAD83 GCS and that the location data are “as-drilled” rather than “proposed”.Page 52, County Municipality Cross reference (WIS0160) – Define what is meant by “New system should probably use a DCNR central table.” ANSWER: DCNR will provide this central/conform table, but basically it is a FIPS table. Page 55, Reports in WIS – Which of these reports are to be implemented in the new WIS system?ANSWER: The “error list” is the only report needed.Is it possible to get representative samples of each report is part of the new WIS system requirement? ANSWER: The screen shot of “error list” report can be made available.Page 59, Item iii Base Maps in WIS – Does DCNR envision the new WIS will have a GIS interface enabling users to add/edit well locations by clicking on a base map (with the completed statewide fields and pools layers) or will well location continue to be manually entered as is presently done in Oracle forms? ANSWER: Data editing as defined in previous questions are to be honored, but a base map being used as part of that process is something DCNR can consider. When does DCNR expect the statewide fields and pools GIS project deliverables will be completed?ANSWER: December 2012 at the earliest, March 2013 at the latest.Page 60, item viii CBM wells – If CBM well functionality is to be included in this scope of work, please describe the “additional data that are entered”, the “further manipulation of the data” that takes place, and the reporting functions that must be supported? ANSWER: CBM requirement is not to be included.Page 62, 2. PA*IRIS (b) Functionality – The Completed Base Map Quadrangles and Quadrangle Section Maps are both outdated since 2005. Is DCNR’s intention to continue the approach to manually plotting well locations on quadrangles, or is DCNR looking to implement an alternative solution for adding/editing well locations in the new WIS? ANSWER: DCNR has no intentions to support paper base maps (and manual well plotting that goes with it) moving forward. The new system must be able to take location data from the system and plot it digitally in a mapping interface; this will be a new and much needed component of this system.Page 67, 2. PA*IRIS (c) Architecture – What is the reason for maintaining ArcGIS Server and Base Maps at version 9.1? ANSWER: There were incompatibility problems with trying to run the Base Maps application in a more recent ArcMAP version.What is DCNR’s plan for upgrading ArcGIS Server from 9.1 to 10.x relative to the timeframe for this project?ANSWER: We are already using ArcGIS Server version 10.x (see above).Is Base Maps published by ArcGIS Server as map services or is Base Maps accessed via a direct database connection by ArcGIS Desktop?ANSWER: When it was working, accessed via a direct database connection by ArcGIS desktop. Our preference would be to access base maps as services.? We simply do not have the infrastructure/resources to be publishing our own base mapping services at this point and there are plenty of viable options readily available.Describe how Base Maps was once used by geologists to plot well locations. Were the well coordinates automatically captured by clicking in Base Maps? How was this tool implemented within WIS? Was this a web or desktop tool? ANSWER: It wasn’t. No. It’s an independent tool which data collected for WIS. It is a desktop tool.Pages 75/76, 3. PaGWIS (b) Functionality – Users can search for water wells using radial and polygon (rectangle/box) search forms. What technology was used and how was the geographic search implemented? ANSWER: The searches were implemented in Microsoft .NET 3.5 based against established quadrant data for the state of Pennsylvania.Page 82, 4. WebDriller (b) Functionality – Describe the technology that enables drillers to view a well location on a map, use the map to populate the latitude and longitude fields after closing the map, and validate the well’s coordinates fall within the selected county and municipality. Are coordinates automatically captured when the user clicks on a map to digitize the well location?ANSWER: The user either brings up BING maps from Microsoft and clicks on a location to generate the coordinates for Webdriller or the user enters coordinates in Webdriller and then can use the integrated BING maps to verify the physical location.A custom web service that accepts the location is used to return the municipality, county and quadrangle.Are county/municipal boundaries used for “point-in-polygon” validation? If not, how is the validation performed?ANSWER: The boundaries are not defined point by point, rather they are defined by a rectangle that is broadly representative of the geographic boundaries of the county.Page 89, 6. Other Considerations (b) Staff Augmentation for Data Clean-up (Data & Database) – Will the contractor selected for this project be responsible for any of the data cleansing referred to in this section? ANSWER: Refer to Question #8.Page 90, IV-3. Requirements, Item A.5 Data Clean-up and Verification. Please confirm that the data clean-up described here is limited to Extract/Transform/Load types of processing that can be automated through scripting, but excludes manual data entry to create new data or edit incorrect data.ANSWER: Refer to Question #8.Page 92, IV-3. Requirements, Item B System Requirements. There is no mention of GIS technology requirements for the new WIS even though several of the existing systems either once used, or currently use, mapping and geo-processing functions. If DCNR envisions the new system will integrate GIS mapping, editing, and geo-processing functions, please define DCNR’s requirements for GIS software development environment (version of ArcGIS Server to be used, supported ArcGIS Server APIs, published map and geo-processing services that are available).ANSWER: We will require utilization of ArcGIS Server 10.x and we support ArcGIS JavaScript and Flex API’s.? We routinely publish map and geoprocessing services in this environment and expect to do the same moving forward.?Question #PageSectionQuestion115.22nd BulletThe second bullet references a service category of “Software, Development, Time & Materials”. Does this mean that a portion of this contract is Time & Materials? If so, please identify which deliverables DCNR anticipates should be bid as time and materials and which should be bid as fixed price?ANSWER: Per the Master IT ITQ Statement of Work:Time and Materials (T&M) type services may be included as part of a deliverables-based project under the following circumstances:?The project involves updating and maintaining software,The project involves a portion of work that has no definitive timeline or deliverable that can be realistically projected, andThe project involves the use of alternative maintenance or development that is not amenable to a deliverable-based format.T&M type services cannot be greater than 40% of the original Purchase Order value.Vendors are to use best judgment and provide a Cost Proposal that fits within the constraints of these terms. HOWEVER, a total fixed price is to be provided in response to this RFQ. 116.14I-20The 1st bullet regarding workspaces states that they “will be made available if necessary”. Does DCNR prefer that the work take place at the offeror’s location? ANSWER: Refer to Question #70.b.i.117.14I-20The 1st bullet regarding workspaces states that they “will be made available if necessary”. B.2 on page 97 seems to indicate that DCNR will supply the work spaces. Please clarify this. ANSWER: DCNR will provide workspaces.118.14I-20If DCNR is providing the workspaces, what software will be provided to the offeror? ANSWER: Refer to earlier responses119.182nd tablePlease confirm the skill of Oracle 10g rather than Oracle 11g. ANSWER: Resources will need to know how to get data from 9i to 11G.120.26III-2 This section states “three (3) mandatory responsiveness requirements” that are non-waivable, but Section III-1 only lists two (2) mandatory responsiveness requirements. What is the third one?ANSWER: There are only two (2) mandatory responsiveness requirements. This was an error. The language contained within the first sentence of Part III-2 should read as follows: The two (2) Mandatory Responsiveness Requirements set forth in Part III-1 above (a-b) are the only RFQ requirements that the Commonwealth will consider to be non-waivable. The remaining language contained in Part III-2 remains unchanged.121.31IV-1.B.1Will there be a DEP business and technical contact person(s) provided to the Project to support the work for the eOGRE data transfers? ANSWER: Earl DCNR will request DEP involvement but cannot obviously guarantee it.122.89IV-2.6.bSo far 8,000 of 40,000 records have been cleansed with Federal money – Great Lakes Mapping Coalition – will this become part of this project to continue the cleansing or remain a separate effort? ANSWER: Sandip – refer to earlier Reponses123.89IV-2.6.bHow many hours has it taken to clean 8,000 records? ANSWER: Vendors are not required to clean data – so this is irrelevant. 124.89IV-2.6.bWill federal funding be a part of the funding for this effort? ANSWER: Federal funding will not be used for this project.125.90IV -3.A Does DCNR want to continue to use OCR capabilities and Key Word indexing as part of their imaging solution for the oil and gas wells? ANSWER: Yes.126.92IV-3.B.2 bPlease provide the versions of the .NET framework, CRM and Sharepoint that DCNR is currently using and that will be available for this project. ANSWER: Refer to Question #35.127.92IV-3.B.2 bIf CRM and/or Sharepoint is proposed as all or part of the solution, will DCNR make licenses available to all potential users (internal and external) for whom licenses will be needed? ANSWER: Because of licensing issues, these technologies cannot be leveraged for external purposes, but will be supplied for internal purposes. 128.92IV-3.B.8Pertaining to the requirement to leverage design aspects of the Stratigraphic database, will there be data exchange/transfer between this new Well Information System and that system required in this project?ANSWER: Refer to Question #107.c..129.92IV.3.B.9What is the date by which it is expected that SQL Server 2008 will be available?ANSWER: SQL 2008 R2 is currently available.130.96IV-4.D.1Please clarify that offeror is only to recommend training for external users and not to conduct training or prepare training materials. ANSWER: Yes, that is correct. 131.97IV-5.B.3Will DCNR be providing the work stations at its facilities for this effort? If so, how many work stations will be provided? ANSWER: Refer to earlier responses Question #PageSectionQuestion132.III-2 Technical Nonconforming ProposalsThis section refers to three (3) mandatory requirements listed in section III-1, but there are only two (2) listed. Please clarify.ANSWER: Refer to the answer provided to question number 120.133.IV-2 Nature and Scope of ProjectWhat affects will the Stratigraphic Data Information Management System project delays have on this project? What will be the contractor's responsibilities if this occurs?ANSWER: The stratigraphic RFQ is in the evaluation stage. The selection will occur prior to final negotiations for this initiative, and timelines will be reassessed at that point. A requirements document has already been created for that effort (the RockIT), so that will be a shortened phase, and again, well ahead of requirements and design for this initiative. Even so, should a delay occur which threatens the timeline of this effort, the wells design will be based on the RockIT elements and DCNR will take on the responsibility of needed modifications to the final stratigraphic methodology.134.IV-2.B Gap AnalysisWill the vendor who performed the Gap Analysis be precluded from bidding on this project? What role will that vendor play in the WIS implementation if another vendor is selected?ANSWER: refer to earlier response.135.GeneralWho authored and currently provides maintenance for WIS, WebDriller, PaGWIS, and PAIRIS?ANSWER: WIS – Auther - DEC. Webdriller – DCNR BIT, PAGWIS – Unknown and PAIRIS – unknown. DCNR BIT currently maintains all systems.136.GeneralIs it the intention of DCNR that contractors will be able to define, describe and provide costs to implement the desired system when the business requirements have not been gathered and in fact are a part of this project? Is there a reason that this project was not separated into two projects ... business gathering and development?ANSWER: Yes. Because there are so many systems in play, DCNR understand that requirements and design may be an iterive process as the applications area phased into one overall application system. It was seen as advantageous for the Requirements to be done as part of this RFQ, so we would not invest the effort in a vendor getting to know our business processes, and then baring them from the build, and educating another vendor on our needs.137.II-6The table provided in the section eliminated the C# skills, please explain.ANSWER: That is a typo – C+ should be C#138.GeneralIt is evident up this project requires high levels of data integration. in the RFQ there are no tools identified. Is it the contractor's responsibility to identify those tools?ANSWER: The contractor should provide recommendation of tools and coordinate with DCNR DBA staff on use and implementation.139.TrainingWhat are the training requirements for the external users?ANSWER: User manuals, animation videos and FAQs. Add more options as needed.140.IV - Work StatementDoes the Department have an object oriented methodology? If so, can you please provide?ANSWER: Not at present.141.IV - Work StatementWhat GIS layers are involved in this project? Please provide details.ANSWER: Basic base and boundary layers, along with data contained within these systems.142.IV - Work StatementPlease specify security requirements of the integrated system.ANSWER: DCNR wishes to retain the security roles of the current systems, with appropriate wider access to consolidated data tables. 143.IV - Work StatementIs Siteminder to be evaluated as a part of this project?ANSWER: No144.IV - Work StatementCan you provide the policy details of the individual systems today?ANSWER: All that is available are is one Requirements document and user manuals.145.IV - Work StatementPlease provide details of the ePay subscriber system in place today.ANSWER: EPay is accessed by an external DCNR webservice that formats XML data from standard data objects provided by the applications that consume it. Epay then returns responses which are then interpreted at the application level.146.IV - Work StatementWill the department provide resources for data cleansing and its efforts?ANSWER: please refer to earlier response for similar questions. 147.IV - Work StatementShould a contractor plan for a phased implementation or turnkey strategy? If phased what are the system priorities?ANSWER: Yes – Phased. These Phases are defined in the RFQ.148.IV - Work StatementWhat considerations should a contractor take in continuation of current business activities during the project phases?ANSWER: None – this effort is our top priority 149.IV - Work StatementAre there any legal, fiscal or business deadlines associated with this project?ANSWER: None.150.31IV - Work StatementPlease provide by system the number of users and the volume of data records in the systems' primary tables. What is the anticipated annual growth in users and data records?ANSWER: Refer to Question #14.151.31IV - Work StatementAre there any confidentiality/sensitivity issues related to the data??ANSWER: No.152.31IV - Work StatementWeb drillers renewing and paying for licenses seems like a completely different system from well location data. While data should be brought together is it really expected to be a common front end?ANSWER: the front end will look different to the user communities – the data of those interfaces are to come to a unified data source. 153.31IV - Work StatementWhat authentication mechanisms are currently in place? Will these be used going forward? Is there a user administration/management system requirement?ANSWER: The systems involved use several different authentication methods at present. It is expected that administration/management of users would be part of any solution. 154.46IV - Work StatementGiven that DEP's enterprise eFACTS system is their official record of well location data, could you elaborate on the data fields that would need to be transferred back to DEP once DCNR performs its "data maintenance on well locations and other pieces of well information."?ANSWER: Transfer scripts will be posted..155.46IV - Work StatementPlease describe how the production and waste report data collected in DEP's OGRE system relates to the data maintenance activities performed by DCNR on well locations.ANSWER: At this time, DEP and DCNR systems are not inter-related. We only receive a data dump from DEP. 156.82IV - Work StatementWebDriller provides online functionality for the drillers to renew their licenses including paying for the license.? Please elaborate on requirement for driller on line payments.ANSWER: We have continued to permit drillers who request to pay by check. However, on line payments should be credit card only.157.88IV - Work StatementAs part of the transparency required by Senate Bill 297 and PA Act 15 of 2010, DEP developed a public reporting website () and database that is a collection of historic production data from WIS and all production data collected in OGRE since 2010. In light of this, could you please describe the necessity of transferring production data from DEP OGRE to DCNR WIS?ANSWER: DCNR and DEP have differing missions. DCNR is a sub-surface role, DEP has the permitting role. Our customer are looking for a great deal of sub-surface information, which includes data concerning production. Questions Posed at Conference:For development of this application, is your preference .Net or Dynamics or do you not have a preference?Answer: No preference. Just a licensing concern for Dynamics. We understand limitations on remote access to DCNR network. If we provide our own development environment, is it OK to plan for an off-site development?Answer: That is acceptable, but it will need to meet to confines of the responses concerning off-site personnel of Question 70.You note there are no confidentiality requirements regarding data. Aren’t there water well information confidentiality requirements?Answer: No – Not from a DCNR perspective. There is a difference between public and private water wells. What we have in PaGWIS is what the Diller gives us and is public information. Via the Act, DCNR is required to publish this data.The RFQ is vague concerning mapping capabilities. Are those “desirable” or required functionalities?Answer: WIS – Required – used to post well spots and for internal users to do on-the-fly mapping to edit. External – just for reporting purposes. This would be new for water – but would be for reporting alone, and only as the data improves. How is the project being funded?Answer: By state funds with no special considerations.What is the expected role of the geologist on the project?Answer: Vendor will need someone who understands geologic data and terminology to simplify communications. Also for understanding the stratigraphic terminology.Is the project team expected to travel to Pittsburgh to work directly with the bureau staff in the oil and gas office?Answer: Yes – Refer to Question 2.What is the license approval process for drillers and drilling equipment?Answer: There is no approval process – a better statement is to call it a registration process rather than certification.Is the licensing process within the scope of the project?Answer: There is no process to consider.Can a driller’s license be revoked?Answer: Theoretically – yes, in practice – NoIs there an inspection process for the drilling equipment?Answer: No.Where is field and pool data stored?Answer: In the DCNR Enterprise Gospatial database (Oracle and ArcServer environment).Page 55 lists Error List Report (YIS3045). What kind of errors are listed in that report?Answer: Validations of DEP new data into WIS historic data.Will the DEP Oracle DBA be available to work with development team?Answer: DCNR will inquire, but cannot guarantee. Again – focus is on the transferred in data.Are the “mapping applications” envisioned to be map viewer type with data in the labels and forms highlighted on a map or is there an expectation of map driven workflow with editing on the map itself?Answer: There is to be no editing on the map externally. Internally – Yes – Just field and pools changes as new wells are drilled and new information is available.) Reference Page 19 – Financial Capability. Since this section is reviewed by an external Commonwealth department, can we submit 1 copy of the required information in a sealed envelope with the technical submittal? Answer: Yes. It would be acceptable to submit 1 copy in a sealed envelope with the Technical submittal. In addition, an electronic copy must also be submitted.Please define what the department considers “part-time” resources. Is it based on the direction of the project? Is it based on a given month? Is it based on a % of available hours? Is it the departments intent to allow off-site and/or off-shore development resources?Answer: Based on the Phase the project is in.PA*IRIS is currently a partner/subscriber – based fee system. WIS information is fee-based. Will these payment systems continue with the new system?Answer: Yes.Is usability testing in scope for the chosen vendor? If so, will DCNR recruit end users to participate?Answer: Yes, and Yes.Are there brand guidelines to follow for the UI design?Answer: Only DCNR Branding for external systems.Were task flows included in the research findings document?Answer: There was some workflow defined for WIS and some data transfer flows as well.How many review cycles are anticipated upon delivery at each milestone?Answer: 1 round, or 2 if changes are warranted. ................

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