En bonne forme, 8th Edition

En bonne forme, 8th Edition

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Selected Grammar Explanations in English

Chapter 12

Pronominal Verbs


1. A verb is called pronominal when it is conjugated with two pronouns: the subject pronoun and a pronoun that repeats the subject (the reflexive pronoun).

a. In the first person (je, nous) and in the second person (tu, vous) you always have two pronouns: subject + object.

je me lave tu te dépêches

b. In the third person, the subject can be a noun or a pronoun (il, elle, ils, elles, on); the repeated pronoun is always se.

Jean se présente. Il se présente.

2. In the infinitive form, the pronoun is se when you are simply using the infinitive of the verb.

Conjuguez le verbe s'aimer au présent.

If the infinitive of the pronominal verb follows a conjugated verb, the pronoun accompanying the infinitive corresponds to the subject.

Je ne peux pas me rappeler. Nous allons nous rencontrer?

Placement of Pronouns in Simple Tenses

1. In the negative form, ne is placed between the two pronouns.

Je ne me rappelle pas. Nous ne nous promenons pas.

2. In the negative imperative form, the subject pronoun is omitted.

Ne te fatigue pas. Ne nous battons pas.

3. In the positive imperative form, the reflexive pronoun is placed after the verb. In the second person singular form, this pronoun is toi (tonic or disjointed form).

Dépêchons-nous. Amusez-vous.

4. If the pronominal verb is accompanied by another pronoun, the reflexive pronoun is placed before the other pronoun.

Je m'achète ces chaussures. Je me les achète.

In the positive imperativeform, the order is as follows:

Brossez-vous les dents. Brossez-les-vous.

5. Interrogative form

Place the subject pronoun after the verb. The reflexive pronoun is the first word in the group.

Te regardes-tu? Se lavera-t-il?

6. Negative interrogative form

The negative form surrounds the entire group.

Ne te fatigues-tu pas? Ne vous aimiez-vous pas?

Placement of Pronouns in Compound Tenses

1. Positive form

In the past tense and in other compound tenses, the auxiliary is always être.

Je me suis promené. (past tense)

Tu t'étais regardé. (past perfect tense)

2. Negative form

Ne is placed between the two pronouns, pas is placed after the auxiliary.

Je ne me suis pas lavé.

3. Interrogative form

The subject pronoun is placed immediately after the auxiliary. The first word is the reflexive pronoun, the last is the past participle.

T'es-tu amusé?

4. Negative interrogative form

The negative form surrounds the pronoun + auxiliary group.

Ne vous êtes-vous pas ennuyés?


1. There are many pronominal verbs in French. Some of these verbs are reflexive and are easy to recognize because the subject performs the action on itself.

Vous vous lavez. You wash yourself.

2. Certain pronominal verbs are reciprocal: two subjects perform one action on each other or many subjects perform an action on other people. The pronouns translate as each other, one another.

Ils s'aiment. They love each other.

3. The majority of pronominal verbs have neither a reflexive nor a reciprocal meaning.

a. Some express the passive voice (see Chapter 21).

Ce journal ne se vend pas ici. This paper is not sold here.

b. Some pronominal verbs also exist in a non-pronominal form and have a different meaning in this form.

Je passe devant le magasin. I walk by the store.

Qu'est-ce qui se passe? What is happening?

Past Participle Agreement

1. For reflexive and reciprocal verbs, follow the agreement rules for the auxiliary avoir (see Chapter 2). The past participle agrees with the direct object preceding the verb.

a. When se (me, te, nous, vous) is the direct object, there is past participle agreement because this pronoun is also the subject.

Elle s'est vue.

b. When se (me, te, nous, vous) is the indirect object, there is no past participle agreement.

Ils se sont téléphoné.

2. For verbs that are neither reflexive nor reciprocal, the past participle agrees with the subject.

Les tableaux de Picasso se sont vendus pour des millions.


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