PlugInChain documentation

[Pages:31]PlugInChain documentation

PlugInChain for Mathwork's MATLAB Version 1.00.0 June 30, 2011 Medizinische Physik Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg Marion Wirschins, Thomas Rohdenburg, Tobias May, Stephan D. Ewert Corresponding author:

Copyright ? 2011, Medizinische Physik, Carl-von-Ossietzky Universit?t Oldenburg. Some rights reserved.

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Directory structure .................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Basic concept ............................................................................................................................ 4 1.3 Graphical User Interface (GUI)............................................................................................... 5 1.2.1 Pluginlist panel ...................................................................................................................... 6 1.2.2 PlugInChain Framework ...................................................................................................... 7 1.2.3 Plugins.................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2.4 Signal processing control .................................................................................................... 8 1.2.5 Batch processing .................................................................................................................. 8 1.4 Command line functions .......................................................................................................... 9 1.4.1 Initialization of plugins .......................................................................................................... 9 1.4.2 Run processing ................................................................................................................... 10 1.5 Examples of starting the PlugInChain ................................................................................. 10 2 The PlugInChain framework...................................................................................................... 11 2.1 Basic structure......................................................................................................................... 11 2.1.1 ConfigStruct ......................................................................................................................... 11 GlobalSettings ................................................................................................................. 11 Plugin ................................................................................................................................ 11 2.1.2 Signal.................................................................................................................................... 12 2.2 Plugin structure ....................................................................................................................... 14 2.2.1 Initialization .......................................................................................................................... 14 2.2.2 Block size ............................................................................................................................. 15 2.2.3 _init function......................................................................................................................... 15 2.2.4 _main function ..................................................................................................................... 16 2.3 Plugin lists................................................................................................................................ 16 2.3.1 Use existing plugin lists ..................................................................................................... 17 2.3.2 Create new plugin lists....................................................................................................... 17 2.3.3 Assessing the history of loaded plugin lists .................................................................... 18 3 Plugins.......................................................................................................................................... 19 3.1 Use plugins .............................................................................................................................. 19 3.2 Change plugins ....................................................................................................................... 19 3.3 Write new plugins ................................................................................................................... 19 3.3.1 Example 1 - IIR low-pass filter .......................................................................................... 20 3.3.2 Example 2 - Adaptation loops ........................................................................................... 22 3.3.3 Useful features .................................................................................................................... 25 3.4 PlugInChain rules ................................................................................................................... 25 3.5 GlobalSettings of the pluginchain......................................................................................... 26 3.5.1 Audiotory Profile.................................................................................................................. 26 3.5.2 Performance parameters................................................................................................... 26 4 Quickstart ..................................................................................................................................... 28


1 Introduction

The `PlugInChain' is a modular signal processing framework for research and development in MATLAB. It offers the functionality to build and to configure processing chains of individual signal-processing modules which are termed `plugins' in the following. A plugin may contain fundamental or advanced signal processing, e.g., a linear filtering. A chain of individual plugins is defined by a simple text file, a `pluginlist', and can be edited and executed via a graphical user interface or can be directly executed via the MATLAB command window. The user can refer to existing signal-processing functionality in the form of plugins and pluginlist and can built more complex signal-processing chains without knowing all the implementational details and without necessarily programming new own plugins. The PlugInChain offers frame-based signal-processing with arbitrary frame size. It provides a well defined interface between the plugins and the easily accessible and extendable structure of the plugins. Plugins can have configuration parameters that can be controlled via the pluginlist. In this way, it is possible to initialize a plugin with different settings without changing its source code. In order to store complete signal processing chains, only the pluginlist file (including the related configuration parameters) is necessary. Users are permitted to create custom plugins and plugin lists or derive them from included examples and to distribute their own creations in any form under any license independent of the PlugInChain. The plugin and pluginlist structure and the included examples are therefore licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) while the remaining PlugInChain is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0).

The PlugInChain package is available at or on demand per email from the corresponding author After downloading this zip-archive, unzip the included folder `pluginchain' to your harddisk, e.g., your Matlab working directory. Alternatively, create a directory for the PlugInChain with a name of choice and unzip the contents of the folder `pluginchain' in this zip-archive there (the folder structure of `pluginchain' is shown in Fig. 2.2). Third-party or custom plugins should be placed in the subfolder `pluginchain/plugins'.

This section will give a general overview about the functionality of the PlugInChain. The plugin structure and the use of plugin lists will be explained in more detail in section 2. Section 3 presents some more detailed information about how to use and to create plugins. The PlugInChain is, in principle, suited to process any type of data but is commonly used by the authors to process audio material. This documentation thus often refers to signals or audio data, without implying a limitation of the PlugInChain.

This work was supported by the Bundesministerium f?r Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) "Modellbasierte H?rsysteme".


1.1 Directory structure After extracting the PlugInChain package you should find a folder structure as presented in Fig. 2.2 In the working directory1 (`pluginchain'), the starting routines (pluginchain.m and pluginchaingui.m) for the PlugInChain, the additional help function makelist.m, some pictures for the GUI and a `ReadMe.txt' file are located. The main routines of the PlugInChain are located in the subfolder `base'. All available plugins are stored in the subfolder `plugins' (some plugins need extra databases or files that usually are stored in their own subfolder within the folder `plugins'). All general tools which may be used by the core routine or by several plugins are stored in `pluginchain_tools'. The folder `pluginlists' contains the plugin lists configuration files for using plugins or special signal processing chains of plugins with the PlugInChain. Additional audio files may be stored in the folder `waves'. Some special demo files for a special use of the PlugInChain can be found in `demo'. The documentation files are located in the folder `docs'. In the subfolder `html' (beside some pictures for the html documentation file) some MATLAB-generated documentation of m-files are located.

Figure 2.2: Folder structure of the PlugInChain package.

1.2 Basic concept The functionality of the PlugInChain structure is outlined in Fig.1.1. The main function coordinates the processing without having any knowledge about the particular plugins. The processing steps of the PlugInChain can be divided into three phases, namely 1. Initialize pluginchain main file with loaded plugin list 2. Initialize all plugins 3. Run (frame-based) processing routines of all plugins.

1The PlugInChain working directory can be visualized by the MATLAB command pwd


Figure 1.1: PlugInChain structure.

The first step initializes the PlugInChain by loading the desired plugin list and building up the graphical user interface, if required. In the plugin initialization phase, all relevant variables are initialized and stored in the plugin `Settings' structure. After every plugin is initialized successfully, the actual (frame-based) processing of the input signal is accomplished. Each plugin works independent of the other plugins, it is just necessary that the algorithm of a plugin can work with signal type produced by the prior plugin. The incoming data is managed by the framework and stored in separate arrays, so that each plugin can run with an arbitrary frame size. The PlugInChain can be controlled either from a Graphical User Interface (GUI) or from the command line.

1.3 Graphical User Interface (GUI)

The Graphical User Interface was designed to make the use of the PlugInChain more comfortable. It has two different modes ? the usual User mode for using and programming plugins and a developer mode that adds some functionality for editing the files of the PlugInChain framework itself.

The GUI-based version of the PlugInChain is started by typing


in the MATLAB command window (from the folder where the PlugInChain is installed). This command automatically initializes the PlugInChain and starts the GUI with the specified pluginlist `ListName.cfg'. The appearing graphical user interface is shown in Fig. 1.2 and is divided into three different control panels.

1. Plugin list 2. Plugins 3. Signal processing items (Reset, Initialize, batchprocessing)


If the function pluginchaingui is called without an input argument or if the specified pluginlist does not exist, the GUI is opened with a default pluginlist or the last loaded list displaying a warning message. It is possible to start pluginchaingui in developer mode: pluginchaingui([...],`Developermode',1). This requires the source code (m-files, not only executables) of the PlugInChain and will add additional buttons to the GUI to open the m-files of the framework directly in the MATLAB editor. The buttons are arranged in an additional control panel directly beneath the Pluginlist panel. In the following, the different panels will be described in more detail.

Figure 1.2: Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the PlugInChain.

1.2.1 Pluginlist panel The first panel shows the loaded pluginlist, which defines any number of cascaded plugins and optional configuration parameters for them. A pluginlist can be loaded by clicking with the right mouse button on the plugin list name display. The current plugin list can be edited with the adjacent button Edit and is shown on the upper right-hand side of Fig. 1.2. The first uncommented line of the pluginlist contains the string `GlobalSettings'. After that, all plugins are listed (in every line only one plugin name). The signal processing flow is de-


termined by the order of the plugins. Optionally, configuration parameters for the plugins are specified in the pluginlist, otherwise the default values defined in the plugin itself are taken.

To comment out a line the usual MATLAB sign `%' is used.

To define configuration parameters for a plugin or the `GlobalSettings', the following syntax has to be used:

- plugin name (or GlobalSettings), new line - Line with only opening bracket `(`, new line - expression for the configuration of the plugin e.g. `blocksize=1024;', new line

(new line for each parameter) - Line with only closing bracket `)'.

This is demonstrated in the following example. GlobalSettings ( % blockSize = 1024; ) readData ( command = `wavread'; targetname = `mywavfile.wav' ) Filterbank Resampler plotData

The first uncommented line in the file comprises GlobalSettings, the following user parameter blockSize in line 3 is commented out. For the first plugin in the list readData there are two user parameters set. They define that the reading option is `wavread' and specify the source for signal file to be loaded. For the last three plugins no configuration parameters are defined.

It is also possible to use plugins multiple times. For example, the pluginlist may use the plugin `plotData' two times, first after loading the audio data and second after transforming the signal. Every `instance' of a plugin gets its own configuration parameters, so that every time the plugin `plotData' appears in the list, it may have other configuration parameters.

1.2.2 PlugInChain Framework

In developer mode, the second section of the GUI contains the buttons for editing the PlugInChain files. It is recommended not to edit the files of the PlugInChain framework, except if it is necessary to define new parameters in the GlobalSettings of the PlugInChain.

1.2.3 Plugins

All plugins which belong to the loaded pluginlist (also named `configuration file') are described in detail in section three. One can access the configuration parameters of a plugin by


pressing the edit button for the pluginlist. This will open the file `Pluginlistname.cfg' in the MATLAB editor. In the current example, `Pluginlist.cfg' is shown in the editor in the upper right-hand side of Fig. 1.2. It was accessed by pressing the button edit just right of the field displaying the loaded pluginlist. The buttons on the right hand side of the listed plugins enable control over the initialization file *_init.m and the processing main file *_main.m. They are only needed for developing new plugins and to provide quick access for editing the plugin files. In the current example, the main file of the plugin `plotData_main.m' is shown on the lower right-hand side of Fig. 1.2.. It was accessed by pressing the button Main right of the field displaying the plugin `plotData'.

The plugin structure and corresponding files will be discussed in more detail in section 3.

1.2.4 Signal processing control

The button Start can be used to start the signal processing of the PlugInChain. First, all plugins are initialized by calling the function pluginname_init.m of all plugins from the frameworks base function pluginchain_init.m. The first plugin `readData' is reading during initialization phase the needed parameters for building up the `signal' structure (e.g. from the header of a wav-file). The processing of the input signal is then performed by calling the function pluginname_main.m of each plugin from the frameworks processing file pluginchain_process.m, whereas the function readData_main.m reads the signal data and stores it in the `signal' structure of the PlugInChain. The execution of the PlugInChain can be stopped by pressing the button Stop. Note that under MATLAB this is only possible between different processing steps and will not break a long calculation.

1.2.5 Batch processing

Each plugin is initialized with loading the configuration parameters from the configuration file (see lower right-hand side of Fig. 1.2). So far, a parameter was assigned exactly one value. If the PlugInChain should process data with several different values for a specific configuration parameter, a `batch variable' can be used. A batch variable can be defined by appending the character # at the end of the parameter name. For example the configuration parameter myVariable=0.3 can be defined as a batch variable myVariable# = {0.3,0.4,0.5}, whereby its multiple values (alphanumerical) need brackets `{}` and are stored in a cell array. It's also possible to use MATLAB code to initialize parameters. The batch processing can, e.g. be really useful if several audio files should be processed. Assume that the text file `batch.txt' contains a list of audio files as shown in Fig. 1.3.

1: ./waves/PeterHahne_kurz.wav 2: ./waves/PeterHahne.wav 3: ./waves/TestMeddis.wav 4: ./waves/testsinmod.wav

Figure 1.3: Text file batch.txt containing a list of audio files.

Typing the following line in the configuration file

targetname# = textread('batch.txt',[char(37),'s'],'delimiter','\n');

loads the file batch.txt into the batch variable targetname#. 8


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