Vocabulary/Key Terms: You should be able to define or ...


□ Artifacts

□ Primary Sources

□ Secondary Sources

□ Anthropology

□ Historians

Early Peoples:


Out of Africa theory

Hunters and gatherers- nomadic groups vs. agrarian

□ Traditional economies

□ Neolithic Revolution

□ Gender roles

□ Requirements of civilization

Geography: It’s role in the development of civilizations….

River Valley Civilizations (4000 – 1000 BCE):

□ Mesopotamia- “land between two rivers”- Herodotus- Tigris and Euphrates- the fertile crescent

□ Egypt- Nile

□ India- Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa along the Indus Valley

□ China- Yellow River- “river of sorrows”

□ The role of geography in the development of early civilizations.

□ Centralized government- irrigation systems

Migrations- what they are and why they occur


□ Yellow River (AKA Huang He), Yangtze River (AKA Chang Jiang)

□ Plateau of Tibet,

□ “Middle Kingdom”- surrounded by mountains/desert:

o Himalayan, Tian Shan, Altai, Kunlun Mtns

o Gobi and Taklimakan Deserts


□ Peloponnesian Peninsula

□ Mediterranean Sea, Ionian Sea, Aegean Sea- many ports

□ Mountainous (Mt. Olympus), Islands, Isthmus’

□ The role of geography in the formation of city-states.


□ Mediterranean Sea, Italian Peninsula, Apennine Mountains, Alps


□ Monsoons, Subcontinent, Indian Ocean, Deccan Plateau

□ Indus and Ganges Rivers

□ Himalayan Mountains, Hindu Kush Mountains, Khyber Pass

Middle East

□ Mesopotamia:

• Tigris and Euphrates Rivers – harsh flooding (silt)

□ Egypt:

• Nile River, Yearly floods, silt, Delta

• Upper and Lower Egypt, “Bread Basket”

• Deserts (Sahara)

□ Arabia:

• Arabian Peninsula, Desert, Oasis, Persian Gulf

□ Russia/E. Europe/Asia Minor:

• Asia Minor: Centralized location between Asia, Europe and the Middle East, Bosporus Strait- links Black and Mediterranean Seas

• Russia/E. Europe:

Early Civilizations

Mesopotamia (3500-400 BCE)

□ City-states: eg Babylonia, Sumer, Akkad

□ Cuneiform

□ Gilgamesh

□ Hammurabi’s Code

Phoenicia (1550 BCE - 300 BCE)

□ “carriers of civilization”, Seafarers, Phonetic alphabet.

Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties (1650 BCE – 256 BCE)

□ Shang:

• Ancestor worship

• Oracle bones- early writing with characters

□ Zhou

• Mandate of Heaven

• Dynastic Cycles

• Feudalism

Early India:

• Indus River Valley (2500-1700 BCE)

o Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa

□ Large, well organized cities.

□ Polytheistic


□ Old (2700 BCE-2200 BCE): Pyramids

□ Middle (2050-1800 BCE): Hyksos

□ New Kingdoms (1550-1100 BCE): Ramses II, Hatsepshut, Akhentaten, Hitiites

□ Pharaoh- unified empire

□ Polytheistic

Belief systems: How do they unite/divide? How can we compare them.

□ Polytheism v. Monotheism

□ Animism

□ Judaism: Torah (Old Testament )

• 10 commandments

• Monotheistic, believe in the coming of theMessiah

□ Christianity: Bible (Old and New Testaments)

• Bible: Old and New Testaments

• Jesus, Paul, Disciples, Missionaries

• Messiah

• Persecution and salvation

• Why it appealed- the message

• Schism : Catholicism/ Eastern Orthodox

□ Hinduism: (Vedas, Upanishads)

• One god, many forms

• Dharma, Karma, Moksha, reincarnation

• Reinforces the caste system

□ Buddhism

• Siddhartha Guatama- Buddha

• 8 fold path, 4 Noble Truths

• Reincarnation, Nirvana, Ahimsa, equality

• Theravada v. Mahayana

□ Islam: (Koran)

• 5 Pillars, Jihad, Sharia, Ka’aba, People of the Book”

• Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem

• Muhammad

• Shiite v Sunni

• Rapid Spread

□ Confucianism – (Analects)

• 5 Basic Relationships

• Impact on Chinese SPE

□ Legalism

• Founder (Han-Fei)

• Leader to adopt it under Shi Huangdi- Qin Dynasty

□ Daoism (Taoism)- Tao Te Ching (Dao-De Ching)

• Lao Tze

• Harmony, Yin Yang

Classical Civilizations:

Greece: City States

□ Athens:

• Direct Democracy, but has slavery

• Pericles during its “Golden Age” – a time of great art, culture and science

• Famous philosophers – Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

• Strong Navy, Fights Peloponnesian War with Sparta.

• Delian League

□ Sparta:

• Oligarchy with many serfs (helots) who were not citizens

• Very militarist – all citizens received military training

□ Alexander the Great – unites Greece, conquers Persia and Egypt; Hellenistic Age – sharing of many cultures


□ Republic (approx 500 BCE – 0):

• Senate, Tribune, Consuls, Dictator

• Plebeians, Patricians,

• Gracchus Brothers, Julius Caesar

□ Empire (approx 0-500 CE)

• First Emperor: Augustus

• “Pax Romana” – Roman peace – time of prosperity, peace, trade throughout Empire

• Road system, Bread and Circuses

□ Body of laws: The Twelve Tables

• Applied to all citizens

• Innocent until proven guilty; right to face accuser

• Compare with other ancient bodies of law: Hammurabi’s Code, 10 Commandments, Justinian’s Code

□ Diocletian

□ Internal and external causes of the decline of the Roman Empire.

India (300 BCE- 500 CE)

□ Maurya Empire (300-100 BCE)

• Greatest Emperor was Ashoka – spread Buddhism

□ Gupta Empire (300-500 CE)

• a “Golden Age” of culture and science

• invented “zero”

China (200 BCE – 200 CE)

□ Qin Dynasty unites China under ideas of Legalism

□ Han Dynasty

□ Confucian “Merit System” to choose government officials, civil service exam

□ Invention of paper, monopoly on silk

Similarities between Han China and Roman Empire

□ Both empires are a time of prosperity, trade networks

□ Both fall because of barbarian invasions

□ Interaction between cultures – cultural diffusion

□ Silk Road – gunpowder, paper, trade goods

□ Indian Ocean trade network connects China to India to Europe (after Vasco da Gama)

□ Chinese ideas diffuse to Korea, Japan, SE Asia

Golden Age of Islam (600 – 1200)

□ Begun by Muhammad, founder of Islam

□ Expansion by conquest (esp. during Umayyad Dynasty, 650-800); then by conversion

□ Baghdad was capital of Abbasid Dynasty (800 – 1200) and great trading city

□ Ibn Battuta travels throughout Islamic lands – from Africa to Spain to China

□ Great advances in mathematics, medicine, astronomy

□ What’s a “Golden Age?”

African Trading Kingdoms

□ Ghana, Mali, and Songhai

□ Mansa Musa, Spread of Islam

□ Timbuktu, Slave Trade, Salt, Gold..


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