DOES YOUR FAMILY Credit Insurance: Important Information ...






Credit Life Insurance

Protect your family with coverage that may pay a death benefit toward the pay off of your loan.*

? Protection for the term of your loan ? In most states, maximum enrollment age is 64 ? Single and joint coverages available ? Eligibility requirements may apply

Coverage provided by: American Health and Life Insurance Company Securian Life Insurance Company


say they would have trouble paying living expenses if their primary wage earner died.1


can expect to be out of work for at least a year because of a disabling condition before they reach

normal retirement age.2

Credit Disability Insurance

Your monthly payment may be taken care of if you are unable to work due to an illness or injury.*

? Must work full-time (30 hours per week) ? In most states, maximum enrollment age is 64 ? Single and Joint coverages available in

most states ? Eligibility requirements may apply

Coverage provided by: American Health and Life Insurance Company Securian Life Insurance Company

Credit Involuntary Unemployment Insurance

Get coverage that may pay toward your monthly payment if you become involuntarily unemployed during the term of coverage.*

? Covered losses include involuntary termination of employment and layoff

? Must work at least 30 hours per week ? No age restrictions ? In most states, you must qualify for

state unemployment payments to receive this benefit ? Eligibility requirements may apply

Coverage provided by: Triton Insurance Company


indicate they have enough savings to cover three months of living expenses in the event they are not earning any income.1

1 LIAM/PDF/Facts-of-Life_2017(1).pdf 2

* See reverse side for coverage exclusions and limitations.

Facts About Credit Insurance

The purchase of these products is optional and not a condition of obtaining your loan.

? These products may only be purchased in conjunction with a loan.

? 30-Day Policy Review Period: A full refund will be made if canceled within first 30 days. Refund of any unused premium if cancelled after first 30 days.

? Death, Disability or Involuntary Unemployment must occur or begin during the term of coverage.

? Benefits are paid to the creditor and applied to your loan.

? Insurance subject to eligibility requirements and/or health questionnaire.

? Please read your Insurance Policy or Certificate of Insurance for specific coverage restrictions and limitations.

Credit Insurance: Important Information

Credit Life Insurance: ? Benefits are first paid to the creditor to apply to your loan balance. Any

excess insurance proceeds will be paid according to your Insurance Policy or Certificate of Insurance. ? A suicide exclusion typically applies. ? Death caused by pre-existing conditions may NOT be covered.* ? This insurance may not be enough to completely pay off your loan balance.

Credit Disability Insurance ? You must be disabled under a doctor's care and unable to work for the

period of time specified in your Insurance Policy or Certificate of Insurance before benefits are payable. ? In many states, disability caused by pre-existing conditions is NOT covered.* ? Disability caused by normal pregnancy, intentionally self-inflicted injuries, elective surgery, intoxication, use of narcotics (unless prescribed by a physician), flight in nonscheduled aircraft, and war is NOT covered in most states. ? The monthly disability benefit amount is limited to the lesser of: (1) your monthly loan payment or (2) the maximum monthly benefit amount stated in your Insurance Policy or Certificate of Insurance. ? Most states have a waiting period before benefits are payable.

Credit Involuntary Unemployment Insurance: ? In most states, the number of benefit payments per loss is limited and may

not cover the entire period of your unemployment. ? You must be involuntarily unemployed for 30 days before monthly benefits

are payable. ? Voluntary unemployment, resignation, retirement, criminal or willful

misconduct, self-employment, termination as independent contractor status, imprisonment, war, civil commotion/riot, knowledge of pending unemployment within 90 days prior to the effective date of the insurance, and loss of employment due to disability are NOT covered in most states. ? A maximum of one benefit will be payable if involuntary unemployment begins within 30 days of the effective date of coverage in most states, and the coverage will be terminated. ? The monthly unemployment benefit amount is limited to the lesser of: (1) your monthly loan payment or (2) the maximum monthly benefit amount stated in your Insurance Policy or Certificate of Insurance. ? Most states have a waiting period before benefits are payable.

*Generally, a pre-existing condition is a condition for which you received medical advice, diagnosis or treatment within six months prior to the effective date of coverage and which caused death/disability within the first six months of coverage. Other time periods may apply. See the Policy or Certificate of Insurance for the specific time periods which apply in your state.

For costs and further details, talk to your insurance agent or contact your local branch. Additional restrictions and limitations can also be found in the Insurance Policy or Certificate of Insurance for any credit insurance product purchased.

All products are subject to state availability.

American Health and Life Insurance Company and Triton Insurance Company are affiliated companies, meaning they share a common ownership and are sister companies within the OneMain group of companies.

P.O. Box 2548, Fort Worth, TX 76113 800-307-0048

077-90003 (REV 3-19)







Seguro crediticio y de vida

(Credit Life Insurance)

Proteja a su familia con un seguro que pagar? su prestaci?n en caso de muerte, para ayudarla a liquidar su pr?stamo total o parcialmente.*

? Protecci?n durante la vida de su pr?stamo ? En la mayor?a de los estados, la edad m?xima

para inscribirse es 64 a?os ? Hay seguros individuales y conjuntos

disponibles ? Podr?an aplicarse requisitos de elegibilidad

La cobertura est? a cargo de: American Health and Life Insurance Company Securian Life Insurance Company


de los consumidores confiesa que tendr?a problemas en cubrir sus gastos regulares si su principal proveedor de ingresos muriera.1

HOY, 1 DE CADA 4 podr? anticipar quedarse sin trabajo durante por lo menos un a?o,

DE LOS J?VENES por alguna dolencia o enfermedad

DE 20 A?OS incapacitante, antes de alcanzar la edad de su jubilaci?n.2

Seguro crediticio por discapacidad

(Credit Disability Insurance)

Sus pagos mensuales podr?an ser pagados en caso de que no est? en condiciones de trabajar debido a una enfermedad o lesi?n.*

? Usted deber? haber estado trabajando a tiempo completo (30 horas semanales)

? En la mayor?a de los estados, la edad m?xima para inscribirse es 64 a?os

? Hay seguros individuales y conjuntos disponibles en la mayor?a de los estados

? Podr?an aplicarse requisitos de elegibilidad

La cobertura est? a cargo de: American Health and Life Insurance Company Securian Life Insurance Company

Seguro crediticio por desempleo involuntario

(Credit Involuntary Unemployment Insurance)

Prot?jase con un seguro que cubra los pagos mensuales de su pr?stamo, en caso de que se quede involuntariamente sin empleo durante el t?rmino de su cobertura.*

? Las p?rdidas cubiertas incluyen las terminaciones y despidos involuntarios de un empleo

? Deber? haber estado trabajando por lo menos 30 horas por semana

? En cuanto a edad, no hay restricciones ? En la mayor?a de los estados, hay que calificar

para recibir pagos estatales por desempleo para recibir esta prestaci?n o beneficio ? Podr?an aplicarse requisitos de elegibilidad

La cobertura est? a cargo de: Triton Insurance Company

de los estadounidenses adultos indica que cuenta

S?LO UN con suficientes ahorros para cubrir tres meses de gastos corrientes, en caso de interrumpirse

48% sus ingresos.1

1 Facts-of-Life_2017(1).pdf


* Ver el dorso de esta p?gina para informarse acerca de las exclusiones y limitaciones de la cobertura.


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