Proposal Template


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[Brief project summary – approx 10 lines]

Background and business case

[Short review of state of the art and why partners are interested in proposed work – less than 1 page]

Proposed work

[Overall description of work with problem to be attacked and the expected result. General information on project duration and effort from each partner – less than 1 page]

Work plan

[Description of the work broken into manageable work packages. Short table should accompany each work package as follows – less than 3 pages]

|Start date |End date: |Duration |

|eg. PM1 |eg. PM3 |eg. 3M |

|Effort: |eg. EPCC |eg. DoI |eg. HP |Total |

| |eg. 3PM |1PM |1PM |6PM |

|Deliverables: |Dw.n - |

| | |

Project management

[Description of lightweight project management structure with identification of who is in overall charge of the day to day project management – approx 10 lines]

Project Costs

[Short outline of project costs including in-kind contributions – approx 10 lines + table]


[A few words on how the results will be exploited – approx 10 lines]

Appendix 1 – Partner descriptions

[Descriptions should be added for each project partner – new page for each partner – no more than one page per partner]

Description of role in project

[Brief description of partner role in project]

Description of relevant personnel

[Who will be doing the work and why]

Project impact on organisation

[Expected impact of work on organisation – why the organisation is interested in the project]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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