1 - Kansas City Disc Dogs

Some of the CRITERIA for Demo Team Consideration

Have to be a current, paid member

This one is simple enough. In order to do demos for the KCDD you need to be up to date on your membership. The exception to this is if we have out of town pro disc dogger friends of the club in for special events.

Participation in club events

This means play dates, competitions, and "open" demos. The KCDD does many demos for various fundraisers, like "Pawz in the Park", "Too Cool to Drool" etc etc throughout the year. We donate our time to these events. These are open to ANYONE who is a KCDD member. It is a great place to practice your routine in front of people and help out the club. Participation in these is a huge step to getting to do more of the larger demos where we can only use 4 to 6 teams. Remember, everyone wants to go out and play on the Royals field, but we always need folks to show up and do the smaller fundraisers too. Also, these events are a great place for everyone to see what you do best and see where you will best fit in for future demos. None of us ever get “paid” for doing any demos - they are either free or if we receive money it all goes back into the club.

Volunteering at club events

Participating in KCDD events without actually performing with your dog. In other words if we need judges, or people to help with registration, or sell raffle tickets etc etc - the more involved you are with the "jobs" of the club, the more likely you are to get to do the "fun" stuff! If we ask for volunteers, come on board - if we don't ask, then ask us what you can do. Whether it is a competition, play date or cookout all help is greatly appreciated!

Skill level

Some clubs have a straight audition. The problem with that is either you make it or you don't. We are really trying to give everyone who wants to play a chance to do some things. However, the simple fact is that the better you and your dog are, the more you will get to do! Most of our paid performances are looking for freestyle type shows. But if you don't have a freestyle routine or are not interested in doing any of that, we still want to be able to have you at some events. But this will limit the things you get to do. Practice with your dog - practice throwing without your dog for your own skills. When people think "frisbee dogs" they are thinking freestyle. So if you want to have more opportunities it will take some work. Remember, when we send out a group of teams onto the field representing the KCDD - I hope every single member wants to sit back and watch and be proud of our club! Go team!!!

Dog socialization

Doing demos is a chance for other people to see and make judgments on the KCDD. So it is important that we put our best foot forward - AND our best paw. Some dogs do better in crowds than others. Your dog's socialization is important - Our play dates are a great place for everyone to get to see how your dog interacts with other dogs and people, and for your dog to get more used to being in those situations.


A good positive attitude, being responsible, working hard – all these things are just as important here as they are with any job or position. And most importantly – have fun!!


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