IHSAARBAl And We Have to Feed ’em All! 25,000 Japs Start ...

iH S A A R B A l

A n d W e Have to Feed 'em All!

25,000 Japs Start Final


Desperate Bid fo r Victory

PAR IS, D e c. 6 (U.PJ -- The

American th ir d arm y, strikintt along a 50-m ilc fro n t at the central g a te w a y to the

In Philippines Campaign

Rhineland, s w e p t across the

S;iar river a t f i v e m ore pointa

northwest o f S oarlautern and crnHhed into th e outakirta o f

Felons Warn

G E N E R A L MncARTHUR'S H E A D Q U A R T E R S , P H IL IP P IN E S , Dcc. 6 (fl')-- Loyto Islnnd'B muddy battlefronts may

the German b o rd e r fortress of Sarreguemines today.

THe new crosalngs gave LleiiL-

G W E S I yiER

soon fla r e in to the hottest fightinif o f th e Philippines cam*

4 Guards May |)ai};n ns 25,000 JiiimnoHc in Ormoc vnlley begin a final deflperivVe b id f o r victory o r death.

OFLASI GERMANS SPToPAoLKIEEriA-sACSsImlIeRYEseLJsrOEiACcNahnrisGtimrlassFTahceisdYbyear CMASBEOffNlIOYOLUTT LFILBFAeESBHeEhSeaodfed Dies in Jap Raid '

Oen. .Oeorge S. Patton's armor and

Inlanlry seven brldBCheads across

tho Saar between Sanrbrucken and

Mcrzlg. 25 miles to the northveft,

LOKDON, Dec, (,I';-Sovlct tanks,

and ihnttered the Inac natural de>

sweeping pn.M Ukc Ilaliiton. have

fenae Unc In the rich Saar buln

plUHKcd wliiiin swollen strcnm In oassult

mile long C.sepel Island, establlah-

'^ a U at four polnu nlontr a

a new brldgehriid and winning

and-o-half-mlle front between Mer(Is ona Saarlautem.

PO RTLAND , Ore., Dec. f

town of ErcjI. 20 miles south of capltul.

Saarbruckcn, Industrial capital ROME, Dec. B (4^--British

or the Saar basin. Ik under heavy bombardtnenl from tlilrd army uhKa barely aU miles away at Roughlln

Polish troops have smoahed ficrou -amone river souUiwest of Fa-

and Morsbach.

and established a bridgehead

LleuU^Oen. Alexander M. Patcli'g

: other eighth army unlu are

seventh army (InoUy capturcd SelesUt, i i mllu BouUincst of 6tnii> bourg. after an eo-mlle houise-to-

cleaning out isolated enemy groups in captured Ravenna with the n

Yes, War's What

Sherman Called It

FORT LEWIS. Wash.. Dec. 6 (U.R)-Plc. Sol Kill*, of the Bron*. N. Y., hod a woeful tnle to tell when he got back from ? fur lough home.

(U.R)-- Millions of j'ouuk A in c r

Berlin Urondcn.u snlrt the main

icjin jfirls face n ki.ssles: Sjvlct blows were tlir>iwn In be-

Christmas, n j i n s l o b ell, Clirist.mas tree und m istletoi:

i Ihe Danube and Lake Bala. und thnt the S.>vleU-> gained ground toward the north iind north-

ninrket Hurvey showed to d ay.

The aemian conitnunlque.

There * plenty of Clirlstmoa trees however, declared these thrusts were

despite woodmeji's sparing those larnely halted.

trecu nfUr last year'* market glut. Closest approach to Austria was

house bBtile, and also penetrated to lullan patrlota.

Salvation Army lajisc-i were ap indc In the 30-mlIe corridor formed

?lthln seven miles north of Colmar Crossing of the Lnmone was made at Rlbeuuvllle. seven miles farther In strength and that thu bridgehead


set Ilnnly agalnat Elrong

NssU Repulsed .

On the Cologne plain. American

flnt army Infantry and artillery

repulsed a light Oennan counter attack against Lucherberg, four and s half allies northwest ol Duren on

Hie Roer river. ^Irteen German planes bombed

and Blrafed .American positions In

miles southwest of Faonz?. German slrongpolnt on the Rlmlnl-BoloRnn highway. Nearby hill features were overrun quickly.

Capture Monday of Ravenna,

the vicinity of Eschwelller and Inden, also norDiwest of Duren. dur ing tho night, but anti-aircraft gun.i

ancient Ostrogoth capital and Im portant communications center, was followed by ou elghtb nrmy ndvnnce

shot down one and probably tn-o of


He sent his uniform.-! to a tail or and the building burned.

Ha loit one of hla medals on the train back.

His garrison cop was stolen. The last straw; He arrived bnck at comp a day early.

proaching a seisonirt peak of 18,000 by the southwestern tip of Lake Bnl-

Jlnuies on hour from each sot of alon and the Yugoslav border. A street comer bells, but the mlBtle- Moscow coinmunlijuc last night an tov market was sluggish with most nounced capture of Marcall, eight RlrU uninterested simply bccausc Imiles below the lake's tip. there wnan't anybody left worth kL-ulll(C.

? HofiTt, Seallle. Wash.. -Chrlsl-

tree klnj" who wholesaled a

third of U. 5. Christmas trees Inst

year, reported the crop normal, re

tail sales ready to start, and fancy

prices generally ruled out alter lost year's debacle In which speculators,

anticipating high pricu, were caught wiih ihousandi of surplus trees -- ' had to bum them.

LOS ANOELEa. Dec. 6 m ^-Oa the ground that he represents all the people of Los Angeles county.

In d ica tio n thnl fighting may reach a new in ten sity w ith a '

break in the wenther camo toilay on th e e ve o f the P acific

w a r's th ird annivcr.sary as Gen. Douglas M acArthur an-- -

ATLANTA, Gii.. Drc. S tU.B -- Soldiers frHtn Fun Mcl'hcrsnn ar rived today lo reliifnrce Atlnntn

nounced bazooka-firing tank-supported Japanese

American in fa n trym en drive to break out o f a

crushed a vise a t the


prnltentiar)' sontrles nunrdlng

n orth ern end o f Ormoc corridor Sunday nigh t;

grcKHllon biUldliiK. v-'heri- 25 ... l>erntc lelon.? hold lour guards cnptlvc nnd threatened to behead them If officials tried to storm their prls-

1 within a prison.

Rnins still h eld back fall* scale action as U . S. airmcQ and P T boats san k another de- ' stroyer, s ix sm all freig b ten

Two truckloads of (he soldien roiled through the gales at B a.m., and parked on the drive tliat clreles In front of the malh'tulldliig.' '

Elach soldier shouldered a rifle, and the ofllcers In charee bore sidennns. jirepnrNl to charge. If neces sary. the building where the felons held out, armed with knives razors.

Tlie four guards, hostages In volt which tlnred imalnst confining nozl saboteurs wllh olhcr convicts, were allvp iinil npiwircntly unharm ed lft.1t night. Today olflclal silence indlcftted the situation Is unchang-

. Wnrden Jwepli Sanford and J. V. Bennett, dlrccior of federal prisons, said the Imprl.ioned guards were '"seen through tlie windows of the

and a ta n k er in wide aweept ?`

through P h ilip p in e 'waters. - ' .The .enomy# reJaUrelj,Ie?blo.ta-__;

fonnatlon-s?ekine thrusts by wnall. scattered bands have been replttced by larger scalo attacks. Frontline reports from all sectors tereal solidlr entrenched, w ell-train ed, wellequipped large units of Japanese In stead of the former strifgUog er rcartuard unltA

Mare Ground Oalaed Despite continued advene weather Uie Vanks on Leyu gained ground on Tldgcs aouttv o { Umon, wtt? ripping out enemy pockets in th* mountains cast ot the winding Ormoo highway nnd, to the east m ir the Ishind's rtuiln mountain spine, were eliminating. Japanese pwlUons'

segregatlnn building" la.n night. A stalemunt from the two officials

confirmed that -the men have bar

ricaded the doors of the flvc-slorled segregation cell-block which houses tho difficult cases, as well as newly ftdmltled Inmates.'



Idefinite renewal of the LeyU ground

'fighting, stalemat?d bjr weeks d

torrential rain.

Leyte-based patrol planes, sweep.

Ins .up Luzon's west coast sank thk

destroyer and strafed, two coastal

t-reOT. OSBDIIN E. W Iim U T . . . SnperfortreM pUet from Oak-

ley who wa.s killed In aeUon la raid on the Japanoe heme islaad or Kyoshn. (Staff eofravlni)

vessels off the bloody Batasa pentsi-

sulft near Manila whero Americans

and PUlplnos mode ? stud la IMJ, . _

. Only last Saturday the ra fn ffja *..' - I


la ; '

Ormoobaywe^tofl>Jrt4,^Att?l^l*r- '


U3S ANQELES, Dec. 6--Tonya Rohdo sald^la obtaining a "

ftitrol .pIanes,Malt

Including the accused. District A t thnt when her husband,

torney 'ftereme court decision which he ^ d Justified such a position.

bicycles was divided between then).

IIONK OREGON c rry. Ore., Dec. ? -

Postwomnn Mrs. C. n. Alley obliges families on her route by.honklng her auto horn twice If It's a letter from

Two more &faglc VMler soldltn

ern reported.killed In action, cme

of them n B-29 Superfortress pilot

who lost his life In an attack on



gunning prlnaat____

Japan will launch a 'total offen sive- during the fourth year erf the war, Tokyo radio propagandists said today on the eve o f the third annlv eiw y of Pearl Harbor.

"Into Snag-

' As arguments on the defense mo a serviceman. No 01 letter, tion went into iheir second day. honk.

The newest casualties an Ueut Osburn E. Whitley, ffl, Oakley, the

Jappese i M ^ g e faroadcast,

superior Judge Arthur Crum sold Ihe will announce his ruling tomor- NON-SMOKER

Superfortress pilot, and Staff, Bgt Cecil H. Denney. 3J, BuhL

propaganda campaign to r^ill Nip pon's victorious days, was recorded

As Crum sees It. one of the prin cipal points In (he case Is whether Actor Jon Hall struck tlie first blow.

BILLlNaa, Mont.. Dee. 8-Manucl Valero is In the hospital becausei


by the federal communications comilsslon.

he offered another man s cigarette.' OAKLEY, Dec. C--A Superfortress "The enemyl offensive agalikst

Under treatment for stab wounds. pilot. Llcut. Osbum E. Whlteley, 28, Japan has run Into a snag In the

Icata testliled. In the Dorsey apart ment battle that also Involved band leader Tommy and his friend Alien Smiley.

Vftlcro said he bctame angry when

killed In action In China Nov. battlcllekis of south and cenbal

a man In a reslnurant refused the .. .1 war deportment telegram In China and the Philippines, which .

proferxed smoke. An argument formed hts parenU, Mr. and Mrs., Is our inner defense sphere.*' the

!, and tl

Earl Whlteley, here yesterday.

broadcast said. " I t was here that

out a knife.

(According to a United Press dis-: the enemy's advance has beta hit

patch, ft force of almost 80 Super-1 hard and smashed."

fortresses bombed the Industrial

centers of Naga,sakl and Omura on

the Japanese home Island of Kyushu

1 Nov. 21.) ' .

Held at the county Jail on sus picion of interfering with the United .

A graditatc of Oakley high school BOISE, Dee. 6 ' MV-'nvo Idaho and Xorrner student it the Unlirer*

States mall. Timothy Berkeley, 18. Ornngo was (old at Its annual con-

Twln'ROlsTwojrasied ror-iurii>icr=" venllonrwhlch-contlnues-|n-s?islon

view with postal otflcUb Wednes today, thnt Its legislative commit Fallowing a leavB spent here earlier

day afternoon. t The youth was arrested In Soda

Springs and relumed here Monday by Deputy Sheriff Stlai Qlvens and Patrolman Jim Benham.

In August, n notice of rcglKered mall was reported stolen from tho desk at the American hotel here and asscrtcdly used lo claim a letter which Is believed to have contained $20. Tho notice was forged with tlM name of the Intended recipient.

LONDON. Dec. 8 (UJD -- KiInngg

tee does *'not Intimidate (h? leglslators."

Hie Orange legislative commit tee," said Its ctialrman, Ray XlcKaIg, "does not, u docs the CIO poUUcal action committee, Uueaten and browbeat."

McKsIg reviewed utate labor legis lation and asserted that *-labor not only wanU to dictate the political action and the civic affairs of Amer ica, but It Is Ulllng Uie fomen what to do."

Awards made by the national Orange were presented by Taylor lo John Dcmond of Boise and Ray Smith of Wendell who were In hcharge of nembenhlp and organltfttion of new GranBta.

that month, he had returned to Clovis, N. M., to complete prepara-

Uotis for B-29 combat flying. In scrvlce since April, 1943, . .

..'OS an air cadet at Santa Ans,, Calif., and recelred advanced trsln^ Ing at VUaUa, Calif. In the tame

state he also trained at Chico and Stockton, w h e r e he received his wings and commission in February, 1942.

Prior to being assigned to the B' 29 command, he was an Instructor

Roswell, N. M-

Starred in Atbletles . ?tar two years, belore enlisting.

had been employed by the slstej highway department at Shoshcoe.l

Sals of war bonds-in the sixth war loan drive In Twin Palls county ; Wednesday reached |1.0u.00?-but : a tabulation of the rtsults so far- ahows that the "E " bond pnithasers --the UtUe fenows--are lagging fsr behind their quota.

"S" bond purchases now sskounts

. 8301^00. . not even'olose to the half-way maxk of a |7i2M0'quota.'> ' ' R. J, Schwendiman*' con&ty 'drive

chairman who announced' the'fit^-'-' " ures, pointed out that the porobaae '? of the'"Zr bonds'`'ia-wha?.i>irta.Uie{:v brakes on InlUtloix'

"We WlU probably go o??t th^.top _i this county In amount, but nn>^M\i:flug^'

' .ITbrWVblgBert. rubr.prodnelD* ....;?ri10 n U w inorth ea(t-'?fjiS ^ .dtlay.'','?u,levelled'inr.ai ' '

tTO-thWsf oir ttu, I p t ^ t imaslix

.. m iionored-by tha'^WM>illuul`'ttra ,??iia rrto ie,T O ,d?pirtroent;at:US^?molu??oo' r t v7?

iM taek'iv-Aiurlcan'B ^ :nse ;tawn was mei of the 'main I

to P re tld u tB ^ n tt. U was learn-: .cd-'today/^that the propo?alr?uM 'fim rU lgh.U n ^ttaU on '. ofneUOs;

i jrtanof senrte*

--- *--

Linage Two


Wednesday. December 6,1944

K eep m W httc Flog o f Safety Ft]/(ng

T w in F a lls N e w s in B rie f

Lions Sponsoring

Bankers of Area

Pianist oh Dec. 14 S e e n T o d a y

Select Buhl Man

AS C L U B T m S Charles E. Slelxr and Mlduel n.-

mspocJonorton tlinded honor* Tues* day night at ToMtmMten' ?Mlon v h e a they wrr# Mleot?d ai h?viii(t

gtvcD the best talks of th? evcnIiiK. The varlou* lallu tollowtd a din

ner nieeUng In Uie main roomof tliB Roeer&on co{fe? *hop. Tlie builneu MSAlon wui held In ft utmpU room,

o f Uio Regerson liottl. 6icber tjiliccd on "What Our For-

elKii Policy Will Be With RuMla" wlUlfl Throckmorton dlsctrnfd "Portfign Relations With Ocrmatiy Att?r

the War." Other ?peBk*? and their inbjecta

N o w 12 rfay? without a tra//tc death In ou r Magic V a lle y .

B-29 Pilot Killed Wnllcr S lau gh ter. Klmbcrlr.

" Whut Our Foreijn Pollc> Will Be

I n Raid on Japan After the Wat"; Mcrwln Ilelniholi

Twin Falla, "What Our Forctun

Poltoy With England WUl B* After In achool nnd college he wa*

th# W*r." Chief critic wu John D. Flatt

while Individual crlilu were Awtin Qreon, Larry M. Hall. KrTOilh KaH

?nd O. J. Bellwood. Toaaunaater for he avtnlns naa

Lwr>' Lundln *hlle Prealdent " Phillip* pretided.

Ouetta Included Oraydon amlth and Cloydr Andrrion.

Oueau of the club under ih? lead*

wrahip training program lrutls&t?d t>)' the Junior Chamber of Commerce were Ned Smith. Ronald Lyoru and

(u n d ln g 'in athlfilcj, particularly football.

Survivor!!, otlipr ilmn hl^ pnri'iiti' Inoluflo three brother*. WiruUm Whlteley, Oakle>', Pvi. John WhlWley. wtth an Inf.uitry unit in rranre. and R ?ed Whlteley, at home, tod five alateri, Mrt. Leo W. Taylor. Portlarul, Miii Alice Beth Whlteley, Salt I^Ke City. Mn. Blanch Shef field. St. LouU. MliA Mary Whltelry, Provo, Utah, and Joyce Whit?Iey, ?t home,

Dlrecton of the Uons club, In

Altenda Meeting


To Hare IsUod

special session following the regu*

The R?v. Claud C. Pratt, Twin rolls, attended on all-day Church of Ood mlnletera meeting Tuesday

the Caldwell Church ol God.

Licensed to Wed A marrlnge license was Issued here

ycaterday to Junior Lyle SteamA. Tv.in Falla, and Lucy?Rae Wcech. Han?en.

A eon WM born to Mr, and Mr?. Ltille Dde. Twin Falle, Wedneadiy at (he Twin Polls county general hosplul maternity home.

Aboard Mine sweeper Joicph O. Shinn, radar operator

In the navy, haa been saalgned to duty aboard a mine sweeper lo th& west central Pacific. He la the loR of Mr, and Mrs. Jiitieau H. Bhlno.

M 3/c Edward W, Bittner hat turned to Mare Island. Calif,, after visiting his DsrtiiU, Mr. and Mn.' Ocorga Blfaer, Buhl, and his unde and aunt. Mr. and Mn. Jim Harte, 130 filzth svenue nortl^

lar club luncheon meeting at the Pork hotel Wedneiday noon. w t?d to sponsor Frederick Dixon, nation ally known concert pianist, fn a

program here 'niitMday. Dee. 14. ?Amngement for the concert ? ? f the pianist, who Is from New 'Vark.

Here on PBrloufh Pvt. James Wright Is spending a wUh hbt p?T?nta. Ms. and

will b? made by Jay Hill. Money from the conccrt. after expenses, will "be used to set up a fund from which vyiota Individuals who are In need

At Camp WolUra

_ T&la-fttlU.-----------------------

p\'i. Renno L. Teaaley, ion ol Mr.

do not have cash Immedlatley ayaU-

and Mrs. Vem II, Teaaley, 1240 Art-

diAon avenue eaat, U 'receiving Ills

bnsic training-*.1, Camp Woliem,



Vl.lt Plant

Tw'fnty members of the Twin Pall? Junior high fcliool Journalism clau, comprlacd of eighth and ninth graders, were esoorted through tlis


Mr. and Mn. Frank Tiiomats, Boise, and their two sons. Frank

able, may borrow. Rill announced that place for the

concert w;il be announced isfer.

Month-Old Hazelton

ported to police Into >esicrd?y thn leu of ? bocketbook conulnlng

At Grange Convention

Thometf. Jr- Boise, and Pvt. Robert Baby Boy Succumbs

Thometfc who Is on furlough from army training In Oeorgla. returned

Tueaday to Bolie. alter visiting at the home of Mn. FniUc Thomett, sr.

Jeue Eugene Perkins, ooe.month-

Jd son o f Mr. and Mrs. Jesee Per kins. Haxelton. died TUetday at the Twin FalU county general hospital

Fire Deatroyf Track Cab Firemen were called to 240 Hljh-

land avenue al T-.20 p, m. yoiierflay

Mr. nnd Mr?. CUno Parrar, Holllsier. representative* ot the Holllat

hold laxea and prepare income tax return* properly,

He aniered the airvlce Deo. 17, ISO and received hla baalo train

ing at Oamp Kowu, Tin., belni lUtloned then unUl Sapumber, lots,

when b e wu tranifvred to cunp Olalbome, La., before going' over* leai In Baplember, 1944. ...............

Bom in Twin ralU Feb. 17. iPlt

he received hU education at the Palrvlow grade achool and later the Buhl high achool.

In ie?0 he married the former Mlaa Bernice O'Brien and li alto aurvlved by a ion. Jamea. 3.

Sergeant Denney ? u laat home In pill thU year and hli wife viiited Im In Loulalana before he a?nt overaea*.

th" United State* aoon on furlough from the aouthweat PacKic theaier of opcratloivi. He has been .trrvlng with the nrmy engineers.

Conelodei VliU Mating L16MI, WlllJftm Moon \eSt

Wednesday to report for duty at Camp Pendleton, Oallt, after a|>cndIng hU leave with hU mother. Mra.

u enlUledin then rlne reser^'e t ^ e yean ago^

Leave End* B 3 c Dale Atkinson, ion of Mr,

and Mra. K. h. Atklnron. routA two, filer, returned to ParrnRiit Tueiday for further oMlgnrocnt olicr apendInp a Ahort leave In FIW and Twin Falla wllh relaUvea. He has Juat completed boot training at Farragut.

Artlvt* by PUne .vfrn. Jack Wilson arrived bl plane

Twill Falls Red Cross chapter's

nurting chairmen, includlns Mr know *rmt ihia conacrlpUon is for bcfflre'Tmiiig for 'lf"

Said one; " I f there Is a shell shortage . . . Mimy will b ? willing lo put the nation's young mei.

there is absolutely no e xcu se fo r It. The blame In uniform for a year if (he safely of me nation

can be laid on the d oorstep o f these labor barons who have condoned strikes In war

and llfi obllsnUoiis to help malntiOn the n-orl' demand It. But taking Uiem out of schools leges and away from their regular work t c ______


jobs for Iho government Is something veo' different

Y O U R BIBLE Said another: "We h a v e to be certain If and won't rccelve anything like the same support.

there is a shortage. W e h a v e been unable to do so yet. We have n ot y e t seen General El' senhower."

So the -President had better decide vhat he wants If ho expecUi to get It. even from the much more new deallsh congress that will take office In January.-- Nampa Free Prcsi_______________ '

I f there Is a shell s h o rta ge , th e cause and cure are very likely In th is country. I f there

ANVWAV, WE U K E IT In Frederick. Md., the wealher-wom hou? of Bar

Is an overseas black m a r k e t in clgarets, the bara I^letchle. has been sold at aucUon. after experi

military undoubtedly k n o w s about It and can encing many necessitous years as a .naUonal ahrlne. do as much about It as a congressional com- The patriot group of townspeople who-now own it am

kr-m lttee, . Sometimes we suspect th a t this group of legislators was mainly h a n k erin g for a trip to Europe, expenses paid.


[ become a |


have heard o f Barbara ?Vlet^e and her house It

it hadn't been for the poem by John Oreenleaf

Whittier, which ImmortallMd the good dime's dcflance

of Stonewall Jackson.

`-Shoot. I f you must, this old gray head.

But spare your counir>''t flagl" the uld.

^dubltably.the weath er, as a topic o f con That there Is perhaps a blot m Ihk romsDtlo

versation, Is overlooked a n d tends to become boring..However, that d o e s n ot seem quite

escutcheon o f the old house does not matter, we think,.a.great deal. Of recent years doubt has been cast upon the authenticity of the WhltUer ute-but.

.adequate JusUflcaUon f o r & barber to pare we reflect, It la a glorious old story In any case. Who

th e skin off a customer's Xace w lttf a razor. would be so-ruthless as to do away ?1lh all such

?The Yonkers, N. Y., fire m a n wh o complain- legends? They are part of the Utcrature of the peo<

ed about his harrowing a h a ve m ay h ?y e been mjIferlDg for the ?lns o t thousands.of prevl-

pie; th6y are part of tha spiritual life. Shoot, If you must, practically all of the verse that Ubeingproduced .Dowadaya. but sparis the fine old balUl Its like we.

HISTORY, .OF T W IN : FALLS , ous customers who had w orn down the bar- shall not Jiave again.--Portland Oregodaa.

resistance. N o n e t h e l^ , w e feel th a t the' ' barberweat too far.'O f course, i f the fireman

THOSE COBS W0BD8 Well bet titOM elecUon offlclaUlo Hftlt Park, N. T..

accused o f .bavlnR ask ed the barber it wont fib to.get anybody out of a Jam igila

know there's.a w a r o n ," our feeling \Vhen Newwreek In what seemed to ni an unwar

;i;iinlght be.?ulte..dlffereat;

ranted ln?aalon ot-tha prlTiley e?en a President

should have tn a voting booth reported that t h e ^

plan ejaculated a vile oath when he found that Uie


machine wouldn't work the offlcials.-both lUpubllcan

r :PftekAtd',9f' th e : U n ited Press has and Democrat,' said the President didn't .do It and.

D -^ e x p e )le d -.J )^ 'iY | ig o a la T la .

The reason,

-stuck to their sterlet, though a reporter farther from .the President. Inslsted-he did. A good many of us

'fc'ahe ? m a r k e d In a dispatch were inc_h_e_d, tfl beUeVe the ofUclaU if only because

We were practically crnsy, any way, by ihtn. hut when Weenie told


us the bsd news by mall '

gol lojeUier In Hot Sprit.

I don't know whethe

out the new working conditions In actually put yourself In

r place

the collecUve bargolnlng body got sober until the flrai

tccause we were all baseball men lur cnr.i and then poor old Mike died,

nay he rest In peace, nnd the front

the collective barKnlnlng II ifflce hires Charlie Dl.wnat and

hat hereafter runs nre not ro- hen the old lady horns In with

. be colled runs any more ' Vecnle snd Boris nnd the Jerks nnd

runs sound like ihe .'jjewl-

II, After thal we didn't even know

system, so hereafter we are going ur w?y to first base, becnusc she

to call them wallc.^. And no mor turned It around nnd if you were

doubles, triples or home run* be -Ight hander you could run to

cause that way you kill the Job In third and that was first. And now.

" ( next hitter and. unyway. It Isn'

of trj-ing ns hard as you

T to the weak hitters.

1, you hi 0 play s bad a

WASHINOTON-It would be hard In the department. They will b? put

Plea.?e observe thnl it Is ngalMl

the employer

to over-estimate the Importance In charge of Will Clayton, long-time

the union rules to ' '

;h dough off your efforts

Uie part played by Horry Hopkl) n.*i.soclaic of Jrs.? Jones, and here

le base * y hit." Weer

bums get the BOine pay nj

the Pre.ildcnt's be.si friend and clc in lies one of those small ironies

id anyone who


that enliven hLitory.

will be tried on charge of

tIratsMBHbAwfcEmLnttbacCtd1kldfnl;hueoeUhhr1iigolahiloeeiuoreb1ahotoroatilr-nai.rTrHomoeesggErlis.ennunsslrpotnn.u.nnsetsisd.eoashhoeealvteuaetikrteaarsieiUansfpeensnattenoifgcBialcid-ovmnhhtnnnpnumneenneKdeAghhaaseiorrtaoaraaarxhtssdle,bteberi.Ifblroiuloudtdpw,rlmntIntliltao.sytwiahUlsptalttwommrrhennesoranalhmisibCnoeeehebtrenonhrtesenstsionWeeosd?p..erhUmbenuulocdt.aadrsslrnToHuPdweeitlaRcdllsaullsTdyhsomLd.krrefoysmEeloihoiotepntctwieuhnlonhhfprar-nhlegahrlhpnbseLdd.napewoIh.eitsmtnorgii.i-andcnvf-e-naosst.fo..rla;d;ilgtn.gJalabtneolordrew.ieotatnoloqWwe.teennltohv.ra'hedu.elHhULineoaaalenihmnlwuneJnenoluoltd?oatniupirentattnsovtcwppaLcenol?htseOhndin^udollenprotostoory,lotesfUdr.inoertdnetsbnirsnoohknrledeBseethgluWyhiAwConfpIararaoaIohnsnnfttitlwsnsrntrpwelnftpctlahiepoeedttpopaoearhhhenooilbrttUcenmomnlnehhkesuainsoesididnte'-esenet-ttst.t. I upsiIm.hsmampSttdtdtyunrpmesb.teit1.nhohhatehehnnoo.upeoevaentaroyeAtTaASudsaNcein.eaHulre-pcdeodrctecvnipsllrttnsortnpsinrhrceuknbcorelokiealteleetou.ryoloolyflo--rrleegpgo.etwluwnsfoonnAnsutuotHrsUaehdukoa.tsmrhwwtfssilntarrtemaIdlrior.sutionnBtenihsidynere.wnhanb.ceedpfrslemesed.yoerotgfRrMtusrrolgnRoeAkioerettoriysnof,fagmrsesalehtdhi.ncbiovotaHeevncneCIhpofdnetacesiaenaao(cladmtdersnioofnltlorcskofrhrrcvmtraagsndhInspolgontiwogutwcdore^eneUaeyiet.hi.Urekiwosacfmnmsiesh.omtr-neCelenaeietinhotmaB,rng.oMenoahiflwnfHlseenlselsdTi.fgaduetssCieweArndla.ellosatsaohoionymabwimaserrtalhooigwnubldrtihatvlfeurt,trflplBtsiwrraoovidetlaaltstaiiHtraoelnmdlycoarotaueanrelime,ypUn8snohhosinenownaboosrrltsssb0rwdtvoldypkhuaaeglf.esoalttdeeoeerulriwoknxridiecptargneretdlbdsffbawacnpnhiwefl^oaHeepsagnaaiiaetndte,llrnstphaeiroiahnutmlbasobstcegdtoatiolfarrtiaffypno,heooperlumtyoonIanmhtspnaltsuet.lunfom.jrsrgiooceaslsodakessebitegashrtlnrkiftiauhhvIeeiwh'lodiatBehmobbaJtmigeenneee"cenoeghtaaserkooaeliusonldtnhnddog:elr-hbldrylsterrsstf,I'UaqsfaPClcvphDaDataCetubohaangaaglaDnsnAImTLehNIOeolnfotPIrsdinvrkhUrfdaasnosnithirru.teFeohtiier.iha'ltrirviiragnisiotxyeusvctsIdsOmmmneteLIhwnyog;tntuiP-nhhoa,lsSsgyfmnl.Uutleeeyikil--oddhoaaIeaaPlgacorrpaNtlAonfosurlin.rndcoPyosfsweroI.iattiieDibfgaatto,:mot,vathrcloIfnriohaohar.CtoneuterrHryiEmiomS.rbSnt,suallUM.sIobo.oeohAoNCeattSta.UtduwuyueStirhhlofremOltloIIhoeostnnaliailgtmoiNtsghTuntnn.ney6sAunihhmtuhIadwts.OumgkR'eJstitytbssTafi--mas:hriuoshodSaitleaa.He.hostlIrewtasaernsiSernHIyI--domItlsmegfstEnd_ahdte'iA--b.eShetCOhfaii.snaaTpreaftNnatisty,lisMuai,Asnvn.toFhmoclaneeoTipenvykttlekte-huIdtoalhhA;eewtmtskalcyyGeracrhny.hnrieki--eeldFomnavyescAoiiktsonItrensrisgo!rat8ssntkgtipLieetesgnhtnvJrdotabrs'aesedvOUeSaneeaeeohelwye*,asnlr.eelnftd?dosoro--oisdndldduyelopIy-rr,l,iI'qwIfmwpItlIotuvs.etorulhi.hslniisirc.ounoo:uooSRto.e0ismapeehuneeomk-clsmmnlaluntshieool!lgttngtlsenbIayffl?iftnhatrtoPomMmaatlnhghhamotomesaehrndyhw8urtebm-ontnteaps.leeupreaitreo--dyrdrelhJaeUItnrrapnaIecownthostosettkiyschrmohbsboleitdwehetI.olacoftpteowfllsl-larueioinoenhfiiwonTarknmdontuocsgbhsagehaeiykgaIottus;ou.lplna.hnttleshinmraaoisbodcoidocsrtlbftaanpaehudfutusgeerscwicumegomcinrrarnnshaalinteiie.nctwnaeifgtraplsedttckdasetr.owalwafeeoeeiemonnIaosnhutkRhsderdsieJerleasinattofhrbHpohieteibetryeneluiooxpissafstbntnUipvttrettfnlottatt.ebelusfbheerheeooIrcria-lnedhderserfl


.satisfaction in counting Hopkins out at-the-tlme-of-hU-lUness-alte


... Thursday as secretary of state, Teheran conference will hai

p. s.--W hat day does ChrlsWai

is one of Hopkins' proteges. Hopkins

was responsible for making SletUn-

lus lend-lente administrator, the

position in which the 44-yenr-old

SUttlnius mnde his reputation and

won the loyalty of congress. Brought

Into the government originally to

direct industrial mobilization for

war, Stettlnlus was kicking around

Washington, as a hsplc? dollar-n-

year man on leave from the U. S,

Steel corporation.

"Ed, you'ra too damned good to

tM a doUar-a-year man." Kopklni

aald to him one day. "I want you

to Uke over thU lend-lease Job that

rv e been doing."

-- Thus It caroe-about lliat Stettin-

luB succeeded to the Important posi

tion Hopkins hsd occupied. He did

such a good Job that Ills sponsor

could logically work to advance him,

first, as under-secretary of stale,

and then finally Into the top posi

tion. - .



Bven before Stettlnlus was ap

pointed and confirmed. Hopkins

helped him plan drastic re^-lslon

.all on this- year. Dec. 15 or 25--or ,ment. I ,, . .

hasn't Rosey decided yet?

IYork, America's greatest seaport,

Itha complications are discussed m


meetings held by everj-one concern

Dear Pot Shots:

ed, from shipowners to maritime

Here Is the key venc In Ihe s(> lecled Bible reading paasaga for today.

Dec. 6 -- HEBREWS 1 1" A n d w h a t more shall I say? F o r th e tim e ivould fa il me to tell o f Gideon,, and o f Bamk, and o f SaniBon' and o f Jephth ah , . . who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought r i f f h t e o u s n e s B , obtained prom ises, stopped the mouth o f lions, , quenched the vio


lence o f fir e , escaped the edge o f th e sw ord, o yt o f weakness

gone elk, deer or duck hunting

Iflshlng or U 'ln town griping.


--A Working tU i


certain extent, some ot our - models meet .these requlra* manls. But most o f otir war>Uuncb*

w e re m ade strong, w a x e d

td fralghiers wUl be obsolete on the

another RilUi or D1 Magglo. I the factories," Weenla ! have got to mitke It Qiir woiulerful national rwill mako ll work, nly be nece.isary to get reactionary ral. i?cab.

finks who do nol have enough solal consclousnes.1 und democracy in heir greedy. un-American black iLiolsl hcaru." Like I tell everybody. I don't toll ny man how to handle their old idy but I will aay if ti woa me nnd ly war department started meaMnK round In my ball club I would paste

rljht square in the snooi

, SACRIFICES -- At the moment we are no worse off than our mari time rivals.

British agents of woU-known lines now in New York fuss and fume because their government doea not allow them to construct the kind of ship that will be needed In tomor row's world trade. They say that Downing street will not even prom ise an esrly return of private vessels borrowed by the admiralty.

Replacements offered and insur ance payments will not compensate for the sacrifices to storms and

One firmhas lost 31 of lU 33 craft. Another corporatTon which once owned eight fast liners la Informed that the entire number hos be^ite sunk. Even if permission' to recoups damoges were granted--a doubtful hope so long as the Pacific struggle contlnues-materials and manpower would not be adequate for the un dertaking.

SUBSIDIES -- However, these current Umllatlotu do not prevent English and Scotch shlpbulldera from keeping a weather eye on business. -

The British tell assoclatea in Nev York Uist in principal they are op* posed to tha wholesale use of subsl- .. dlbk. But If foreign govemmaDta fol low this pracUce they wUl too.

ATLANTA,-Oa^AwhUe baek I

o f the- suw department, under which the direction of foreign eco nomic operailons--now' in a separ

valian t in fligh t the

figh t, turned to armies o f the

ate agency--would be 1

a lie n s ."


EVER .THINK OF THIS? the way most of

first dsy of


. rASSBNOEKS New York nu-

What's eeonomV In ourselvaa ..

lust plain .tlsht-flsted nKftrdUness

n the other fellow.

And lfa atxange how a dog who



15.-YEAB8 AQO, DE& (, ltt9

Dr. and Mn. O. Russall Weava ? re parents of a MOi.Ohsrtes Bln*


is ?"

rlne archlleels beUave that the op eration of glint all>p?asenger Unsn -such u the Queen Maiy--no long?r ean be rejardBd'-aa a proflUble Tanture. ........ .-___ ?

rtHnsoceanlo'"alrplane''' compatl* tlon'wlil reduce the number, of sea trtvalers and the necessltjr o f lower* tog fares in rtn lir willriurther dl?

elalr Wearer, bora'at tht eounty g?neral,hospltal here early Wednes* day morning.

Be Nautical Knot" ?n?ursday evening at the audltorluin.

* l 5 h . s ; ^ to our children J?- Binlih m?nu??.".-,.

comes destructlre tendeodet lo tha

kids of somebody else; - :

Smart ?busfneas methods


letrea are-eut-tbroat.>stu(( .-whtni

wrote a book caUed, "1 Never Left..

Home". , . raen i left home. My book erasted qulle a stir In Ulersry drcles. YeuTa heard o l tn ? "Book-


WM v b t id - 't h V

"Scrap of Paper o f-th e- --Weekr-. .There's a chapter about London m

I t What a townl -

Th? , f.lr a t dajr those-; E n g l i s h ' glrli' went ensy . ?bout Tnic.> Tbs ?eoond -day-thiy- . mobb?d-i,-^Be--In`.

A' .eOUecUon ^sUrtM- Sunday '(o ' !jpmtlped- by.- ttoe


aetti wWcb-wlU atlraot tourUtt time U eoJoy eoap1?te.'-rMW


Plaet atreet,:Tlie . .......... ','-;.,Tha-'.

r6 u i.i)lo tu r a o f Marshals Tito ; t h e y ^ : rmdrb ' numtroui :ltv la easier to-laaglne been ooUeeted here by the Shrinert

And>ben- werw ln d o m , an d th9 i.'^-Rooserdt and

` ;M ia ?i ^ e n te re d;th e -

iksn t ? a n . ^ i ? l . .

: , ^ o Wthe''i^Preudent destrars'tUs'


those irtio try- to;do:somebodj:ao JitueUelted fam.-

under the .ehalnnan ship of-Or.

R . A. P am t, to be sold to procure tejra fer- crippl. In 1043. he was sent to Sioux CJhy. la., for 10 inontlis n* n nuichlnc

federal jervlccs In September, 1[I4(). llcutenant-colonel of ilie lieth

engineers, Idaho national Kuard.

rroni the Rainr hource It wu? re In.Mructor,

then a.v^lRn- and am promoted lo colonel In

ported Ihiit chlckcii-s lolahng .'i.'JSO 0 Texo* for fiirthir work and ponndi hurt hern klilrd In the ccn- Ihireaflcr ni^slgnrd to l/)wery flplil.

April. lEin. In World war I!, he is a veteran of the campitlgiu at ]

ter here for the Tliiinksglvlng holl. His wife and four chlldn'ii live nnd Snlamnun, ? f the Holhindli ,


. Dletrlrh. where Sergeant 1 I'lken eratlon In which the enure Japane?r

y visited.

amiy was cut off. and ot the


Mayor Will Speak

Hlak csmpalgn, which nRain advaneed Oen. Douglaji MiicArthiir'a forces several hundred miles nearer


At Meeting Here the Philippines. Colonel Lautcrbiich reuelvcd the

. ... Sweet, mayor of 'IMln silver star for Biillimto' In action

will be one of ? ' ' '

m Dee. 8, In n i


Centnil Idaho lastltule on

____ Prcilectlim, spcinsoied by the

Tm'Iii FulU city adinlnl.slMUlnn, the

^^lcrlff'? office, the Frdeml Security

icy und other IntcrcRted ?roup.i.

le held In Uie room.i of dlMrkt

I aKay Krxr'i C?ll>? ?t Kuslral. ?t In t

1. iiJlOohrnktiii)M- Mi ocrfceVr\-??hl-iit..f, -rI ?i:?rtun of Ch??r Il:?#

be the subject of venereal dlscas. Oilier .sl)enkl'r^ on the aaine |>r gram will Ineludc Dr. U J. Lu -............... Hownrd alllclle;

a belos nu. "AlthnUKh fire," his cltat. "he persisted in Ills mUII he had gained necessary' ? Ijxulcrbach's

.slQle a sue-

it engineers

? ? ? iWorld n?wi ralindu? C?;SIS0 ` Nc-* u>.trrcBiuvunrrnl.lreiiu 8:10 taFr?rljt-nmKorronnlln* mtlwllfi--

.jiia. Kimn Tip. mnJ T ??? T.ii Ilrt.kfMt Sfr?n.d? ?HlriJ:;0lOS0 ?MCohoniroinlonCfirrathRk.lhnrl-?t--lhomnnr ................

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