“The Possibility of Evil” by Shirley Jackson (page 172)

“The Possibility of Evil” by Shirley Jackson (page 188)

Before Reading

1. How do you form an opinion of people you meet for the first time? What traits or qualities catch your attention? Make a list of at least five things you consider when you form an opinion of someone you are meeting for the first time.

• ______________________________________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________________________________

2. After reading about Shirley Jackson, what type of story was “The Lottery”?


3. Define mood- __________________________________________________________________


4. Define characterization- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

During Reading

5. The mood created at the beginning of this story is _____________________________________.

6. List three words or phrases from the story that lend themselves to that mood.

• ______________________________________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________________________________

7. Revisit this question at the end of the story. What does the mood change to? ______________________________________________________________________________.

8. How does Miss Strangeworth secretly warn people about “the possibility of evil”? (complete sentence)



9. How is her secret activity discovered? (complete sentence)



10. What happens to make her cry at the end of the story? (complete sentence)




After Reading

11. Once you have finished the story, go back to look for examples that help characterize Miss Strangeworth. Fill in the table below with qualities and quotes that give some insight into the type of person that Miss Strangeworth is.

|Characteristic |Quote with page number that proves it. |

|A. arrogant, thinks she’s better than | “… and she sometimes found herself thinking that the town belonged to her. (page 174) |

|others | |

|B. |“Miss Strangeworth never gave away any of her roses.” (page 190, first line of the page) |

|C. immaculate/perfectionist | |

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|D. | |

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|E. | |

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12. Use the plot diagram below to plot the major events in “The Possibility of Evil.[pic]

13. Review the definition your group created for the word evil; Is Miss Strangeworth an evil person? Support your opinion with evidence from the text. Maximum 3 complete sentences.


Directions: complete each sentence as sophisticatedly as possible (strong word choice, some type of proof from text, and syntax).

14. Make Inferences: Circle only one word or phrase in parentheses, and then complete the sentence.

I (think/don’t think) Miss Strangeworth understands the harm she is doing because


15. Analyze Irony: Miss Strangeworth insists on living “graciously.”

a. One example of gracious behavior in her life is ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. One example of ungracious behavior in her life is ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c. Her attitude toward living graciously is ironic because __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

16. What do you believe is Miss Strangeworth’s main motivation for writing the letters and what in the text makes you believe this?


17. Evaluate: Circle only one word or phrase in parentheses, and then complete the sentence.

I (think/don’t think) Miss Strangeworth’s punishment was appropriate because


18. Predict: One way Miss Strangeworth’s life will change after her secret is discovered is



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