Erdkinder Language Arts

Erdkinder 7th Grade

Social Studies Syllabus

Please feel free to contact me with any questions:


Welcome to Social Studies! World History is a fun and fascinating course that provides you multiple opportunities to gain a deeper understanding about the world beyond our borders. We will study religion, culture, relationships, economics, and politics while focusing on the history of places outside our own borders.


10% Participation/ Notebook check

20% Homework

20% Maps/ Map quizzes

15% Current Events/ Projects

35% Quizzes/ Tests


Students are expected to participate appropriately in class. Participation is defined as having materials necessary for each class, being prepared with homework / reading completed, actively participating and listening in class discussions, actively completing your own note taking during class.

Maps/ Map Quizzes

Students will be given maps to label and color. Each student will learn the countries on the maps and other information as given in class. There will be map quizzes for each map that we study.

Current Events

Students will be responsible for 1 current event article a quarter. Students should locate an article in a newspaper, or valid online news source that relates to the current discussion. Students are required to reference their source in MLA format. A rubric will be given.


Projects will be given in Social Studies, and Language Arts. Occasionally, a project will connect both subjects and will have separate grades for each content area.

Tests & Quizzes

Tests and Quizzes will be given approximately every 1-2 weeks depending upon the material covered. RETAKES- Students are responsible for scheduling a retake with me before the next chapter test- I will not schedule a re-take for a student. Both test scores will be averaged together for the final grade.

Late Work

You are responsible for completing and handing in all assignments when I collect them in class. Late work for a particular unit will be accepted up until one day prior to the unit test. After that date, late work will not receive credit. Please also note that ALL assignments must be completed for the opportunity to re-take unit tests.

Make-Up Work

Upon your return from an absence, you must be prepared to turn in assignments that were due or take quizzes/tests you missed. It is your responsibility to arrange with me necessary make-up work, preferably before class. (You may also email me from home to receive assignments/missed work.) I will give you the work you missed with directions and arrange a due date with you. You are responsible for completing and turning in the work on time.


Students are expected to bring the proper materials to the classroom every day. This includes your book, notes, writing utensil, maps and colored pencils.

World History Units of Study

Judaism and the Jewish People

The Ancient Greeks

Ancient Greek Civilization

The Roman Republic

The Roman Empire and Christianity

The Byzantine Empire

Islamic Civilization

Early African Civilization

China in the Middle Ages

Japan Before Modern Times

A New Civilization in Europe

Conflicts and Crusades

A Changing Medieval World

The Renaissance

The Reformation

The Age of Exploration


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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