Dear Parents, Hoping this finds you all well. Term 1 has absolutely flown by!I wanted to touch base and let you know what we have been working on in our maths tutoring groups. This term our focus has been on developing our understanding of place value. Place value is the value of each digit in a number. It means understanding that 384 is made up of 300 (3 hundreds), 80 (8 tens) and 4 (4 ones/units) rather than 3, 8 and 4.Through the lens of place value we are reading, writing, ordering numbers and applying our knowledge of place value when solving problems. A solid understanding of place value forms the foundation of so many aspects of mathematics. As always we have been making use of concrete materials to build our understanding, as well as lots of games! We have just started using an interactive online program to consolidate and extend our learning. The children that have had the opportunity to use it in our groups so far, have really enjoyed it, which is excellent. I will be sending home login details soon, as the children are able to access the program from home; this is a simple and effective way for them to further develop their maths understanding. If you can encourage your child to spend some time doing this at least a few times a week, I am really hopeful that we can see some positive shifts occurring. A game that we have been playing is Number Celebrity Head, set a range (this will be dependent on your child’s age and understanding), select a number (we have been popping ours on a post it note) and stick it to your child’s forehead. They then ask question such as…Is it a 1/2/3 digit number? Is it above/higher/more than 50? Is it below/lower/less than 100? Does it have an 8 in the tens column and so on until they arrive at the number. It has proved really popular with lots of learning taking place and is super simple to do; I’d absolutely love it if you get a chance to have a game with your child.As always if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.Thank you for your continued support.Kind regards, Amanda MasDear Parents, Hoping this finds you all well.I just wanted to touch base and let you all know what we are working on in our maths tutoring groups.This term our focus is on addition and subtraction. This involves considering the concepts of more than and less than, the creation of number bonds, halves, friends of 10/100/1000 - as appropriate,?(1 and 9, 2 and 8, 3 and 7, 4 and 6, 5 and 5), turn around facts (for example that the reverse of all of the friends of ten is also true),?written sums and word problems. We are working on developing understanding and giving your child a variety of strategies so that when they are presented with a maths problem they have tools to assist them in solving it. For?example in relation to addition some of the strategies that are being presented are as follows;Putting the highest number first, so when presented with 2 + 8, turning the sum around, holding the 8 and counting on. Holding the higher number and counting on from there, rather than counting the entire set. For example 12 + 7, holding the 12, then counting on 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19Breaking the numbers down into Hundreds/Tens/Ones as appropriate, adding those and then adding the end result to get the outcome.?????37 + 15 becomes 30 + 10 and 7 + 5, which becomes?40 + 12 = 52 The final sum is far easier to work with for the children than the initial one presented. Jumping off the initial number when adding or subtracting. Children are often only 1 number away from the correct answer and the fact that they have forgotten to jump off the initial number before counting on the amount is?often the reason for this.Using concrete objects to assist, as well as?number lines and 120 chartsYou can greatly assist your children on their maths learning journey by posing simple sums to them at anytime, for example whilst driving in the car.?Card/board games are often an excellent and fun way to build and solidify maths understanding, especially in relation to addition and subtraction. Some great options are Uno, Monopoly, Rummy O, Yahtzee?and with the older year groups the card?game Canasta; although challenging initially would be an excellent way to get some subtle maths happening. My intention for our maths tutoring sessions?is that I will meet your child where they are currently at on their maths learning journey, providing them with as many opportunities and?strategies as I can, so that they may build a clear understanding and enjoy the learning experience.If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via email.Kind regards, Amanda MasTeacher ................

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