Week 9 Unit 8 Creativity Spring 2017Warm-up: What is your favorite outdoor activity? Why?Play baseballPlay basketballPlay volleyballPlay badmintonGo swimmingPlay ping pongGo surfingGo skiingDo yogaDo judoGo bowlingGo joggingPlay hockeyPlay tennisPlay soccerDo pilatesPlay-games, activities with a ball (except bowling)Go- activities that end with -ing. Do- exercise activities and martial artsPlaying board gamesGuitarGo stop/ PokerWater polo Hand ballDodge ballSoftballGoing shoppingHiking Biking/CyclingHuntingClimbingScuba divingskatingDoing TaekwondoJuijitsuMuay ThaiBoxingKung fuKarateSsirum WrestlingSumo Wrestling I love/I like/ I enjoy going…playing…doing…I love to/I like toGoPlayDo I can’t stand/I don’t like/I hate going…playing…doing…I hate to/I don’t like toGoPlayDo Grammar: Page 209 + 114 (verb + noun; verb + infinitive)209Verb + infinitive (to + verb)Verb + a noun, noun phraseI love to play volleyball.I forgot to explain the rules.Can you learn to surf in one summer?I like to play most sports.I plan to go on a big trip.We are prepared to serve dinner.I hate to take tests.I need to take a vacation. I want to buy Scott a coffee.I plan to go to sleep early tonight. ***I decided to get a job.I love playing volleyball.I forgot the rules.Can you learn surfing in one summer?I like most sports.I plan big trips for my customers.We prepared dinner for everyone.I hate taking tests.I need a vacation.I want some coffee for Scott. I planned my lessons well. I decided both books are good.209A want toforget tohatewantneed toforgothate tolearned/am learning 114DWhat is one thing you love to do on the weekend?What is one thing you need to study harder?What is one thing you want to do by the end of the year?On the weekend, I love to...I need to study....harder because...By the end of the year, I want to...What are two things you plan to do soon?What are two things you want for your next birthday?What are two things you like about your school?I plan to... and .... soon.For my next birthday, I want..(gift 1) and (gift 2).At HUFS, I really like...Penny or Pearl Page 116-117Pearl (pronunciation)Ambitious – you want to be very successfulCareful- you are cautious; you think before doing thingsSelfish – don’t share thingsReserved- you are usually quiet and don’t talk a lotLaid back – you are relaxed person, you don’t have a lot of stressCareless- you are not very cautious, you don’t think about things before doing them, forgetful sometimesGenerous – you share a lotMatch the words in blue with their anizedambitious (wants to be successful) carefulselfish (never give, only take)reserved (quiet, doesn’t talk a lot.)messylaid back (not a true opposite) (relaxed/stress free)carelessgenerous (give a lot)talkative116BPennyPenny is organized.She is careful with her time.PearlShe is messy.PearlShe is careless.PennyShe is ambitious.She is organized. Penny or Pearl? Competitive- you want to be more successful; you want to win; you hate losingImpulsive- you do things without thinking (impulsive shopper)Creative- you have new ideasPrivate- you keep your feelings to yourself117D Are you more like Penny or Pearl? Which adjective describe you?I’m more like Pearl. I’m a little messy at home.I’m also impulsive when I go shopping.Grammar: Page 120/209 (Frequency expressions)How often do you...?I (verb)everyday/Monday/week/month/summer/morningoncetwicethree timesseveral timesa day/a week/a month/ a year / semester / all the time (very often)once in a while (sometimes)hardly ever (almost never)She watches TV all the time. Once in a while, I go to the gym. I visit my hometown once in a while.We hardly ever have a test.I’m hardly ever late for school.210B2a. every 2b. all the time3a. twice 3b. every 4a. four times/several times.4b. every5a. every Saturday.5b. once a week.120I spend too much money only once or twice a year.I watch TV several times a week.Once in a while, I buy things for my friends or family. I hardly ever win when playing online.I go on dates all the time. (Of course)I text my friends all the time.I clean my desk once in a while. I hardly every stay up late working or studying.1. Kim: “My arm is kind of / somewhat sore.”2. Kim: “I don’t like to lose, but I’m not competitive / impulsive.”3. Jay: “How often do you and your sister play basketball / tennis?”4. Kim: “We play every / every other Sunday.”5. Kim: “And once a week / once in a while we do judo.”6. Jay: “Judo? Well that is creative / ambitious!”7. Kim: “Sadie and I love / like to play sports.”8. Jay: “I know! You can go skiing / camping!”9. Jay: “but one thing I like / hate to do is go bowling.”10. Kim: “Bowling. Sure, I’d love to! / Sorry, I can’t.”Good Morning World – In to winJay: Welcome back! Coming up on Good Morning World, ping pong champion Deng Xi Han joins us to talk about his— (Kim winces) Kim? Are you OK?Kim: Yes, I’m fine. (moves arm to work out stiffness) My arm is kind of sore.Jay: From the coffee cup? Come on, Kim. It’s not that heavy.Kim: No, not from the coffee cup. I played tennis with my sister Sadie this weekend. She is very competitive.Jay: And you’re not?Kim: No! I’m not like Sadie at all. Sadie’s messy, and I’m organized. Sadie’s talkative, and I’m reserved. And when it comes to sports, Sadie is competitive, and I’m laid back. I don’t like to lose, but I’m not competitive.Jay: Really. How often do you and your sister play tennis?Kim: We play every Sunday. We also play volleyball all the time. And once in a while we do judo.Jay: Judo? Well that is ambitious!Kim: Yes. Sadie and I love to play sports. I need to be more careful the next time we play.Jay: Well sure you do! You don’t want to get hurt again.Kim: No, I mean I can’t let her win next time. That Sadie: she’s so creative.Jay: Maybe you and Sadie should do something that isn’t about sports. I know! You can go camping!Kim: Camping? Um, no thanks. How can you win at camping?Jay: Well you don’t… Listen, I don’t play a lot of sports, but one thing I like to do is go bowling.In fact, I’m going bowling tonight. Do you want to come? Just you, not Sadie.Kim: Hmm. Bowling. Sure, I’d love to!Jay: Good! You have to be a little bit patient when you’re bowling. So I guess it’s a good thing you’re not competitive.Kim: Yes! A good thing. (pause) What’s your highest score? Did you ever bowl a perfect game?I did once. It was against Sadie. She was so mad at me. And then…Jay: We’ll be right back. ................

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