UbD Lesson Plan Template - SchoolNotes

|UbD Lesson Plan Template |

|Teacher’s Name: Victoria Price |Subject/Course: STEM |

|Lesson Title: Handling credit & managing debt |Grade Level: 9th grade |

|Approximate Time Frame: Week of March 29, 2010 |

|Essential Vocabulary: Fico Score |

Stage 1 – Desired Results

|Competency/Objectives: Student will learn what it means to be responsible for credit and debt wisely as a part of financial planning to be able to |

|accomplish financial goals. |

Established Goals:

|Understandings | there are strategies to use in handling credit and managing debt. |

|Students will understand | |

|that... | |

|Essential Questions: |Why is proper credit use important? |

| |Why is a good credit score important? |

| |Can anyone get a credit card? |

| |What is debt management? |

| |What is financial planning? |

|Students will know… |that proper credit and debt management is essential for their financial well-being. |

|Students will be able to… |determine good/bad credit and utilize financial planning to manage debt. |

Brief Summary of the Unit:

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|The teacher will discuss proper and improper use of credit and debt management. |

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Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

|Performance Task: |Students will work through selected lessons and online tutorials using the NEFE High School Financial Planning Program. |

|Performance Task Statement: Students will work independently and collaboratively to complete a financial planning portfolio. |

|Students will understand… |the importance of good credit and managing debt. |

|Students will be able to do… |a budget, analyze credit reports and complete a financial plan. |

|G.R.A.S.P.S. |

|Here is where you will develop a scenario for the activity/project. |

|This section is for you to develop a guide for the students on what to do. |

|Goal(s): |create a budget |

|(Scenario for |learn how to use credit wisely |

|Assignment/Project) |read credit reports |

| |complete a financial plan |

|Role: |as an effective team member and individual to complete a task |

|(Student’s role) | |

|Audience: |teacher |

|(Who will see this | |

|information? It can be the | |

|teacher only.) | |

|Situation: |individually |

|(How – individually, partners,|as assigned “family” |

|groups – the goal will be | |

|accomplished.) | |

|Performance: |Students will complete website tutorials from NEFE and report on credit/debt management in groups. |

|(What will the student do?) |Students will work in groups to create a budget using unit 2 online tools. |

| |Students will set goals for an individual financial plan. |

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|Standards: |budget rubric-categorizing, graphing the data, and adjusting the budget scenario |

|(The criteria for success and |group participation-group discussions, on task behavior, helping others and listening |

|how it will be assessed.) | |

|Key criteria to reflect Performance Tasks: |rubric (budget rubric, group participation rubric, group work observation checklist) |

|Examples: Rubric, Checklist, etc. | |

|Other Evidence Summarized |work samples |

|(tests, essays, work sample(s), etc. |peer evaluation |

| |self evaluation |

Stage 3: Learning Plan, Experiences, and Instruction:

|UbD Lesson Plan |


|CLASS: STEM |UNIT: 2 -4 |

|LESSON TITLE: Good Debt, Bad Debt: Using Credit Wisely |

Information from Stage 1: Desired Results

|Unit & Competency | Select strategies to use in handling credit and managing debt |

|Enduring Understanding(s): | Students will understand that there are strategies to use in handling credit and managing debt. |

|Essential Question(s): | Why is proper credit use important? |

| |Why is a good credit score important? |

| |Can anyone get a credit card? |

| |What is debt management? |

| |What is financial planning? |

Learning Activities: Consider the WHERETO elements

|The Teacher will… |The Student will… |

|W |lead a discussion on effective budgeting practices. |learn what credit is |

|Where are we going? What is | |compare the advantages and disadvantages of using credit |

|expected? | |outline the process of applying for credit |

|H |use a video showing how to avoid the credit card monster |watch video clip and reflect on how it relates to |

|How will we hook (Introduce this | |budgeting. |

|to) the students? | | |

|E |use video, lecture and workbook activities. |gain a better understanding of creating a budget. |

|How will we equip students for | | |

|expected performances? | | |

|R |review worksheets |reflect on the differences between good credit and bad |

|How will we rethink or revise? | |credit. |

|E |prepare peer and self evaluation forms. |complete peer and self evaluation forms. |

|How will students self-evaluate | | |

|and reflect their learning? | | |

|T |use videos, group work, and lecture. |work with other students on different levels. |

|How will we tailor learning to | | |

|varied needs, interests, and | | |

|learning styles? | | |

|O |Use a video as an opening activity, then follow-up by |complete the desired steps of the teacher’s activities. |

|How will we organize the sequence|introducing unit four in the workbook. | |

|of learning? | | |

Information from Stage 2: Other Evidence

Sufficient and Revealing Evidence of Understanding: Briefly explain if and how it will be used.

|Informal Check: |question/answer session |

| |monitor progress while doing group work |

|Observation/Dialogue: |group work observation checklist |

|Quiz/Test: | |

|Academic Prompt: |group discussion about video |

|Performance Task/Project: |complete unit four workbook activity |

|Other: | |

Special Needs:

|Modifications: |Accommodations: |

|IEP as needed |work with students at different skill levels |

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Plans for after this lesson/competency is complete:

|Completed workbook activities |

|Work samples |

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Resources Used: Websites, books, film clips, etc.

|Type of Resource(s): |Name of Resource(s): |

|Video clips |Avoiding the Credit Card Monster |

|Website | |

|Financial Planning Workbook |NEFE High School Financial Planning Program |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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