CORONA?LESSON PLANS SPN B??5-4-20 to 5-8-20???Hola chicos! I wanted to let you know I am not using Schoology right now. If you want to get your work for my class, please either visit http:neufang. or request a paper packet. If I schedule an online meeting, I will email your student email account asking if you will accept an invite to a WebEx meeting. MONDAY:??You took the practice Unit 4 quiz on Friday and corrected it with your Vocabulary sheet. Today do the real quiz (at bottom of this sheet.) Then send me a picture or scan of it if you are able. TUESDAY:?? Fill in the Unit 5 Vocab sheet. Use Google or a Spanish to English dictionary to write what he words mean in English. Then copy the word, spelling carefully, in Spanish.WEDNESDAY:?? Make flashcards with Unit 5 Vocab words. You should draw a picture and write the English on one side. (No need to color unless you want to.)Then write the Spanish, spelling carefully, on the other. If you do not own 3X5 cards, you may cut up lined paper. THURSDAY:?? Use the flash cards you made to practice your Unit 5 Vocab list. Today, look at the Spanish side and guess the English word. FRIDAY:?? Use the flash cards you made to practice your Unit 5 Vocab list. Today, look at the English side and guess the Spanish word. UNIT 4 VOCAB QUIZNOMBRE:________________________HORA________?Write the word in Spanish.?Head??Neck???Shoulder??Arm???Chest??Stomach???Leg??Knee???Ankle??Foot???Fingers??Hand???Eye??Mouth???Teeth??Nose???Forehead?Chin??Hair???My_(body part word)____________hurts=? ________________________________????TENER= TO HAVE_____ _____________=I HAVE________ __________ =WE HAVE______ _____________ =YOU HAVE (INFORMAL)__________ ____________= Y’ALL HAVE (SPAIN, INFORMAL)4311655778500_____ HE HAS_____ __________ = SHE HAS_____ YOU HAVE (FORMAL) 7543808064500________ THEY HAVE________ ________= YOU GUYS HAVETHE ANSWERS TO CORRECT THIS QUIZ ARE ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE. Answers to real quiz: UNIT 4 VOCAB QUIZ NOMBRE:________________________HORA________?La cabeza ?El cuello??El hombro?El brazo??El pecho?El estómago??La pierna?La rodilla??El tobillo?El pie??Los dedos?La mano??El ojo?La boca?Los dientes?La nariz?La frenteLa barba?El pelo?Yo tengo dolor de (body part).?UNIT 5 SPANISH B Vocab Use Google or a Spanish to English dictionary to write these words in English. Then copy the SpanishLas espinacasLas galletasLas papasEl polloEl panEl heladoLa sopa de tomateLa carneLas cebollasEl quesoEl pudínLas salchichasLos frijolesLa peraLa manzanaLa pi?aEl plátanoLa naranjaEl tenedor?Tienes hambre?Tengo hambreGustar=to please (used to say something pleases you or “you like”)Me gusta (n)= I likeNos gusta (n)= We likeTe gusta (n)= You (informal) likeOs gusta (n)= Y’all like (Spain informal)Le gusta (n)= He, She, or you (formal) likeLes gusta (n)= They or you guys like? ................

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