Home - Delta State University

Corlis L. Snow


808 Vanessa Drive, Trussville, AL, 35173

Phone: (H) 205-655-3822 (W)205-655-4874 (C) 205-834-3924

Email: corlissnow@


|Doctor of Education - Elementary Education - University of Mississippi, August 2006. Dissertation: Critical Reading Issues and the Impact of |

|Literacy Coaches on the Instructional Leadership Role of Elementary Principals: Perceptions of Elementary Principals in the Mississippi Delta. |

|University of Mississippi Graduate School Award – Outstanding Graduate Student, 2005 |

|Master of Education - Elementary Education - Delta State University, December 2001 |

|Bachelor of Science - Elementary Education - Delta State University, May 1999; Recipient of the Second Degree (awarded to the transfer |

|student with the highest GPA) |

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|Associate Degree - Registered Nurse - Mississippi Delta Community College, May, 1985 |

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|TEACHING & OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES____________________________ |

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|May 2007, - present Delta State University, Cleveland, MS |

|Associate Professor of Elementary Education Coordinator of Graduate Studies in Elementary Education |

|Coordinator of Tishomingo Graduate Programs in Elementary Education |

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|2001- May, 2007 Delta State University, Cleveland, MS Instructor and |

|Assistant Professor of Elementary Education |

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|1999-2001 Ray Brooks School, Benoit, MS |

|Teacher, Second-grade |

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|1995-1997 Continue Care Home Health, Cleveland, MS |

|1985-1986 Field Nurse- RN |

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|1989-1995 Alacare Home Health Agency, Birmingham, AL |

|Field Nurse- RN |

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|SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY________________________________________________________ |

|Publications |

|Van Namen, M., Snow, C., & Powers, A. (2017). Using Thinking Maps to develop higher order thinking skills among diverse learners. |

|International Journal of Education and Human Developments. |

|Snow, C. (2006). Critical reading issues and the impact of literacy coaches on the instructional leadership role of elementary principals: |

|Perceptions of elementary principals in the Mississippi Delta. University of Mississippi, Oxford. |

|Snow, C., & Allen-Bradley, J. (2005). I don’t know nuttin’ about no engineer: The need for building background knowledge. Delta Education |

|Journal, 2, 7-14. |

|Presentations |

|Snow, C. (2020, October). Factors That Influence College Selection. Paper presented at the Mid- South Educational Research Association (MSERA) |

|Conference, Virtual. |

|Snow, C. (2019, November). Initial impact of a 5-year recruitment plan: Recruiting high-quality candidates for a teacher education program. |

|Paper presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Association (MSERA) Conference, New Orleans, LA. |

|Snow, C. & Casale, C. (2018, November). Primary students’ engagement in read alouds. Paper presented at the Mid-South Educational Research |

|Association (MSERA) Conference, Pensacola, FL. |

|Acosta, K., Hougen, M., Snow, C., Cook, K., & Wold, Cheryl. (2017). Closing the research to practice gap: Evidence-based resources and tools |

|to support educator preparation for inclusive schools. Teacher Education Division (TED) 40th Annual Conference, Savannah, GA. |

|Snow, C. & Watkins, T. (2017). Delta State University: Day 1 Ready Clinical Model. Poster Presentation. CEDAR Center Cross-State Convening, |

|Chicago, IL. |

|Snow, C., Griffin, L., & Cummins, C. (2016). Assessing Professional Dispositions among Online Elementary Education Master’s Degree Candidates.|

|CREATE 25th Annual Conference, Louisville, KY. |

|Snow, C. (2015). What’s the hold up? Strategies for improving the comprehension of informational text. Tennessee Reading Association 2015 |

|Annual Conference, Murfreesboro. TN. |

|Snow, C., Griffin, L., & Cummins, C. (2013). Investigating the need for Teacher Leadership Preparation Programs in the Mississippi Delta: |

|Administrator’s and Teachers’ Perceptions. Paper presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Association (MSERA) Conference, Pensacola, |

|FL. |

|Snow, C. (2012). Impact of the use of Informational text to remediate reading difficulties: Trend data. Paper presented at the Mid-South |

|Educational Research Association (MSERA) Conference, Lexington, KY. |

|Snow, C. (2010). Using literacy instruction to build healthy communities. Tennessee Reading Association Conference, Murfreesboro. TN. |

|Snow, C., Claypool, L., & Berryhill, S. (2010). Remediating reading difficulties through the use of information text. Second International |

|Literacy Coaching Summit, Texas A & M University, Corpus Christi, TX. |

|Snow, C., Claypool, L., & Berryhill, S. (2010). Informational text and struggling readers: A winning combination. American Council on Rural |

|Special Education Conference, Memphis, TN. |

|Snow, C., Claypool, L., & Berryhill, S. (2009). Building health literacy while remediating reading difficulties. Mississippi Reading |

|Association 39th Annual Conference, Biloxi, MS. Griffin, L., |

|Cummins, C., Davis, K., Snow, C. (2009). A healthy schools initiative: Answering the call through teacher and leadership preparation. Paper |

|presented at the 2009 Annual Association of Teacher Educators Meeting, Dallas, TX. |

|Snow, C. (2009). Impact of the use of informational text for remediating reading difficulties. Research Poster presentation at the |

|International Reading Association 54th Annual Convention West, Phoenix, AZ. Snow, C. |

|(2008). The impact of literacy coaches on the instructional leadership role of elementary principals: Perceptions of elementary principals in |

|the Mississippi Delta. Poster presentation. 4th Annual Research and Scholarship Symposium, Delta State University, Cleveland, MS. |

|Snow, C. (2007). Impact of the use of informational text for remediating reading difficulties. Paper presented at the Mid-South Educational |

|Research Association (MSERA) Conference, Hot Springs, AR. Snow, C. (2007). Using informational text in the |

|primary grades: A gateway to learning. Presentation at the 32nd Annual Southwest Reading Conference, Little Rock, AR. |

|Snow, C., & Cummins, C. (2007). Developing mathematical and language Skills through the use of music in the kindergarten classroom. |

|Presentation presented at the A to Z Early Childhood Conference, Delta State University, Cleveland, MS. |

|Snow, C. (2006). Critical reading issues: Perceptions of elementary principals in the Mississippi Delta. Paper presented at the Mid-South |

|Educational Research Association (MSERA) Conference. Birmingham, AL. Snow, C. (2006). Teaching |

|Strategies: Professional development. Presentation at the Region IV Sunday School Conference of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, |

|Canton, MS. Snow, C., et.al. (2006). What new faculty need to know: Advising. |

|Presentation at the Reaching Out to Mississippi Education in Action (ROMEA) Higher Education Faculty Development Conference, Delta State |

|University, Cleveland, MS. |

|Snow, C., & Cummins, C. (2006). Sensory sensations: Language experience activities for vocabulary development. Presentation at the A to Z |

|Early Childhood Conference, Delta State University, Cleveland, MS. |

|Snow, C., Cummins, C., & Rakes, S. (2006). Word power: Vocabulary development for young children. Presentation at the Mississippi Reading |

|Association (MRA) Conference, Tunica, MS. Allen-Bradley, J., & Snow, C. (2003). The |

|need for building background information. Presentation at the Southeastern Regional International Reading Association (IRA) Conference, |

|Biloxi, MS. Oliphant- Ingam, R., Snow, C., et al. (2003). The Mississippi Delta-Where English is|

|a Second Language. Presentation at the 93rd Annual Convention of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Conference, San |

|Francisco, CA. |

|Professional Development Presentations |

|Conducted Professional Development Trainings and follow-up Classroom Support for PreK -12 Language Arts Teachers in the Greenwood Public |

|Schools- Informational Text: Improving Reading Comprehension, Greenwood Public Schools, Greenwood, MS, August – November, 2015. |

|Conducted training Session- Using Informational Text for Reading Instruction: Health-related Text, Jonestown Community Center, Jonestown, MS, |

|September 2009. |

|Conducted Professional Development Workshop- Instructional Planning, West Bolivar School District, Rosedale, MS, January 30, 2008. |

|Conducted Professional Development Workshop- Literacy Instruction in the Middle School, West Bolivar School District, Rosedale, MS, May, 2008. |

|Conducted Professional Development Workshop for the Delta Area Association for the Improvement of Schools- Cooperative Learning, Belzoni Middle|

|School, Belzoni, MS, July 24, 2007. |

|Conducted Professional Development Workshop- Improving Literacy Skills with Nonfiction Text: Part I of the Literacy Enhancement Clinic’s |

|Professional Development Series: Current Research-based Practices for Literacy, Student Achievement, and Community Wellness, Jacob Center, |

|Delta State University, February 27, 2007. |

|Co-Conducted Professional Development Workshop with Dr. Sherry Shepard- Improving Student Achievement: Part II of the Literacy Enhancement |

|Clinic’s Professional Development Series: Current Research-based Practices for Literacy, Student Achievement, and Community Wellness, Jacob |

|Center, Delta State University, March, 5, 2007. |

|Co-conducted Professional Development Workshop with Dr. Bob Wilbanks- Illiteracy and Medication Errors: Part III of the Literacy Enhancement |

|Clinic’s Professional Development Series: Current Research-based Practices for Literacy, Student Achievement, and Community Wellness, Jacob |

|Center, Delta State University, March 22, 2007. |

|Conducted Professional Development Workshop- Teaching Early Literacy Skills, K-2, Carver-Lower Elementary School, Indianola School District, |

|Indianola, MS, August 4, 2002. |

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|RESEARCH PROJECTS______________________________________________________ |

|Investigating the Need for Teacher Leadership Preparation Programs in the Mississippi Delta: Administrators' and Teachers' Perceptions |

|(Principal Investigator). |

|This study investigates administrators’ and teachers’ perceptions of the need for Teacher Leadership preparation programs in the Mississippi |

|Delta region. |

|The Impact of the Use of Informational Text for Remediating Reading Difficulties (Principal Investigator). This study examined the impact of |

|the use of informational text on the reading achievement of 20, 1st -6th graders who receive tutoring services in the Literacy Enhancement |

|Clinic at Delta State University. Reading achievement will be assessed in the areas of word recognition, vocabulary, and comprehension. |

|The Measurement of Nutrition Knowledge and Behaviors after Participation in a University Based Literacy Enhancement Clinic (Co-investigator). |

|This study investigates the effect of nutrition instruction on the nutrition knowledge and behaviors of 22, K-9th grade students who are |

|participating in an after-school tutoring program. |

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|LEADERSHIP ROLES__________________________________________________________ |

|Director, College of Education & Human Sciences 5-yr Recruitment & Retention Plan (F’18-present)-Coordinate the development and implementation |

|of the COEHS recruitment and retention plan. Monitor impact of the plan’s efforts. Analyze recruitment & retention data and report results. |

|Team Leader, DSU CEEDAR Collaboration (F’16-present)-coordinate COEHS initiatives related to the CEEDAR mission of ensuring graduates of |

|teacher and leader preparation programs are able to positively impact learning for all students. |

|Coordinator, Tishomingo Graduate Studies in Elementary Education (Fall 2010- present)- Coordinate the MED cohort and the EDS cohorts at the |

|Tishomingo Center. Perform recruitment and advisement services as well as serve as liaison between the Tishomingo cohort candidates and the |

|university. This initiative is in partnership with the Tri-State Scholarship foundation. |

|Coordinator, Graduate Studies in Elementary Education (Spring 2009-present)- Assisted in the development and implementation of the online |

|Master of Education and Education Specialist in Elementary Education degree programs. Developed handbooks for the Master of Education and the |

|Educational Specialist candidates (2007). Developed guiding processes and documents for the online program. |

|Coordinator, Elementary Education Programs (2007-Fall 2008) – Coordinated both the undergraduate and graduate Elementary Education programs. |

|Collaborated with faculty to implement accreditation assessments. Collaborated with faculty to review program curriculum. |

|Student Engagement Champion, College of Education Representative (2006-2007) – Assisted with the development of the New Faculty/GST Initiative |

|for the university. |

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|Director, Literacy Enhancement Clinic (Fall 2006-2010)-conceptualized, developed, and implemented the Literacy Enhancement Clinic (LEC), a |

|grant-funded effort included in Project 21 of the Delta Health Initiative. The LEC was a field-based training site for graduate and |

|undergraduate teacher education majors and dietetics majors who diagnosed and remediated literacy difficulties and provided nutrition |

|instruction for K-12 students. The basis for instruction was health-related informational text, a genre that is unique to remediating literacy |

|difficulties. Partnership with Dr. Kathy Davis, Dietetic/Nutrition Department, resulted in the addition of nutrition instruction. September |

|through April after-school sessions and June summer sessions have served 155 K-10 students to date. The clinic also partners with health and |

|school officials to provide research-based health and literacy professional development for K-12 teachers. Research carried out in the clinic |

|was presented at professional meetings as a unique model for remediating literacy problems among K-12 students. |

|DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY SERVICE___________________________________________ |

|Teacher Education Collaborative Efforts The Delta Connection, Fall 2007-present: Collaborated with Dr.s Cheryl Cummins (DSU) and Janice |

|Nicholson (Blue Mountain College) to conceptualize and implement the Delta Connection- an exchange of teacher candidates for the purpose of |

|team-teaching literacy lessons to diverse elementary students at Bell Elementary in Boyle, MS and New Albany Elementary in New Albany, MS. The |

|Delta Connection provides an opportunity for teacher candidates from diverse settings (Delta State University and Blue Mountain College) to |

|collaborate instructional efforts with diverse peers and K-3 students. The field experiences enhance CRD 326. |

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|Membership on Committees Ad hoc Committee for Drafting Minimal Standards for Increasing Faculty Interaction in Online Classes |

|Search Committee for Division of Teacher Education, Educational Leadership, and Research Department Chair (Fall 2011) |

|Subcommittee for drafting the duties of the newly formed Graduate Education Program Council – GEPC (Fall 2011- present) |

|Courtesy Committee (Fall 2011- present) |

|Healthy Campus/Community Initiative Advisory Committee (Fall 2009- Fall 2010) |

|NCATE Conceptual Framework Committee (Fall 2009-present) |

|NCATE Assessment Committee (Fall 2008- present) |

|Dean of Graduate Studies Search Committee (2008-Spring 2009) |

|Teacher Education Redesign Team (Fall 2008-Fall 2010) assisted in the development of the DSU Elementary Education Redesign Report |

|Blue Ribbon Committee Redesign- Accountability Work Team, January 2008 |

|Arts & Letters Steering Committee (Spring 2008) |

|Marketing Advisory Committee (Spring 2008-present) |

|Foundations of Excellence Roles & Purpose Committee (Fall 2008-2009) |

|Writing Across the Curriculum Committee (Spring 2007-2009) |

|Health & Wellness Committee (Fall 2005-Spring 2007 |

|NCATE- Standard 5 Committee (Fall 2005-Spring 2006) |

|Associations of Teacher Education Advisement |

|Kappa Delta Pi Advisor (2010-present) |

|Future Educator Association (Spring 2009-Current) |

|Student Advisory Council (Fall 2007-Fall 2008) |

|Mississippi Early Childhood Association (2005-2007) |

|Mississippi Association of Middle Level Education (2003-2005) |

|Faculty Senate Senate Proxy (Fall 2007-2009) |

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|Service on Dissertation Committees Dissertation Chair: Shea Fede (current) |

|Dissertation Committee Member: Samuel Evans (current) |

|Dissertation Committee Member: Antoine F. Gnintedem (graduated May 2014) |

|Dissertation Committee Member: Vera Wright (graduated December 2013) |

|Dissertation Chair: Lisa Bramuchi (graduated May 2009) |

|Dissertation Committee Member Dianne Thomas (graduated December 2007) |

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|AWARDS AND GRANTS ______________________________________________________ |

|Connected Educator Award, 2014 |

|Delta State University College of Education 2009-2010 Outstanding Faculty Award |

|Higher Education Appreciation Day Working for Education (HEADWAE) Award-2009 |

|Delta Health Alliance, Fall 2006-current, Literacy Enhancement Clinic- $100,000. The Literacy Enhancement Clinic is one of five projects within|

|the $1.4 million grant. |

|Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes, Fall 2008, Praxis Project for the People of Mississippi- $5000 |

|Delta State University, Spring 2008, Bryce Griffis Presidential Endowment Fund- $458 |

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|PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS ________________________________________________ |

|International Literacy Association |

|Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society |

|Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |

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|OTHER ________________________________________________ |

|Book Reviews: Elementary Reading/Literacy Text book proposal, McGraw-Hill Elementary reading. New York, NY. |

|Literacy Learning for Powerful Purposes, chapters 4 – 8, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, New York, NY |

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|Proposal Review: AACTE 64th Annual Meeting & Exhibits |

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|Received a letter of commendation from Provost Ann Lotven regarding the positive mentioning of my name in a student comment on the spring 2009 |

|graduation survey. I was one of two faculty who received such a commendation. |

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|Developed and maintained a partnership with the Cleveland School District to coordinate tutoring services for 2 high school ELL students. |

|Services were provided by one of Delta State’s International students. |

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|Developed and maintain web-based instructional formats for online graduate courses in elementary education. |

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|Developed hybrid course formats for undergraduate courses: CEL 315, CEL 318. |

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