Online Courses

Online Courses


ENGL 1335 Composition I (3)

ENGL 1345 Composition II (3)


COMM 2357 Essentials of Speech (3)

COMM 2367 Communication Concepts (3)


MATH 1345 Applied College Mathematics (3)


BIOL 1355 General Biology and Lab (3)

BIOL 1155 General Biology Lab (1)

SCIE 1357 Earth Science Introduction (3)

SCIE 1157 Earth Science Lab (1)


HUMN 2355 Biblical Worldview (3)

Fine Arts/Humanities/Lit

HIST 3355 Church History I (3)

HIST 3365 Church History II (3)

ENGL 2355 Survey of American Literature (3)

ENGL 2365 English Literature I (3)

ENGL 3355 Literature of C.S. Lewis (3)

ARTS 1355 Music Appreciation (3)

Social Sciences

PSCI 2355 U.S. Government (3)

HIST 2365 Western Civilization I (3)

HIST 2377 Western Civilization II (3)

Behavioral Sciences

PSCS 1355 General Psychology (3)

SOCI 1357 Intro to Sociology (3)

SOCI 2357 Cultural Anthropology (3)

Student Development (3)

STDV 1357 Goals, Priorities and Attitudes (3)

Christian Ministry

CCMM 2357 Evangelism Discipleship (3)

CCMM 3357 Foundations of Christian Missions (3)

CCMM 4357 Theology of Missions (3)

Leadership & Ethics

LEAD 1355 Mentoring Foundations: Grids for Life and Learning (3)

LEAD 3355 Biblical Concepts of Leadership (3)

LEAD 4355 Christian Ethics (3)

LEAD 4385 Small Groups in the Church (3)

LEAD 4367 Case Studies in Leadership (3)

LEAD 4375 Case Studies in Ethics (3)

LEAD 4395 Ethical Decisions in the Workplace (3)

Leadership & Ethics ¨CGraduate Level

STDV 6015 Spiritual Vitality: Developing Christian Character (3)

THEO 5015 Theological Foundations of Faith: A Case Study (3)

MMIN 5015 The Church on Monday: Lifestyle Ministry (3)

LEAD 6015 Living Ethics: A Biblical Basis for Moral Judgment (3)

LEAD 5015 Avoiding Compassion Fatigue: Biblical Principles for Personal

Management (3)

MMIN 6025 Ministering in a Culturally Diverse World (3)

LEAD 5025 Biblical Foundations for Leadership Development (3)

LEAD 6025 Case Studies in Leadership and Management (3)

LEAD 5035 Connecting: Biblical Principles for Effective Relationships (3)

COMM 6015 Effective Leadership Communication (3)

LEAD 6035 Managing People: Groups and Leadership (3)

LEAD 5045 Mentoring: Developing Biblical Leadership I (1)

LEAD 5055 Mentoring: Developing Biblical Leadership II (1)

LEAD 5065 Mentoring: Developing Biblical Leadership III (1)


BIBL 1355 Old Testament Survey (3)

BIBL 1365 New Testament Survey (3)

BIBL 2335 Life of Christ (3)

BIBL 3315 Acts (3)

BIBL 3355 Understand & Apply the Bible (3)

THEO 3355 Christian Theology (3)

THEO 4355 Christianity in the 21st Century (3)


BIBL 4325 Paul¡¯s New Testament Letters (3)

BIBL 3367 History of the Israelite Kingdom (3)

BIBL 3325 Old Testament Pentateuch (3)

BIBL 4345 Hebrew Poetic and Wisdom Literature (3)

BIBL 4335 General Epistles and Revelation (3)

BIBL 4315 Old Testament Prophets (3)

BIBL 3345 Worship in the Old Testament (3)


MGMT 2355 Principles of Management (3)

MMIN 3357 History of Music in Worship: Survey of Attitudes & Practices (3)

MMIN 3367 Worship: Early Christian Church to Present

PSCS 2355 Intro to Counseling (3)

CHMN 1357 Biblical Financial Planning (3)

Capstone Courses

STDV 4335 Senior Ministry Project (3)

General Electives

General electives can be any course on the Distance Division roster¡ª

freshman, sophomore, junior or senior course selections.


SOCI 2357 Cultural Anthropology (3)

EDMN 4357 College Level TESL (3)

EDMN 4367 Language Program and Curriculum Design (3)

EDMN 3357 Structure of the English Language (3)

EDMN 3367 Theories of Second Language Acquisition (3)

EDMN 3377 Linguistics (3)

EDMN 4397 Methods of TESOL (3)

EDMN 4387 Internship in TESL I (3)


ACCT 3357 Accounting for Managers (3)

ECON 3357 Economics for the Manager (3)


BUSN 1305

Business Foundations (3)

CSCI 1365

Microcomputer Applications in Business (3)

BUSN 3307

Legal Implications for Business (3)

ACCT 2347

Principles of Accounting I (3)

ACCT 2357

Principles of Accounting II (3)

BUSN 2337

Data Analysis & Interpretation (Statistics) (3)

(Pre-requisites: Applied College Mathematics and

Microcomputer Applications in Business)

ECON 2345

Microeconomics (3)

ECON 2315

Macroeconomics (3)

MGMT 2355

Principles of Management (3)

COMM 2367 Communication Concepts (3)

MKTG 2367

Principles of Marketing (3)

ECON 3357

Economics for the Manager (3)

MGMT 3357

Organizational Behavior (3)

MGMT 4355

Entrepreneurship and Small Business

MGMT 4365

Management Challenges (3)

MGMT 4387

Management of Human Resources (3)

LEAD 4395

Ethical Decisions in the Workplace (3)

MGMT 3337

Management Information Systems (3)

MGMT 4377

Teams and the Work Process (3)

BUSN 4355

Contemporary Economic Issues (3)

MGMT 4357

Entrepreneurship and Small Business (3)

MKTG 4335

Marketing for Results (3)

Psychology and Counseling

PSCS 1355 General Psychology (3)


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