Graphic Communications Systems 8458

Graphic Communications Systems 8458

Grade Level: 10, 11, or 12 (36 weeks)

Graphic Communications Systems 8494

Grade Level: 10, 11, or 12 (18 weeks)

This course provides experiences related to a wide range of tools and materials used to reproduce information and images. Several mediums are used, including paper, metal, plastic, and fabric. Students develop competencies in message design, composition and assembly, film conversion and assembly, and message transfer and product conversion.

Depending on optional course content, the following certifications may be available:

• Brainbench Desktop Publishing Software Certifications

• IC3 (Certiport)

+Specific approved Brainbench Desktop Publishing Software Certifications can be found at

|Credential Title/Description/Entity |How to Earn Credential |Implementation Data |Possible Preparatory |

| | | |Courses/Career Cluster |

|Brainbench Desktop Publishing Software Certifications* |Pass any one assessment in the Desktop Publishing | |Choose one of the following: |

|Certification of knowledge and skills required for one or more skill|Software skill cluster (see +note at top of this |22 CTE teachers have achieved certification for | |

|set areas relating to knowledge of industry-leading graphics, page |section). These assessments provide |the Adobe Photoshop CS skill set. Several state |Communication Systems 8415/8418 |

|layout, and publishing software. |certification of specific skill set knowledge of |sponsored certification training academies have |Graphic Communications Systems |

| |industry-leading graphics, page layout, and |been conducted. |8458/8494 |

| |publishing software. Examples: Adobe Illustrator| | |

| |8.0, Adobe PageMaker 6.5, Adobe Photoshop 7.0, |Students and teachers are attempting the following| |

|Brainbench |Macromedia Director 8, Quark Xpress |tests for the 2006-07 year: |Science, Technology, Engineering,|

| | | |and Mathematics |

| | |-QuarkXpress | |

| | |-Adobe PageMaker | |

| | |-Adobe Photoshop | |

| | |-Adobe Illustrator | |

| | | | |

|IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certification) |Pass three individual examinations in the | | |

|A global, validated, standards-based training and certification |following areas: |315 students were reported as having achieved this|This credential can be utilized |

|program for basic computing and Internet literacy. It validates the| |certification for 2005-06 |in many CTE courses as it |

|knowledge and skills required for basic use of computer hardware, |Computing Fundamentals | |verifies digital |

|software, networks, and the Internet. |Key Applications |Reimbursement “snapshot” for 2005-06: 201 |literacy—understanding how |

| |Living On-line |students attempted IC3 Computer Fundamentals exam |computers relate to business and |

| | |with 98 passing; 115 students attempted IC3 Key |industry. |

|Certiport | |Applications exam with 84 passing; 172 students | |

| | |attempted IC3 Living Online exam with 111 passing.| |

| | | | |

| | |234 teachers have earned credentials related to | |

| | |this certification through state sponsored | |

| | |training sessions. | |


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