JCPS KINDERCAMP – GIVE YOUR CHILD A JUMP START! FUN and FREE for students entering this year!733425-104940If we are able to (based on state guidelines), JCPS will again offer a program for our children who will begin Kindergarten this year. The purpose of our Kindercamp is to help children have a smooth transition into Kindergarten. Students will engage in fun activities where they will spend time getting to know teachers, students, and daily routines. JCPS Kindercamp is tentatively scheduled for August 6th & 7th from 8:30 until 11:30. If interested, parents may register their child using the form below or by completing an online form available using the following link: .Questions? Call JCPS/Patti Hobby at 706-468-4968 or email KindercampThursday - Friday, August 6th & 7th FREE (NO Registration Fee) 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.Jasper County Primary SchoolRegister by August 1st Kindercamp activities include eating in the school cafeteria, finding the bathrooms, sitting in desks in the Kindergarten classes, and playing on the playground. The children will practice raising their hands, using their words to say what they need, standing in line, and sharing. These activities help the child feel comfortable and safe the first day of school. Kindercamp is fun! Our “Kindercamp” will focus on a theme that incorporates activities such as cutting with scissors, using shapes to make pictures, learning how to say their full name and phone number, and reading time. An important part of our Kindercamp will be time for socialization. When children arrive the first day of Kindergarten, they will already know school staff names, and may have also met their teacher and even the principal! Most importantly, they will know children in their kindergarten class and from other kindergarten classes, too!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JCPS KINDERCAMP REGISTRATIONChild’s Name Parent(s) AddressCity Daytime PhoneHome Phone E-mail Parents must provide transportation to and from JCPS Kindercamp.Return this form to JCPS, 495 Highway 212 W, Monticello, GA, 30164. Forms may also be completed online or your registration information can be emailed to ................

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