APPENDIX G - Southern Arkansas University





|Introduction |2 |

|Portfolio Requirements |2 |

| LiveText™ |2 |

| Initial (Entrance) Portfolio Requirements |2 |

| Capstone (Exit) Portfolio Requirements |2 |

| Program Evaluation |2 |

|Portfolio Review |3 |

|Portfolio Access |4 |

| Registering |4 |

| Login |4 |

| Creating Work |4 |

| Working in your Document |5 |

| Submitting Work |5 |

| Checking/Resubmitting Work |5 |

|Portfolio Format |6 |

| Portfolio Sections |6 |

|Appendices |8 |

| Appendix A: Portfolio Standards & Related Elements |8 |

| Appendix B: Criteria for Rating Capstone Portfolio |9 |

| Appendix C: Portfolio Rating Form |10 |

| Appendix D: Portfolio Review Procedure |11 |

| Appendix E: Directions for Assessors |12 |

| Appendix F: Authorship Form |13 |

| Appendix G: FERPA Form |14 |



This guide outlines the portfolio requirements for the graduate degree in the Online Master of Education Program at Southern Arkansas University. This online program is based on the core propositions established by the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). There are four different tracks available to students: Curriculum & Instruction emphasis, Reading emphasis, Middle Level emphasis (with available endorsement), and Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages-TESOL emphasis (with available endorsement). All four tracks have additional certification standards within NBPTS that are specific to the discipline.

Portfolio Requirements:

✓ LiveText™:

Assessment and portfolio requirements for the online program are delivered using a web service known as LiveText™. A subscription to this service allows the candidate to work toward fulfilling requirements for the NBPTS portfolio as well as provide the university with assessment data.

✓ Initial (Entrance) Portfolio Requirements:

Upon enrollment in their initial coursework, students must purchase a subscription to LiveText™ in order to begin development of the portfolio. This portfolio permits the student to accumulate artifacts that demonstrate evidence of their knowledge and ability to apply the standards associated with the NBPTS core propositions as well as the standards specific to the student’s discipline. Artifacts will be added, deleted, and adjusted as students progress through their coursework.

✓ Capstone (Exit) Portfolio Requirements:

Students complete the program by taking the M.Ed. Capstone Portfolio course during the semester of graduation. This course provides for further development of the capstone portfolio under the specific guidance of the Program Director. Students learn to select, categorize, and document their achievements and accomplishments for review and assessment related to the NBPTS certification process. A satisfactory portfolio is a requirement for recommendation for completion of the Online Masters of Education program.

The Capstone (Exit) Portfolio must be a well-written, integrated collection of the evidence that the student has acquired the competencies required for completion of the program. It should showcase the student’s best work as a graduate candidate and demonstrate the student’s expertise relative to the core propositions and discipline standards. The portfolio should provide tangible evidence of a wide range of the professional knowledge, dispositions, and performance that the candidate for graduation possesses in the following areas:

1. Commitment to Student and their Learning

2. Knowledge of Subject

3. Management and Monitoring of Student Learning

4. Reflective Practice

5. Involvement in Learning Communities

✓ Program Evaluation

Each candidate must complete the Online Masters Program Evaluation as part of their program completion requirements. This form is accessed through LiveText™ and may be set by the student to be confidential.

Portfolio Review


The capstone portfolio should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of and ability to apply the NBPTS core propositions and discipline-specific standards. Upon completion of the capstone portfolio, the candidate will submit it to the assessors for review and evaluation. The assessors will be assigned to each candidate by the Program Director. The process for presenting the portfolio to the assessors shall consist of the following:

1. Submission: Candidates will submit the final version of the capstone portfolio FOUR weeks in advance of their graduation date. The portfolio will be submitted to the Program Director and any other assessors assigned to the candidate. The candidate will attain a guest pass code to the portfolio and distribute the code to each of the additional assessors.

2. Evaluation: Each assessor will independently evaluate the capstone portfolio within LiveText™ (see specific criteria in Appendix B). The assessors will submit their evaluations of the capstone portfolio concerning whether it is of acceptable quality and whether the candidate satisfactorily demonstrated the requisite knowledge of and ability to apply the standards.

3. Acceptable Rating: If the overall rating of the capstone portfolio is acceptable, the candidate will be notified by the Online Program Director and School of Graduate Studies.

4. Unacceptable Rating: If the overall ratings of the electronic portfolio are NOT acceptable the candidate will be notified that the capstone portfolio must be re-submitted at a later date and a new deadline will be issued.

The content for each standard in the electronic portfolio will be evaluated on a scale from one (low) to three (high). The following criteria will be used:

Interpretation of Core Proposition:

▪ Does the student adequately demonstrate an understanding of the proposition and offer an understanding of how the proposition relates to the artifact as well as to student learning?

Explanation of Artifact:

▪ Does the student demonstrate the ability to describe and explain the artifact and how this artifact is related to the proposition as well as to student learning?

Instructional Context and Purpose:

▪ Does the student demonstrate the ability to describe and explain how the artifact is used within the classroom setting and with a particular group of students for a particular purpose?

Writing Mechanics:

▪ Is the writing well-organized and free of errors in punctuation and/or capitalization? (see Appendix B)

✓ Electronic Evaluation

Each standard is rated by the assessors on four (4) categories, according to a three-point sale ranging from one (1) to three (3) or twelve points per standard. Candidates must achieve a minimum score (9 points) on each standard to receive a passing score for the standard, as well as a minimum overall score in order to meet the passing requirements for the capstone portfolio.

Portfolio Access



▪ Go to the LiveText™ home page at

▪ Click on “Register Account.”

▪ Follow the onscreen instructions to complete registration.

▪ If you purchased your subscription through the campus bookstore, you will be prompted for the registration key code. This is found inside your CD cover. It is this registration key that activates your account. It can only be used once!

▪ If you purchase your membership online, you will be prompted to give your credit card information. Once your card is approved, your account will be activated immediately.

▪ As part of your registration, the following information will be requested:

✓ Username: However you prefer to example would be jsmith for Jane Smith.

✓ Password: Any combination of letters and numbers that is at least 6 characters long. It is case sensitive. Whatever password you choose should be easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess.

✓ Most students opt to use the same username/password as they do for Blackboard. This makes it easy to remember how to log on to both programs.

✓ E-Mail: A valid e-mail address is required for all members, preferably your SAU email address.

✓ First and Last name: The system will greet you by this name after you login. It also is the name that shows up on all work you create within LiveText and when others are looking for your name in the member directory. Please use your proper name (no nicknames).

✓ State and University: Carefully select our university.

✓ Student ID Number: Enter your student ID number as 4 digits, a hyphen, and 5 digits (XXXX-XXXXX). This is NOT your social security number! It is the identification number that appears on all your SAU paperwork.

✓ Terms of Service: You must accept the terms of service to go any further.

✓ If everything you have entered is accepted, you will see an onscreen message confirming your success.


▪ After registering, you should practice logging in for the first time.

▪ Start from the beginning.

▪ Close your web browser and reopen it as you would at the start of the day.

▪ Go to

▪ Type in your username.

▪ Type in your password.

▪ Click on the “Login” button.

▪ This will take you to the “Dashboard” area by default.

Creating Work:

▪ Dashboard, by default, opens to display the courses you are enrolled in for the current semester as well as any assignments posted for those courses.

▪ You can complete your work by clicking on the assignment link and following the directions given by your instructor.

▪ You also have the option of creating documents outside of a specific assignment.

▪ If you choose to create a document yourself, you can do that by going to the “Documents” tab.

▪ Click on the “New” button at the top of the screen.

▪ You will be prompted to “Choose a Folder.” Click the drop-down arrow and choose Portfolios (for example) from the Southern Arkansas University list.

▪ Next you will be prompted to “Choose a Template.” Click the drop-down arrow and choose the template that aligns with the course you are taking.

▪ Finally, give your document a name. It is strongly suggested that your title be something like “Jane Smith’s Observation Journal” or “John Doe’s Professional Portfolio.”

▪ When you click the “Create Document” button, your document will open and you’ll be ready to enter information into it.

Working in your Document:

▪ After creating your document, it is ready to add content.

▪ From the “Documents” tab, you should see your newly created document.

▪ Click on the link and it should open to the first page of the document.

▪ You will see the sections of the document down the left-hand side of your screen. These act as “tabs” similar to what you would use in a hard-copy binder. Clicking on any of these “tabs” will take you to that page.

▪ To add text, click on “edit” and wait on the word processor to load. You can add text just as you would in any word processing program.

▪ You can also add images and attachments to your document. Whether you use these features depends on the assignment and/or task.

Submitting Work:

▪ When you are done entering your information, you will need to submit it to your instructor for review.

▪ With your document open, click on the “Submit for Review” button.

▪ Type your instructor’s name into the text box and wait for his/her name to load.

▪ Click the Add button to select the name.

▪ Submit your work by clicking on that button.

Checking/Resubmitting Work:

▪ Click on the “Reviews” tab.

▪ There you will find your document, who you sent it to, and the date of the submission.

▪ If you completed a pre-loaded assignment, your review will be located within your course, NOT from the Reviews tab.

Portfolio Format


The portfolio must be submitted in an electronic, online form using the LiveText™ software authorized by the department and organized in separate sections for each standard according to the specifications outlined below.

1. Document Presentation: A neutral background is preferred may be used in the electronic document unless it is an image of an original document that was not prepared by candidate.

2. Document Format: All documents must be typed using the word processing program within LiveText™. The candidate may use documents that did not produce, such as samples of student work, newspaper clippings, awards, certificates, recommendations, letters, etc. These documents must be digitally photographed and an electronic copy uploaded to the online portfolio.

3. Document Font: The same font should be used on all documents. The font style used may be at the discretion of the candidate as long as it is easily read and uniform throughout.

4. Verification Forms: The form verifying that the work contained in the capstone portfolio is the authentic work of the author (see Appendix F) and the form giving permission to score and share the portfolio among assessors (Appendix G) must be downloaded, signed, and scanned back into the capstone portfolio before final submission.

▪ Portfolio Sections:

✓ Personal Biography

In this section, you will tell about yourself:  who you are, where you are from, where you were educated, a little about your family, what other people say about you, etc.  This section should not necessarily be lengthy, but it should be informative and interesting to read.  You MUST include a digital photo of yourself.  This photo should be a professional one, preferably a head shot. 

✓ Content Specialty

In this section, you will tell about your specific discipline: why you chose this discipline for your career, what makes this content area interesting to you, what special expertise or training you've had in this content area, etc.  This is where you will assure your reader that you are an expert in your field. 

✓ Description of Core Proposition

Enter information into this section as multi-paragraphed, narrative content. Give a clear description of the core proposition. It should demonstrate a FULL understanding of the proposition and its sub-elements.

✓ Artifacts

FULLY describe and explain your artifact.  Include a description of how the artifact is related to the core proposition AND the standards of your specific certification area.  Continue by describing and explaining how the artifact is used within the classroom setting and with a particular group of students for a particular purpose.  Your artifact should be inserted as an image or as an attachment. 

▪ Select a recent lesson that you taught (and collect copies of student work, if available).

▪ Decide which of your certification standards apply to the overall core proposition as well as to the specific artifact you have chosen.

▪ Add those standards to the standards section in your LiveText™ portfolio.

▪ As you write about the lesson and think about your student’s work, make sure you address the following points in your narrative:

➢ What was the learning goal(s) of this assignment?

➢ How does this work assignment demonstrate the learning goal(s)?

➢ What did the student understand about the concept?

➢ What did the student misunderstand about the concept?

➢ What patterns of errors are evident in the work?

➢ What criteria did I use to assess this work sample? (Not “What grade did I give?”)

➢ How did the student assess his/her own work?

➢ How did I give the student constructive feedback?

➢ How is this feedback evident to an assessor?

➢ What do I need to explain or reteach about this concept?

➢ Based on the analysis of this work sample, what does the student need to learn next?

➢ How can I connect future learning to this learning?




Portfolio Standards & Related Elements

The candidate should submit evidence of at least TWO artifacts that illustrate each of the NBPTS core propositions and related elements. An artifact may demonstrate more than one category within a standard as well as categories with other standards. Candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of and ability to apply each artifact to the classroom environment, to articulate the rationale for inclusion of an artifact in a particular standard, and all of the other standard categories and elements that are applicable.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards: The Five Core Propositions

Proposition 1: Teachers are Committed to Students and Learning.

▪ NBCTs are dedicated to making knowledge accessible to all students. They believe all students can learn.

▪ They treat students equitably. They recognize the individual differences that distinguish their students from one another and they take account for these differences in their practice.

▪ NBCTs understand how students develop and learn.

▪ They respect the cultural and family differences students bring to their classroom.

▪ They are concerned with their students’ self-concept, their motivation and the effects of learning on peer relationships.

▪ NBCTs are also concerned with the development of character and civic responsibility.

Proposition 2: Teachers Know the Subjects They Teach and How to Teach Those Subjects to Students.

▪ NBCTs have mastery over the subject(s) they teach. They have a deep understanding of the history, structure and real-world applications of the subject.

▪ They have skill and experience in teaching it, and they are very familiar with the skills gaps and preconceptions students may bring to the subject.

▪ They are able to use diverse instructional strategies to teach for understanding.

Proposition 3: Teachers are Responsible for Managing and Monitoring Student Learning.

▪ NBCTs deliver effective instruction. They move fluently through a range of instructional techniques, keeping students motivated, engaged and focused. 

▪ They know how to engage students to ensure a disciplined learning environment, and how to organize instruction to meet instructional goals. 

▪ NBCTs know how to assess the progress of individual students as well as the class as a whole. 

▪ They use multiple methods for measuring student growth and understanding, and they can clearly explain student performance to parents.

Proposition 4: Teachers Think Systematically about Their Practice and Learn from Experience.

▪ NBCTs model what it means to be an educated person – they read, they question, they create and they are willing to try new things.

▪ They are familiar with learning theories and instructional strategies and stay abreast of current issues in American education.

▪ They critically examine their practice on a regular basis to deepen knowledge, expand their repertoire of skills, and incorporate new findings into their practice.

Proposition 5: Teachers are Members of Learning Communities.

▪ NBCTs collaborate with others to improve student learning.

▪ They are leaders and actively know how to seek and build partnerships with community groups and businesses.

▪ They work with other professionals on instructional policy, curriculum development and staff development.

▪ They can evaluate school progress and the allocation of resources in order to meet state and local education objectives.

▪ They know how to work collaboratively with parents to engage them productively in the work of the school.


Criteria for Rating Capstone Portfolio

Directions: Select one rating for each of the criteria. Add up the ratings to obtain a rating for this standard (the minimum score is 4 and the maximum is 12). Repeat for each standard.

|Criteria |Interpretation of Core Proposition: |

| |Does the student adequately demonstrate an understanding of the proposition and offer an understanding of how the |

| |proposition relates to the artifact as well as to student learning? |

|Defined as: |Exceptional |Acceptable |Not Acceptable |

| |(3) |(2) |(1) |

| |Student adequately demonstrates a FULL |Student adequately demonstrates a |Student does not demonstrate |

| |understanding of the principle and |PARTIAL understanding of the principle |understanding of the principle or of how|

| |offers a FULL understanding of how the |and offers a PARTIAL understanding of |the principle relates to the artifact |

| |principle relates to the artifact as |how the principle relates to the |and student learning. |

| |well as to student learning. |artifact as well as to student learning.| |

|Criteria: |Explanation of Artifact: |

| |Does the student demonstrate the ability to describe and explain the artifact and how this artifact is related to the |

| |proposition as well as to student learning? |

|Defined as: |Exceptional |Acceptable |Not Acceptable |

| |(3) |(2) |(1) |

| |Student demonstrates the FULL ability to|Student demonstrates a PARTIAL ability |Student does NOT demonstrate an ability |

| |describe and explain the artifact and |to describe and explain the artifact and|to describe and explain the artifact and|

| |how this artifact is related to the |how this artifact is related to the |how this artifact is related to the |

| |principle as well as to student |principle as well as to student |principle as well as to student |

| |learning. |learning. |learning. |

|Criteria: |Instructional Context and Purpose: |

| |Does the student demonstrate the ability to describe and explain how the artifact is used within the classroom setting |

| |and with a particular group of students for a particular purpose? |

|Defined as: |Exceptional |Acceptable |Not Acceptable |

| |(3) |(2) |(1) |

| |Student demonstrates the FULL ability to|Student demonstrates a PARTIAL ability |Student does NOT demonstrate an ability |

| |describe and explain how the artifact is|to describe and explain how the artifact|to describe and explain how the artifact|

| |used within the classroom setting and |is used within the classroom setting and|is used within the classroom setting and|

| |with a particular group of students for |with a particular group of students for |with a particular group of students for |

| |a particular purpose. |a particular purpose. |a particular purpose. |

|Criteria: |Writing Mechanics: |

| |Is the writing well-organized and free of errors in punctuation and/or capitalization? |

|Defined as: |Exceptional |Acceptable |Not Acceptable |

| |(3) |(2) |(1) |

| |There is ONE error in punctuation and/or|There are TWO OR THREE errors in |There are FOUR OR MORE errors in |

| |capitalization. The writing is |punctuation and/or capitalization. The |punctuation and/or capitalization. The |

| |well-organized. |writing is somewhat organized |writing is poorly constructed and |

| | |coherently. |incoherent. |

|Total Rating | | | |


Portfolio Rating Form

Candidate: ___________________________ Reviewer: _________________________

Directions: Enter one rating for each of the criteria for each section of the portfolio. Add up the ratings to obtain an overall rating for each section. Refer to the rating categories for each criterion as needed. Transfer the portfolio review ratings given for each section to the Evaluation Summary.

Group Rating: After each assessor calculates their ratings, add the ratings for all of the assessors to obtain an overall rating. Based on the criteria in this portfolio policy guide, the Program Director will determine if the candidate receives a passing, conditional passing or failing score.

| |Interpretation of Core |Explanation of |Instructional Context and |Writing Mechanics |Total |Minimum Required |

|Section |Proposition |Artifact |Purpose |(1, 2, or 3) |Rating |Rating |

| |(1,2 or 3) |(1,2, or 3) |(1,2, or 3) | | | |

| | |

|Sample |2 |

| | |

|Submission |After a student completes EDUC 6863, the capstone portfolio is submitted, via LiveText™, to the Program Director |

| |(and any additional assessors) for evaluation. |

| |The Program Director will create a schedule for the submission and evaluation of the student’s portfolio with the |

| |appropriate portfolio assessors and the student (Initial submission is generally four weeks previous to graduation|

| |date). |

| |Upon completion of the portfolio evaluation, the assessors will document the student’s grade by submitting the |

| |assessment (via LiveText™) to the School of Graduate Studies and the College. |

| |The School of Graduate Studies will maintain a copy of the portfolio evaluation form in the student’s permanent |

| |record. |

| | |

|Re-Submission |Students who receive a conditional passing grade or failing grade on the portfolio may be required to submit a new|

| |portfolio or some portion of the existing portfolio for evaluation by a specific date. |

| |Upon completion of the revised portfolio, the student will notify the Program Director that a new evaluation |

| |should be scheduled. |

| |The assessors will determine if requirements for the revised portfolio are met and submit documentation of the |

| |student’s grade to the School of Graduate Studies. |

| |A student may not submit the initial or revisions of the portfolio more than three (3) times. |

| | |

|Withdrawal from Program |A student who fails to receive an overall passing score on the portfolio requirement after a total of three (3) |

| |submissions will be withdrawn by the university from the program of study. |


Portfolio Evaluation

Directions for Assessors

|Stage 1: Review of Capstone Portfolio |

|Upon receiving the electronic submission of the candidate’s online portfolio, each assessor should review and evaluate the electronic |

|documents according to the criteria specified for each standard as follows: |

|The Candidate |Familiarize yourself with the candidate by reviewing their biographical information as well as their content |

| |specialty. |

|Standards Evaluation |For each standard in the portfolio, do the following: |

| |Review the description of the NBPTS core proposition. |

| |Familiarize yourself with the evaluation rating levels and the definition of each level. |

| |Read the documentation for each artifact submitted for the standard and determine the degree to which it |

| |demonstrates the candidate’s depth of knowledge and ability to apply the standard, how well it attains or matches |

| |the abilities and aptitudes inherent in the intent of the standard, and the rationale for it’s inclusion in the |

| |portfolio. Also rate how well the written material is organized and formatted and whether it is grammatically |

| |correct. |

|Areas of Improvement |As you review the document, list your observations and list any areas for improvement needed. Enter any critical |

| |areas for improvement on the evaluation form. |

|Stage 2: Combination of Ratings |

|After you have completed the rating form for the capstone portfolio, submit the assessment via LiveText™. The director will combine the scores|

|and determine if the candidate passes the electronic portfolio. |

|If the candidate does not pass the capstone portfolio, the Director will notify the candidate of the need to revise and re-submit the |

|portfolio with the assessors’ suggestions. |

|Stage 3: Final Grading |

|Submission of Grade |The assessors will submit the Portfolio Evaluation form, indicating the candidate’s grade and send it to the |

| |Director via LiveText™. A copy of the form should be maintained in the student’s folder in the College of |

| |Education. |

|Possible Grades |A candidate may receive one of three overall grades on the portfolio as follows: |

| |Pass –The candidate meets the minimum overall requirements for the portfolio. |

| |Conditional Pass - The candidate meets the minimum written requirements on all but one of the standards. The |

| |assessors feel that the minimum requirements can be met by the candidate within a reasonable time period. |

| |Fail – The candidate does not meet the minimum requirements for passing or conditionally passing. A candidate who |

| |submits a portfolio that does not meet either the criteria for sufficiency (insufficient number of artifacts to |

| |demonstrate understanding and ability to apply the standard insufficient) OR for the organizational quality of the |

| |portfolio cannot receive a passing or conditional passing grade. |

Appendix F

Authorship Form

Online Master of Education Program

Southern Arkansas University

The information contained in this portfolio/project is my work unless otherwise referenced. For confidentiality purposes, the names of all referents (especially minors) have been changed or deleted. I understand that any evidence of plagiarism will be immediately investigated at the college and university levels and may result in any of the penalties outlined in the Graduate Catalog under the Academic Integrity Policy.

Printed Name of Student: _____________________________________________

Signature of Student: ________________________________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________________________________

Student ID Number: _________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________

(Please print and complete this document. Retain a copy for your records and then upload a scanned copy into your portfolio.)

Appendix G

Federal Educational Rights & Privacy Act Form

Online Master of Education Program

Southern Arkansas University

I give permission for the Southern Arkansas University (SAU) graduate faculty and committees responsible for reviewing various components of my electronic portfolio to evaluate and include in my electronic portfolio information such as written feedback on projects, comments, and grades. I also give them permission to use E-mail to provide or exchange information such as grades, assignments and other portfolio and/or course related information with me during the pursuit of my graduate degree and the development and evaluation of my electronic portfolio. I am aware that only I have access to my portfolio and that I must share it electronically with others in order for them to review it, and it is my responsibility to disengage the sharing function with specific persons or committees when I no longer want them to view my portfolio. I realize that I am responsible for taking reasonable measures (keeping my username and password secure) to keep the contents of my portfolio secure. I understand that there is no guarantee of confidentiality on the Internet and it is possible for a third party to gain access to this information. I understand that a copy of this signed document needs to be uploaded into my portfolio.

Printed Name of Student: _____________________________________________

Signature of Student: ________________________________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________________________________

Student ID Number: _________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________

(Please print and complete this document. Retain a copy for your records and then upload a scanned copy into your portfolio.)


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