SQL Server and Oracle - Adlib

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SQL Server and Oracle


Axiell ALM Netherlands BV

Copyright © 1992-2014 Axiell ALM Netherlands BV® All rights reserved. Adlib® is a product of Axiell ALM Netherlands BV®

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Axiell ALM Netherlands BV. Axiell assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a licence and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such a licence. While making every effort to ensure the accuracy of this document, products are continually being improved.

As a result of continuous improvements, later versions of the products may vary from those described here. Under no circumstances may this document be regarded as a part of any contractual obligation to supply software, or as a definitive product description.


1 Database platforms compared 1

2 SQL database analysis 3

2.1 A full record in one table cell 4

2.2 Keep a journal of changes to records 6

2.3 Indexes 7

2.4 Pointer files 8

2.5 The 6.5.0 pointer file structure 9

2.6 Record locks 11

2.7 Specific rights per record in separate table 12

2.8 ISO date tables 13

2.9 A single table for counters 13

2.10 Examples 13

3 Remarks 19

1 Database platforms compared

From Adlib 6.0, you can approach SQL Server and Oracle databases through Adlib, aside from Adlib’s proprietary .CBF format. To this end, you can have your Adlib databases converted to the other format.

Although the Adlib CBF database format is very well suited for our applications, there are also advantages in using SQL Server or Oracle. These are for example:

• The format is supported all around the world.

• The client/server implementation allows for faster multiple-user access.

• In SQL Server and Oracle-databases, your data is very safe. For example, these types of databases cannot be opened and read from within the Windows file system.

• SQL Server and Oracle database cannot be removed if a user hasn’t got the right authorization.

• SQL Server/Oracle also has replication advantages, because you can set up such a database to automatically copy every change that a user enters into a record and saves, to a backup database elsewhere.

SQL Server and Oracle are so-called relational databases. A relational database consists of a collection of tables, with in them usually a (very) limited number of field columns, in which the user can search for data, or harvest and rearrange data in many different ways in so-called views or reports, without having to reorganize those tables. So the structure of such a database is relatively simple. But that has its disadvantages too:

• The occurrences (field repetitions) for example, that occur often in an Adlib CBF file, have no similar equivalent in even a minimally normalized relational database. (Normalization is the efficient organizing of a relational database by following a number of guidelines, like removing redundant data in tables, by splitting up those tables. For a relational database this save disk space and makes sure that data is stored logically. Do note however, that Adlib CBF files have practically no redundancy, and already need only a minimum of disk space by default.)

The normalization that usually is being applied to relational databases, can lead to hundreds or thousands of tables, for complex linked data with field repetitions like in museum or archive databases. And all those tables have to be rejoined during runtime, which uses a lot of memory and processor time.

• Another disadvantage is that there exists a very explicit link between a relational database and the programs that use it. In practice this means that changes to a table structure, usually also means adjustments en recompilation of the software, while that is not necessary for Adlib-databases: for the latter you can change the structure of a database, adjust the graphical interface if necessary, and directly start the new application.

The joining of these two technologies has led to the possibility to approach (Adlib specific) relational databases, from Adlib 6.0. After all, we want to keep using largely the same software, the same user interface and the same maintenance programs (Adlib Designer), whilst we do want to offer our customers the advantages of SQL Server or Oracle but not the disadvantages.

That is why we chose to once-only convert Adlib databases (filled or empty) to a relational database, if the customer would like to use this functionality. (Note that its use and support for it, cost extra. Our sales department can tell you more about it.)

After that conversion, the Adlib databases will have been converted to as many tables in one relational database. Also, each index file, word list, pointer file, lock file and cnt file will have received its own table (the latter three from 6.1.0). For the conversion to the new format, pointer files are structured into XML, which allows for greater exchangeability, and better readability at table level. A whole record in a CBF file will have been inserted in one table cell as an XML document, accompanied by the record number in another column. This XML document was hexadecimally encoded in SQL Server 2000 (as a so-called BLOB: Binary Large Object), because only printable characters were allowed in a table cell. From SQL Server 2005 (and after a possible new conversion of your database for compatibility with Adlib 6.5.0) this is history, and each record will be saved as a readable XML document in the (Adlib SQL or Adlib Oracle) database, and will be displayed as such in database server management programs (like Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express), which allows database managers to more easily manage and analyze such a database.

With SQL (Structured Query Language, the default interface for relational databases) and/or the SQL Server Enterprise Manager or SQL Server Management Studio Express, you will be able to search index tables and word lists (for instance for integrity checks and possibly repairs), as well as the records themselves (as long as the XML documents aren’t hexadecimally encoded). However, we do strongly advise against editing your data on this level. So normally, you’ll need an Adlib application and software to be able to edit, search and fill your new SQL Server or Oracle database.

2 SQL database analysis

After installation, setup and database conversion (see the Installing Museum, Library and Archive manual), you may open, in a/o Microsoft’s SQL Server Management Studio (Express) or SQL Server Enterprise Manager, an Adlib SQL Server database, and in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console an Adlib Oracle database, if you would like to see the structure or contents of it – in general we advise to not make changes in the database this way. (For the purpose of repairing damaged files by Axiell employees, this advice may be ignored.)

In SQL Server Management Studio Express for instance, you open a table by opening your database folder, click the Tables subfolder, and in the left or right window pane right-click the desired table, and in the pop-up menu choose Open table: all rows will be retrieved. In SQL Server Management Studio (2008) you right-click a table and click Select top 1000 rows to retrieve the first 1000 rows, for example.

In Microsofts SQL Server Management Studio (Express), right-click the folder of your database in the left window pane and choose New query in the pop-up menu to be able to enter an SQL query for that database, or click the New query button in the toolbar for a the selected database. (In the yellow bar at the bottom of the window you can always see for which database you are currently executing a query.) A query entered in the middle window pane can be executed by clicking the Execute button. SQL allows you to research the structure and contents of each table.

SQL (Structured Query Language) is somewhat comparable to the Adlib expert search language. For instance:

SELECT * FROM collect means that you want to retrieve all records from the collect table. And SELECT count(*) FROM thesau_term for example, counts the number of terms in the term index of the thesaurus.

In an Adlib SQL Server database, the name of a table indicates its contents. A single name like collect, is a former Adlib database. A double name, in the format databasename_indexname, indicates an individual index. If the second half of such a double name is literally equal to or begins with “pointerfiles”, then it concerns a table in which the pointer files for the relevant SQL main table (ex-Adlib database) are stored.

Note that SQL queries on tables that represent former Adlib databases can be complex, since each record has been put in its own, single field. It’s easier to search tables of Adlib indexes, although many indexes only contain record numbers (for indexed link reference fields). So, amongst others, you have to know how Adlib stores and processes links, and what the difference is between term indexes and the wordlist for example, to be able to understand the contents of and the relation between the different SQL Server tables. See the Designer Help and/or the Adlib software functionality profile document for all information about these mechanisms.

1 A full record in one table cell

So, of an opened database the contents of a record are saved and displayed in one field. The record contents in this field are structured in XML. The priref, the creation date and modification date are in separate columns, but are also attributes of the XML element (the latter is convenient for a possible export of XML records), namely as follows:

data for field



From 6.6.0, the creation and modification date and time, and the name of the current user can automatically be stored per field as metadata in an edited record as well, if the database has been set up for this via the Store modification history option in Adlib Designer. You don’t need to make any settings to activate this functionality. To be precise: this metadata will be stored per edited field occurrence per data language, as attributes of the field node in the XML. For example:

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The attributes have the following meaning: cd stands for creation date, cu means creation user, md modification date and mu is the modification user.

You can’t show this metadata in your adlwin.exe application, but via Designer you can create indexes on the metadata and define access points for them, so that you’ll be able to search for records with fields that have been changed after a certain date and/or by a particular user.

Retrieving records

For instance, retrieve all rows from the document table, via: select * from document. In SQL Server Management Studio Express for example, the result is presented as follows:


Each row contains one record. The priref column contains the record number, creation the creation date and modification the last modification date of the record. The data column contains the records in their entirety. The data is directly readable in SQL Server 2005 or higher when you are working with Adlib 6.5.0 or higher.

In SQL Server 2000, records are encoded hexadecimally (indicated by 0x) here. (Note that in the SQL Server Enterprise Manager the data column only indicates that its content is binary, and doesn’t display the actual contents like here in SQL Server Management Studio Express.) In principle you can (programmatically or via a handy conversion website like Translator, Binary) convert the complete hexadecimal string to ASCII. Every two alphanumerical characters in here represent one ASCII character. 3C for example, is equal to decimal 60, and the 60th ASCII character is “ ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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