PHP Scripts Mall

Advance food ordering website1. IntroductionOnline platform for food ordering is a successfully business model. Many traditional organizations have started using the online platform to increase their market campaigns. Many Food ordering organization have started using the digital world to make successfully million dollar business. 2. Advantages of food ordering script Online food ordering firms is an asset in now days. In the digital world people don’t have the time to prepare their own food. We are here to provide the best food ordering script in market. We have developed our script with the client’s wisdom so that it works perfectly you’re business requirement. We can assure you with our script, your marketing strategies and business goal will be achieve with the short duration of time frame. It is an easy online food ordering services all you need to purchase our script. 3. Why you need to buy with usWe are here more than 15 years in this business with 40 dedicated and experienced employees have been developed more than 400 products. We know the basic business necessary to how business will works, so you can trust our business script We are highly recommended with food ordering script for small scale industries that needs to kick start their firm and large scale industries to achieve the next step and enable you launch your online food ordering script with small budget and less time. 4. Technical features for food ordering With highly experience employee we are providing unlimited food ordering categoriesVendorsMenu items and Delivering foods. With help of our script your firm can achieve the small city to large cities with the addition features we are providing Offering allowancePayment statementTransaction detailsOrder statusSocial loginSocial sharing News lettersReview on food itemsSMS alert and Cms pages From our work you can see the important functionality on the user side, vendor and admin side. 5. User functionality5.1 RegistrationIn the registration user can able to register with the free of cost. Registration free of costRegistration user name and email id and passwordRegistration with mail idActivation mail after registrationOTP has been send after registration for verification5.2 LoginLogin with valid email id and password Both user and vendor have same login page 5.3 Forget passwordRecovered password will be send via emailOTP will be send for phone number and password will be updated5.4 User side after loginOrders listProfile managementOffers listFavorites listPayment typeEdit/ add Address5.5 Offers listAvailable offers in scriptOffers provided by vendor5.6 PaymentMode of payment option (PayPal, offline payment) 5.7 Profile managementUser can view Favorites.User can view the personal information.User can change billing and shipping address5.8 Review and commentsReview on the ordered foods onlyRating the (starts) by the ordered food5.9 Ordering foodsAdd the food cart for delivering foodOrdering confirmation via emailInvoice is generatedReorder same foods after cancelation Phone number call confirmation only for cash on delivery5.10 Cart managementAdd the foods on the cart while check out After added in cart , user can able to order the food5.11 Near By location restaurant and delivery of foods Nearby location restaurant Expertise in location by using search location5.12 Search foodsSearch through locationFilter on veg and non veg and cuisines Search through cuisinesFilter on low to highFilter on locationFilter on categoryFree delivery5.13 Menu detailsList menu added by restaurantList the menu by the categoryDetails about the restaurant (opening time, closing time ,address)6. Vendor functionality6.1 Add the restaurant Add the restaurant with the script (provide all valid values)After the approve by admin restaurant will be activatedEach food product will be activates by the adminRefund option will be manages by admin 6.2 LoginLogin with valid email id and password Both user and vendor have same login page 6.3 Forget passwordRecovered password will be send via emailOTP will be send for phone number and password will be updated6.4 Vendor dashboardOrders ReceivedOrders DeliveredToday EarningsMonthly EarningsTotal MenuTotal categoriesTotal Reviews6.5 Vendor after loginDashboardDispatcherRestaurantMenusCategoriesDeliveriesReviews6.6 DispatcherList of order will be shownList (order Id, Restaurant, Order time, customer name, delivery person, payment type, cost, status, order list)List of dispatcher can be details can be applied (CSV, excel, PDF, print)6.7 Edit RestaurantRestaurant details can be editedLogo of the restaurant and cover image of the restaurant Open /close status of restaurant6.8 Categories List of categories can be viewed Vendor can check the categories they needed based on restaurant 6.9 DeliveriesList of delivered (completed product) will be shownList of delivers can be details can be applied (CSV, excel, PDF, print)List of (delivery name, delivery person, Address, cost, status, order list) can be managed. 6.10 Menu managementList of menu can be details can be applied (CSV, excel, PDF, print)Menu can be added , edit and deleted by vendorList of (category name, menu name, date) can be managed. 6.11 ReviewsList review can b viewed by the vendorList of Review can be details can be applied (CSV, excel, PDF, print)7. Admin Functionality7.1 DashboardTotal number of usersTotal number of vendorTotal number of restaurants Total number of categoryTotal number of reviewsTotal number of deliversTotal number of menusTotal number of purchased listTotal number of offers listTotal number of Favorites7.2 User management and vendor management Admin can view the user and vendor profileAdmin can add the user and vendor profileAdmin can edit the user and vendor profile Admin can activate the user and vendor and deactivate the user and vendorSearch the user’s in the system.7.3 Restaurant management Total number of restaurant Admin can view restaurantAdmin can edit restaurantAdmin can add new restaurantAdmin can active and deactivate the restaurant7.4 Category management Admin can view categoriesAdmin can edit categoriesAdmin can add new categoriesAdmin can active and deactivate the categories 7.5 Menu item management Admin can view menuAdmin can edit menuAdmin can add new menuAdmin can active and deactivate the menu 7.6 Purchased item management Admin can view menuAdmin can edit menuAdmin can add new menuAdmin can active and deactivate the purchase ordered7.7 Order item management Admin can view orderAdmin can edit orderAdmin can add new orderAdmin can active and deactivate the orders7.8 Offers management Admin can view offersAdmin can edit offersAdmin can add new offersAdmin can active and deactivate the offers7.9 Favorite’s item management Admin can view favoritesAdmin can edit favoritesAdmin can add new favoritesAdmin can active and deactivate the favorites7.10 Review and commentsReview can be managed by adminAdd, edit and delete the review and comment post by user7.11 Cart managementList item in cart for every user can be managed by adminAdmin can view the list item are added in the cart7.12 General settingsCms pagesGeneral settings (site name, site url, admin email, admin phone & currency)Social sharePhone SMS otpSet Logo?Contact informationAbout us Contact us Terms & Condition Privacy policy ................

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