RUNNING RECORD SHEET - Humble Independent School …


Student Grade Date

Recorder School

|Accuracy | |Phrasing and Fluency: (circle appropriate descriptors) |

| | |Intonation/ |Little expression;|Some expression that|Expression reflects |Expression reflects |

|97% - 100% - Independent | |Expression |monotone |conveys meaning |mood, pace, and tension|mood, pace, and |

| | | | | |at times |tension most of |

|93% - 96% - Instructional/Guided | | | | | |the time |

| | | | | |*NF |**NF |

| | |Phrasing |Mostly |Short phrases most |Longer phrases most of |Consistently longer, |

|92% and Below Frustrational/Shared | | |word-by-word |of the time; |the time; heeds most |meaningful phrases; |

| | | | |inappropriate pauses|punctuation |heeds all punctuation|

|Self – Correction Rate 1:____ | | | | | | |

|Comments: | | *NF - Expression emphasizing key phrases and words at times |

| | |**NF - Expression emphasizing key phrases and words most of the time |

| | | |

| | |Calculating oral reading fluency rate: Total Time______________________ |

| | | |

| | |____________ words ÷ ____________seconds = ___________WPS x 60 = WPM |

| |Start Time _____ min. _____sec. | | |Language Cueing Systems |

|Page # |Text Title: ______________________________________________ |E |SC | |

Page # |Text Title: ___________________________________________ |E |SC | |E | | |SC | | | |Level: _________ Genre: ______________ Total Words: ________ | | |M |S |V |M |S |V | | |

End Time _____ min. _____sec. | | | | | | | | | | |Subtotal | | | | | | | | | | |Totals | | | | | | | | | |


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