Course Outline for Physical Education 60

Distance Education Course Delivery Proposal

To: Curriculum Committee

From: Physical Education Division

Date: August 30, 2004

Subject: Distance Education offering of PHED 61 – Advanced Principles of Coaching Interscholastic Sports

1. Describe how the course content is delivered:

The content of this class will be delivered through the Internet via Chabot's server. Blackboard will be used to present this class. Activities through the Web will include: reading instructional material and viewing websites. These activities will require the students to spend a minimum of three hours per week. The students will also have an additional 6 hours per week completing class assignments.

2. Describe the nature and frequency of instructor-student interactions:

Students will be required to contact the instructor each week throughout the semester by email, phone or in person on campus in order to make sure that the student is progressing through the course in a timely manner.

Student learning will be evaluated through the completion of weekly assignments, reports, quizzes and exams. Student's achievement will be based on their performance and completion of the assignments etc.

Students will be required to email assignments in on time. Those students who do not meet the deadlines will be contacted immediately. Students will be required to check in once a week; those students who fail to do so will be contacted by the instructor.

Interactions over the Internet, through email, and on campus will allow the students to learn the material in the course in a flexible format. Students will be able to review weekly assignments etc. as often as they like in order to learn the material. Email allows the student to contact the instructor with questions or problems anytime, day or night. Phone calls and on campus contacts allows for a more personal interaction with the instructor.

3. Describe the use of assignments & methods of evaluation to ensure effective student-instructor contact:

Students will be required to submit their assignments through the Internet or in person at the college campus. All assignments, exams etc. will be evaluated and returned within a one-week period. Students will have the opportunity to discuss any questions or problems they have regarding their assignments, grades etc. by email, phone or in person. The instructor will contact students that perform poorly or miss assignments.

Distance Education Offering of PHED 61 – Advanced Principles of Coaching Interscholastic Sports

Page 2

4. Describe the availability of adequate technology and support to carry out the course design:

The present technology appears to be adequate to carry out this proposal. Server space is available for this course. The web master is available to trouble shoot problems on campus. A number of other instructors who have taught online classes are available for assistance. Library and DSPS personnel are available to help students with computer use on campus. The instructor has adequate resources to develop the content of the web site.

5. Describe the support services that ensure student success:

Students will have access to all existing support services, but will need to come to campus to utilize them. Textbooks will be available through the bookstore. The students may also purchase the book through online stores or other retailers. There will also be a book on reserve in the Chabot library.

Chabot College

Distance Education Curriculum Support Committee

Distance Education Course Delivery Plan Checklist


Use this form to request review of and support for:

1. A course already approved and in the Chabot College Catalog to be delivered in a distance education format for the first time;

2. A new course to be submitted to the curriculum committee that may also be delivered in a distance education format;

3. An existing course already approved for DE delivery, but to be offered for the first time by a faculty member new to teaching in DE mode, or by an experienced DE faculty member changing delivery plans from one form to another (e.g., telecourse to on-line).

|Course Area & Number |Physical Education 61 |

|Course Title |Advanced Principles of Coaching Interscholastic Sports |

|Division |Physical Education & Athletics |

|Faculty Proposer |Ella Vilche |

|Type of Distance Education Course: | |

| |( Totally on-line (no campus meetings required) |

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Please complete the second page of this form in addition to the required documents describing your course delivery plan. All materials and examples are available at:


Chabot College Fall 2005

Course Outline for Physical Education 61

Advanced Principles of Coaching Interscholastic Sports

Course Description:

PHED 61 – Advanced Principles of Coaching Interscholastic Sports 3 units

Roles of a coach in athletics: ethics, physical training theories and management principles. Research into successful leadership principles, skills and philosophies. Coaching effectiveness and team building dynamics. May be offered in Distance Education format. 3 hours.

Prerequisite Skills:


Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. examine the role of the coach in interscholastic sports;

2. assess the issues related to dealing with parents;

3. evaluate the needs of special kids;

4. analyze the dynamics of team building;

5. examine the difference between coaching in a game and coaching at practice;

6. explain the relationship between coaches and their athletes;

Course Content:

1. Why Coaching is so Difficult

a. Dealing with Parents

b. Conflict of Interest

2. Ideas and Inspiration

a. Vision: Seeing the Opportunity

3. Increasing Self-Esteem

a. Performance and Competency

b. Self Worth and Important Others

c. Self Endorsement

4. Making Practice Time Productive

a. Recognizing the Challenge

b. Making a Commitment to Learn

c. Levels of Delegation

5. Coaching During a Game

a. Preparing Your Team for Games

b. Helping Players Deal with Pressure

c. Opportunities to Teach Character

Chabot College

Advanced Principles of Coaching Interscholastic Sports – PHED 61, Page 2

Fall 2005

6. Handling Parents

a. Little League Parent-itis

b. Guidelines for a Coach-Parent Relationship

c. Parents and Character Development

7. Coaching the Special Kid

a. The Superstar

b. The Child with Behavior Problems

c. Children with Handicaps

Methods of Presentation:

1. Lecture/discussion groups

2. Internet

3. Multimedia

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

1. Typical Assignments

a. Read the chapter on Handling Parents

b. Develop a set of guidelines for a coach-parent relationship

c. Search the web for guidelines suggested by a high school in their school’s policies and procedures handbook

d. Evaluate the school’s guidelines, discuss what you like and what you don’t like about their guidelines

2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress

a. Quizzes

b. Written Assignments

c. Coaching Project

d. Final Exam


Positive Coaching: Building Character & Self-Esteem Through Sports, Jim Thompson, 1995,

(ISBN 1-886346-00-3).

The Double-Goal Coach: Positive Coaching Tools for Honoring the Game and Developing Winners in Sports and Life , Jim Thompson, 2003, First Edition, (ISBN 0060505311).

Special Student Materials:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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