MSTI can help become a Mathematics or Science ...


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Questions? Contact Dr. Carol Fry Bohlin, MSTI Director, at

∗ You can add a Single Subject Credential in Foundational-Level Mathematics (FLM) or FL General Science 用敳畦潦⁲業摤敬猠档潯整捡楨杮
潴愠䴠汵楴(useful for middle school teaching) to a Multiple Subject or Single Subject credential by passing two CSET subtests and a pedagogy course (CI 161/FLM or CI 161/FLGS). Visit the MSTI Web site (URL above) for details, as well as the schedule for pedagogy courses and CSET prep workshops!



The Mathematics and Science Teacher Initiative provides:

• $200 to attend math or science workshops/conferences!

• CSET workshops for science (free!) and math (only $25!)

• Middle school math and science teaching methods courses (free in the summer!)

• Advising for prospective middle school and high school mathematics & science teachers:

email May Lee for an appointment ( or drop in and see her in ED 242!

• Reimbursement of CSET fees for math ($99) and science ($69) subtests (Single Subject)

• Reimbursement of CTC fee ($70) for mathematics and science credential applications

• Free membership in state and national science and math professional organizations

• STEM news and information via COMET (California Online Mathematics Education Times)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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