Speech Advisor: Dr

California State University, Fresno

Single-Subject English Credential

with Speech Option

Speech Advisor: Dr. Sally Tannenbaum

Phone: 278-5404

e-mail: sallyt@csufresno.edu

Office: Speech Arts Bldg. Rm 9

Department of Communication

English Advisor: Dr. Kathleen Godfrey

Phone: 2784919

Office: Peters Bldg. Rm 441

English Department

Most of the information contained in this handout was obtained from the Curriculum and Instructional Department Kremen School of Education web site () and is for informational purposes only and is not represented to be error free. It is not intended to constitute a promise or contract of any kind.

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Single Subject Credential Initial Admission*

Preliminary Single Subject Credential General Requirements for Initial Admission

1. Attend Single Subject Credential Program orientation meeting.

2. Provide evidence of successful completion of an appropriate preprogram field experience or EHD50 (Introduction to Teaching).

3. Show evidence of taking all three parts of the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) and passing the reading and writing portions by submitting a CBEST Permanent Verification card (See a Single Subject Credential Program admission packet.)

4. Complete an application to the credential program.

5. Verify admission to California State University, Fresno with a student I.D. card or a Notice of Admission.

6. Provide a complete set of transcripts of all prior college/ university coursework. Transcripts are used to verify a cumulative GPA of 2.67 or 2.75 on the last 90 units.

7. Complete an Admission Interview Form and obtain an interview from a Single Subject Credential faculty member and from the subject area academic adviser.

8. Obtain medical clearance at University Health Center or from private physician.

9. Obtain two completed recommendation letters written by instructors, supervisors, or other individuals in a position to recommend for admission into a teacher education program.

10. Obtain appropriate clearance to teach in a public school by presenting a valid California Teaching Credential or applying for a Character and Identification Clearance.

* taken from CSUFresno website: Required application materials and forms are available online for the Basic Credential Forms. All admission requirements must be completed prior to enrollment in professional program courses.

Timelines for Initial Admission to the Single Subject Credential Program

Semester to be Enrolled: Application Deadline Is

Summer February 1

Fall March 1

Spring September 30

Admission to Initial Student Teaching -- Single Subject Credential*

Admission to Initial Student Teaching (EHD 155A). Authorization to begin student teaching requires that the candidate:

1. Submit an EHD155A application form by the specified deadline.

2. Receive notification of initial admission to the Single Subject Credential program.

3. Maintain a 3.0 GPA on all professional education courses. All courses (except those offered for CR/NC only) must be taken for a letter grade.

4. Complete a program advising program form and have it signed by the academic area adviser and the Single Subject coordinator or Single Subject adviser.

5. For the general Preliminary Single Subject Credential, have completed or be enrolled concurrently in CI151 and CI152. Be enrolled concurrently in CI 159 and SPED 121.

Timelines for Admission to Initial Student Teaching (EHD155A) are

Application forms are available the on-line and in the Kremen School of Education & Human Development (KSOEHD), Student Services Office, ED100.

Semester Enrolled Application Requirements Completed

Fall March 1

Spring September 30

* taken from Curriculum and Instruction Kremen School of Education CSUFresno website:

Single Subject Credential

A Preliminary Single Subject Credential provides authorization to teach a specified subject in a departmentalized classroom for a maximum period of five years.

Requirements for a Preliminary Single Subject Credential

1. Complete a 33-unit core of professional education courses for a general emphasis.

General Core Units

CI151 ...................... (3 units)

CI152 ...................... (3 units)

CI159 ...................... (3 units)

CI161 .......................(3 units)

LEE154 ..................... (5 units)

SPED .........................(2 units)

EHD155A .................. (4 units)

EHD155B .................. (10 units)

Total ...................... 33 Units

2. Demonstrate subject matter competence:

(a) Complete an approved subject matter preparation program or pass the subject matter examinations designated by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing


(b) receive clearance from the academic adviser that subject matter competency has been met.

3. Complete a bachelor's degree in a subject matter other than education.

Time Restrictions Education courses required for preliminary and professional clear credentials must be completed no more than 10 years prior to credential application.

Note: With the exception of the Internship Program, individuals may begin a Single or Multiple Subject Credential program if they are in their senior year, have completed at least 90 units toward a bachelor's degree, and have been admitted to a credential program.

Single Subject Teacher in Preparation (TIP) Internship Program

The Single Subject Teacher in Preparation (TIP) Internship Program is designed for qualified individuals who have prior classroom experience and who seek an alternative route to obtaining a professional teaching credential. The internship program requires two semesters. The candidate completes "Final Student Teaching" as an intern under a paid district contract. Interns secure a year-long contract with a participating school district and earn a modestly reduced salary. The university offers extensive support during the internship. In addition, interns enroll in coursework leading to the professional credential.

Admission to the Teacher Internship Program.

Candidates should refer to the preliminary Single Subject Credential general requirements for initial admission. All candidates must possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution and must pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) prior to admission to the Single Subject Credential program. An academic adviser must verify Subject Matter Competency. Candidates who do not have the appropriate subject matter waiver courses must pass the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET).

Candidates who have extensive classroom related experience such as long-term substitute teachers, classroom paraprofessionals, and teachers who have taught with an emergency permit are good candidates for the internship program.

Candidates must participate in two levels of interviews: one by a university selection committee and another by school district personnel. Candidates must also be offered a teaching contract by a participating school district. Interns have the responsibility for finding their own jobs with participating districts.

The sequence of classes for the Teacher Internship Program can be obtained from the Kremen School of Education. For additional information, contact Internship Office at (559) 278-0232

Final Student Teaching Admission Single Subject Credential

Requirements for admission to Final Student Teaching (EHD155B:

1. Submit EHD155B application form by deadline.

2. Demonstrate subject matter competence:

(a) Complete an approved subject matter preparation program or

(b) pass the subject matter examinations designated by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

3. Maintain 3.0 GPA on professional education coursework. All courses (except those offered for CR/NC only) must be taken for a letter grade.

4. If granted an "Exception" admission, satisfy all requirements specified when the exception was granted.

5. Show evidence of passing the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) by presenting a CBEST Permanent Verification card.

6. For the general Preliminary Single Subject Credential, have completed CI151, CI152, CI159, and EHD155A. Have completed or be concurrently enrolled in LEE154. Have completed or be concurrently enrolled in CI161 (depending on policy of the appropriate academic department.)

Timelines for Admission to Final Student Teaching (EHD155B) are listed below. Application forms are available in the Kremen School of Education & Human Development (KSOEHD), Student Services Office, ED100.

* Fall semester

Applications must be completed by March 1

* Spring semester

Applications must be completed by September 30

Note: Students who receive a "No Credit" grade in any student teaching course are required to petition the Admissions and Standards Committee for approval to retake the course. Students who receive a grade of "No Credit" for a second time will be dismissed from the Single Subject Credential Program. Student teachers whose placements are terminated after the date for refund of tuition are responsible for full tuition regardless of circumstances leading to termination.

* Information based on Curriculum and Instructional Department Kremen School of Education web site () and is for informational purposes only and is not represented to be error free. It is not intended to constitute a promise or contract of any kind.

Credential Program

Teaching Credential Program: English/Speech Option

The requirements for a single-subject credential to teach English and Speech at the secondary level are designed to meet state mandates needed to waive the state competency test. The following 62-unit course of study, referred to as the English/Speech Option Single Subject Waiver Program, will be accepted by the department as a major in Communication.   Teacher education students will take the following courses:

Lower Division Core**COMM 3, 4, 8; DRAMA 22 (12 units)

Core Courses: COMM 5, 7, and 114 (CI 158); ENGL 189, 183T or 193T; LING 100, 146 (23 units)

Electives: ENGL 161, 163, or 164; ENGL 154 or 155; ENGL 112, 113, 114, 146, 147, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 167, 168, 169, 183T, 193T, or 194; LING 138, DRAMA 131 or 136 (15 units)

Breadth Courses: COMM 100 or 115; COMM 160 or 164; COMM 108 or 162; and any upper-division speech course not used not used in previous electives (12 units)


*This program of study is recognized as the Single Subject Waiver for a Speech/English credential. Total units may vary from 56-62 depending on General Education courses.

** Since COMM 3, 5, 7 and/or 8 also may be applied to fulfill General Education Breadth A1 and A3 requirements, the number of elective units for the degree will vary.

See Kremen School of Education and Human Development for additional professional education requirements for a credential.

Students wishing to pursue a course of study leading to a teaching credential should see the departmental director of teacher education for advising early in their programs as state requirements change frequently.

Advising Notes

• No General Education Integration course offered by the Department of English may be used to satisfy the General Education requirements for English majors.

• The Single Subject Waiver Program in English constitutes a pathway toward the English major for those students who wish to teach in California schools.

• ENGL 20 and ENGL 41, 43, or 44 are prerequisites for the program. A maximum of 6 units of these courses also may be applied to General Education Breadth C1 and/or C2 requirements.

• Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 to be eligible to enter the credential program after earning a bachelor's degree.

• Credential candidates must take one unit of ENGL 182 concurrently with both EHD 155A and EHD 155B.

•Students fulfilling the competency requirement by taking the SSAT and the PRAXIS exams should make an appointment with a credential adviser to obtain a list of additional requirements.


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