Supporting the Teaching Experience

EDTC 3005

20 hours/$240

Follows EDTC 3000, Summer Institute, Fall Internship, EDTC 3004, and Supports the Spring Internship


Continuing Education

5930 Middle Fiskville Road

Austin, Texas 78759

(512) 223-7542

Austin Community College

5930 Middle Fiskville Rd., office 420

Austin, TX 78752


EDTC 3005 - Supporting the Teaching Experience

20 hours

Course Syllabus/CEU Course

Course Description: Intern course that supports the spring internship by using data collection and mentor support to improve teaching strategies. The student discovers effective teaching techniques by measuring improvement in student performance. The student identifies students who might benefit from interventions, selects interventions, uses qualitative and quantitative data to measure improvements in student achievement. Interns evaluate interventions for academic and social behaviors and analyses them to discover ways to improve teaching. Director approval required. This course will be offered again during the fall semester for those teachers not successfully completing course requirements.

Learning Outcomes: The student will:

• Demonstrate ability to translate written instructions into active practice within specified deadlines.

• Evaluate their own strengths and steps needed to achieve improvements

• Evaluate student strengths and explore ways to meet student needs.

• Track student progress by collecting quantitative and qualitative baseline data, identify gaps in learning, design interventions, and collect quantitative and qualitative data to determine the effectiveness of teacher-created interventions and/or strategies.

• Evaluate and improve systems using student data

• Improve teaching practices with professional feedback

• Demonstrate ability to use technology to support teaching

• Set goals for the coming teaching year

RATIONALE: Theories and plans set the stage, but reality means dealing with real-world problems in a positive, efficient manner. Training during the internship provides collaboration from cohort and experienced instructor. Teachers must be able to collect appropriate data and use for improvements in the classroom and student achievement.

TYPE OF COURSE: Online Course delivered via website, email, and hard copy (TRPT).

EVALUATION: The student will be evaluated on online participation and achievement of course objectives. No objectives or activities are optional – all must be attempted and submitted. Chart of required assignments and points accrued is included. This grade will be a letter grade with 80 points required to pass the course.


Alley, Ben. Curriculum Assistance, 2005.

Babkie, Andrea M. and Mary C. Provost. “Teachers as Researchers.” Intervention in School and Clinic. Vol. 39, No. 5, May 2004, pp. 260-268.

Castro, Antonio J. Curriculum Assistance, 2005.

Chipley, Mary, PhD. Curriculum and Instructional Assistance, 2008-2009

Duncan, Sharon. Curriculum Assistance, 2006.

Girod, Gerald R., Editor. Connecting Teaching and learning: A Handbook for Teacher Educators on Teacher Work Sample Methodology. AACTE: Washington, D. C.: 2002.

Students of EDTC 3005 who collected data, analyzed, and became more successful teachers.

Links as included in project overview:

National Reading Panel: Tools for Promoting Educational Success - (2-28-07).pdf

Regents Exam Prep Center:

Deduction and Induction:

Quantitative and Qualitative Modes:

Key Points in a Classic Debate by James Neill:

Basics of Developing Case Studies:

Introduction to Case Study by Wilston Tellis:

Case Study Resources (University of Auckland:

|AISD testing calendar: | |

I. The Teacher Project Overview

A. Overview – “Teachers as Researchers”

B. Identifying areas of strength/needed Improvement

C. Collecting student data – begin collecting data for all students, then for 5 students working below grade level.

D. Student intervention

i. Identifying areas for intervention

ii. Monitoring student progress

iii. Using student work to document progress

E. Presenting teacher project

F. Evaluating project and program

II. Teacher Evaluation

A. Selecting data from TIP and mentor shared conversations

B. Assignment: T-Chart identifying areas of strength/ needed improvement

III. Collecting Student Data for Interventions

A. Collecting available data

B. Academic and social benchmarks

C. Analyzing student data

D. Selecting five students for case study Interventions

IV. Student Intervention

A. Monitoring student progress

B. Using student work to document student progress

V. Final Teacher Project

VI. Program Evaluation

The following documents are required for submission to EDTC 3005. All are available for downloading, completion, and electronic submission.

Study section should be scanned to submit electronically (via website or on a separate CD) and in a hard copy, delivered to the Center for Teacher Certification.

Teacher Research Project Template and Cover Sheet (TRPT) electronic and hard copy that includes:

Assn. 1: Teacher Strengths, Areas for Improvement, and Goals

Assn 2, a and b: Determining Intervention and Data Collected

Assn 3: Data Collected

Assn 4: Case Studies for Five Students with Student Work (A and B)

Assn 5: Final Product and Reflection (a) and Program Evaluation (b)

Student Project Rubric

Sequence Objectives Assessment Points

|Assignment 1. |To Identify strengths and planned |Using the Teacher Research Project Template (TRPT) |5 – due Jan 30* |

|Teacher Self Evaluation |improvements. Use fall TIP/s and shared |complete Assignment 1; submit by uploading to your | |

| |conversations with mentor as well as |ACC website. | |

| |self-efficacy. |, list your strengths in the classroom, your | |

| | |opportunities for improvement, and the plans you | |

| |Prepare pre-test data by continuing to collect|have developed to improve your effectiveness. you | |

| |student papers for those students who are not |can be more effective. | |

| |working on grade level. Scan those papers for |Submit scanned student work for 5 students. | |

| |at least 5 students before returning them. | | |

|Assignment 2. A) |To design a teacher research project for |Complete Assignment 2 in the TRPT; submit by |20 – due Feb. 5* |

|Determining Intervention |analyzing strategies to improve student |uploading to your ACC website. | |

|& B) Data Collected |performance |Identify student needs | |

| | |State a research question | |

| |To identify pre-test data to be used in the |Identify interventions | |

| |research project. |Identify 4 types of data: | |

| | |Academic quantitative | |

| |How can I determine my effectiveness by using |Academic qualitative | |

| |student data as a baseline for intervention |Academic quantitative | |

| |and additional data collection? |Academic qualitative | |

| | |Submit spreadsheet showing benchmark scores/data | |

| |Select quantitative data (benchmarks, reading |from first benchmark (student first names only, | |

| |data, social skills) for analysis. |last initial) and the grades for the first 4 six | |

| | |weeks for all students in the area to be studied. | |

| | |Identify 5 students for interventions. | |

| | |Write a statement describing the strengths for each| |

| | |of the 5 identified students | |

| | |Write a statement identifying the planned | |

| | |interventions for each of the 5 students. | |

|Assignment 3. Data |To document changes in student’s academic |Complete Assignment 3 in the TRPT; submit by |10– due March 5* |

|Analysis |performance |uploading to your ACC website. | |

| |To assess student performance and relate to |Submit chart of 6 Weeks grades showing student data| |

| |intervention |for the 5 students in the student | |

| | |briefly explain changes observed in student | |

| |use TEKS/TAKS objectives (or campus reading |performance and show how related to intervention. | |

| |records/scores, benchmarks, curriculum | | |

| |objectives), six-weeks grades and qualitative| | |

| |data, etc. | | |

|Assignment 4. Case |To identify effectiveness of intervention for |Complete Assignment 4 in the TRPT; submit by |35 – due March |

|Studies and Monitoring |each of 5 students in study |uploading to your ACC website. |20* |

|Student Progress |To identify what has been learned from each |Write a separate and complete case study for each | |

| |student |student | |

| |To demonstrate ability to manage technology |Behind each student’s case study, incorporate | |

| |tasks |examples of student work produced before the | |

| | |intervention | |

| |Assemble data for 5 students to explain how |Behind each students pre-intervention work, | |

| |interventions improved student progress in |incorporate an example of student work following | |

| |Academic and Social Skills areas. Scan student|the intervention. | |

| |work samples. | | |

|Assignment 5. A) Final |To determine lessons learned from course |Complete Assignment 5 in the TRPT; submit by |20 points – due |

|Teacher Product and |activities and reflection. |uploading to your ACC website. |April 1* |

|Reflection | |Identify and explain what student learned from the | |

|And B: Program Evaluation|To identify how will teacher change processes|students | |

| |and interventions for next year. |Identify and explain planned changes in teaching | |

| | |strategy. | |

| |To evaluate ACCTCP, recognizing strengths and |Submit a hard copy of entire project. Have your | |

| |weaknesses. |principal review and sign. | |

| | |Upload an electronic copy of entire project to your| |

| |secret word: differentiation |ACC webpage and submit hard copy to Teacher | |

| | |Certification office. | |

| | |Complete online survey completed. | |

| | | |10 points – due |

| | | |April 1* |

*Note: April 1 is last day for any activity; final grades will be posted that day.

Scoring Scale:

A – 90-100

B – 80-90

C – 70-80 * Below 80 probationary status

F – below 70 * no credit toward certification


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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