DC TA course




Handbook Guidance


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|The Dulwich College International Schools |

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|Teaching Assistant Certificate |

|Programme Outline: |

|Programme Rationale: |

|The Dulwich Early Schools Early Years Teaching Assistant certificate will enable teaching assistants to become effective co-teachers |

|and to be empowered as professionals working in Dulwich Schools. The Dulwich group would like to aspire to excellence in early years |

|and this certificate will support this aim through developing the quality of teaching and learning of a large proportion of the Dulwich|

|Schools Early Years learning community. This is a shared vision and will be collaboratively delivered across schools. |

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|Programme Framework: |

|The programme will run over 6 academic terms and will be made up of 6 units of learning. The programme will be awarded 300 Dulwich |

|credit points, which could be used towards incremental benefits and / or promotion within the Dulwich Schools. |

|The Units |

|4 core units. |

|1 research unit (an optional choice of preferred age group) |

|Programme Delivery: |

|The programme encourages active learning and is delivered in each school with a combination of face to face workshops, practical tasks,|

|observation of practice, video conferencing, resource materials and portfolios of evidence. The workshops will be practical with a |

|range of hands on experiences to include discussion, dialogue, presentations and simulation. |

|The programme is divided into : |

|guided learning sessions |

|work based learning |

|online collaborative learning |

|classroom observation |

|self study ( to include assessment tasks, research, portfolio.) |

|Programme Assessment |

|Each unit will be assessed by a task. The Assessment task could be one of the following : |

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|Learning log |

|Video clips |

|Group or individual presentation |

|A display or other visual resource |

|Information booklets |

|Curriculum resource |

|Case study |

|Observation of children |

|Role play |

|These assessment tasks will be deemed competent/non competent using a clear assessment criteria. The programme will be moderated across|

|schools. |

|A portfolio of evidence will be collected and presented at the end of the course to an assessment panel from across the schools. |

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|APL – APL applications will be considered before each unit. |

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|Unit Outline: |

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|Each unit will include: |

|Rationale |

|Unit Description |

|Learning intentions |

|Overview of unit content |

|Online participation |

|Session plans |

|Assessment tasks and criteria |

|Mandatory Units |

|1. Introduction to working with children and young people. (See example of detailed course unit outline) |

| 2. Supporting Children’s Learning |

|Pedagogy of play |

|Comparing different educational perspectives. |

|Curriculum frameworks |

|Teaching strategies scaffolding: role modeling ; supporting ; questioning skills |

|Observation, planning and assessment EYFS/KS1/KS2 |

|Enabling environments |

|Continuous provision |

|Working with Under 3s |

|Role of the adult |

|AEN |

|Developing creativity |

|Supporting Numeracy/ Maths |

|Supporting English/language/communication/literacy/phonics |

|Knowledge and Understanding of the world |

|Risk assessment |

|Reporting incidents/accidents |

|Supervision of children |

|Multiculturalism |

|3. The Heart of Teaching |

|Reflective practitioner |

|Relationships |

|Motivation |

|Ability to put children first |

|Lifelong learning |

|Working as a professional |

|Receiving feedback |

|The role of key person |

| 4. Supporting a Healthy and Safe Environment for Children |

|Safeguarding children |

|Health and safety policies and guidelines |

|First Aid |

|Food and nutrition |

|Risk assessment |

|Reporting and recording incidents/accidents |

|Supervision of children |

|Optional Unit |

|Choosing from one of the following age ranges the learners will complete a research topic of interest. |

|Under 3s |

|3-5s |

|KS1 |

|KS2 |

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|Selection Criteria |

|An acceptable level of spoken English |

|Must have completed a satisfactory application, which includes a personal statement. (Hand written) |

|A commitment to improving their written English if necessary. (Learning support will be offered to them) |

|A selection Interview |

|Must have an up to date police check. |

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|Suggested Schedule |

|DCMI and Heads to approve the proposal |26th September 2011 |

|Approved by Heads of School and Early and|30th of September 2011 |

|Years and Junior School. | |

|Presenting the course to the TA’s |Straight after the CNY holiday |

|Applications Due | |

|Applicants informed | |

|Training Begins across the schools. |The beginning of Term 3 |


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